Communication Class Test

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English Communication

Class Test
Duration 1 Hr
Marks -40
Instructions: Answer all questions; marks are written against the questions


1. Define Communication.
2. Draw the Communication process model.

3. List the 3 Types of Channels within an organization.

4. What is Small talk, what does it help in communication?
5. List 4 types of Internal Barriers.
6. Explain the term Barrier.
7. What are the ways to overcome semantic barriers to communication?
8. Explain in your own words the importance of communication for a Hospitality Professional
9. What is the meaning of Proxemics?
10.What is the meant by Jargon?

Fill in the blanks:5

11.Haptics is communication through ________________________
12.The effects of time on communication is called________________________
13.The study of communication through eyes is called______________________
14.Any idea, thought, feeling or opinion to be communicated (clear or unclear) is
15.Receivers response to the message/indicates the message is seen, heard and understood is
known as___________
State whether true (T) or false(F)
16.Freedom of speech means you can say anything you please.
17.Words can strain relationships, destroy trust or land you in jail.
18.Receiver assigns meaning to symbols is known as Encoding.
19.Gossip means one individual passes the news to all others.
20.Facial expressions are a part of Kinesics.
Circle the right answer for each question.
21.Which of these is a communication skill?
A) talking clearly B) chewing gum C) looking bored
22.Which of these is not a communication skill?
A) running B) texting C) chatting to people
23.What body language shows you are listening?
A) turning away from the speaker B) nodding and making eye contact C) looking out of the
24. Someone is telling you about an accident they've had. How would you react?
A) look pleased B) look behind you C) look concerned
25.If you don't agree with someone else, what would you say?
A) You are wrong. B) I don't agree. C) Stop talking rubbish.
26.If you want to complain, what's the best way to behave?
A) stay calm but stick to your point B) get very angry C) get ready to cry
27.If you need to make a phone call for information what could you do before you call?
A) prepare your questions B) brush your teeth C) make a coffee
28.You have a discussion with a friend about politics. You don't agree with them. What should you
A) change the subject B) say what you believe C) get angry with your friend
29.When would you send a postcard?
A) when you want to go out with your friend B) when you can't get to work C) when you are on
30.Which of these is not a form of communication?
A) talking B) washing C) body language D) listening

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