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Water pollution

Raw sewage and industrial waste in the New River as it passes

from Mexicali to Calexico, California

Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies

(e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers and groundwater).
This form of environmental degradation occurs when
pollutants are directly or indirectly discharged into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful
Water pollution aects the entire biosphere plants and
organisms living in these bodies of water. In almost all Pollution in the Lachine Canal, Canada
cases the eect is damaging not only to individual species
and population, but also to the natural biological commu- as polluted.[6] The head of Chinas national development
agency said in 2007 that one quarter the length of Chinas
seven main rivers were so poisoned the water harmed the


Water is typically referred to as polluted when it is impaired by anthropogenic contaminants and either does not
support a human use, such as drinking water, or undergoes a marked shift in its ability to support its constituent
biotic communities, such as sh. Natural phenomena
such as volcanoes, algae blooms, storms, and earthquakes
also cause major changes in water quality and the ecological status of water.

Water pollution is a major global problem which requires

ongoing evaluation and revision of water resource policy at all levels (international down to individual aquifers
and wells). It has been suggested that water pollution is
the leading worldwide cause of deaths and diseases,[1][2]
and that it accounts for the deaths of more than 14,000
people daily.[2] An estimated 580 people in India die of
water pollution related illness every day.[3] About 90 percent of the water in the cities of China is polluted.[4] As of
2007, half a billion Chinese had no access to safe drinking
water.[5] In addition to the acute problems of water pollution in developing countries, developed countries also
continue to struggle with pollution problems. For example, in the most recent national report on water quality in
the United States, 44 percent of assessed stream miles,
64 percent of assessed lake acres, and 30 percent of assessed bays and estuarine square miles were classied

2 Categories
Although interrelated, surface water and groundwater
have often been studied and managed as separate
resources.[8] Surface water seeps through the soil and becomes groundwater. Conversely, groundwater can also
feed surface water sources. Sources of surface water pollution are generally grouped into two categories based on


their origin.


Point sources

Blue drain and yellow sh symbol used by the UK Environment

Agency to raise awareness of the ecological impacts of contaminating surface drainage

Point source pollution Shipyard Rio de Janeiro.

Point source water pollution refers to contaminants that

enter a waterway from a single, identiable source, such
as a pipe or ditch. Examples of sources in this category include discharges from a sewage treatment plant,
a factory, or a city storm drain. The U.S. Clean Water
Act (CWA) denes point source for regulatory enforcement purposes.[9] The CWA denition of point source
was amended in 1987 to include municipal storm sewer
systems, as well as industrial storm water, such as from
construction sites.[10]


classied as surface water pollution.[8] By its very nature, groundwater aquifers are susceptible to contamination from sources that may not directly aect surface
water bodies, and the distinction of point vs. non-point
source may be irrelevant. A spill or ongoing release of
chemical or radionuclide contaminants into soil (located
away from a surface water body) may not create point
or non-point source pollution but can contaminate the
aquifer below, creating a toxic plume. The movement
of the plume, called a plume front, may be analyzed
through a hydrological transport model or groundwater
model. Analysis of groundwater contamination may focus on soil characteristics and site geology, hydrogeology,
hydrology, and the nature of the contaminants.

Non-point sources

Nonpoint source pollution refers to diuse contamination

that does not originate from a single discrete source. NPS
pollution is often the cumulative eect of small amounts
of contaminants gathered from a large area. A common
example is the leaching out of nitrogen compounds from
fertilized agricultural lands.[11] Nutrient runo in storm
water from sheet ow over an agricultural eld or a forest are also cited as examples of NPS pollution.

3 Causes
The specic contaminants leading to pollution in water
include a wide spectrum of chemicals, pathogens, and
physical changes such as elevated temperature and discoloration. While many of the chemicals and substances
that are regulated may be naturally occurring (calcium,
sodium, iron, manganese, etc.) the concentration is often
the key in determining what is a natural component of
water and what is a contaminant. High concentrations of
naturally occurring substances can have negative impacts
on aquatic ora and fauna.

Contaminated storm water washed o of parking lots,

roads and highways, called urban runo, is sometimes
included under the category of NPS pollution. However,
because this runo is typically channeled into storm drain
systems and discharged through pipes to local surface waOxygen-depleting substances may be natural materials
ters, it becomes a point source.
such as plant matter (e.g. leaves and grass) as well as
man-made chemicals. Other natural and anthropogenic
substances may cause turbidity (cloudiness) which blocks
2.3 Groundwater pollution
light and disrupts plant growth, and clogs the gills of some
Main article: Groundwater pollution
sh species.[12]
Many of the chemical substances are toxic. Pathogens
Interactions between groundwater and surface water are can produce waterborne diseases in either human or ancomplex. Consequently, groundwater pollution, also re- imal hosts.[13] Alteration of waters physical chemistry
ferred to as groundwater contamination, is not as easily includes acidity (change in pH), electrical conductivity,


Organic, inorganic and macroscopic contaminants

temperature, and eutrophication. Eutrophication is an increase in the concentration of chemical nutrients in an

ecosystem to an extent that increases in the primary productivity of the ecosystem. Depending on the degree
of eutrophication, subsequent negative environmental effects such as anoxia (oxygen depletion) and severe reductions in water quality may occur, aecting sh and other
animal populations.



