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Director - Adonay M. A.

Guerrero Corts
Adonay Guerrero is a screenwriter, filmmaker and graphic artist with Tenek heritage
born in San Luis Potosi, Mexico, and currently based in Antigonish, NS. Guerrero holds a
Masters degree in Film Production from York University where he developed his thesis
project Hidden Gods. During his time at York University he was awarded with a JosephArmand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program Masters Scholarship given
by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). He has a BA in
Audio-Visual Arts from Universidad de Guadalajara.
Guerrero has won grants from the State Council for the Arts and Culture (Consejo Estatal
para la Cultura y las Artes)of Jalisco and from the State Fund for the Arts and Culture
(Fondo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes) of San Luis Potos. Some of his works have
been screened in film festivals such as San Diego Comic Con International Independent
and Film Festival Edmonton International Film Festival (The Son of Santo),
ImagineNATIVE Film Festival (The Last Deaths of Joe); or Diaspora International Film
Festival (I live here: Windows).
Besides fiction films he has been working in documentaries and TV Series as an editor.
His most recent works include: Women Building Peace in Africa directed by renowned
writer Colleen Wagner or the TV series Battle Scars, About Canadian Military in times of
peace and war.
Guerrero has taught at the University of New Brunswick the courses of Sound Design
and Screenwriting for Short Formats. He is currently preparing the courses of Digital
Photography and Digital Filmmaking for the St. Francis Xavier University.
2015 Hidden Gods - Short Film
2012 The Last Deaths of Joe - Short Film
Making Sones and Memories - Documentary (Awarded 1st place in the
documentary category at Rodando San Luis International Film Festival 2013)
2011 I live Here, Windows Documentary-Essay
2008 El hijo del Santo (The Son of Santo) - Short Film
2007 La Semilla (The Seed)- Animated Short Film (Awarded the grant for Film
production in the category of Visual Arts by the San Luis Potosi Government)
2007 Elegy - Animated Short Film
2004 Cerro de San Pedro, cuando las piedras gritan- Documentary
2003 La duda mata (Doubt Kills) - Short Film
2003 El blues del buen Samaritano (The Good Samaritans Blues) - Short Film

Adonay M. A. Guerrero Corts

Guerrero es un cineasta y artista grfico nacido en San Luis Potos, Mxico y actualmente
reside en la ciudad de Toronto, Canad. Recientemente recibi su Maestra en
Produccin Cinematogrfica en York University, en Toronto, Canad, con su tesis Los
dioses ocultos. Durante este tiempo se hizo acreedor a la reconocida beca acadmica

Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program Masters

Scholarships otorgada por el Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. Es
graduado de la licenciatura en Artes Audiovisuales por la Universidad de Guadalajara.
Guerrero ha desarrollado distintos trabajos en cine y video, tales como Las ltimas
muertes de Joe, El hijo del Santo, La Semilla, La duda mata y El blues del buen
samaritano. En Mxico, se ha hecho acreedor a distintos estmulos econmicos como los
otorgados por el Fondo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de San Luis Potos y por el
Centro Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de Jalisco.
Actualmente se encuentra preparando los cursos Digital Photography y Digital
Filmmaking para la St. Francis Xavier University en Nova Scotia.
Como Director
2013 Los dioses ocultos (Hidden Gods) - Cortometraje
2012 The Last Deaths of Joe - Cortometraje
Making Sones and Memories Documental 2011 I live Here, Windows - Documental /Ensayo
2008 El hijo del Santo - Cortometraje
2007 La Semilla - Corto animado
2007 Elegy - Corto animado
2004 Cerro de San Pedro, cuando las piedras gritan - Documental
2003 La duda mata - Cortometraje
2003 El blues del buen Samaritano - Cortometraje

Adonay Guerrero is a filmmaker, screenwriter, and graphic artist with Tenek heritage,
originally born in San Luis Potos, Mexico. Guerrero holds a Master degree in Film
Production from York University, where he developed his thesis project titled Hidden
Gods. His thesis project was awarded a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada. He has as a bachelor in Audio-Visual Arts from
Universidad de Guadalajara and a bachelor in Graphic Communication.
Through documentary, fiction, and animation Guerrero addresses in his works issues
such as marginalization, identity, social injustice and prejudice usually with a raw
perspective of reality and cinematic storytelling. He also explores the impact of icons and
symbols of both Mexican and pop culture. Some of his works have been screened in film
festivals such as San Diego Comic Con International Independent Film Festival,
Edmonton International Film Festival, ImagineNATIVE Film Festival, Maoriland Film
Festival, Rodando Film Festival, and Diaspora International Film Festival.
Guerrero has collaborated as cinematographer, editor, sound recordist, and direction
assistant in different projects in Canada and Mexico. Some of his more important and
recent collaborations are the documentaries Women Building Peace in Africa (dir.
Colleen Wagner), No Easy Walk to Freedom (dir. Nancy Nicol), and the reportage TV
Series Battle Scars, About Canadian Military in times of peace and war as video editor.
Guerrero has taught at the University of New Brunswick the courses of Sound Design
and Screenwriting for Short Formats. He is currently working in the pre-production of the
short film Hunting Yesterdays.
Some of his works can be watched at

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