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Project #1: PLAY!

Part 1: (on your own)

PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!!!!!! Spend some quality time alone with your new best
friend: Your camera!
Experiment with the F-stops and Shutter Speeds and ISO settings. Go indoors
and try to shoot at 400 ISO, it likely will not work and you should try
increasing the ISO number.
Get super close to your subject. Shoot from a bugs eye view. Play with Depth
of Field and Motion. Go CRAZY!!!
The goal is to have fun and get comfortable with your camera.
Make an effort to make pictures unlike anything youve seen before. Show
me how creative you are. Show me why you came to art school. (Dont
make tourist postcards)

-Shoot 100 frames (NO MORE so take your time to truly

see. Dont just take pictures, make pictures)
Part 2: (on your own)
You will import these RAW files on to your portable hard drive in to the
appropriate project 1 folder. Using Image Capture is best.
Part 3: (during class)
In class we will create your catalog and you will import these in to your
Lightroom catalog.
Part 4: (on your own)
Eventually you will export as jpegs.
-Evaluate your work outside of class. You will be turning 3 different images so
make sure at the minimum you have shot the following:
1 image about DOF.
1 image about motion.
1 image should demonstrate that you are a creative rock star!
12 inches long side. 300 dpi.
-As described below and in the LR catalog lecture, images must be file
named correctly.
Every image must include your copyright in the metadata.
Ideally every image should have the keywords Play and Photo 113 and
Quarter/Year and J. Cori Norman Your name and hometown would be nice
as well.

Every time you submit your work you will be required to name the file
in a specific, consistent way. (custom name and sequence when setting
up export)
FirstNameLastName _ QuarterYear.jpg
(LR will automatically assign the number at the end)

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