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Disusun untuk melengkapi tugas Mata Kuliah
Bahasa Inggris
Yang diampu oleh Samsul Arifin, M.Pd

Disusun Oleh:


1. Read the passage 6 entitled Supervision and the role of the responsible midwifery
2. Answer the questions that follow the passage!
1. What is a supervision on midwifery pracyice for ?
A supervision of midwifery practice to protect women and babies by actively
promoting a safe standard of midwifery practice.
2. How is the supervision conducted ?
The supervision conducted with Each LSA appoints a Responsible Midwifery officer
to undertake the work of statutory function on its behalf. Another that, write a
detailed report, forward a copy of the report to the LSA.
3. What is the duty of LSA ?
The duty of LSA for ensuring that statutory supervision of midwives and midwifery
practice is employed, within its boundaries, to a satisfactory standard, in order to
secure appropriate care for every mother.
4. Who is supposed to be responsible midwifery officer ?
The supposed to be responsible midwifery officer is the local supervising authority
5. What does the duty of LSA deal with ? mother or administrative cases ?
The duty of LSA deal with administrative cases, because be responsible
to supervise midwives and midwifery practice, operate the system to ensure that each
midwife meets the legal requirements to practice, take legal action in case of
midwifery practice
6. How many responsible midwifery officer in an institution? explain!
The responsible midwifery officer in an institution is usually one of the local
supervisors of midwives who has the skills, experience, and knowledge to provide
expert advice on issues such as structures for local maternity service, man power
planning, students midwife numbers, and post-registration education opportunities.
7. How long does a responsible midwifery officer have to make a report ?
Midwife must make a report, in the periode of validity government is three month
8. What is the other body which receives the report?
The body that receive the report is Nursing and midwifery council (NMC)

9. What is meant by operate a system (line 20) ?

Operate the system means ensuring that each midwife meets the legal requirements
for the practice where by an agency organization or LSA checks at a certain time of
the midwife practices.
10. Does LSA have authority to stop a midwifery practice ?
No, it doesnt
3. Summarize the passage by using your own word ! You may also elaborate your writing by
adding any relevance information.
Supervision is the responsibility of law which provide for every midwife practicing in
the UK which aims to protect women and babies as well as promoting safe standard of
midwifery practice.
Local Supervising Authority (LSA) is the body responsible in law for ensuring that the
legal supervision of midwives and midwifery practice used.
Each LSA will appoint supervisors midwives and determine the state of the local
number of supervisors. Then operating system to ensure that each midwife meets the legal
requirements for the practice, ensuring that systems are in place to investigate possible
violations, to take legal action in case of midwifery practice.
4. Write sentences that contain the following words!
a. Midwife Midwife is a woman in labor to help mothers and children and reduce
maternal and child mortality. With the midwife, the pregnant women in the
villages can be easily help.
b. Midwifery In midwifery academy, students are taught about midwifery care in
pregnancy in order to determine the changes that occur during pregnancy and
provide conseling.
c. Infant Newborns should not be bathed for 6 hours to prevent hypothermia, and
baby for 6 months at the recommended to drink milk so high immune and not
easily infected infants.
d. Pregnant Pregnant women consume the recommended Fe tablets to prevent
anemia at delivery and no excessive bleeding.
e. Pregnancy During mom pregnancy, a midwife must provide pregnancy care
example ante natal care,post natal care. In order to produce a healthy pregnancy
for both mother and baby.

f. Prevent To prevent tetanus in infants, the mothers should be in TT

immunization at the first antenatal visit at the midwife.
g. Preventative Caries preventative of mother during pregnancy is done with
dental care every day, because the high calcium needs of pregnant women and if
less is taken of the teeth.
h. Precaution Mother during the first trimester had hiperemisis gravidarum.
Precaution that may not directly waking up but eat foods that absorb saliva.
i. Male and female fertility Male and female fertility are needed to produce a
quality fetus. therefore, the nutrition needs for teens is needed.
j. Reduce fertility The influence of drugs such as antibiotics, pain relievers,
tranquilizers, and hormonal medications can reduce fertility, especially in men.
k. Blood pressure At 16 weeks there was an increase in blood volume due to
blood circulation to the baby. So that at 24 weeks, an increase in blood pressure.
l. Do screening To determine the fetal position, then perform the checks on the
stomach. examination technique consists of Leopold 1, Leopold 2, Leopold 3 and
Leopold 4.
m. Satisfy A midwife who provide excellent service, professional will satisfy the
n. Satisfactory standard Satisfactory standard is the standard of obstetric care in
accordance with the code of ethics.
o. Statutory requirements of midwife Midwives must act in accordance with legal
requirements midwife. if it does not fit, then the midwife will be put on

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