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PECHEGIN - the main man in the country

April 20th, 12:52

First I wanted to write that my correspondence with the Prosecutor General's Office in the
Magnitskiy case is a dialogue of the deaf.

And then I realized that this correspondence resembles any correspondence with the Prosecutor
General's Office. That is correspondence with law enforcement who are sure of their own impunity
guys in uniform, whose role lies in, evading laws, breaking laws, making excuses for themselves,
for cops, for the authorities in general and anyone associated with them.  

First I wanted to write that my correspondence with the Prosecutor General's Office in the
Magnitskiy case is a dialogue of the deaf.

That is, I write them: "check the facts published in the media about the involvement of
specifically named officers of the FSB, SVR and the Interior Ministry connected with the
extortion of large bribes."
They answer: Magnitsky was prosecuted legally, regarding the lack of medical care we
have opened a criminal case.
And I am not concerned with the failure to provide assistance. It was a tragedy but final.
From their reply it seems like I didn't ask about anything else and that I never quoted such
things as, "Money was brought to Department K of the FSB according to statement made
to the New Times by an informed source in the MVD. - The price of the question - $6
mil. Chekists oversaw the process, but immediate implementation of the process was
entrusted to the investigators of the Investigations Committee of the Ministry of Internal
Affairs. Specifically, the investigator Oleg Silchenko"

A.I. Pechegin has the same vision problem. Part of the text he sees, part he does not.

I will note, dear friends, that "the Magnitsky case" is probably the most resonant criminal
case in the country, except for the case of Hodorkovsky.
And Putin has publicly spoken out, and Medvedev.
The latter even indignant, and threatened his finger, for that he received applause from the
public and enthusiastic ladies.
But in fact (if we don't take into account the FSIN (Federal Service for Supervision of
Punishment) story [investigating the conditions of Sergey's detention]), nothing has
In other words, the story with the police, who stole 5 billion rubles and who imprisoned
Magnitsky, and who also investigated this case, remained untouched.
Investigations no. Cops promoted.
There hasn't even been a special effort to hush up the matter. A.I. Pechegin of the General
Prosecutor's just vacantly wrote standard answers.

And the most interesting thing is that after my first post on this topic, I contacted TV
journalist Olga Romanova who was referred to in Article New Times and who absolutely
confirmed all the above, and said she is willing to be a witness against rogues in uniform in
any court and give evidence, anywhere.
To testify how bribes were demanded and how she was pressured. Directly and clearly
name the names.

A woman named Catherine Mikheev contacted me. The cops who were involved in the
Magnitsky case, simply kidnapped her husband. Straight from the interrogation he was
taken to ta dacha outside Moscow, where they demanded a ransom of several million
Her husband husband was rescued by a SWAT assault team, breaking doors and all the
works, but the kidnapping case was converted by the same A.I. Pechegin. It turns out that
my husband took himself captive and demanded money from himself.
Very interesting description of this history in magazine Ogonyok.

It seems that there are all terms for the successful investigation:
Public outrage - we have it.
Angry publications - here they are.
Victims / victims - here they are.
Witnesses for the prosecution - here they are.
The names of the suspects - here they are.
The order of the President to investigate - and it is here.

But Mr. A.I. Pechegin and his friends in the prosecutor's office and the Interior Ministry
fucked everyone. Starting from the President up to newspapers and magazines.
This is not surprising. Perhaps a the guys who stole 5 billion have some more persuasive
As the saying goes: I will keep quiet, but my dead friends say more - dead presidents.

Soon, by the way, will be another trial on the first reply from the Prosecutor. We are
appealing. Let's see, maybe something interesting will happen.  

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