Fecal sludge collected from pit latrines is dumped into a river at

the Korogocho slum in Nairobi, Kenya.

cause of disease, are commonly used as a bacterial indicator of water pollution. Other microorganisms sometimes
found in surface waters that have caused human health
problems include:
Burkholderia pseudomallei
Cryptosporidium parvum
Giardia lamblia
Norovirus and other viruses
Parasitic worms including the Schistosoma type

Poster to teach people in South Asia about human activities leading to the pollution of water sources

High levels of pathogens may result from on-site

sanitation systems (septic tanks, pit latrines) or inadequately treated sewage discharges.[16] This can be caused
by a sewage plant designed with less than secondary treatment (more typical in less-developed countries). In developed countries, older cities with aging infrastructure
may have leaky sewage collection systems (pipes, pumps,
valves), which can cause sanitary sewer overows. Some
cities also have combined sewers, which may discharge
untreated sewage during rain storms.[17]
Pathogen discharges may also be caused by poorly managed livestock operations.

3.2 Organic, inorganic and macroscopic

A manhole cover unable to contain a sanitary sewer overow.

Contaminants may include organic and inorganic substances.

Disease-causing microorganisms are referred to as

pathogens. Although the vast majority of bacteria are ei- Organic water pollutants include:
ther harmless or benecial, a few pathogenic bacteria can
cause disease. Coliform bacteria, which are not an actual


Drug pollution involving pharmaceutical drugs and

their metabolites

Muddy river polluted by sediment.

Macroscopic Pollution in Parks Milwaukee, WI

Inorganic water pollutants include:

Acidity caused by industrial discharges (especially
sulfur dioxide from power plants)
Ammonia from food processing waste
A garbage collection boom in an urban-area stream in Auckland,
New Zealand.

Disinfection by-products found in chemically

disinfected drinking water, such as chloroform
Food processing waste, which can include oxygendemanding substances, fats and grease
Insecticides and herbicides, a huge range of
organohalides and other chemical compounds

Chemical waste as industrial by-products

Fertilizers containing nutrients--nitrates and
phosphateswhich are found in storm water
runo from agriculture, as well as commercial and
residential use[18]
Heavy metals from motor vehicles (via urban storm
water runo)[18][19] and acid mine drainage
Silt (sediment) in runo from construction sites, logging, slash and burn practices or land clearing sites.

Petroleum hydrocarbons, including fuels (gasoline,

diesel fuel, jet fuels, and fuel oil) and lubricants (motor oil), and fuel combustion byproducts, from storm Macroscopic pollution large visible items polluting the
water runo[18]
water may be termed oatables in an urban storm water context, or marine debris when found on the open seas,
Volatile organic compounds, such as industrial
and can include such items as:
solvents, from improper storage.
Chlorinated solvents, which are dense non-aqueous
phase liquids, may fall to the bottom of reservoirs,
since they don't mix well with water and are denser.
Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs)
Various chemical compounds found in personal
hygiene and cosmetic products

Trash or garbage (e.g. paper, plastic, or food waste)

discarded by people on the ground, along with accidental or intentional dumping of rubbish, that are
washed by rainfall into storm drains and eventually
discharged into surface waters
Nurdles, small ubiquitous waterborne plastic pellets
Shipwrecks, large derelict ships.

ported, because toxins climb the food chain after small
sh consume copepods, then large sh eat smaller sh,
etc. Each successive step up the food chain causes a cumulative concentration of pollutants such as heavy metals
(e.g. mercury) and persistent organic pollutants such as
DDT. This is known as bio-magnication, which is occasionally used interchangeably with bio-accumulation.

The Brayton Point Power Station in Massachusetts discharges

heated water to Mount Hope Bay.


Thermal pollution

Main article: Thermal pollution

Thermal pollution is the rise or fall in the temperature
of a natural body of water caused by human inuence.
Thermal pollution, unlike chemical pollution, results in
a change in the physical properties of water. A common cause of thermal pollution is the use of water as
a coolant by power plants and industrial manufacturers. Elevated water temperatures decrease oxygen levels, which can kill sh and alter food chain composition,
reduce species biodiversity, and foster invasion by new
thermophilic species.[20][21][22] Urban runo may also elevate temperature in surface waters.
Thermal pollution can also be caused by the release of
very cold water from the base of reservoirs into warmer
A polluted river draining an abandoned copper mine on Anglesey
Large gyres (vortexes) in the oceans trap oating plastic
debris. The North Pacic Gyre, for example, has collected the so-called "Great Pacic Garbage Patch", which
is now estimated to be one hundred times the size of
Texas. Plastic debris can absorb toxic chemicals from
See also: Marine pollution
ocean pollution, potentially poisoning any creature that
eats it.[23] Many of these long-lasting pieces wind up in
Most water pollutants are eventually carried by rivers into the stomachs of marine birds and animals. This results in
the oceans. In some areas of the world the inuence can obstruction of digestive pathways, which leads to reduced
be traced one hundred miles from the mouth by studies appetite or even starvation.
using hydrology transport models. Advanced computer
models such as SWMM or the DSSAM Model have been Many chemicals undergo reactive decay or chemiused in many locations worldwide to examine the fate cal change, especially over long periods of time in
of pollutants in aquatic systems. Indicator lter feeding groundwater reservoirs. A noteworthy class of such
species such as copepods have also been used to study chemicals is the chlorinated hydrocarbons such as
pollutant fates in the New York Bight, for example. The trichloroethylene (used in industrial metal degreasing and
highest toxin loads are not directly at the mouth of the electronics manufacturing) and tetrachloroethylene used
Hudson River, but 100 km (62 mi) south, since several in the dry cleaning industry. Both of these chemicals,
days are required for incorporation into planktonic tissue. which are carcinogens themselves, undergo partial deThe Hudson discharge ows south along the coast due to composition reactions, leading to new hazardous chemthe coriolis force. Further south are areas of oxygen de- icals (including dichloroethylene and vinyl chloride).
pletion caused by chemicals using up oxygen and by algae Groundwater pollution is much more dicult to abate
blooms, caused by excess nutrients from algal cell death than surface pollution because groundwater can move
and decomposition. Fish and shellsh kills have been re- great distances through unseen aquifers. Non-porous

Transport and chemical reactions of water pollutants

aquifers such as clays partially purify water of bacteria

by simple ltration (adsorption and absorption), dilution,
and, in some cases, chemical reactions and biological
activity; however, in some cases, the pollutants merely
transform to soil contaminants. Groundwater that moves
through open fractures and caverns is not ltered and can
be transported as easily as surface water. In fact, this
can be aggravated by the human tendency to use natural
sinkholes as dumps in areas of karst topography.

