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Church Wide StudyServing from the Heart Begins Today

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East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church

Our Vision
To challenge and encourage everyone in our
congregation to know and follow Christ by:
Growing as disciples through Christs
Connecting with one another in Christian
Serving Christ by serving others
Praising God as we worship Christ

Sunday Services and Studies

Traditional 8:30 am
Contemporary 10:45 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Discipleship Groups 9:45 am

September 25, 2016

Attention! Chime Choir is back!

Youth & Adult Bells TOO!!

Thats Right! chime choir for players 3rd grade and
up, is a great introduction to ringing bells.
Chimes meet every Tuesday, 5-5:30.
Youth Bells are returning! You don't have to be school-age to
play in this group. Adults who want to play bells but are not
sure they are ready for the Adult group, or schedule conflicts,
may join Youth at 5:30-6:15.
Adult Bells meet every Tuesday 6:30-7:30.
The FUN starts THIS Tuesday, Sept. 27.
For more info,
call Chris Perfetti (610) 442-8277.

Pastors Corner
I'm excited as we begin our all-church study, Serving from the Heart: Finding Your Gifts
and Talents for Service. We've had many sign-ups over the last two weeks, and there is
still time to become a part of the study if you haven't signed up already. Just come on
Sunday morning, Sept. 25 at 9:45 a.m., and we'll find a place for you! If Sunday morning
is problematic for you in any way, we have studies on most weeknights. My group will
meet on Wednesday night at Bovino's Pizzeria on N. Courtland St. (next to the high
school on the north side) from 5:45-7:15 pm. Ordering food is not required, but if you do, I guarantee you
will enjoy the food!
Several weeks ago in my column, I introduced you to Jill Teaford, our new church administrator. With Jill
coming on board and taking on the financial responsibilities of the church, Sue Mertz,
our bookkeeper of almost 11 years, is fazing out her responsibilities. Jill has proved to
be a quick learner, so after the September books are reconciled, Sue will mostly be
"retired" from her bookkeeping responsibilities. Needless to say, Sue has been a huge
blessing to the financial accountability and stability of our church for a long time and will
be greatly missed.
Fortunately, she will only be missing from the position and not our church. When I
asked Sue what she was going to do with all of her "spare time," she responded that
she hopes to do more traveling with husband Wayne and get more involved with the
Merry Marthas group at the church. For those who don't know about Merry Marthas
(and Misters!), this is a group which comes together monthly to learn more about cooking and food
preparation as they enjoy great fellowship.
Says Sue about her decade-long position: "It was really fun getting to know everyone on different levels,
helping them finance their ministries. It's been nice to see programs and ministries grow in that time."
When asked how things have changed over the past 11 years, Sue responded, "Over the years things
have become much more automated, such as paying bills electronically." She has shared an office over
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this time with another dedicated church employee, Cyndie Faunce, our
financial secretary. Cyndie keeps track of the income, and Sue has paid
the bills, and they have made a strong team together. Sue remarked that
she will miss the close partnership she's had with Cyndie: "We work well
together, and we've shared many joys and sorrows over the years."
Thank goodness for Sue, Cyndie, and all of us, only the employment is
ending, not the ministry we've all enjoyed together!
May we all embrace the ministry God has given us as we learn more
about our areas of giftedness through the end of October. I hope to see
you this Sunday as I introduce a new staff member to our congregation
at both services. I pray that God will lead each person to sign up for a
small group study.
Pastor Jim

What Is Important to Know

About Stephen Ministry?
(OR How can I trust this ministry
in my time of need?)
Taken from Media Fact Sheet
Stephen Ministry is a supervised
ministry. Stephen Ministers engage in
twice-monthly supervision to ensure
that they are providing the best quality
Christian care. What a care receiver
tells a Stephen Ministry remains
confidential. Even in supervision, the
names of care receivers and specific
details are NEVER discussed.

Organ Series Concert: This Sunday, 3:00 p.m.

With guest Chris Johnson plus our own Joe Dorsch,

Wendy Wilson, and Pauline Fox.
Wide variety of styles and sounds ... NOT boring! and FREE!
Help welcome community guests at the reception after the

