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Journal of Difference Equations and Applications

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Nonstandard finite difference methods: recent

trends and further developments
K. C. Patidar
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and further developments, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications
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Date: 18 February 2016, At: 12:14


Nonstandard nite dierence methods: recent trends and

further developments
K. C. Patidar

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications

Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of the Western Cape, Bellville, South Africa



In this paper, we review many recent developments and further

applications of nonstandard nite dierence (NSFD) methods
encountered in the past decade. In particular, it is a follow up article
of the one published in 2005 [K.C. Patidar, On the use of non-standard
nite dierence methods, J. Dier. Equ. Appl. 11 (2005), pp. 735758].
It also includes those research contributions in this eld that are
very signicant and published prior to the above article but were
not included in the above paper simply because we did not have
access to them when we wrote the above article. We also give a
detailed account on various denitions/notions of NSFD methods
appeared in the literature in past two decades. All contributions are
listed chronologically except that in some instances we have grouped
certain works to show connectivity in those elds. While categorizing
these research contributions, we considered a number of dierent
application areas. Moreover, due to space limitations, rstly, we have
not included all works that used NSFD methodology but certainly
important contributions are given due consideration, and secondly,
we have only included the salient features of the proposed numerical
schemes for many of these contributions and ignored other contents
where the involved approaches sound fairly standard thus implying
why these methods are known robust. Of course, the cases when
there is a specic variation, in the theoretical analysis of these NSFD
schemes, are highlighted with more details.

Received 6 August 2015

Accepted 15 January 2016

Nonstandard finite
difference methods;
positivity preserving
numerical schemes;
differential equations;
difference equations;
stability and convergence

65L12; 65M06; 65N06

1. Introduction
The simplicity in the construction and possibility of their extensions allowed researchers
to apply NSFD schemes to solve several complex dierential equation models that arise at
the interface of engineering and natural sciences. Historically, for the rst time, Mickens
set following ve rules [117] for the construction of discrete models that have the capability
to replicate the properties of the exact solution:
Rule 1 The orders of the discrete derivatives must be exactly equal to the orders of the
corresponding derivatives of the dierential equations.
Rule 2 Denominator functions for the discrete derivatives must, in general, be expressed
in terms of more complicated functions of the step sizes than those conventionally
CONTACT K. C. Patidar
2016 Taylor & Francis


Journal of Difference Equations and Applications

Rule 3 Nonlinear terms should be approximated in a nonlocal way.

Rule 4 Special solutions of dierential equations should also be special discrete solutions
of the nite dierence models.
Rule 5 The nite-dierence equations should not have solutions that do not correspond
exactly to solutions of the dierential equations.
Subsequent to this, Anguelov and Lubuma [10] reworded these rules and presented
them as a denition for the NSFD schemes. This denition was further generalized in
Lubuma and Patidar [103]. Attracted by a large readership of his earlier books on the topic
published in 1994 and 2000 [117,118], Mickens came up with another book [125] that he
edited and was published in 2005. Many relevant topics ranging from natural sciences to
biomedical and engineering domains were covered in this book.
For those who are new to this eld of NSFD methodology, below we briey describe the
generalized denition of a NSFD scheme from our work [103], with an obvious due credit
to the original modelling rules of Mickens presented in [117]. This denition reads
Definition 1: A dierence equation to determine approximate solutions (yk ) to the
solution y(t) of the system

= f (y);

y(0) = A.


of order m = 1 or of the scalar equation of order m = 2


d2 y
= f (y, y  ),
dt 2


appended with either the initial conditions

y(0) = A,

y  (0) = B


y(0) = A,

y(1) = B


or the boundary conditions

is called a non-standard nite dierence method if at least one of the following conditions
is met
dj y
(a) At least one of the derivatives j of order 1 j m is approximated in such a way
that the classical denominator (t)j and the classical dierence operator yk+1 yk
that arises in the numerator of the discrete derivative are replaced by j (t) and
yk+1 j (t)yk where j and j are real-valued functions, whose values j (t) and
j (t) can also be nonsingular matrices, in the case of rst-order (j = 1) system of
N equations. These functions satisfy the conditions
j (z) = z j + O(z 2m ) and j (z) = 1 + O(z 2m ) as 0 < z 0,


where, in the case when j (t) and j (t) are matrices (j = 1), the notation
yk /j (t) represents the vector j (t)1 yk , whereas the right-hand sides of the
identities in (5) are to be viewed as diagonal matrices with z j + O(z 2m ) and 1 +
O(z 2m ) as diagonal entries.


Journal of Difference Equations and Applications

(b) Nonlinear terms that occur in f (y) are approximated in a nonlocal way, i.e. by a
suitable function of several points of the mesh.
We have further added a remark in [103] that the denition given, for the rst time, in
[10] is restrictive in that j (t) and j (t) are real numbers such that j (t) = 1.
After the publication of the edited book by Mickens [125], the research in this eld has
ourished signicantly. Numerous researchers gave dierent notions to these schemes but
philosophy remained attributed to general methodology of Mickens. Indeed, the main idea
resides in the following statement which Mickens made more than two decades ago that
the complex structure of the denominator and numerator of the discrete derivatives and
the nonlocal form of the approximation of nonlinear terms constitute a general property
of these schemes.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sections 2 and 3, we present various
contributions that are seen in dierent eld. We grouped them in dierent categories so that
researchers in specic eld may nd the individual sections more relevant to their needs.
Numerous types of dierential equation models are considered in these contributions
mentioned in Sections 2 and 3 and we encourage readers to look at these articles, books
and book chapters to nd the specic dierential equation models for which proposed
nonstandard nite dierence (NSFD) methods (NSFDMs) are found to be very eective.
One may note that these models are considered from biology, medicine, physics, chemistry
as well as from various branches of engineering. Then Section 4 contains the contributions
showing importance of these methods for singularly perturbed dierential equations and
their several extensions. In this section, we also present some of our own contributions in
the eld of singular perturbations where we have used NSFD methodology and elaborate
more on the issues with regards to NSFDMs vs. tted operator nite dierence methods
(FOFDMs). Finally, in Section 5, we conclude this paper.

2. Applications of NSFDMs in biology and medicine

The most fascinating applications of NSFD schemes are seen in the area of mathematical biology and ecology. Many systems in biosciences are modeled through dierential
equations whose exact solutions in closed form are hardly obtainable. In this section, we
present some of these works where NSFD methodology served as one of the best possible
approaches to obtain approximate solutions which are qualitatively reliable in several
aspects as indicated in these individual contributions. We list them as per below.
Gumel et al. [75] investigated existence and threshold conditions for the stability of
equilibria of a deterministic mathematical model for the transmission dynamics of HIV
infection in the presence of a preventive vaccine. Then they constructed a robust, positivitypreserving, NSFD method to solve the model equations. They showed that the antiHIV vaccine coverage level and the vaccine-induced protection are critically important
in reducing the threshold quantity. Their study further predicts the minimum threshold
values of vaccine coverage and ecacy levels needed to eradicate HIV from the community.
In [148], Moghadas et al. constructed a NSFD scheme to simulate a predator-prey
model of Gause-type with a functional response. Using xed-point analysis, they showed
that the scheme preserves the physical properties of the model and gives results that are
qualitatively equivalent to the real dynamics of the model. They further showed that the
scheme undergoes a supercritical Hopf bifurcation for a specic value of the bifurcation