Sampling for biological testing involves collection of

plants and/or animals from the surface water body. Depending on the type of assessment, the organisms may be
identied for biosurveys (population counts) and returned
to the water body, or they may be dissected for bioassays
to determine toxicity.
Further information: Water quality Sampling and

There are a variety of secondary eects stemming not

from the original pollutant, but a derivative condition.
An example is silt-bearing surface runo, which can inhibit the penetration of sunlight through the water col- 5.2
umn, hampering photosynthesis in aquatic plants.



Physical testing

Common physical tests of water include temperature,

solids concentrations (e.g., total suspended solids (TSS))
and turbidity.

5.3 Chemical testing

See also: water chemistry analysis and environmental

Environmental scientists preparing water autosamplers.

Water samples may be examined using the principles

of analytical chemistry. Many published test methods
are available for both organic and inorganic compounds.
Frequently used methods include pH, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD),[25]:102 chemical oxygen demand
(COD),[25]:104 nutrients (nitrate and phosphorus compounds), metals (including copper, zinc, cadmium, lead
and mercury), oil and grease, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), and pesticides.

Water pollution may be analyzed through several broad

categories of methods: physical, chemical and biological.
Most involve collection of samples, followed by specialized analytical tests. Some methods may be conducted 5.4 Biological testing
in situ, without sampling, such as temperature. Government agencies and research organizations have published Main article: Bioindicator
standardized, validated analytical test methods to facilitate the comparability of results from disparate testing
Biological testing involves the use of plant, animal, and/or
microbial indicators to monitor the health of an aquatic
ecosystem. They are any biological species or group of
species whose function, population, or status can reveal
5.1 Sampling
what degree of ecosystem or environmental integrity is
One example of a group of bio-indicators
Sampling of water for physical or chemical testing can present.
and other small water crustaceans that
be done by several methods, depending on the accuracy
water bodies. Such organisms can
needed and the characteristics of the contaminant. Many
(biochemical, physiological,
contamination events are sharply restricted in time, most
a problem within their
commonly in association with rain events. For this reason
grab samples are often inadequate for fully quantifying
contaminant levels. Scientists gathering this type of data For microbial testing of
often employ auto-sampler devices that pump increments Bacteriological water analysis.
of water at either time or discharge intervals.





Agricultural wastewater treatment

Control of pollution

Decisions on the type and degree of treatment and control

of wastes, and the disposal and use of adequately treated
wastewater, must be based on a consideration all the technical factors of each drainage basin, in order to prevent
any further contamination or harm to the environment.[27]


Sewage treatment

Dissolved air otation system for treating industrial wastewater.

Main article: Sewage treatment
In urban areas of developed countries, domestic sewage

sewage that can be treated by municipal facilities. Industries that generate wastewater with high concentrations of
conventional pollutants (e.g. oil and grease), toxic pollutants (e.g. heavy metals, volatile organic compounds)
or other non-conventional pollutants such as ammonia,
need specialized treatment systems. Some of these facilities can install a pre-treatment system to remove the
toxic components, and then send the partially treated
wastewater to the municipal system. Industries generating large volumes of wastewater typically operate their
own complete on-site treatment systems. Some industries
have been successful at redesigning their manufacturing
processes to reduce or eliminate pollutants, through a proDeer Island Wastewater Treatment Plant serving Boston, Mas- cess called pollution prevention.
sachusetts and vicinity.
Heated water generated by power plants or manufacturing
plants may be controlled with:
is typically treated by centralized sewage treatment
plants. Well-designed and operated systems (i.e., sec cooling ponds, man-made bodies of water designed
ondary treatment or better) can remove 90 percent or
for cooling by evaporation, convection, and radiation
more of the pollutant load in sewage. Some plants have
additional systems to remove nutrients and pathogens.
cooling towers, which transfer waste heat to the
atmosphere through evaporation and/or heat transCities with sanitary sewer overows or combined sewer
overows employ one or more engineering approaches to
reduce discharges of untreated sewage, including:

cogeneration, a process where waste heat is recycled

for domestic and/or industrial heating purposes.[29]

utilizing a green infrastructure approach to improve

storm water management capacity throughout the
system, and reduce the hydraulic overloading of the
treatment plant[28]

Agricultural wastewater treatment

repair and replacement of leaking and malfunction- Main article: Agricultural wastewater treatment
ing equipment[17]
increasing overall hydraulic capacity of the sewage Non point source controls
Sediment (loose soil) washed o elds is the largest
collection system (often a very expensive option).
source of agricultural pollution in the United States.[12]
Farmers may utilize erosion controls to reduce runo
A household or business not served by a municipal treat- ows and retain soil on their elds. Common techment plant may have an individual septic tank, which pre- niques include contour plowing, crop mulching, crop rotreats the wastewater on site and inltrates it into the soil. tation, planting perennial crops and installing riparian
buers.[30][31]:pp. 4-954-96


Industrial wastewater treatment

Nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) are typically applied

to farmland as commercial fertilizer, animal manure, or
Main article: Industrial wastewater treatment
spraying of municipal or industrial wastewater (euent)
Some industrial facilities generate ordinary domestic or sludge. Nutrients may also enter runo from crop


increasing government regulation.[33][34] Animal slurries

are usually treated by containment in anaerobic lagoons
before disposal by spray or trickle application to grassland. Constructed wetlands are sometimes used to facilitate treatment of animal wastes. Some animal slurries are
treated by mixing with straw and composted at high temperature to produce a bacteriologically sterile and friable
manure for soil improvement.

