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Beeck (plaintiff) sued Aquaslide N Dive Corp. (Aquaslide) (defendant)
in federal court based on diversity jurisdiction when he was injured on
a water slide he alleged Aquaslide had manufactured. Initially,
Aquaslide conceded that it had manufactured the slide, but much later
in the lawsuit, after the statute of limitations had run on new claims by
the p, after subsequently inspecting the slide realized it had not.
Aquaslide then moved to amend its pleading to deny manufacture. The
court granted the motion and ordered a trial on the issue of whether
Aquaslide was the manufacturer. The jury found for Aquaslide and the
court dismissed Beecks claim. Beeck appealed, alleging the court
abused its discretion in allowing Aquaslide to amend its complaint and
ordering a trial on the issue of manufacture.
Issue. Whether a Defendant should be allowed to amend his complaint
even where it will cause irreparable prejudice to the Plaintiff.
Synopsis of Rule of Law. Under Rule 15(a) of the Federal Rules of
Civil Procedure, a party can amend its pleading only with leave of court
or consent of the other party. Leave shall be freely given. Leave to
amend should only be denied if the party opposing the amendment
can show bad faith, undue delay, or prejudice
Under Rule 15(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, a party may
move to amend the pleadings at any time. As stated in Rule 15(a),
leave to amend shall be freely given as justice so requires.
The party opposing the motion to amend must demonstrate prejudice
from such amendment.
The trial court determined that there was no evidence of bad faith,
prejudice or undue delay.
Defendants reliance on three insurance companies determinations
that Defendant manufactured the slide demonstrates that the
admission was made in good faith.
Plaintiffs will not be prejudiced to the extent that Defendant will prevail
at trial and Plaintiffs will not be allowed to proceed against other
parties. The relevant issue for the Courts consideration is to contest
the factual issue of who manufactured the slide.
The insurer investigating manufacture of the slide was not lacking in
diligence so as to preclude Defendant from litigating the issue.

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