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications


parameter (k0 ). This leads to the existence of a stable limit cycle created by the scheme when
the bifurcation parameter passes through k0 , as predicted by their continuous model. They
used this scheme to simulate the model with the functional responses of Holling-types II
and III.
Dimitrov and Kojouharov [53] formulated a class of positive and elementary stable
nonstandard (PESN) methods to study the dynamics of a mathematical model proposed
by Taylor et al. [187] and dealing with a layer of single phytoplankton species growing over
a pool of nutrients. Subsequent to this, in [55], they developed and applied these PESN
methods predator-prey models and concluded that these methods have the same qualitative
features as the corresponding continuous models. These PESN methods were based on a
nonlocal modelling of the growth-rate function and a nonstandard discretization of the
time derivative. Subsequent to this work, in [56], Dimitrov and Kojouharov formulated
these PESN methods for simulating predator-prey models with general functional response. In this work, their numerical methods are based on a nonlocal modelling of the
growth-rate function and a nonstandard discretization of the time derivative.
In [57], Dimitrov et al. used a combination of exact discretization schemes to develop
a new class of NSFDMs for ordinary dierential equations with polynomial right-hand
sides. Then they developed a new class of elementary stable NSFD schemes, based on
the standard Euler and second-order RungeKutta methods, for general two-dimensional
autonomous dynamical systems. They further developed a class of positive and elementary
stable NSFD methods for the RosenzweigMacArthur predator-prey systems with a logistic
intrinsic growth of the prey population and for phytoplankton-nutrient systems with
nutrient loss. Their schemes work very well with conservative as well as non-conservative
dynamical systems. Jang [83] also presented some continuous-time biological models
including epidemic models and a competition population model and applied NSFDMs
to approximate these continuous-time systems. However, Roeger [171] applied some
nonstandard discretization methods on the 2 and 3-dimensional LotkaVolterra systems
and compared the local stability of the equilibria. For 2-dimensional systems, she presented
a class of symplectic nonstandard methods and showed that some of the numerical methods
preserve the local stability and the positivity of the solutions.
In [76], we investigated a class of nite dierence methods, designed via the nonstandard framework of Mickens, for solving systems of dierential equations arising in
population biology. We showed that this class of methods can often give numerical results
that are asymptotically consistent with those of the corresponding continuous model.
To illustrate this fact, we presented several case studies arising from population biology
(human epidemiology and ecology).
Chen and Clemence [35] studied some stability properties of a NSFD scheme for a
hantavirus epidemic model. They showed that their dierence scheme and the underlying
system of dierential equations have the same dynamics. Their proof uses the fact that the
total population obeys the logistic equation.
Oh and French [161] analysed a special class of nonstandard method (named as
exponential Euler method in Bower and Beeman [27], and often used for the simulation of
neuronal systems, e.g. HodgkinHuxley dierential equation models). They showed that
the scheme is rst order accurate. Furthermore they developed a second order accurate
extension of this scheme and suggested ways to compute approximations to certain timedependent partial dierential equations using this scheme.

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications


In [181], Serghini et al. discussed how can one use symmetry of the dierential equations
to improve accuracy of a non-standard scheme proposed by Mickens [120] to solve a
LotkaVolterra system. Roeger [172] then proposed a generalization of Mickens NSFD
schemes for this systems that he constructed in [120]. These schemes of Mickens could
give periodic solutions. His method preserves the oscillation feature of the LotkaVolterra
system while many numerical methods give solutions that spiral into or out of the positivevalued xed-point. Roeger mentioned that the reason behind this is that Mickens scheme
is noncanonically symplectic. Applying the same idea, she generalized Mickens method
and produced a class of nonstandard symplectic numerical methods for the same Lotka
Volterra system. These methods were all symplectic with respect to a noncanonical symplectic structure. They all have the property that the computed points do not spiral. Hence,
these methods also preserve the oscillation feature of the predator-prey system. After this
work, in [176], she applied a Jacobian matrix procedure to nd a fourth class of NSFD
methods. The Jacobian matrix method gives more general nonstandard methods that also
produce periodic solutions for the predator-prey model. These methods also preserve the
positivity property of the solutions.
Banerjee et al. [22] investigated the optical properties of buttery wings in two dimensions by simulating a scale structure using a high accuracy NSFD time-domain algorithm
for Maxwells equations. They mentioned that the optical properties of such a structure
depend strongly on wavelength, incidence angle and state of polarization of illuminating
radiation and on the viewing angle. They checked the accuracy and validity of their
approach, by computing scattered eld intensities due to an innite cylinder and compared
the results with analytical calculations using Mie theory [142].
In [130], Mickens showed that for population models, involving a dynamical conservation law, the use of NSFD methods allows the construction of discretization schemes
such that they are dynamically consistent with the original dierential equations. He
also discussed the concept of dynamic consistency and illustrated their applications to
specic problems for population models. Roeger [173] gave sucient conditions for the
discrete time competition models constructed by applying NSFD schemes for the Lotka
Volterra competition models to be dynamically consistent. The discrete models that she
derived preserve the positivity of solutions, local stability conditions, boundedness, and
the monotonicity of the continuous LotkaVolterra system.
Anguelov et al. [13] claimed that the term dynamic consistency of a numerical scheme
with the associated continuous system is usually loosely dened, meaning that the numerical solutions replicate some of the properties of the solutions of the continuous system.
In [13], these authors replaced this concept with topological dynamic consistency, which
they dened through the topological equivalence of maps.
A nonstandard numerical method for a mathematical model of Respiratory Syncytial
Virus epidemiological transmission was developed by Arenas et al. [18]. This non-standard
numerical scheme preserves the positivity of the continuous model and is applied to
approximate the solution using dierent step-sizes. Finally, they compared their method
with some well-known explicit methods and carried out simulations with data from
Gambia and Finland. By using an exact conservation law satised by these dierential
equations, Mickens and Washington [140] determined a denominator function for the
discrete rst-order time derivatives and in turn designed a dynamically consistent scheme
for which the conservation laws were preserved.

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications


Jodar et al. [86] constructed two implicit nite dierence scheme based on NSFD
methodology for a deterministic mathematical model describing the evolution of inuenza
A in human population. They studied some qualitative properties of the model and
established similar dynamics using these numerical methods.
In [184], Su and Ding applied a NSFD scheme to study the dynamics of a MackeyGlass
system [113]. For the discrete system, they showed that a sequence of Hopf bifurcations
occurs at the positive xed point as the delay increases. They analysed the stability of the
xed point and calculated the direction of the Hopf bifurcations. Through some numerical
experiments, they illustrated the relation between the time of producing blood cells and
Villanueva et al. [189] designed a dynamically consistent NSFD scheme to solve a
mathematical model for obesity population dynamics. The governing model is an interacting population model and is represented as a system of coupled nonlinear ordinary
dierential equations which is used to analyse, understand, and predict the dynamics of
obesity populations. Since the total population in this mathematical model was assumed
to be constant, they constructed the scheme to satisfy the associated conservation law and
positivity condition.
Arenas et al. [17] designed a NSFD numerical scheme of predictorcorrector type to
simulate the classical SIR epidemic model. They called this scheme NSFDCL which stands
for the NSFD scheme with conservation law. The proposed NSFDCL scheme satises some
important properties associated with the considered SIR epidemic model, such as positivity,
boundedness, monotonicity, stability and conservation of frequency of the oscillations.
They further provided some comparative numerical results.
In [36], Chen et al. designed and analysed two NSFD schemes to simulate a mathematical
model that describes carbon monoxide mediated sickle cell polymer melting. They showed
that one of these NSFD schemes is stable subject to a predictable bound on step-size,
whereas the second one is unconditionally stable.
In [59], Dumont and Chiroleu presented a mathematical model to study the control
dynamics for the Chikungunya disease and simulated this model by developing a new
NSFD scheme whereas in Dumont et al. [62] the authors applied NSFD methodology to
study a prey (seabird)-mesopredator (rat)-superpredator (cat) model, taking into account
the juvenile stages in the prey population, in order to direct conservation management for
seabird conservation.
Gonzlez-Parra et al. [72] combined NSFD schemes and Richardsons extrapolation
method to obtain numerical solutions of two biological systems. The rst biological
system dealt with the dynamics of phytoplankton-nutrient interaction under nutrient
recycling and the second one dealt with the modelling of whooping cough in the human
population. Besides studying the usual properties of these schemes that one expects to have
for a dynamical system, they found that the Richardsons extrapolation method indeed
improved the accuracy of the numerical approximation.
In [115], Meza and Bhaya designed two NSFD schemes for problems dealing with policy
management in the ecosystems. One may note as these authors have also mentioned that
usually the control theory is used in engineering to stabilize a dynamical system at a
desired equilibrium point or to conne its trajectories to a region. These authors described
that the extinction of species is one of the most serious problems facing shery and, to
avoid it, dierent policies have been applied. According to them, the threshold policy is a

