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Ms. Belinda Mijares

If you believe, you can achieve.

Lord, thank you for a new day.
Thank you for protecting us. Thank you for guide us and

Thank you for loving us. In Jesus name, Amen.

Barter is a system of exchange by which goods or services

are directly exchanged for other goods or services without using a
medium of exchange, like money. Barter usually replaces money
as the method of exchange in times of crisis money, and Barter-based
economies are one of the earliest, predating monetary systems and
even recorded history. In recent years, barter has enjoyed a
resurgence as a means of countering economic insecurity,
unemployment and worker exploitation. Because barter is based on
reciprocity, it requires a mutual coincidence of wants between traders.
The nature of modern-day work, the pervasiveness of the Internet and
the rise of social networking have all contributed to its spread. Other
examples of alternative economic systems include gift economies,
sharing economies and time banks.

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