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See Alexey Navalnyʼs blog of Feb.

17, 2010
(English Translation below)

Prosecutor's office what kind of prosecutors office-2

February 17th, 14:50
The case of the lawyer Magnitsky tortured in prison is being forgotten,
this is wrong and gives our law-enforcers the ability to be impudent and
to shy away from investigating the case.

Many will recall that some time ago The New Times magazine
published an article about this case. Price of death.

The article struck me because it contains a simple and straightforward

statement accusing specific officers in the Ministry of the Interior
(showing the names and positions) in the organization of false criminal
cases, and the receipt of bribes for this, etc.

That is, the magazine The New Times accused the police (detective
Investigation Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Oleg
Silchenko and deputy director of the Investigatory Committee of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs, Colonel Natalya Vinogradova and others) of
committing crimes under the Criminal Code. At a minimum: art. 124
Failure to help a patient, art. 290 briber, Art. 301 Illegal detention,
custody or detention, Art. 302 Coercion to testify.

I was expecting a scandal, well, or at least some action. Prosecutors

must respond to media reports about crimes. Or should investigate the
actions of cops, or (if they believe that all this nonsense) file libel cases /
for misleading information from the magazine.
But nothing has happened. Perhaps the prosecutor's office doesn’t read
The New Times.

I wrote them a letter. "So and so, published an article in which an

investigator of the Investigative Committee of the Ministry of Internal
Affairs Oleg Silchenko and the deputy chief of the Investigatory
Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Colonel Natalya
Vinogradova are accused of committing serious crimes. I ask you to
verify and report the results."
Recently I obtained an answer:


PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE FOLLOWS and this blog continues on the
next page.

[The answer says] In response to your complaint regarding Magnitsky

and "other issues" the case against Magnitsky was opened under such
and such law. The indictment was in accordance with the law. There
were no legal violations
Cute, huh? Possible crimes committed by investigator Silchenko and
Colonel Vinogradova modestly referred to as "other issues".

They write unnecessary verbage about which articles of the Criminal

Procedural Codex they used to initiate a criminal case that has nothing
to do with my complaint. For some items I already know.

I, asked to check, for example: "Money was brought to Department K of

the FSB according to statement made to the New Times by an informed
source in the MVD. - The price of the question - $6 mil. Chekists
oversaw the process, but immediate implementation of the process was
entrusted to the investigators of the Investigations Committee of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs. Specifically, the investigator Oleg Silchenko"
"When we got to the case of my husband, Vinogradova screamed at me
and tried to extort 1.5 million dollars, - says journalist Olga Romanova,
wife of the convicted businessman Alexei Kozlov. - Then I was
contacted by a mediator with the rank of Lieutenant General of the
Foreign Intelligence Paul Sharai. In the SVR (Foreign Intelligence
Service), he headed the department of economic security. He said he
would decide all matters and at the same time said that all of
Vinogradova’s relatives are in the FSB.

The subject bribery and extortion are not specifically addressed in the
letter from the prosecutor. I wonder why?

Although we have a lot of other things to do, this can not be

ignored. We will persevere.
I sued the prosecutor's office, and what?.
We will force them to deal with all these Silchenkos, Vinogradovas and

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