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications


harvesting strategy commonly used in sheries all over the world, and also is a special and
simple case of the variable structure control. In this paper, they used the concept of virtual
equilibrium point to design three dierent kinds of threshold policies; the standard one,
one with delay and nally with hysteresis and delay, for logistic models subject to Euler
as well as two dierent nonstandard discretization schemes. Subsequent to this work, in
[116], the same authors designed another nonstandard scheme to study a threshold policy
with hysteresis for the control of the logistic one-species model, the LotkaVolterra and
RosenzweigMacArthur two species density-dependent predator-prey models.
A NSFD scheme was constructed for SIRS epidemic model with time delay by Sekiguchi
and Ishiwata [180]. Another setup where delay dierential equations were solved by using
NSFD scheme is the MackeyGlass system of a delay dierential equation which was
considered in [185] by Su et al. They analysed the scheme and its NeimarkSacker and fold
Mickens [133] presented a NSFD scheme for a SIR-model for which the interaction term
is expressed as the square-root of the S and I variables. He discussed the general results on
the behaviour of the solutions. He showed that both the positivity and a conservation law
for the system of dierential equations are maintained by his discretization.
Garba et al. [71] designed a dynamically-consistent non-standard nite dierence
method for an epidemic model. They considered was a deterministic continuous-time
model for the transmission dynamics of two strains of an arbitrary disease, in the presence
of an imperfect vaccine. Their analysis of this model revealed that it undergoes a vaccineinduced backward bifurcation when the associated reproduction threshold is less than
unity. For the case where the vaccine is 100% eective, the disease-free equilibrium of the
model was shown to be globally-asymptotically stable if the reproduction number is less
than unity. The model also exhibits the phenomenon of competitive exclusion, where
the strain with the higher reproduction number dominates the other. Having looked
at these key properties of the continuous solution, they presented two nite-dierence
methods, one of which was the dynamically-consistent nonstandard method. Another
dynamically consistent NSFD scheme was designed and analysed by Cui et al. [50] for
an SIR epidemic models with vaccination and treatment and by Anguelov et al. [8] for
a malaria model. By incorporating Metzler matrix structure of a continuous model from
epidemiology proposed in Kamgang and Sallet [89], Anguelov et al. [9] proposed and
analysed a dynamically consistent NSFD schemes. Another dynamically consisted NSFD
scheme was designed by Chapwanya et al. [34] to solve cross-diusion models describing
tumor growth, convective predator-prey pursuit and evasion.
In [65], we designed and analysed a non-standard nite dierence numerical scheme
for the numerical solution of the HIV-malaria co-infection model with a distributed delay
representing the incubation period of malaria parasite in the mosquitoes vector. To come
up with the ecient numerical method for the full co-infection model, we studied a number
of qualitative properties of sub-models and then used the information while designing the
numerical methods for these sub-models.
Wang [190] studied the dynamics of a NSFD scheme for delay dierential equations
with unimodal feedback. Firstly he discussed the local stability of the equilibria according
to Schur polynomial and Hopf bifurcation theory of discrete system. Then he derived the
explicit algorithms for determining the direction of the Hopf bifurcation and the stability
of the bifurcating periodic solutions. Subsequent to this work, in [186], Su et al. designed a

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications


NSFD scheme to solve a delay dierential equation model of the survival of red blood cells
in animals where they showed that the proposed scheme could intrinsically preserve the
qualitative behaviour of the dynamical system, including the local stability of equilibrium,
the existence and the direction of Hopf bifurcation and the stability of bifurcating periodic
In [32], Chapwanya et al. proposed some NSFD schemes to simulate the basic SIR
epidemiological model with the MichaelisMenten formulation of the contact rate. From
the study of the MichaelisMenten basic enzymatic reaction, they designed two types of
NSFD schemes for the SIR model: Exact-related schemes based on the Lambert W function
and schemes obtained by using Mickenss rules.
Gurski [77] presented a simple mathematical construction for NSFD schemes for
small systems of nonlinear dierential equations using standard dierential equation
approximation techniques such as introducing articial viscosity and a predictorcorrector
scheme. She started with NSFD scheme of Mickens and that of Erdogan and Ozis [66,67]
for rst-order equations. The approach formulated a method to calculate some of the
denominator functions and nonlocal approximations that characterize Mickens scheme.
She extended the analysis of the scheme of Erdogan and Ozis by presenting a construction
for second-order nonlinear autonomous functions that naturally generates the numerator
and denominator functions for Mickens equivalent schemes. She then extended this result
to systems of up to three dierential equations and demonstrated the computational advantages of the new scheme to handle transitions between linear and nonlinear problems as
well as with the inclusion or exclusion of nonhomogeneous constant terms. As application
problems, she considered the SIR model for whooping cough with constant as well as
variable transmission rates.
In [160], we designed and analysed an unconditionally stable NSFD method for a
mathematical model of HIV transmission dynamics. The proposed method preserves the
dynamics of the continuous model which we obtained by using the qualitative theory of
dynamical systems.
In past two decades, several NSFD schemes have been derived but the focus was not
probably much on whether they satisfy any conservation laws. Perhaps for the rst time
Mickens and Washington [141] looked into what roles conservation laws can play in
providing restrictions on the construction of nite dierence discretizations. They did so
on coupled systems of ordinary dierential equations describing interacting populations.
A major feature of this paper was the recognition that several distinct types of conservation
laws exist. Using a number of well-known population models, they illustrated the details
of their procedures by constructing appropriate NSFD discretizations. Subsequently, a
conservation law was discussed for a NSFD method method to solve the new smoking
cessation model in [194].
Roeger [179] constructed dynamically consistent discrete-time SI and SIS epidemic
models by applying the NSFD schemes to the dierential equation models. She considered
the basic standard incidence SI and SIS models without births and deaths, with births
and deaths, and with immigrations. The continuous models that she considered possess
either the conservation law that the total population is constant or the total population N
satises N  (t) = N and hence N approaches a constant / as t . The NSFD
schemes that she presented preserve many signicant properties including the positivity

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications


of solutions, the conservation law, and the local and some of the global stability of the
Recently, Guerrero et al. [74] developed a NSFD scheme to solve a mathematical model
for smoking habit dynamics. Their model was described by a system of nonlinear ordinary
dierential equations and was used to quantify the impact of the Spanish smoke-free law
of 2006. In [1], Abdurahman et al. derived a discretized heroin epidemic model with delay
by applying a NSFD scheme and obtained positivity of the solution and existence of the
unique endemic equilibrium.
Cui et al. [49] constructed a NSFD scheme for an SIR epidemic model of childhood
disease with constant strategy. They studied the dynamics of this discrete model and found
that its equilibria are exactly the same as those of the continuous model. They further
proved that the conditions for those equilibria to be globally asymptotically stable are
consistent with the continuous model for any step-sizes.
In [195], Zhang et al. studied a discrete nonautonomous SIRS epidemic model. The
model is constructed by applying a NSFD scheme. Under weaker assumptions, they established the sucient and necessary conditions on the permanence and strong persistence
of the disease and the sucient condition on the extinction of the disease.
The research in many of the above areas as indicated by individual researchers is ongoing
and there may be more contributions that use NSFD methodology.

3. Applications of NSFDMs in other areas

In this section, we list the works falling under the categories such as Physics, Chemistry,
Engineering, and general Mathematics including Computational Finance.
3.1. Physics, chemistry and engineering
In an attempt to obtain stable numerical solutions for highly nonlinear and coupled
dierential equations that describe the dynamics of robotic manipulators, Abo-Shanab
et al. [3] investigated the application of the NSFD schemes. They demonstrated that rstly,
using nonstandard schemes, the possibility of having spurious solutions is eliminated
and secondly, NSFD derivatives are numerically stable given any large step-sizes. This
is signicant since using nonstandard schemes, numerical simulation of the complex
dynamics of robotic systems can potentially be expedited, thereby allowing close to realtime simulations of robotic systems with reliable results.
Banerjee et al. [21] calculated diraction characteristics of sub-wavelength conducting
gratings using a high accuracy NSFD time-domain method (NS-FDTD). For the purpose of
analysis, they employed a gold sinusoidal grating with light incident at a large angle. They
compared high accuracy NS-FDTD simulation results with those obtained from standard
nite dierence time-domain, and the nite element method simulations.
In [46], Cole extended the idea of using high-accuracy nite-dierence time-domain
(FDTD) algorithms based on NSFD methodology to solve the absorbing wave equation
and the conducting Maxwell equations. He rst derived an exact NSFD model of the
one-dimensional wave equation, and then extended it to construct high-accuracy FDTD
algorithms to solve the absorbing wave equation, and the conducting Maxwells equations
in two and three dimensions. For grid spacing h, and wavelength , his NSFD solution

