Background of The Study

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To expand our knowledge about generating new sources of electrical energy, the

researchers came up with an idea to prove other alternative basis of electricity; the
treatment of the vinegar and salt mixture as an alternative light source. The
researchers prioritize not only the discovery of the use of vinegar and salt mixture
as an alternative light source but also as a renewable source of energy. The light
that a vinegar and salt mixture makes may not be as bright as a commercial light
bulb. However, it is a lot cheaper, eco-friendly because it doesnt contain hazardous
and toxic elements and can be used by the people who live in remote areas where
they cannot be reached by electricity. After all, vinegar and salt are necessity in a
usual Filipino home. This is something that seems like magic to most people, but is
really simple science.
Halite commonly known as rock salt, is the mineral form of sodium chloride (NaCl).
Haliteforms isometric crystals. The mineral is typically colorless or white, but may
also be light blue,dark blue, purple, pink, red, orange, yellow or gray depending on
the amount and type of impurities. Salt Crystal is naturally hygroscopic absorbing
water molecules from the air. The heat from the sun keeps these beautiful crystals
dry and in turn releases negative ions (the healthy ones found in abundance in
places like oceans, waterfalls, even your shower) into the air. an ion is an atom or
molecule that has gained or lost an electron. Both positive and negative ions exist in
the air: positive air ions are generally molecules of carbon dioxide that have lost an
electron, whereas a negative air ion is generally a molecule of oxygen that has
gained an electron. Negative ions in the air attract particles of pollution and give
them a negative charge, making them seek an electrical ground, and causing
them to fall harmlessly to the floor. It stands to reason that we want to be
surrounded by negative ions as a way of protecting our health.
Ions cannot be produced without an energy source. An energy source means heat
or flame, radioactivity, frictional rubbing, electricity, evaporation, etc. Ions can also
be produced by high-energy events, such as an open flame or a glowing hot object.
Evaporating water will produce negative ions in the air and, as a consequence,
leave the damaging positive charges behind in the water that hasnt yet
evaporated. In our case, we opted for natural energy source which is; the sun.
Vinegar, on the other hand, was derived from the French vin aigre, "sour wine,"
vinegar is made by bacterial activity that converts fermented liquids such as wine,
beer or cider into a weak solution of acetic acid (the constituent that makes it sour).
Vinegar has been used for centuries for everything from beverages (like shrubs), to
an odor diminisher for strong foods such as cabbage and onions, to a hair rinse and
softener. There are myriad vinegar varieties found in markets today, and the
following are among the most commonly available.
The process that makes vinegar acidic is called lactic fermentation. Lactic
fermentation is a process that involves anaerobic bacteria consuming sugar and
converting it to lactic acid, ethanol, and more bacteria. When the fermentation

involves only the lactic bacteria (as in yogurt or vegetable fermentation), the
culturing stops at the point where there are no more sugars to be consumed, and
the bacteria die off. Acetic acid is what makes vinegar acidic.
Another process for making vinegar involves the fermentation of distilled alcohol.
The resulting colorless liquid is then diluted to a standard strength and filtered of all
There are two ways of describing the strength of vinegar:

Its acidity, which is measured as a pH value.


Its concentration (sometimes referred to as grain strength), which is the

amount of acidity in a given volume of liquid and which is measured in

To measure the pH of vinegar, simply use a pH strip. The resulting color will tell you
how strong the vinegar is. Distilled white vinegar usually measures around pH
2.4, with a strength of 5%. The lower the pH, the more acidic the vinegar is.
The study made by the researchers hope to become an instrument in promoting the
use of environment- friendly options to decrease the use products that emit
toxins and are made of hazardous compounds that can be both dangerous to
man and to the environment.

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