Read the Bible in a Year

This Sunday we start a church wide study on Spiritual Gifts called

Serving from the Heart. I remember taking a similar program
many years ago and found that my top three gifts were leadership, teaching
and administration. It made sense. Ive always enjoyed teaching; I was
involved in a number of leadership roles in SPR, Evangelism and others. I
worked as an administrator in a manufacturing company. But it wasnt until a
vacation trip to South Carolina that my life was changed when I encountered
a person with very different spiritual gifts.
One Sunday we decided to worship in a non-denominational church. It
was on a back road with only one or two cars in the dirt lot and we werent
sure if they were even having a service. I remember getting back in our car
and praying. We both became convinced we were exactly where God
wanted us to be.
At the end of the service (which was attended by about 200 people), the
praise team leader walked directly to me. She said she had the spiritual gift
of prophesy and wanted to pray over me with two elders of the church. It was
an amazing experience that is hard to describe, but I felt touched by God.
This was what she and the elders said: There will be elders put in your path;
some that you know and some you dont know who will lead you into
pastoral ministry.
I began to see the prophecy unfold. I took a plane trip to a customer and
sat next to a pastor who was on staff with Rev. Dr. James Kennedy. He saw
a book I was reading on spirituality and we talked for three straight hours. I
met a retired Lutheran pastor at a Messiah sing in at Shawnee and he spoke
to my calling. These, and other affirmations of the prophecy, led me
eventually through a journey from seminary to my ordination.
I urge you to embrace these words from I Corinthians12: 4-6 (NASB):
Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties
of ministries, and the same Lord. There are varieties of effects, but the
same God who works all things in all persons. But to each one is given the
manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. Let us each identify and
embrace our spiritual gifts. Let us use them to the glory of God and kneel in
wonder at the fruits they bring only and always through the power of Jesus
So my friends read on.
Pastor Bob

For more info visit our web page

Or callPeggy Strack
(570) 421-3280 Ext 1023

The Divine
In You
Womens Retreat

Saturday, November 5, 2016

8:30 a.m.4:00 p.m.
Sign up beginning on September 25
Table in Fellowship Hall
Registration $10.00 per person.
More details to come.
Members of ESUMC who are no longer able
to attend church, always enjoy hearing from
you! Cards may be sent to:

Jack Wallie
Grace Park
1170 West Main Street,
Stroudsburg, PA 18360

Hearing Assistance
Devices are Here!

ESUMC now owns several hearing assistance

devices which can be worn to improve your
ability to hear our worship services. Please
contact an usher to pick up your hearing assistance device and return to an usher after use.

Healthcare Equipment available:

Canes, crutches, walkers, adult potty chairs,

shower stools, Depends and more!


SUNDAY 9:45 am
Youth - Basement Room 9
Justin Searle - Basement Room 7
Brown/Rosenberger - Room 8
Mercurio - Room 6
Ragonese - Conference Room
Tim Malefyt - Stephen Ministry Room
SUNDAY 6:30 pm
Jackie Visser - Conference Room
Cathy Saunders house
Pastor Todd at Bovinos
THURSDAY 6:00 pm
Deanna Mayers Conference Room
Check white boards in Oberholtzer Hall for
directions to classrooms.

Ushers/Greeters needed for

Church Conference on
October 2nd, at 1:15 p.m.
UMW News

Dollar Challenge for October

is shoebox size items for
Operation Christmas Child. Boxes sent around
the world; children receive a Bible storybook in
their language and invited to a 12 week Bible
study (3 million children accepted Jesus
through this program) Items include: toys,
small stuffed animals, socks, hair accessories,
toiletries -no liquids or military type toys (action
figures are OK). As usual everything can be
found at Dollar Tree.
Oct 1- UMW District Meeting at Effort UMC
at 9AM -take a sandwich
Oct 15-UMW Annual Conference at
Quakertown UMC lunch is provided with
registration (our local UMW will pay the fee for
everyone going) Meet at the church at 7:30.
Call Linda Drake to register by Oct 1st
Nov 12-Thank Offering Meeting-10AM in
Bridal Lounge- bring your thank banks or a
thank offering
November Dollar Challenge will be
Christmas stocking stuffers for adults in
nursing homes and shut-ins. Items
needed : trinkets, toiletries/hygiene, snacks,
and socks.

Read the Bible in a Year

Please go to
Wait for Read The Bible In A Year Slider
Click anywhere on slide and go to bottom of
page, click on link for readings.