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications



error is (h/)6 compared with (h/)2 for ordinary FDTD algorithms using
second-order central nite-dierences. He achieved this high accuracy by exploiting the
analytical properties of the decaying-harmonic solution basis functions.
Knowing the fact that the basic FDTD algorithm is simple and easy to program, but
the accuracy of conventional FDTD algorithms is low; Cole [47] applied NSFD models
to develop new high accuracy FDTD algorithms for computational electromagnetics and
optics. He introduced NSFD versions of the FDTD algorithm to solve the wave equation,
Maxwells equations and a new version of the Mur absorbing boundary condition. He
tested these new algorithms by computing scattering o cylinders and spheres in the Mie
regime and comparing them with the analytic solutions and found that the accuracy of the
NSFD algorithms is superior to the conventional FDTD ones. He illustrated these methods through several examples from applications areas such as propagation in dispersive
media and surface plasmons, light propagation in structures with subwavelength features
including conducting diraction gratings and biological structures, the improvement of
light coupling through media interfaces using subwavelength structures, etc. Some other
works that used NS-FDTD algorithms were [94,95,163]. Also, Jerez and Lara [85] derived
a high resolution NS-FDTD algorithm for the transverse magnetic mode of 2D-Maxwells
equations. They analysed their method for stability and convergence validated its accuracy
by simulating a light scattering cross-section by a perfectly-conducting circular cylinder.
Hoshino et al. [82] proposed a combination of ray optics and Fraunhofer multiple-slit
diraction theory for calculating the two-dimensional triangular periodic grating in the
resonance domain. They calculated the peak of the envelope pattern of angular distribution
of diraction eciency by ray optics and the peak width by using Fraunhofer theory. Then
they used nonstandard FDTD method along with the coupled-wave analysis to clarify
that the envelope pattern of the diraction of the grating could be calculated easily and
understood intuitively for the design of displays and lighting. Furthermore, Hoshino et al.
[81] used a NSFD time-domain algorithm along with coupled-wave analysis to compare
triangular grating with a rectangular one to investigate the eect of the shape, polarization
and wavelength on the transmissivity and the diraction angle distribution.
Zhu et al. [197] used a NSFD time-domain (NS-FDTD) method to investigate the
interaction of light with the complicated microstructures in the Morpho buttery scales,
which produce the well-known brilliant blue colouring. The NS-FDTD algorithm was
particularly suitable to analyse such complex structures because the calculations can be
performed in a short time with high accuracy on a relatively coarse numerical grid.
In [51], Dai introduced NSFD schemes for solving the parabolic two-step model along
with the temperature-dependent thermal properties in a double-layered micro thin lm
irradiated by ultrashort-pulsed lasers. He considered the cases of perfect thermal contact
and non-perfect thermal contact at interface and illustrated his method through several
examples which are used to investigate the heat transfer in a gold layer on a chromium
Vedantam [188] applied NSFD schemes in strain-gradient theory to eliminate spurious
lattice trapping in the kinetic relation. As this author mentioned, one may note that the
numerical calculation of the kinetic relation using standard nite dierence methods
(SFDMs) shows signicant quantitative and qualitative departures from the analytical
kinetic relation. In this paper, he showed that the kinetic relation evaluated using his NSFD

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications



scheme displays the correct qualitative behaviour and matches the analytical solution
signicantly better quantitatively.
By making use of Hamiltons principle, Micken [124] derived a numerical integration
technique for conservative oscillators. This methods was based on his NSFD methodology.
Subsequently, in [122], he presented an extended iteration method for calculating the
periodic solutions of nonlinear oscillator equations. An exact nite dierence schemes for
a second-order, linear ODE that forms the basis for modelling and analysing linear damped
vibratory systems with forcing was constructed in Mickens et al. [139]. However, in [38],
Chen and Liu presented a modied Mickens iteration procedure for nonlinear oscillators.
This scheme was dierent from the then procedures of Mickens in the sense that the
algebraic equation governing the frequency of oscillation deduced at each iteration stage
was always linear. As an example, they solved a Dung equation and then extended their
method to obtain the limit cycle of the van der Pol equation. On the other hand, Dumont
[58] presented some applications of the NSFDMs for the numerical approximations of
dierential inclusions coming from non-smooth mechanics, e.g. non-smooth dynamical
systems, like oscillators subject to dry friction and vibro-impact oscillators. Recently,
Mickens [134] determined an order  solution to a discrete harmonic oscillator having
cube-root damping.
Chen and Kojouharov [40] considered modelling of bio-remediation of trichloroethylene (TCE) in aquifers. As they mentioned, TCE is a very common contaminant of
groundwater. It is used as an industrial solvent and is frequently poured into the soil. There
exist bacteria that can degrade TCE. In contrast with most cases of bioremediation, the
bacteria that degrade TCE do not use it as a carbon source. Instead the bacteria produce
an enzyme to metabolize methane. This enzyme can degrade other organics including
TCE. In this paper, they modelled in situ bioremediation of TCE in an aquifer by using
two species of bacteria: one that forms biobarriers to restrict the movement of TCE and
the second one to reduce TCE. Their model includes ow of water, transport of TCE and
the nutrients, bacterial growth and degradation of TCE. They used NSFDMs to discretize
the governing dierential equations.
Jerez [84] developed a nonstandard dierence-integral method based on a NSFD method
coupled with a CESE scheme, namely, method of space-time conservation element and
solution element. He used the viscous Burgers equation with preestablished conditions as
a benchmark for testing his method and obtained better results as compared to the associated standard dierence-integral method. Subsequently, Mickens [132] proposed a NSFD
scheme to obtain traveling-wave solutions for a discrete Burgers equation with nonlinear
diusion where he has also emphasized the dynamic consistency of the discretization. Note
that, earlier to this, Mickens and Jordan [137] presented an improved positivity-preserving
NSFD scheme for the linear damped wave equation. That new scheme involved three time
levels and is therefore able to include the eects of the equations relaxation coecient.
Macas-Daz [107] developed a NSFD scheme to approximate solutions of a general
class of two-dimensional modied KleinGordon equations that appears (amongst other
applications) in the study of lattices consisting of Josephson junctions coupled through
superconducting wires when dissipative and dispersive eects are taken into account. The
basic motivation for their study was the need to possess a numerically accurate nitedierence scheme to approximate the occurrence of the process of nonlinear supratransmission when the mentioned systems are submitted to Dirichlet, Neumann or,

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications



more generally, boundary conditions of mixed type. The computational technique that
was presented in this paper is nonstandard, implicit, nonlinear and yields consistent
approximations of the local energies of the individual junctions, of the total energy of
the system and, moreover, of the rate of change of energy of the system with respect to
time, thus making it an ideal method in the analysis of the process of supra-transmission.
As indicated in Mickens [131], an important problem in solid state physics is to
understand the interactions of electrons and holes created by the action of a laser with a
semi-conductor [20,44]. The simplest model of this phenomena is given by three coupled,
nonlinear PDEs in one space dimension, where the dependent variables are, respectively,
the charge densities of the electrons, the holes, and the electric eld [20,44]. In [131],
Mickens derived a NSFD scheme for the coupled, nonlinear PDEs modelling laser generated electrons and holes in a semiconductor. The main purpose of this paper was to
demonstrate, using NSFDM, that discretizations of the drift-diusion equations can be
constructed such that the positivity condition for electrons and holes holds.
Chakrabarti and Cole [31] investigated how well dierent geometries of the object can
be determined from the back scattered waves by using a high accuracy Non-Standard Finite
Dierence Time Inverse (NSFD-TI) Maxwells algorithm and how the refractive index of
the object plays a deterministic role on its size.
Macas-Daz and Ruiz-Ramrez [110] proposed a nonstandard symmetry-preserving
scheme to approximate the solutions of a generalization of the classical, one-dimensional,
NewellWhiteheadSegel equation from uid mechanics. Their method preserves the
skew-symmetry of the problem of interest, and consistently approximates the solutions
of the equation under investigation, with a consistency of the rst order in time and
of the second order in space. They proved that, under relatively exible conditions on
the computational parameters of the method, their technique yields bounded numerical
approximations for every set of bounded initial estimates. In a followup work, Macas-Daz
et al. [111] proposed another NSFD scheme to approximate the solutions of a generalized
BurgersHuxley equation. Even this scheme could preserve the skew-symmetry of the
governing PDE and, under some analytical constraints of the model constants and the
computational parameters involved, it is capable of preserving the boundedness and
the positivity of the solutions.
Moaddy et al. [145] proposed a NSFD method to study the dynamic behaviours in
the fractional-order Rssler chaotic and hyperchaotic systems. In [146], they developed
a NSFD scheme to solve the linear partial dierential equations with time- and spacefractional derivatives associated with linear fractional PDEs in uid mechanics. They
used GrnwaldLetnikov method derivatives. Their numerical illustrations include the
linear inhomogeneous time-fractional equation, linear space-fractional telegraph equation,
linear inhomogeneous fractional Burgers equation and the fractional wave equation. The
readers may note that Nagy and Sweilam also used GrnwaldLetinkovs approach for
approximating the fractional derivatives when they presented a NSFD method for solving
fractional HodgkinHuxley model in [159]. Note that, in [164], Ongun et al. presented
some NSFD schemes for a fractional order Brusselator system.
In [79], Hernandez-Martinez et al. derived a NSFD scheme based on Greens function
formulations for reactiondiusionconvection systems. They divided the formulation of
the NSFD scheme into three stages. In the rst one, the domain of the original boundary
value problem was decomposed into N subdomains. In the second stage, for each subdo-