6.4 Erosion and sediment control from

construction sites

Riparian buer lining a creek in Iowa.

Silt fence installed on a construction site.

residues, irrigation water, wildlife, and atmospheric de- Sediment from construction sites is managed by installaposition.[31]:p. 29 Farmers can develop and implement tion of:
nutrient management plans to reduce excess application
of nutrients[30][31]:pp. 4-374-38 and reduce the potential for
erosion controls, such as mulching and
nutrient pollution.
hydroseeding, and
To minimize pesticide impacts, farmers may use
sediment controls, such as sediment basins and silt
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques (which
can include biological pest control) to maintain control
over pests, reduce reliance on chemical pesticides, and
Discharge of toxic chemicals such as motor fuels and conprotect water quality.[32]
crete washout is prevented by use of:
spill prevention and control plans, and
specially designed containers (e.g. for concrete
washout) and structures such as overow controls
and diversion berms.[36]

6.5 Control of urban runo (storm water)

Main article: Urban runo
See also: Green infrastructure
Eective control of urban runo involves reducing the
velocity and ow of storm water, as well as reducing pollutant discharges. Local governments use a variety of
Feedlot in the United States
storm water management techniques to reduce the eects
Point source wastewater treatment
of urban runo. These techniques, called best manageFarms with large livestock and poultry operations, such ment practices (BMPs) in the U.S., may focus on water
as factory farms, are called concentrated animal feeding quantity control, while others focus on improving water
operations or feedlots in the US and are being subject to quality, and some perform both functions.[37]

9 References
[1] Pink, Daniel H. (April 19, 2006). Investing in Tomorrows Liquid Gold. Yahoo. Archived from the original
on April 23, 2006.
[2] West, Larry (2006-03-26). World Water Day: A
Billion People Worldwide Lack Safe Drinking Water.
[3] An overview of diarrhea, symptoms, diagnosis and the
costs of morbidity (PDF). CHNRI. 2010. Archived from
the original (PDF) on May 12, 2013.

Retention basin for controlling urban runo

Pollution prevention practices include low-impact development techniques, installation of green roofs and improved chemical handling (e.g. management of motor
fuels & oil, fertilizers and pesticides).[38] Runo mitigation systems include inltration basins, bioretention systems, constructed wetlands, retention basins and similar
Thermal pollution from runo can be controlled by storm
water management facilities that absorb the runo or direct it into groundwater, such as bioretention systems
and inltration basins. Retention basins tend to be less
eective at reducing temperature, as the water may be
heated by the sun before being discharged to a receiving
stream.[37]:p. 558

[4] "China says water pollution so severe that cities could lack
safe supplies". June 7, 2005.
[5] Kahn, Joseph; Yardley, Jim (2007-08-26). As China
Roars, Pollution Reaches Deadly Extremes. New York
[6] Fact Sheet: 2004 National Water Quality Inventory Report to Congress (Report). Washington, D.C.: United
States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). January
2009. EPA 841-F-08-003.
[7] Wachman, Richard (2007-12-09). Water becomes the
new oil as world runs dry. The Guardian. London. Retrieved 2015-09-23.
[8] United States Geological Survey (USGS), Denver, CO
(1998). Ground Water and Surface Water: A Single Resource. Circular 1139.
[9] United States. Clean Water Act, section 502(14), 33
U.S.C. 1362 (14).
[10] U.S. CWA section 402(p), 33 U.S.C. 1342(p)

Water pollution by country

See also
Environmental impact of pesticides#Water
Aquatic toxicology
Cultural eutrophication
Nutrient pollution
Trophic state index (water quality indicator for
Watershed Central

[11] Moss, Brian (2008). Water Pollution by Agriculture

(PDF). Phil. Trans. Royal Society B. 363: 659666.
[12] EPA. Protecting Water Quality from Agricultural
Runo. Fact Sheet No. EPA-841-F-05-001. March
[13] C. Michael Hogan (2010). Water pollution.. Encyclopedia of Earth. Topic ed. Mark McGinley; ed. in chief
C. Cleveland. National Council on Science and the Environment, Washington, DC.
[14] USGS. Reston, VA. A Primer on Water Quality. FS027-01. March 2001.
[15] Schueler, Thomas R. Microbes and Urban Watersheds:
Concentrations, Sources, & Pathways. Reprinted in The
Practice of Watershed Protection. 2000. Center for Watershed Protection. Ellicott City, MD.

Streeter-Phelps equation (water quality modeling

[16] EPA. Illness Related to Sewage in Water. Accessed
SWAT model
Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model
Storm Water Management Model

February 20, 2009. Archived April 27, 2006, at the

Wayback Machine.
[17] EPA. "Report to Congress: Impacts and Control of CSOs
and SSOs. August 2004. Document No. EPA-833-R04-001.


