About Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam LTTE

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About Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

From Eelam.com (web site of the official Tamil Liberation movement)

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) is the heart and soul of the Tamil struggle for
self-determination. It is the national freedom movement of the people of Tamil Eelam, and a predominant actor in Sri Lankan politics. It is both a political organisation as well as a military power, running
a de-facto administration in the majority of areas in north-eastern Sri Lanka, the historical homeland of
the Tamil-speaking people. The LTTE has an evolutionary history extending over more than 32 years.
Born as an underground guerrilla outfit in the early seventies under the leadership of Mr Velupillai
Pirapaharan, it has grown, developed and expanded into a national liberation organisation with the
overwhelming support of the Tamil masses.
The organisation, in its evolutionary growth, has faced severe obstacles, dilemmas and challenges. It
has had to fight the most bloody and savage battles against formidable forces and treacherous enemies.
It has had to engage in both war, and in peace processes. In the military field, it has achieved
remarkable victories and gained global recognition as one of the most efficient fighting machines in the
world. The organisation has made immense sacrifices in life and blood in the cause of national
freedom. It has also engaged in the realm of peace, seeking a fair and reasonable political solution,
without relinquishing the inalienable rights of the Tamil people.
However, because the enemy has been deceitful, dishonest and defiant and refused fundamental justice
to our people, accomplishment at the negotiating table has not matched the military feats on the
battlefields. The intransigent attitude of the Sinhala political establishment had made the negotiating
process difficult and painful. From the Thimpu talks until the recent Norwegian facilitated negotiation
process, the LTTE has involved in all the peace efforts, and made sincere attempts to seek a political
solution. But all the talks collapsed or stalemated. The Sri Lanka government and the Colombo media
blamed the LTTE as the villain of peace and the prime causal factor for failures at a negotiated settlement. The state inspired disinformation campaign in Colombo, and by some interested parties in India,
discredited the LTTE in the eyes of the international community as an opponent of peace. This
misconception, based on distortion of fact, compelled me to write this comprehensive book: to tell the
truth with authentic records of historical events, of the active engagement of the LTTE in peace

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