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications



main, integral formulations based on Greens functions were derived for each subdomain.
Finally, the resulting integrals were approximated by means of quadrature rules. The
proposed NSFD scheme based on Greens function formulation incorporates, in a natural
way, the eects of boundary nodes in the discretization approximation (i.e. avoiding the use
of heuristic rules). Their method has the global approximation orders of O(h2 ) and lead to
smaller approximation errors with respect to standard FD schemes. They used numerical
simulations on a catalytic particle model and a benchmark tubular reactor model for
illustrating the accuracy and performance of the proposed NSFD scheme as compared to
standard nite dierences schemes. Prior to this work, the authors have used the concept
of Greens function to formulate nonlocal nite dierence schemes for reactiondiusion
equations in [80] where they have used nonlocal approximations in the whole domain
including boundary nodes.
In [100], Liao and Ding employed the idea of NSFD discretization to develop two
variational integrators for the nonlinear Schrdinger equation with variable coecients.
These integrators were naturally multi-symplectic, and their multi-symplectic structures
are presented by the formulas in the multi-symplectic form.
Wand and Ding [191] used a NSFD scheme to study a complex autonomously driven
single limit cycle oscillator with delayed feedback. They translated the original model to a
two-dimensional system and investigated the stability of the equilibrium of the model by
analysing the characteristic equation. In the two-dimensional discrete model, they found
that there are stability switches on the time delay and Hopf bifurcation when the delay
passes a sequence of critical values.
In [135], Mickens constructed a NSFD scheme for the linearized Euler partial dierential
equations modelling acoustic propagation in one space dimension. Unlike other works on
this discretization problem, he formulated it in terms of a single, second-order PDE rather
than as two separate rst-order equations. Recently, Zhang et al. [196] used a solitary wave
solution and designed an exact and a NSFD scheme to solve Burgers and BurgersFisher
Some other relevant contributions falling under this category were use of NSFD schemes
to solve singular boundary value problems in cylindrical or spherical coordinates arising
in theoretical aerodynamics (Buckmire [28]); limiting forms and associated mathematical properties of a nonlinear nite dierence scheme for the linear time-dependent
Schrdinger PDE (Mickens [127]); and the way one can perform spatial discretization
by using NSFD schemes to design a semi-discrete scheme for the 1D beam equation
modelling the transverse vibrations of a beam with xed ends (Lavanya [97]).
3.2. General mathematics
We start this section with the work of Cui [48] who gave nonstandard modied upwind
dierence scheme for one dimensional nonlinear reactiondiusion equation with linear
advection. He used a positivity condition to determine a functional relation between the
time and space step-sizes, and found that it is weaker than that of the corresponding
simple upwind dierence scheme. Note that Chen et al. [37] simultaneously designed
NSFD scheme to solve a generalized Nagumo reactiondiusion equation. To achieve this,
rstly they constructed a competitive nonstandard semi-explicit nite-dierence method
for the diusion-free generalized Nagumo equation. Then they extended this scheme

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications



to construct a semi-explicit and an implicit scheme to solve the full Nagumo reaction
diusion equation.
Letellier et al. [98] considered the Rssler system. They discussed that often it is not
sucient to solve such a system by merely discretizing the dierential equations using any
random numerical scheme. By giving reference to the nonstandard schemes proposed
by Mickens, they highlighted the need of dierence equations that need to be used
simultaneously. Using such nonstandard scheme, they proposed some dierence equations
as discrete analogues of the Rssler system for which it is shown that the dynamics is less
dependent on the time step-size than when a nonstandard scheme is used. In particular,
they observed that the solutions to the discrete models are topologically equivalent to the
solutions to the Rssler system as long as the time step is less than the threshold value
associated with the Nyquist criterion.
In [? ], Mickens gave details on how a NSFD scheme should be constructed for an
advectionreaction PDE for which the exact dierence equation model is known. He also
discussed some computational advantages of the nonstandard scheme. Simultaneously, in
[136] Mickens and Jordan constructed a positivity-preserving NSFD scheme to solve an
initial-boundary value problem involving heat transfer described by the MaxwellCattaneo
thermal conduction law, i.e. a modied form of the classical Fourier ux relation. The
resulting heat transport equation that they obtained is the damped wave equation which is
a PDE of hyperbolic type. They gave exact analytical solutions, mentioned several special
cases, and noted that the positivity condition is equivalent to the usual linear stability
Solis and Chen [182] studied some nonstandard discrete approximations that preseve
stability properties of certain continuous mathematical models. In particular, they showed
how to generalize Mickens approach to dierential equations which have no known exact
analytical solution.
In [29], Buckmire reviewed a class of NSFD scheme, which he called Mickens nite
dierence (MFD) method for approximating the radial derivatives of the Laplacian in
cylindrical coordinates and recounted the development of a similar scheme for the case of
spherical coordinates. Then he presented examples of application of the schemes to several
related (singular and nonsingular, linear and nonlinear) boundary value problems. He also
applied the MFD scheme to the bifurcatory, nonlinear eigenvalue problems of Bratu and
Choo et al. [43] considered NSFD schemes to solve generalized CahnHilliard equation
with Neumann boundary conditions and the KuramotoSivashinsky equation with periodic boundary conditions. Using the extended LaxRichtmyer equivalence theorem, they
obtained stability and error estimate of approximate solutions for these schemes.
In [54], Dimitrov and Kojouharov considered general two-dimensional autonomous
dynamical systems and their standard numerical discretizations. They designed and analysed nonstandard stability-preserving nite-dierence schemes based on the explicit and
implicit Euler and the second-order RungeKutta methods.
Dumont and Lubuma [60] designed NSFD schemes to solve vibro-impact problems in
which the intrinsic qualitative parameters of the system, e.g. the restitution coecient, the
oscillation frequency and the structure of the nonlinear terms, are suitably incorporated.
The schemes that they obtained are unconditionally stable and replicate a number of
important physical properties of the involved oscillator system such as the conservation

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications



of energy between two consecutive impact times. They illustrated the approach through
numerical examples, including the Dung oscillator that develops a chaotic behaviour for
some positions of the obstacle, are presented. Subsequently, they extended this approach
in [61] for multi-dimensional systems.
The NSFD schemes for problems in unbounded domains were consider by Ehrhardt
[63]. He proposed dierent strategies to construct discrete articial boundary conditions.
The derivation of his articial boundary conditions was based on the knowledge of the
exact solution, the construction of asymptotic solutions or the usage of a continued fraction
expansion to a second-order dierence equation. He explained his approach through
three dierent types of PDEs arising in option pricing, in quantum mechanics and in
(underwater) acoustics.
In [103], we considered singular perturbation problems dened by rst-order (systems of) ordinary dierential equations, second-order ordinary dierential equations,
advectionreaction equations and reactiondiusion equations. Many of these problems,
in which a small positive parameter is multiplied to the highest derivative, arise in
various elds of science and engineering such as uid mechanics, uid dynamics, quantum
mechanics, chemical reactor theory, etc. The main concern with such problems is the
rapid growth or decay of their solutions in one or more narrow layer region(s). Often, the
problems are dissipative or dispersive as the rapidly varying component of the solution
decays exponentially (dissipates) or oscillates (disperses) from some points of discontinuity
in the layer region(s) as 0. This singular behaviour of the solution makes classical
numerical methods not reliable. In this work, we provided some complements to the theory
of non-standard nite dierence method and used this theory to design non-standard
schemes, which replicate the above mentioned physical properties of the exact solution
and which, for a class of linear problems, are -uniformly convergent in the sense that the
parameter and the mesh step vary independently from one another. For a xed , the
schemes that we obtained are elementary stable or stable with respect to the monotone
dependence on initial values in the case of rst-order equations and advectionreaction
problems; they are stable with respect to some kind of conservation laws in the case of
second-order equation and they preserve the boundedness and positivity property of the
solution of reactiondiusion problems.
Using a bifurcation technique, de Markus and Mickens [114] constructed NSFD representations of systems of nonlinear dierential equations. This technique provided a
measure of the deviation between bifurcation parameters obtained from xed step representations of the nonlinear system and the values of the parameters determined from
computational experiments. Since this deviation or error is characteristic of a particular
scheme, they used this measure to construct low-error nonstandard representations. They
presented results from several nonlinear test models showing that such nonstandard
schemes yield orbits that followed closely the expected dynamics and also provide a large
reduction in the computational error in comparison to standard numerical integration
In [126], Mickens discussed the concept of dynamic consistency. He alluded that the
need often arises to analyse the dynamics of a system in terms of a discrete formulation.
He mentioned that this can occur by using an a priori discrete model of the system or by
discretizing a continuous model. For the latter case, the continuous model is represented
by dierential equations and the discrete forms come from the requirement to numerically

