Class Test1 Answers

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The University of Western Australia

School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering

Please complete your details below:

Surname: _________________________________

Number: ______________________

Signature: ________________________________
Date: ____________________
Information Session (Electrical)

4% of final assessment (max. mark of 10)
Time allowed: 30 minutes

This paper contains:
4 pages, 2 questions

Candidates should attempt all questions and show all working with numerical answers to 3 decimal places in the
spaces provided after each question, show as much working as possible to gain maximum marks. You can use the
blank page on the reverse side for rough working, but these pages will not be marked

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Question 1 (6 marks)
In the circuit below = 3 , = 40 ,
= 10 ,
= 40 and
Thevenin equivalent with respect to the terminals a-b.


by removing the sources (i.e. set

= 20 . Find the

= 0 and = 0 ) (3 marks)

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using node to datum analysis (node 1 is between
(terminal b is the datum node) (3 marks)
At node 1: (

40)/10 +

At node 2: (

/40 + (

)/20 3 = 0

Solving (1) and (2),


)/20 + 3 = 0

+ 60

, node 2 is terminal a)

v1 = 32 V, v2 = 92 V, and VTh = v2 = 92 V

Question 2 (4 marks)
The circuit below models a common-emitter transistor amplifier using a dependent current
source. Find using KVL around the leftmost mesh and then the expression for and the
gain / :

Apply KVL (mesh analysis) to leftmost mesh and solve for


(2 marks)



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What is (the voltage across the dependent current source and also
(Hint: express in terms of function of ) (1 mark)

Hence what is the gain



(1 + )

/ ? (1 mark)

(1 + )
+ (1 + ) )

(1 + )
+ (1 + )

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