[18] G. Allen Burton, Jr., Robert Pitt (2001). Stormwater Effects Handbook: A Toolbox for Watershed Managers, Scientists, and Engineers. New York: CRC/Lewis Publishers.
ISBN 0-87371-924-7. Chapter 2.
[19] Schueler, Thomas R. Cars Are Leading Source of Metal
Loads in California. Reprinted in The Practice of Watershed Protection. 2000. Center for Watershed Protection.
Ellicott City, MD.
[20] Goel, P.K. (2006). Water Pollution - Causes, Eects and
Control. New Delhi: New Age International. p. 179.
ISBN 978-81-224-1839-2.
[21] Kennish, Michael J. (1992). Ecology of Estuaries: Anthropogenic Eects. Marine Science Series. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC Press. pp. 41517. ISBN 978-0-8493-8041-9.
[22] Laws, Edward A. (2000). Aquatic Pollution: An Introductory Text. New York: John Wiley and Sons. p. 430. ISBN
[23] Zaikab, Gwyneth Dickey (2011-03-28).
Marine microbes digest plastic. Nature. Macmillan.
doi:10.1038/news.2011.191. ISSN 0028-0836.
[24] For example, see Baird, Rodger B.; Clesceri, Leonore S.;
Eaton, Andrew D.; et al., eds. (2012). Standard Methods
for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (22nd ed.).
Washington, DC: American Public Health Association.
ISBN 978-0875530130. (subscription required (help)).
[25] Newton, David (2008). Chemistry of the Environment.
Checkmark Books. ISBN 0-8160-7747-9.
[26] Karr, James R. (1981).
Assessment of
[27] Di Luzio, Frank C. (January 1967). Water Pollution
Control: An American Must. Journal (Water Pollution
Control Federation). Water Environment Federation. 39
(1): 17. JSTOR 25035710.
[28] Case Study: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Green Infrastructure Case Studies (Report). EPA. August 2010. pp.
4951. EPA-841-F-10-004.
[29] Prole of the Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation Industry (Report). EPA. September 1997. p. 24. EPA/310R-97-007.
[30] U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
Washington, DC. National Conservation Practice Standards. National Handbook of Conservation Practices.
Accessed 2015-10-02.
[31] National Management Measures to Control Nonpoint
Source Pollution from Agriculture (Report). EPA. July
2003. EPA-841-B-03-004.
[32] Integrated Pest Management Principles. Pest Control
and Pesticide Safety for Consumers. EPA. 2015.
[33] Animal Feeding Operations. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. EPA. 2016.



[34] Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Des Moines, IA.

Animal Feeding Operations in Iowa. Accessed March
5, 2009.
[35] Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation.
Nashville, TN (2012). Tennessee Erosion and Sediment
Control Handbook.
[36] Concrete Washout (Report). Stormwater Best Management Practice. EPA. February 2012. EPA 833-F-11-006.
[37] Ch. 5: Description and Performance of Storm Water
Best Management Practices. Preliminary Data Summary
of Urban Storm Water Best Management Practices (Report). EPA. August 1999. EPA-821-R-99-012.
[38] Low Impact Development and Other Green Design
Strategies. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. EPA. 2014. Archived from the original on 2015-0219.
[39] California Stormwater Quality Association. Menlo Park,
CA. Municipal BMP Handbook. 2003.
[40] New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Trenton, NJ. New Jersey Stormwater Best Management
Practices Manual. April 2004.

10 External links
Overview Information
Troubled Waters - video from Strange Days on
Planet Earth by National Geographic & PBS (US)
Issues: Water Guides, news and reports from US
Natural Resources Defense Council
Analytical Tools and Other Specialized Resources
EUGRIS portal for Soil and Water Management
in Europe
Causal Analysis/Diagnosis Decision Information
System (CADDIS) - EPA guide for identifying pollution problems; stressor identication
Ecotoxicology and Models - Eawag: Swiss Federal
Institute of Aquatic Science & Technology



Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses


Water pollution Source: Contributors: Bryan Derksen, Fubar Obfusco,

William Avery, Anthere, Fred Bauder, Ixfd64, Mdebets, Ahoerstemeier, Ronz, Docu, William M. Connolley, Jdforrester, Darkwind,
Kils, Uyanga, Raven in Orbit, Charles Matthews, Dino, Andrewman327, Zoicon5, Tpbradbury, Pollinator, Robbot, RedWolf, Altenmann,
Cornellier, Caknuck, Lupo, Alan Liefting, Srtxg, Dave6, Centrx, Giftlite, Bork, Tom harrison, Zigger, Everyking, Curps, Michael Devore, Adam McMaster, SWAdair, Golbez, Utcursch, Andycjp, Antandrus, Beland, Onco p53, Gsociology, H Padleckas, PFHLai, Icairns,
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NeoDude, Daniel Collins, The wub, DoubleBlue, GregAsche, Yamamoto Ichiro, Taskinen, FayssalF, Jwkpiano1, Godlord2, Crazycomputers, Nivix, RexNL, Gurch, Thorell, TeaDrinker, ApolloBoy, King of Hearts, CJLL Wright, Chobot, Fourdee, DVdm,,
Dj Capricorn, Gwernol, The Rambling Man, Siddhant, Wavelength, Borgx, Sceptre, Todd Vierling, Samuel Wiki, Phantomsteve, Muchness, SpuriousQ, CanadianCaesar, CambridgeBayWeather, Cryptic, Wimt, GeeJo, Shanel, NawlinWiki, Joth, Dysmorodrepanis~enwiki,
Snek01, Grafen, ZacBowling, Tearlach, Xdenizen, Misza13, Semperf, Zwobot, Epipelagic, Biopresto, Syrthiss, Nopol10, DeadEyeArrow, CLW, Wknight94, The Halo, Mkns, Emijrp, Snpoj, Ageekgal, Closedmouth, Fang Aili, Josh3580, GraemeL, JoanneB, Allens,
Bluezy, Katieh5584, Meegs, Paul Erik, SkerHawx, Elliskev, DVD R W, Luk, Veinor, SmackBot, Haza-w, Reedy, KnowledgeOfSelf,
Pgk, C.Fred, Lifebaka, Jfg284, Davewild, ScaldingHotSoup, Arny, Hardyplants, Frymaster, Canthusus, TheDoctor10, Gjs238, Ga, Yamaguchi , Aksi great, PeterSymonds, Gilliam, Skizzik, Rmosler2100, Chris the speller, Bluebot, Taelus, Persian Poet Gal, Imiraven,
Fluri, Papa November, SchftyThree, OOSCARR, Heathead, Sadads, FordPrefect42, DHN-bot~enwiki, Heather12, Darth Panda, A. B.,
Deenoe, Royboycrashfan, Can't sleep, clown will eat me, MyNameIsVlad, Prattmic, Chlewbot, OrphanBot, TheKMan, EvelinaB, Rrburke,
Parent5446, Celarnor, Tinctorius, Decltype, BocoROTH, Thunk, Dreadstar, Weregerbil, Claush66, Jbergquist, Mwtoews, Jitterro, Thistheman, Pilotguy, Kukini, Ged UK, Sarfa, Ohconfucius, ArglebargleIV, Anlace, Kuru, Euchiasmus, Heimstern, Cpicon92, Sir Nicholas
de Mimsy-Porpington, Shadowlynk, Mbeychok, IronGargoyle, SpyMagician, Anand Karia, Ekrub-ntyh, A. Parrot, Ex nihil, MarkSutton,
Slakr, Special-T, Shangrilaista, Beetstra, Abba12, Jon186, Dbertman, Optakeover, KokomoNYC, Waggers, Johnmc, CUTKD, TastyPoutine, Johnchiu, Nwwaew, Bioarchie1234, Xionbox, Hu12, DabMachine, Ginkgo100, Cooljdude90, Iridescent, Michaelbusch, Kaarel,
Joseph Solis in Australia, Ollie the Magic Skater, Igoldste, Cls14, Astral highway, Courcelles, Tawkerbot2, Dlohcierekim, Fvasconcellos,
JForget, Safewater, Ale jrb, Unionhawk, Suls, Leujohn, Avillia, Pro bug catcher, Basar, Funnyfarmofdoom, The Photographer, Rudjek, Slazenger, Cydebot, Abeg92, Michaelas10, Kimmy91~enwiki, Gogo Dodo, Corpx, Islander, ST47, A Softer Answer, Chasingsol,
Tawkerbot4, Christian75, DumbBOT, Kzukunft, Asenine, Nsaum75, Myhlow, Omicronpersei8, PKT, Chrisw404, Thijs!bot, Epbr123,
Cocoma, Mojo Hand, Oliver202, Headbomb, Simeon H, Marek69, WillMak050389, Mexicano318, A3RO, NorwegianBlue, Tellyaddict, HammerHeadHuman, Downstream, CharlotteWebb, Nick Number, MichaelMaggs, Wikidenizen, Mentisto, AntiVandalBot, Luna
Santin, Seaphoto, Bigtimepeace, Alex436, Prolog, Wraith0, Toohool, Modernist, Myanw, Ingolfson, JAnDbot, Dan D. Ric, MER-C, Andonic, Hut 8.5, Time3000, PhilKnight, Savant13, Kirrages, Kerotan, Jarkeld, .anacondabot, Acroterion, Casmith 789, Gekedo, Connormah,
Jaysweet, Bennybp, Bongwarrior, VoABot II, AuburnPilot, Dentren, Kuyabribri, JNW, Think outside the box, Rivertorch, SineWave, Skewt, Foochar, Avicennasis, Culverin, Catgut, Jimjamjak, Nposs, Allstarecho, P.B. Pilhet, Schumi555, PoliticalJunkie, Just James, DerHexer,
Saberclaw, B. Wolterding, DGG, Debennett, FisherQueen, MartinBot, Okloster, PAK Man, GTZ-44-ecosan, Rettetast, R'n'B, AlexiusHoratius, PrestonH, CDM2, J.delanoy, Pharaoh of the Wizards, Trusilver, Xue hanyu, AstroHurricane001, Silverxxx, Rhinestone K, Uncle
Dick, Eliz81, Chandra gupta, Icseaturtles, McSly, Clerks, Ryan Postlethwaite, L'Aquatique, Gurchzilla, AntiSpamBot, Chiswick Chap,
Toastr, Warut, Masky, Richard D. LeCour, NewEnglandYankee, In Transit, SJP, Wavemaster447, Cometstyles, Burzmali, Jamesontai,
Bonadea, Nat682, Ja 62, Tyuityui, DASonnenfeld, Wilochka, CardinalDan, Shaunus4, Jeremiahbarrar, Remi0o, Lights, Deor, Gladlyplaid, VolkovBot, Thedjatclubrock, ABF, Pleasantville, Leebo, Je G., Benzpilot, Tomer T, Berimbau1, Philip Trueman, TXiKiBoT,
Oshwah, Oil Treatment International, Zidonuke, Vipinhari, Sparkzy, Scilit, Ann Stouter, Templationist, JayC, Qxz, Someguy1221, Encuesta espaola, Anna Lincoln, Brunton, Amis2007, Dlae, Jackfork, LeaveSleaves, Raymondwinn, Sc0ttkclark, Justinfr, Thewhitebeaner,
RadiantRay, Madhero88, Sunshard, Zachery15, Sylent, Why Not A Duck, Brianga, Silencedmajority, Doc James, AlleborgoBot, 88dude,
Red58bill, PGWG, Rsalazar12, Alexgilbertstudios, Tombaa~enwiki, Steven Weston, D. Recorder, Kenny95258, SieBot, Volleybabe16,
Rorrers-McCaulman, Qwertyuiop17, Ttony21, Calliopejen1, Tiddly Tom, Graham Beards, Applegatee, Applegate12345, Caltas, Matthew
Yeager, S sriram89, Yintan, Mrengy, Nummer29, Keilana, Flyer22 Reborn, Tiptoety, Exert, Oda Mari, Hxhbot, Oxymoron83, Faradayplank, Planwagon~enwiki, Jaimieleigh, Techman224, Hobartimus, Ruxion94, Speeddemon2992, Envirocorrector, Katmeister, Cyfal,
Capitalismojo, Butane Goddess, Pinkadelica, Escape Orbit, Finetooth, Mrfebruary, Ainlina, Tecsie, Twinsday, Church, Loren.wilton,
ClueBot, Prechat, Phoenix-wiki, Fyyer, Foxj, The Thing That Should Not Be, Napzilla, Optional4000, Ndenison, Saddhiyama, Shinpah1,
Onenonlyrup, Boing! said Zebedee, DavidinKenai, NovaDog, Poolback, Galbitorix, Whangarei4life, Blanchardb, Dylan620, Neverquick,
DragonBot, Asmaulai244, Excirial, Pumpmeup, Jusdafax, Three-quarter-ten, Moreau1, Bigafolazi, AlphaAqua, PixelBot, Lartoven, NuclearWarfare, Promethean, 7&6=thirteen, B-RREEZZYY, Dekisugi, Brianb824, Kwj2772, Mikaey, SchreiberBike, Saebjorn, Amaling,
Thingg, Aitias, 7, Ranjithsutari, Dannyboy7692, Alloquep, Scalhotrod, Versus22, Teleomatic, Thunderstix, Daos1212, Qwfp, SoxBot III,
Venkateshshastri, XLinkBot, Bbazinet, AgnosticPreachersKid, Oortclouddomicile, Kakashi12341234, Workbytes, Nepenthes, Skarebo,
TFOWR, WikHead, NellieBly, Mifter, Jason thenerd, PL290, Frood, MD3&4, Gggh, Thatguyint, Addbot, Fatima4564, Reportpol,
Bubulili, Haleylpiche, Element16, Guoguo12, Betterusername, Binary TSO, Aukland, Ronhjones, Fieldday-sunday, CanadianLinuxUser,
Fluernutter, Tedmund, Looie496, MrOllie, Bigwer, EhsanQ, CUSENZA Mario, Favonian, Doniago, West.andrew.g, Sjones22, Quercus
solaris, Enbk, Nolelover, Fatboy5866, Wiseknowledge, Alex Rio Brazil, Tide rolls, MZaplotnik, Lightbot, Krano, Gail, Jarble, LuK3,
Swarm, Watprojects, Aaroncrick, Legobot, Luckas-bot, Shannon1, Yobot, 2D, Fraggle81, Berkay0652, Snydale, Cm001, II MusLiM
HyBRiD II, R.steenhard, Nallimbot, DualHelix, AnomieBOT, Soumyadeep2208, Jim1138, IRP, Pyrrhus16, Piano non troppo, AdjustShift, Kingpin13, Ulric1313, RandomAct, Flewis, MBTuser1, Bluerasberry, Dalcanale, Materialscientist, RobertEves92, The High Fin
Sperm Whale, Roux-HG, Sixtennis, LilHelpa, Zariquiegui, Worfasdgi, Xqbot, S h i v a (Visnu), Apothecia, Addihockey10, JimVC3,
Capricorn42, Bihco, Jerey Mall, Nasnema, Gilo1969, Grim23, Wikiman9779, Kamsa~enwiki, , Shirik, Prunesqualer, RibotBOT, Mathonius, Doulos Christos, Sophus Bie, Shadowjams, Sandcherry, Sesu Prime, Thehelpfulbot, Captain-n00dle, Magic.Wiki,
Tobby72, HJ Mitchell, Josephhph, RussellGunn1456, Jamesooders, , DivineAlpha, Cannolis, Ddsnowboarder93,