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications



integrate these equations. He indicated that the concept of dynamic consistency plays an
essential role in the construction of such discrete models which usually are expressed as
nite dierence equations. He dened this concept and illustrated its application to the
construction of NSFD schemes.
In [123], Mickens constructed a discrete model for a particular partial dierential equation having nonlinear advection, diusion, and reaction. Using his NSFD methodology,
he demonstrated that the solutions to the scheme satisfy positivity and boundedness
conditions. Furthermore, he obtained an explicit functional relation between the time
and space step-sizes. He also discussed as to how these results can be generalized to a
broader class of PDEs having these same structural properties.
Alexander et al. [5] discussed the nature of NeimarkSacker bifurcations occurring in
a non-standard numerical scheme, for a class of positivity-preserving systems of ordinary
dierential equations which undergoes a corresponding Hopf bifurcation. Extending their
previous work [4] they showed that the type of NeimarkSacker bifurcation (supercritical
or subcritical) may be aected by the integration time-step (). They gave a general form
of the scheme in the vicinity of a xed point, from which they derived the expression for
the rst Lyapunov coecient for two-dimensional systems, valid for arbitrary time-step.
Their analysis shows that this coecient undergoes an (O()) shift with respect to the
corresponding coecient of the original ODE.
In [39], Chen et al. formulated conditions that guarantee second-order accuracy of
the one-step NSFD methods for general rst order autonomous ordinary dierential
equations. Based on some earlier results obtained in Kojouharov and Chen [92], they
developed a new class of NSFD methods for dierential equations of the form dx/dt =
polynomial (x). They further provided the error analysis and numerical examples that
demonstrated the performance of their new method.
Banerjee and Zhu [23] presented a study of the reection spectra of the wings of the
Morpho didius buttery. Using NSFD time-domain they examined the optical characterization of the butterys iridescent wings and obtained the complex refractive index by
comparing the computed reection/transmission spectra with experimental data at normal
Mickens [129] discussed the general problem of how denominator functions are to
be calculated when using NSFD methods for constructing discrete models of dierential
equations. Using the example of the Fisher PDE with linear advection, he showed that
the denominator functions follow from a simple algorithm. He further emphasized that
an important class of equations to which this method can be applied are those evolution
PDEs describing nonlinear wave phenomena.
Mickens [128] indicated that an essential feature of NSFD schemes for dierential
equations reside with the manner in which the discretization of derivatives is made. He
demonstrated, for dierential equations modelling systems where the solutions satisfy a
positivity condition, that procedures can be formulated to calculate the so-called denominator functions that appear in the discrete derivatives. Through several ODEs and PDEs,
he illustrated these procedures.
Mickens and Jordan [138] dened two coupled PDEs, where one has a diusion term
and the other does not, as the 1 12 space-dimension systems and showed how to construct
NSFD schemes for such systems. They further demonstrated that these schemes preserve
positivity and allow the calculation of an explicit functional relationships between the time

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications



and space step-sizes. As an illustrative example, they considered the case of water owing
through fractured bedrock.
In [2], we presented some results using NSFD methods for sti ordinary dierential
equations. Indeed, we considered the combustion equation as the model equation. For this
equation, we sought a solution over a length of time that is inversely proportional to the
small disturbance of the pre-ignition state. This problem has a transient at the midpoint of
the integration interval. The solution changes from being non-sti to sti, and afterwards
becomes non-sti again which makes it dicult to be solved by using many conventional
solvers. We provided competitive numerical results using NSFD methods.
Using nonlocal approximation of nonlinear terms, Anguelov et al. [7] constructed a
family of non-standard nite dierence schemes to solve Burgers equation. These schemes
replicate the energy equality and the properties of the kinetic energy. They proposed a
systematic nonlocal way of generating approximations that ensure that the trilinear form
is identically zero for repeated arguments.
In [91] Kaushik designed a NSFD scheme to compute the travelling wave solutions of
nonlinear reaction diusion equations at high wave speeds. He linearized the problem
using the quasilinearization process and solved the resulting system by employing NSFD
Kumar and Raghurama Rao [96] presented a composite scheme using localized relaxation with NSFDM for hyperbolic conservation laws. As these authors have mentioned,
NSFDMs introduced by Mickens [117] are interesting alternatives to the traditional nite
dierence and nite volume methods. When applied to linear hyperbolic conservation
laws, these methods reproduce exact solutions. In this paper, they rst extended the
NSFDM to hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, by a novel utilization of the decoupled
equations using characteristic variables. In the second part of this paper, they studied
NSFDM for its ecacy in application to nonlinear scalar hyperbolic conservation laws.
The readers may note that the original NSFDMs introduced in [117] by Mickens were
not in conservation form, which is an important feature in capturing discontinuities at
the right locations. However, about a decade ago, Mickens [119] introduced a NSFDM in
conservative form. This method captures the shock waves exactly, without any numerical
dissipation. Kumar and Raghurama Rao tested this algorithm for the case of expansion
waves with sonic points and is found to generate unphysical expansion shocks. To circumvent this problem, they used the strategy of composite schemes presented in [101] in
which the accurate NSFDM is used as the basic scheme and localized relaxation NSFDM
is used as the supporting scheme which acts like a lter.
An alternate derivation (as compared to what Mickens has proposed in his previous
works) of an exact nite-dierence scheme for a system of two linear dierential equations
with constant coecients is given by Roeger [174]. Simultaneously in [175], she presented
an exact NSFD methods for a linear system for the case of centers where the denominator
function depends on the behaviour of the eigenvalues of the matrix operator. Subsequent
to this, in [177] she constructed a general NSFD schemes that provide explicit methods for
rst-order dierential equations with three xed-points. She showed that these schemes
preserve the critical properties of the original dierential equation such as the positivity of
the solutions, the stability behaviour of all xed-points, and the monotonicity of solutions
in specic regions of the domain. Then in [178] she presented a NSFD schemes for
dierential equations with n + 1 distinct xed-points.

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications



Alvarez-Ramirez and Valdes-Parada [6] presented NSFD schemes for generalized

reactiondiusion equations. The derived this scheme using the Greens function formulation. The scheme replicates the underlying geometry and, as expected, reduces to
traditional FD schemes for suciently small values of the grid spacing.
In [30], Buckmire et al. studied a nonlinear heat equation with square root reaction term.
They began their construction by rst examining the numerical behaviour of the ordinary
dierential equation obtained by dropping the diusion term. Then they used the results
from this simpler case to construct NSFD schemes for the PDE under consideration.
Gandomi and Takenaka [70] presented a NSFD scheme for elastic wave simulations in
two dimensions. This scheme consists of two steps. The rst step was to replace spatial grid
spacing and time step by their frequency optimized counterparts, called the correction
functions, and the second step was to introduce an optimum grid stencil for the nitedierence operator of the 2-D Laplacian. They obtained this optimal stencil by introducing
two optimization parameters estimated for a design frequency.
Total variation diminishing NSFD schemes for conservation laws were presented in
[12] by Anguelov et al. These schemes were derived by using nonlocal approximations
of nonlinear terms. They also used re-normalization of the denominator of the discrete
derivative for deriving explicit schemes of rst or higher order. They showed that unlike the
standard explicit methods, the solutions of these schemes have diminishing total variation
for any time step-size.
Chin et al. [42] considered a linear diusion equation on a nonsmooth domain and
proved that the solution of the corresponding reactiondiusion equation on a nonconvex polygon is globally regular in a suitable weighted Sobolev space. They used this
result to design an optimally convergent Fourier-Finite Element Method where the mesh
size is suitably rened. The overall system was solved by coupling this approach with a
reliable NSFD method. Chin [41] also used the coupling the NSFD method in the time and
the continuous Galerkin method in the space to nd optimal rate of convergence of the
wave equation.
In [109], Macas-Daz and Puri presented a NSFD scheme to approximate solutions of
a damped, hyperbolic partial dierential equation with nonlinear reaction which follows
a generalized logistic form. The model that they considered is a hyperbolic generalization
of the classical FisherKolmogorovPetrovskyPiscounov equation from population dynamics, where the damping term has a constant coecient. They considered both zero
Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. Under certain conditions of the model
and the computational parameters, their method is able to preserve the positivity and
the boundedness of the solutions of the mathematical model. Note that Macas-Daz [?
] had also developed an explicit nite-dierence method to approximate solutions of
modied, FermiPastaUlam media, which consider the presence of parameters, such as
external damping, relativistic mass, a coecient for the nonlinear term, and a coecient
of coupling in the case of discrete systems. In this work, he proposed discrete expressions
to approximate consistently the total energy of the system and the average energy ux, and
prove that the discrete rate of change of energy is a consistent estimate of its continuous
Milev and Tagliani [143] applied NSFD schemes to price options characterized by
discontinuities in the initial conditions of the respective BlackScholes partial dierential
equation. They examined some nite dierence schemes to highlight how discontinuities

