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Guy de Maupassant
The book is about a man (Jeremy) who loves himself, free drinks, and drunkenness, to
the point that he puts those ahead of his wife and his marriage. Starts, with one day in
the little valley of Sport, where furious storm began.
The man (Jeremy) who every night came at his house, drunk, neglected his wife
(Melina) who has taken a lover, the brother of the man (Mathurin), with whom he sits
drinking into the night.
Our 'hero' suspects he should be at home, realizes his wife is there, with another man,
but cannot forgo his drinking to check on her.
Finally, when he does go home, drunk and close to passing out, the lover rushes out
past him, and the drunk accuses his wife, then proceeds to beat her to death with a
chair, after which he sinks into a depression.
So i take it as a testament to what a lust for alcohol, combined with stupidity, can bring
upon a man. Our hero thinks everyone is to blame, the wife, the lover, the lover's
brother...everyone but not himself.

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