Stephanehadadik, Javert, Tinkerbell26, Cjd614, Dj7amood, Nick240, Pokaded, Pinethicket, Mykaylababy, Elockid, Waterpollution, Glennscience, FILWISE, Tom.Reding, A8UDI, Akhileshvarma1996, SpaceFlight89, Tanzania, Merlion444, Rockyron, Bsece010, Retired user
0001, Soundthebugle, ItsZippy, Pickachu32, Jonkerz, Lotje, Sumone10154, Vrenator, Extra999, TheGrimReaper NS, Zain7789, Jerd10,
Dtierney786, Mattps3, Diannaa, Mttcmbs, Asimepd, Reach Out to the Truth, Minimac, Srirangaram, DARTH SIDIOUS 2, Onel5969,
The Utahraptor, RjwilmsiBot, MMS2013, Valentin Zahrnt, BjrnBergman, NerdyScienceDude, People19947475, Xscreamxitxoutx, Deagle AP, Nyxaus, EmausBot, Orphan Wiki, WikitanvirBot, Immunize, Gfoley4, Look2See1, Super48paul, Ibbn, Yt95, RA0808, RenamedUser01302013, Solarra, Superman1111, Tommy2010, Armagecotto, Wikipelli, Dcirovic, K6ka, Shivankvishnoi, Ssjdemonfox, 15turnsm,
BurtAlert, John Cline, Daonguyen95, F, Josve05a, Shuipzv3, Den jen yas, Sabarna, Adamsapple4, Alpha Quadrant (alt), Hazard-SJ, Faris
knight, Confession0791, FinalRapture, OnePt618, Sohamjava, Wagino 20100516, GeorgeBarnick, EmilyL123, Haha2014, IGeMiNix, L
Kensington, Donner60, OisinisiO, Matthewrbowker, Peter Karlsen, 28bot, Sterling Scott, Petrb, ClueBot NG, Cwmhiraeth, Jsvcycling,
CocuBot, Satellizer, Bped1985, Jarkeld.alt, Benmace, Gardner.rw1, KJD2011, Jes029, TrueBlueWolverine, Christdk, Go Phightins!, Widr,
Geoerybard, I am the best7, Kwdt2, Anupmehra, Helpful Pixie Bot, Iste Praetor, Nestik, HMSSolent, DBigXray, Mihir.kabani, Krenair,
Hz.tiang, Cyberpower678, MusikAnimal, Emilio21, Sahar Dua, Rm1271, SuperEel22, Joydeep, ReDigit, Shellshbiologist, Amberstarr05,
Ttttttttttrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhh, RGloucester, Chip123456, GEGranato, 9k8a5r0a2n35559, BattyBot, Several Pending, Mharichandra, Miszatomic, Cimorcus, Teammm, Pratyya Ghosh, Jackjimmy12345, Winedrinker12345, Cyberbot II, Warlord DX, 2Flows, Rocroyal320,
BuzyBody, Dexbot, Austinman1234, Lugia2453, Frosty, Corinne, Echo1gjadm, Me, Myself, and I are Here, Epicgenius, AmaryllisGardener, Iztwoz, DavidLeighEllis, CensoredScribe, Babitaarora, Stub Mandrel, The Herald, FDMS4, Jianhui67, Jackmcbarn, Bladesmulti, Param Mudgal, Pangurban22, Sunilpujee, Prem dhotre, Ethically Yours, Omar Khalid123456, Ryan115, GreciaD.IFCP, Horseless
Headman, AKS.9955, Jechma, Paintbrushes, Salil puranik, Cassandra Truth, Smart Girl 13, Vanished user 9j34rnfjemnrjnasj4, Utsavbhar, Adithya2310, Rockstar yogesh, EvMsmile, Chakshu ggg, Quran Watts, Saisugash123, Avi the awesome, Tanvimj, Nona noor, Argi
12345, Asmir Mesic, Ron5950, 2012dk, YoloMan192, Evil6013, Dancemobs, Banumathi vasudevan, Sandy5594123, JMWt, Bee Dubz,
Abdl7meed, GreenC bot and Anonymous: 1916