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications



can generate numerical drawbacks such as spurious oscillations. In particular, they analysed the drawbacks of the CrankNicolson scheme which is often used in Finance because
of its second order accuracy. They proposed an NSFD scheme that is free of spurious
oscillations and satises the positivity requirement.
In [45], Cieslinski and Ratkiewicz presented a class of NSFD schemes which are modications of the discrete gradient method. They preserve the energy integral exactly (up to
the round-o error). The considered class contains locally exact discrete gradient schemes
and integrators of arbitrary high order. In numerical experiments they compared these
integrators with some other numerical schemes, including the standard discrete gradient
method, the leap-frog scheme and a symplectic scheme of fourth order. We study the error
accumulation for a very long time and the conservation of the energy integral.
Daz-Rodrguez et al. [52] constructed dierent NSFD schemes for a 2 degree of freedom
serial robot with rotational spring-damper-actuators. They developed the mathematical
model of the system using GibbsAppell equation of motion and wrote the resulting
symbolic expressions in conguration-space form allowing the exploitation of some characteristics related to centrifugal and coriolis forces such that nonlocal approximations can
be applied to the quadratic and product joint velocity terms. They showed that NSFD
schemes increase the numerical stability region for the time step-size. Their schemes can
be divided into two approaches: the rst is when denominators of the discrete derivatives
are dened using nontraditional functions of the time step-size in order to ensure that the
xed points of the resulting discrete system has the same stability properties as those of the
original system. In the second approach, they replaced the nonlinear terms by nonlocal
discrete representations.
In [162], Ohtani and Kanai presented optimal coecients of the spatial nite dierence
(FD) operator for the complex NSFD time-domain (CNS-FDTD) method. To derive the
optimal coecients that minimize the dispersion error, they employed a semianalytical
method based on the FD Laplacian. Using the numerical dispersion equation they conrmed that their coecients give the CNS-FDTD method a higher accuracy than the
standard FDTD method.
Radwan et al. [169] developed a framework to obtain approximate numerical solutions of the fractional-order Chuas circuit with Memristor using a non-standard nite
dierence method. They obtained chaotic response with fractional as well as integer-order
elements. Furthermore, they discussed stability analysis and the condition of oscillation for
the integer-order system. Finally, they presented some numerical results conrming the
usefulness of NSFD schemes when solving fractional-order chaotic systems. Subsequent to
this, in [147], Moaddy et al. solved individual and multiple coupled neuron systems with
dierent fractional-orders using non-standard nite dierence scheme together with the
GrnwaldLetnikov discretization. They generalized the integer-order cable model of the
neuron system into the fractional-order domain, where the long memory dependence of
the fractional derivative can be a better t for the neuron response. They also discussed the
chaotic synchronization with a gap junction of two or multi-coupled-neurons of fractionalorder are discussed. In a slightly dierent work, Radwan et al. [170] used a NSFD method
for the numerical solution of the fractional order master and slave systems while solving
control and switching synchronization of fractional order chaotic systems. They discussed
the continuous eect of the fractional order parameter of the L system where the system

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications



response starts stable, passing by chaotic behaviour then reaching periodic response as the
fractional-order increases.
Hajipour and Malek [78] proposed a stable high accuracy hybrid scheme based on nonstandard RungeKutta (NRK) and modied weighted essentially non-oscillatory (MWENO)
techniques for nonlinear degenerate parabolic partial dierential equations. They gave the
necessary stability condition for the combination of a RungeKutta and MWENO scheme.
This stability condition provided a renormalization function such that mixture of explicit
NRK and MWENO scheme is unconditionally stable.
In [90], Kantartzis developed a hybrid unconditionally stable time-domain technique
for the analysis and wideband performance characterization of 3D microwave systems.
The key feature of their frequency-dependent algorithm is the novel high-order nonstandard approximators, whose tensorial properties preserve the hyperbolic character of
Maxwells equations. In this way, their resulting formulation remains completely explicit
and generates eective dual meshes free of articial vector parasites and spurious modes.
They hybridized these schemes, in the context of nonoverlapping subspaces, with an
alternating-direction implicit nite-element time-domain method in an eort to handle
abruptly varying media boundaries and intricate geometries, and hence they could achieve
an extensive decrease of dispersion errors even when time-steps are chosen appreciably
beyond stability limits.
Liao and Xiaohua [99] used NSFD methods to derive the discrete variational integrators
for multisymplectic PDEs. They obtained a NSFD variational integrator for linear wave
equation with a triangle discretization and two NSFD variational integrators for the
nonlinear KleinGordon equation with a triangle discretization and a square discretization,
respectively. These methods were multi-symplectic and their discrete multi-symplectic
structures were presented by the formulas of multi-symplectic form.
In [150], Momani et al. applied a NSFD method to solve a class of initial-boundary value
fractional partial dierential equations with variable coecients on a nite domain. They
examined the case when a left-handed and a right-handed fractional spatial derivative may
be present in the partial dierential equation.
Arenas et al. [16] designed a NSFD scheme to solve a nonlinear BlackScholes equation
modelling illiquid markets. In particular, their method uses an exact dierence scheme
for the linear convection-reaction term whereas they approximated the spatial derivative
using a NSFD scheme. They showed that their scheme preserves the positivity as well
as stability and consistency. On similar lines, Gonzlez-Parra et al. [73] constructed a
numerical method based on a NSFD scheme to solve a nonarbitrage liquidity model with
observable parameters for derivatives.
In [64], Ehrhardt and Mickens considered another model from computational nance.
Using the subequation method, they derived a new NSFD scheme for a class of convectiondiusion equations having constant coecients. They mentioned that though this scheme
has nonlinear denominator functions of the step-sizes (even for linear PDEs), it has a couple
of favourable properties: it is explicit and due to its construction it reproduces important
properties of the solution of the parabolic PDE. This proposed method conserves, by
construction, the positivity of the solution if one choses a right combination of spatial and
temporal step-sizes and hence it is perfectly suited for solving, for example, air pollution
problems or the BlackScholes equation for the valuation of standard options, since it
avoids negative values for the calculated prices.

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications



Chapwanya et al. [33] investigated the performance of an exact scheme for the Michaelis
Menten ordinary dierential equation with several NSFD schemes. They used the exact
scheme of the MichaelisMenten equation to design several dynamically consistent NSFD
schemes for related reactiondiusion, advectionreaction, and advectionreaction
diusion equations.
In [193], Washington provided NSFD representations for polynomial terms appearing
in the potential functions of 1-dimensional conservative systems. To obtain the desired
scheme, she imposed conditions following from the constraints of parity invariance and
the conservation of energy.
Kosmas and Papadopoulos [93] investigated a class of numerical techniques, which
are based on NSFD schemes, that take advantage of discrete variational principles, for
the numerical solution of multi-symplectic PDEs arising from various physical problems.
The resulting integrators, which use the NSFD framework, are also multi-symplectic. For
the derivation of these integrators,they expressed the necessary discrete Lagrangian at
the appropriate discrete jet bundle using triangle and square discretization. The results
obtained by their numerical schemes showed that for the case of the linear wave equation,
the discrete multi-symplectic structure is preserved.
Using NSFD methods, Mohsen [149] solved the Bratu problem where he considered a
simple sinusoidal starting function having an appropriate amplitude. He also gave bounds
on the amplitude for yielding both lower and upper solutions.
Recently, Momoniat [151] derived two conservative NSFD schemes to solve the regularized long wave equation. He choose the best nonstandard approximation to the nonlinear
term in the regularized long wave equation by considering a modied equation. He
showed that the two best nonstandard numerical schemes preserve conserved quantities as
compared to an implicit scheme in which the nonlinear term is approximated in the usual
way. Comparisons of his proposed methods applied to the single solitary wave solution
show signicantly better results, measured in the L2 and L norms, when compared to
results that he obtained by using a PetrovGalerkin nite element method and a splitted
quadratic B-spline collocation method.
In [192], Wang and Roeger proposed a class of NSFD schemes to approximate the
solutions of a class of generalized convectiondiusionreaction equations. In the case
of no diusion, they presented two exact nite dierence schemes using the method of
characteristics. Based on these two exact schemes, they presented a class of exact schemes.
However, the forms of these exact schemes are so complicated that they are not convenient
to use. Hence, they derived a class of NSFD schemes from these exact schemes. They
showed that under certain conditions about denominator function of time-step sizes, these
NSFD schemes are elementary stable and the solutions are positive and bounded. Then by
means of the Mickens technique of subequations, they constructed a new class of implicit
NSFD schemes for the full convection-diusion-reaction equations. On similar lines, Qin
et al. [168] proposed a NSFD scheme for an advectiondiusionreaction equation with
nonlinear reaction term. They also study rst the diusion-free case and then design the
scheme for the full system.
Macas-Daz and Villa-Morales [112] considered a generic, diusive partial dierential
equation with nonpolynomial advection/convection, and reaction laws. Using nonlocal
approximations, they developed NSFD schemes that conditionally preserve the properties
of non-negativity, boundedness, and temporal and spatial monotonicity of approxima-



