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The Danish flora

Here is a selection of danish birds, animals, fish and plants as collected by 5.c on Tåstrup Realskole.

I hope you will find it interesting.

The swan
The swan is the national bird of Denmark.

It is the biggest bird in Denmark.

The swan is grey the first 4 years - after that it becomes white.

The swan can weigh up to 16kg

The swan can lay up to 8-10 eggs

Made by Ida 5.c

The Mallard
The mallard is the most
typical duck in Denmark.

It lives in lakes, creeks and

ponds. Sometimes they also
live on the coast.

The mallard eats aquatic

plants and small animals from
the water.

male The female
The blackbird

Appearance: The male blackbird is black and has an orange beak. The female blackbird is brown and she
has a black/brown beak.

Food: The Blackbird eats small animals. The blackbird also eats worms and strawberries.

Flock: There are 2 million blackbirds in Denmark.

The night owl

The night owl is a beautiful bird. It’s not only out at night but also in the daylight.

It’s brown and white and has big brown eyes.

The night owl eats mice and bugs .

It hides from hawks inside trees - it’s not easy to see them.

It’s about 37-39 cm. long and has a wingspan of 94-104 cm.
here you can see how hard it is to find them.

Made by Andreas 5.c Taastrup Realskole Denmark.

The white stork

The white stork is one of the biggest birds in Denmark.

It has white feathers and a long beak it uses to catch frogs.

Its normal weight is 2,3 to 4,4 kg.

When the stork has mated the female lays four eggs.

It comes to Denmark in April

Made by Nanna Heimann

The fallow dear
The fallow dear has a beautiful summer fur – red/brown with white spots. The fallow dear lived in
Denmark and the rest of Europe before the last iceage. Then it went to the south. It came back to
Denmark about a thousand years ago (probably with the Vikings). You can meet about 5.500 wild
fallow dear in 70 sites in Denmark. The fallow dear eats grass but also leaves and fruit.
The hedgehog.

The Hedgehog comes from Denmark and lives in the forrest and elsewhere.

In spring the hedgehog comes out from the cave to eat worms.

The Hedgehog has a lot off spikes on the body, but not on the stomache, and not on the Hedgehogs face.

The earthworm
An earthworm lives under the ground. An earthworm
doesn´t have eyes or ears. The earthworm can only feel it´s
way and breathes by its skin. The earthworm doesn't have a
head, legs
and arms it
only has a

the coolest
thing about
an earthworm is that when it has been cut in half it can

By Kevin and Patrick 5.c

The goldfish
The goldfish comes from Denmark and is gold coloured. It
can be up to 20cm. long, and it can live up to 10 years.
The goldfish lives in water and it has a big tail.

It lives in ponds and not in the wild.

The garfish
The Garfish comes from Denmark.
It can be up to 120 cm and can weigh up to 2 kg.
You can eat it !
The "Blåstak" (bluestack)

the blåstak is a small fish

it eats crustaceans, molluscs and small animals

you can know the blåstak on the shiny blue colour

it can live in seven years

The white anemone
The white anemone is a Danish plant.

It is 10-25 cm. It is white, and has 6-7 petals.

It blooms in April and May. There is a female and male anemone.

You can see males dust sitting in the middle of the flower.

Bumble bees bring together dust from anemones.

Made by Almas.
The beech tree
The beech tree is a Danish tree. The beech tree has a 200.000 leaves every year. The beech tree
can be 40 m. high. But many of them are 25-35 m. high. The leaves grow on the beech tree in the
start of May. The beech tree has two different flowers. One of the flowers is small and yellow.

The bulrush
The bulrush is a Danish plant. it can be 1-2,5 meter long. the leaves are 1-2 cm. thick. The flower consists of
small dust leaves - when the wind comes all the dust leaves fall of and leaves a nude top. It lives in water.

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