File:Aegopodium_podagraria1_ies.jpg Source:

jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Frank Vincentz
File:AngleseyCopperStream.jpg Source: License:
CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Cls14
File:Brayton_Point_Power_Station.JPG Source:
Station.JPG License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Wikimaster97commons
File:Canal-pollution.jpg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Carson_Fall_Mt_Kinabalu.jpg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sze Sze SOO
File:Commons-logo.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
Confined-animal-feeding-operation.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7
Oce, Kansas City, KS. What is a CAFO?" Original artist: Original uploader was SlimVirgin at en.wikipedia
File:Deer_Island_MA.JPG Source: License: CC BY-SA
3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Fletcher6
File:Drinking_water.jpg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Contributors: Source: [1] Original artist: Photo taken by de:Benutzer:Alex Anlicker using a Nikon Coolpix 950.
File:Dumping_of_faecal_sludge_into_the_river.jpg Source:
faecal_sludge_into_the_river.jpg License: CC BY 2.0 Contributors:
set-72157629202806662 Original artist: Doreen Mbalo
File:Folder_Hexagonal_Icon.svg Source: License: Cc-bysa-3.0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Garbage_Collector_In_Oakley_Creek.jpg Source:
In_Oakley_Creek.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Self-photographed Original artist: Uploader.
commons/2/2d/Jacuecanga_Angra_dos_Reis_Rio_de_Janeiro_Brazil_Brasfels.JPG License: Public domain Contributors: Own work
Original artist: Alex Rio Brazil
File:Muddy_USGS.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: U.S. Geological Survey, Oce of Water Quality Original artist: ?
Nrborderborderentrythreecolorsmay05-1-.JPG License:
Original artist: CNRC

Public domain Contributors: Calexico New River Committee (CNRC)

File:Office-book.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: This and myself. Original artist: Chris Down/Tango project
File:Pollution.ogg Source: License: CC BY 3.0 Contributors: Own
work Original artist: Amberstarr05
File:Portal-puzzle.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: ?
Original artist: ?


Content license


File:REDOX_DAF_unit_225_m3-h-1000_GPM.jpg Source:

unit_225_m3-h-1000_GPM.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Wikipedia Original artist: user:SmileJohn (enWP)
File:Research-_water_sampling_equipment.jpg Source:
sampling_equipment.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons by User:Adrignola using
CommonsHelper. Original artist: Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University (
File:Riparian_buffer_on_Bear_Creek_in_Story_County,_Iowa.JPG Source:
b6/Riparian_buffer_on_Bear_Creek_in_Story_County%2C_Iowa.JPG License: Public domain Contributors: USDA http://www.ia.nrcs. Original artist: USDA
File:Sewer_overflow_RI_EPA.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Boston, MA. Eliminating Sanitary Sewer Overows in New
England. Original artist: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
File:Silt_fence_EPA.jpg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency] Original artist: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
File:South_Asia_Poster_03.jpg Source: License:
CC BY 2.0 Contributors: Original artist: CAWST (Centre for Aordable Water
and Sanitation Technology)
File:Sustainable_development.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:
Inspired from Developpement durable.jpg Original artist:
original: Johann Dro (talk contribs)
File:Trounce_Pond.jpg Source: License: GFDL Contributors: Own work Original artist: Drm310
File:Water_droplet.jpg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Wiktionary-logo.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
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