During the week of October 3rd,

ESUMC will have the opportunity of
meeting Rev. Jane Lahai from Sierra
Leone. Rev. Jim & Karen met her and
witnessed her dedicated leadership as
Headmistress at the June Hartranft
Primary School for Girls in Moyamba,
Sierra Leone. Rev. Jane will share
times of both Gods presence and the heavy burden of human grief
in nations as Sierra Leone. Dont miss an opportunity to listen and
speak to her that week.
This month there are two pieces of information concerning the W.Va
flooding: First, the donations from ESUMC congregation totaled
$1,067. Faith Promise doubled that amount. Second, a mission trip
to help repair homes is happening the week of Nov. 6th. If you are
interested or need more information, Pat Braun will be happy to talk
with you. Contact: or 570-424-5481.
Ryan Moyer, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, is on Sabbatical. He
asks for prayers as he learns Spanish and is immersed in the ethnic
culture of Mexico in Oaxaca, southern Mexico. He will be there for 2
months at the Roca Blanca Mission Base. Info at He
also asks for prayers for the student leaders and co-workers sharing
their faith at Temple University.
ESUMC has a close relationship to 100 Fold Studio. Tim & Jill
Malefyt just returned from visiting their daughter and her husband
in Montana where Kelly and Chris work at 100 Fold Studio. This
nonprofit architecture firm works with YWAM and other non-profit
groups to provide affordable and innovative building design services
around the world.
The current building project that Chris is working on is a 20 building
complex at YWAM's University of Nations in Cambodia. They are
currently trying to complete The Youth Development Center (YDC),
which is scheduled to be used for the area-wide gathering of YWAM
staff in January, 2017. Chris and Kelly are heading to Cambodia on
October 2nd to help oversee the final stages of construction. This
building and campus will have a great impact on spreading the
gospel throughout Asia. Please pray for their health and safety
during their time there and for God to use this facility in great ways
to impact all the students and pastors that come for training and
to further his kingdom in Asia. They send their thanks for our
partnership with 100 Fold Studio.
May our prayers and support reach out to our Partners today with
prayers and gifts in envelopes in the Bulletin or anytime with a note
designating gifts for Faith Promise or Missions as praise for Gods
enduring love.
Linda Kissell
Most of you have seen the occasional brief "Changing
Lives" videos featuring someone, typically a church
member, telling how God has used ESUMC to change
their life. You've seen videos of youth who found faith,
members telling about serving others and receiving
support from the church. One video is of a member who was called to ministry.
What's YOUR story? Please contact Robin Braun ( if
you would be willing to spend a half hour taping a video about how God has
used ESUMC to impact your life. It is much easier than you think. Please don't
let modesty prevent you from providing an encouraging message.


Contact Us

Meet & Greet

Singers, meet the new Choral Director on
Thursday Sept. 29, in Choir Room, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Teens/adults welcome to come for any part of that time. Includes
rehearsal, devotions, snacks. Questions? Contact

Church Office
(570) 421-3280
Hours: 9 am to 3 pm
Mon thru Fri

The OKs will meet at the Church Wednesday, Oct 12, at 9:30 am to
go by church van to Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center for a
program on bears, explore the displays, and then we go to Snydersville
Dinner for lunch.
Costs: $3.00 for the program, your lunch, and a contribution for gas.
Call to register for a seat on the van for you. Please call at 570-421-1422
by Oct.10. Thank you, Erma Powell.

Jim Todd
Ext. 1014
Church Administrator
Jill Teaford
Ext. 1015
Maria Ragonese
Ext. 1010
Congregational Care
Peggy Strack
Ext. 1023
Youth Ministries
Scott Kuhnle
Ext. 1013
Childrens Ministries
Erica Dorsch
Ext. 1017
Sue Mertz
Ext. 1015
Financial Secretary
Cyndie Faunce
Ext. 1025
William Mack
Ext. 1018
SextonJude Porter
Organist/Traditional Music
Pauline Fox
Contemporary Music
Doug Malefyt
Joe Dorsch
Technology Support
Michael Corey
Ext. 1012

Chair Zumba moved from Friday, October 7th to Friday, October 14th
due to Kitchen Inspection.
Adult Mission
We will be traveling to West Virginia the week of Nov 6 to repair homes
damaged by recent flooding. If you are interested in joining us please
contact Pat Braun at 570-424-5481.
Feed My Starving Food Pack
A food packing event is being held in Doylestown. ESUMC members are
invited to participate on Friday, Sept 30 from 11:00 to 1:00. We will see if
we are interested in bringing a similar event to our church. Please contact
Pat Braun at 570-424-5481 if you would like to come.


Take A Stand For Life While Enjoying Fun & Fellowship

October 1, 2016Registration 8:30 a.m.Walk 9:00 a.m.
See display in Fellowship Hall for information & registration.

SWAT (Serving with a Team ) will meet on Monday, September 26th,

in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. to Noon. We will installing

new washing machine, recycle runold tvs and
equipment, staining pew-backs, and hanging blinds in
office building. Please come and help the team keep our
church well maintained.
Recovery Meetings Available in The Community Room of Office
Building Basement
NA: Monday through Saturday 12:00 P.M. to 1:30 P.M.

Just for Today

Wednesday 6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. New Beginnings (Womens Group)

AA: Thursday & Saturday 8:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.

Keep It Simple

Scan QR to ESUMC Website

East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church

83 S. Courtland St.
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

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