tions, which are characteristics that are inherent to some kink-like solutions of particular
forms of the mathematical model under investigation.
Some other relevant works are use of NSFD schemes to solve (i) One-dimensional
advectiondiusion equation (Appadu [15]), (ii) Hamilton-Jacobi equations (Anguelov
et al. [11] in which their nal scheme is a coupling of a nite element method and
a NSFD method), (iii) Contaminant transport model with Langmuir sorption under
nonequilibrium conditions (Liu et al. [102]), and (iv) A fuzzy rst order initial value
problem (Arslan et al. [19]).

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications

4. Applications of NSFDMs for singular perturbation problems

In past three decades, singularly perturbed dierential equations have been treated by several numerical techniques, of which, the most popular were the tted numerical methods.
These tted methods were further classied as Fitted Mesh Finite Dierence Methods
It is known that the solution of singular perturbation problems possesses boundary
and/or interior layer(s), hence problems have been experienced with the classical methods
when applied to the solve these problems. Many of these classical methods have severe
restrictions on the step-size to preserve the stability properties when the perturbation
parameter(s) is(are) very small. To avoid such restrictions, there are two ways to design the
schemes which have small truncation errors inside these layers. The rst one is to choose
a dierence formula (on a uniform mesh) which reects the behaviour of the solution
in these layers. This strategy falls under the class of tted operator methods (FOFDM as
mentioned above). The second one is to choose a ne mesh in the layer region(s) which
forms the class of tted mesh methods. Both the strategies have their own merits and
demerits. On one hand, FOFDMs work well on a uniform mesh but are dicult to extend
for higher dimensional problems (except those FOFDMs which are based on NSFDMs
that we have developed recently). On the other hand, the FMFDMs are easy to extend for
higher dimensional and nonlinear problems but require the knowledge of the location
and exact width of the layer(s).
The debate on appropriate FMFDM became more popular as mentioned [87] by Stynes
[183]: Miller has moved from [144] the question what scheme should one use on a
given mesh? to [69] what mesh should one use with a given scheme? Furthermore, it
was pointed out in Farrel [68], that in general, the exponentially tted nite dierence
methods (EFFDMs) are more eective inside the layers. However, though these methods
are uniformly convergent, they do not give fairly good approximations in the whole interval
of interest. In view of these, in past decade we explored whether we can meet the demand
of providing better solutions using FOFDM where mesh is not an issue at all? The answer
to this question led to the development of a new class of FOFDMs, namely, NSFDMs.
In many of the articles, that we mention below, often the term FOFDM is used for these
NSFDMs because the latter is a more general class of methods and FOFDM classies them
to a very specialized research domain.
In [104], we designed and analysed some uniformly convergent NSFD methods for
self-adjoint singular perturbation problems. The schemes could capture some key physical
properties, e.g. dissipativity of the solutions, through appropriate renormalization of the
denominator of the discrete derivative. On the other hand, the problems, whose solutions

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications



are dispersive in nature, were treated in our another work [105]. In fact, in that work, we
have considered two types of problems: (i) those having solutions with layer behaviour and
(ii) those having solutions with oscillatory behaviour. Since no FMFDMs were available for
the latter type of problems, we felt it was important to explore FOFDMs for them. In [106],
we designed and implemented two NSFDMs to solve singularly perturbed advection
reaction equations (SPARE). Our methods constitute a big plus to the class of those rare
tted operator methods, which can be extended to singularly perturbed partial dierential
equations. Unlike the SFDMs, the NSFDMs designed in this paper allow the time and
the space step sizes to vary independently of one another and of the parameter in
the SPARE under consideration. The NSFDMs replicate the linear stability properties
of the xed points of the continuous problem. Furthermore, these methods preserve the
positivity and boundedness properties of the exact solution. We further explored the utility
of these FOFDMs for solving singularly perturbed turning point problem whose solution
has boundary layers in [157].
In [167], we extended the NSFDMs which we have designed originally to solve SPPs
without delays to the cases when there is a small delay. In particular, we considered a class
of second order, linear, singularly perturbed dierential-dierence equations and designed
-uniformly convergent NSFDMs. We further extended this approach to solve singularly
perturbed dierential-dierence equations with delay and advance in [166] and for a more
general class of singularly perturbed dierential-dierence equations in [88].
Since last decade, there has been a great interest towards the higher order methods
for singularly perturbed problems. The reason is that as compared to their lower order
counterparts, they provide better accuracy with fewer mesh points. As we have noticed,
construction and/or implementation of direct higher order methods is usually very complicated. Thus a natural choice is to use some convergence acceleration techniques, e.g.
Richardson extrapolation. To this end, in [152] we considered two types of FOFDMs, one
of which was designed using the nonstandard methodology and for which the Richardson
extrapolation could improve the rates from 2 to 4. Subsequently, we solved singularly
perturbed elliptic problems in [153] and singularly perturbed elliptic convection-diusion
problems in two dimensions in [155].
With the aim of exploring our NSFDMs to better suit the needs of a class of FOFDMs
that could not be extended earlier for time-dependent parabolic PDEs (and their systems),
in [25], we attempted to solve a singularly perturbed delay parabolic partial dierential
equation. By using our FOFDM, we obtained better results than the FMFDM of Ansari
et al. [14]. Subsequently, in [24], we further extended this work to solve a system of such
delayed parabolic PDEs. In fact, we considered a system of two coupled partial delay
dierential equations describing the dynamics of two cooperative species. The original
system was reduced to a system of ordinary delay dierential equations which was then
solved by our FOFDMs. The model considered in this paper was very sensitive to small
changes in the parameters associated in with the model. Depending on the values of these
parameters, the solution can be stable, periodic and/or aperiodic. Such behaviour of the
solution was easily exploited via the proposed FOFDM. Furthermore, this FOFDM was
proved to be unconditionally stable and has the accuracy of O(k + h2 ), where k and h
were used to denote time and space step-sizes, respectively. Then in [26], we proposed an
FOFDM singularly perturbed delay parabolic partial dierential equations which has the
accuracy of O(k2 + h2 ). Using these FOFDMs, we solved a system of singularly perturbed



reactiondiusion equations in [154], singularly perturbed parabolic reactiondiusion

problems in [156] and more recently, their systems in [158].
Currently, we are exploring possible ways of constructing some direct higher order
FOFDMs to solve singularly perturbed system.

Journal of Difference Equations and Applications

5. Concluding remarks
The main aim of this article was to give the readers an up-to-date account of research
in the eld of NSFDMs since the previous survey article of the author published in 2005
[165]. While listing some key contributions that have invariably conrmed the robustness
of NSFD schemes, the focus was also on grouping these contributions, in particular,
problem/model specic ones, together so that novice researchers do not nd it dicult in
identifying the gaps which they may wish to ll. Moreover, for the rst time, we made it very
clear in this article that why a particular class of NSFD can better be named as FOFDMs
when applied to solve singularly perturbed problems. This classication of these methods
put them in a very special class of numerical schemes that are highly competitive and easily
extendible to solve complex systems of singularly perturbed dierential equations. From
all that we presented, no doubt, this area has a great potential for growth.

I would like to thank Prof. R.E. Mickens (Clark Atlanta University, USA) for inviting me to
write this review article. I am also indebted to him for many valuable discussion on this topic
at dierent occasions, including those during my recent visit to him in November 2014. Comments
and suggestion that I received from the referees were also very helpful in improving the presentation
of this paper, and hence, I duly acknowledge those referees.

Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the authors.

The research contained in this paper was supported by South African National Research Foundation.

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