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Descent Solo/Co-op Variant

Automated Overlord
Updated: June 21, 2011
This variant was originally published by BGG user willdesigns under the name Overlord Matrix Variant and taken
over by BGG user shacky22 with permission from the original creator.
Special thanks to BGG user Yostage for help with balancing issues as well as some new ideas.

This rule variant allows you to play the game as 2-4 heroes with an automated overlord. These can be
used for solo or co-op play. If a rule is not mentioned here, refer to the rulebook that came with the game
for your answer. For example, the rules for Conquest Tokens still remain the same. When the heroes run
out of conquest tokens, the game is over and the Overlord wins.
Descent: Journeys in the Dark
Descent: The Well of Darkness
Descent: The Altar of Despair
Note about Advanced Challenge rules. These rules are meant to add a greater challenge to the game. If
you decide to use these rules, you must use them all.

a) Choose any Quest and build the dungeon with all the doors, props, etc. already visible on the table.
Do not add monsters except for the first room. Monsters will be revealed as normal.
The reason for this is to have enough for spawn cards and treachery spawn cards.
b) We will use only the TRAP, SPAWN and POWER cards of the Overlord Deck. Remove the rest and
set them aside.
c.1) Separate the Overlord Cards into 2 decks (TRAP & SPAWN) and POWER cards.
If you are not using the Well of Darkness or Altar of Despair Expansions, skip to step d.
c.2) Separate the Treachery Decks into 2 decks: PURPLE and RED. Green Cards will not be used.
c.3) Look at the Treachery offered by the quest you have chosen. Since Green Event cards are not used,
divide the green treachery between purple and red evenly, favoring Red.
Example: Quest 1 for the Well of Darkness has Purple: 2, Green 3, and Red 2. Green would get divided into 2 and 1,
with the 2 points going to the Red Treachery. So it would then read Purple: 3, Red 4

c.4) Roll two black power dice. For every surge, a Dark Glyph will be used.
Roll another black power die for every surge you rolled. If the result is an enhancement take the Red
Dark Glyph, if there is enough treachery to do so. On any other roll, take the Green Dark Glyph, if there is
enough treachery to do so. Purple Dark Glyphs will not be used. Take the glyph(s), and all of the glyphs
on the board. Put the normal glyph(s) back into the box that the Dark Glyph(s) will replace. Shuffle the
normal and dark glyphs together face down, then distribute them back onto the board. This way you dont
know the location of the dark glyph(s).
Descent, Well of Darkness, Altar of Despair and all associated properties are copyright Fantasy Flight Games and their respective
rights holders. and the creator(s) of this variant rulebook are in no way associated with Fantasy Flight
Games. For feedback, send a message to user shacky22 on Original design and English version by
Christopher Ebert.

c.5) Take one of treachery decks, and separate it into different decks according to the treachery cost of
the card. You should have one deck of cards costing 1 treachery, one of 2, etc. If there are decks that
have a cost higher than the treachery allowed, just set them off to the side..
c.6) Start with the highest treachery cost that can be afforded. Shuffle the deck, and draw the top card.
That card goes into the overlord deck of the appropriate type. Spawn & Trap or Power. (You do not
replace a card in the regular overlord deck as in the normal rules.) If you have left over points, repeat the
previous step, taking the highest one with the treachery left. This is repeated until all treachery can be
c.7) Repeat steps c.4 and c.5 with the other treachery deck.
d) The heroes start with the basic 3 skill cards as stated in the rulebook, but cannot purchase addition
skills or training tokens with money. They have to earn them though experience. (See 2.b for more
Advanced Challenge: The Heroes start with no skills. All skills must be bought with experience.
e) In addition you will need one D12 die.
Note: You can use 2d6 instead but do not roll and add them together. (You will never roll a one, and 7
will be your most common roll) Instead, roll the first one, take note of the result, then roll the second one.
If your second roll is an odd number, use the result of the first die. If it is an even number, add 6 to the
result of the first die. This will simulate a linear d12 giving every number an equal chance to be a result.

The main points added/changed are the following:


AS POSSIBLE TO AS MANY HEROES AS POSSIBLE. Meaning that if a creature can do multiple
damage it will optimize its movement to do the highest impact on the adventurers.
1.a) After a hero attacks a monster, if the monster is not killed, it counter-attacks. Just roll the dice
for the attack as it would normally be done by the overlord and resolve it. The monster will try to do the
maximum damage possible to the activating hero. If thats not possible, it will try to do the maximum
damage possible to any heroes, starting with the next closest one. A Counter-attack is a full activation of
the monster as per the rules with a move and attack. Whenever a monster counter-attacks put a stamina
counter next to the figure for its first counter-attack only.

Descent, Well of Darkness, Altar of Despair and all associated properties are copyright Fantasy Flight Games and their respective
rights holders. and the creator(s) of this variant rulebook are in no way associated with Fantasy Flight
Games. For feedback, send a message to user shacky22 on Original design and English version by
Christopher Ebert.

1.b) If the hero kills the monster, another monster that is close to the hero attacks him. A monster is
considered close if it has enough range or movement to attack the hero. If it cant move to or get into
range to attack that hero, it will attack any hero that it can reach. Ranged monsters must have Line of
Sight and be at or able to move for a ranged attack. A ranged attacker will move to have LOS, if enough
movement, to a spot in favor of the Overlord. This will of course scale to your skill as an overlord.
Monsters cannot gain extra movement in order to make an attack.
1.c) If no other monster is close to the hero (including the ones that can use range attacks) or a monster
has already attacked him, the hero resumes his turn. If he attacks again (through the use of some ability
or from the Battle action) repeat steps 1.a and/or 1.b as needed.
1.d) If the hero does not attack a monster during his/her turn proceed with point 1.b) as if he has attacked
and killed a creature.
1.e) If a hero has taken a turn and/or an attack and no enemy figures can move to or get into range to
attack that hero, the furthest monster from a hero moves his full movement to get closer in favor of the
For example, it will stay out of line of sight of ranged heroes if possible.
Summary: Each time a hero takes a turn, hell be attacked by a monster. If his turn consists of more than
one attack, he gets attacked for each attack he makes. The exceptions to this rule is if the hero is in town,
there are no monsters in any discovered areas, or if no monsters can reach a hero to attack.


(use a small bowl for each hero's experience points and one for the danger
2.a) Every time a hero kills a creature he takes THREAT tokens to represent the experience gained.
To know how much experience the hero receives, consult the following chart.

Monster Type
Bane Spider
Blood Ape
Chaos Beast
Dark Priest
Deep Elf


Monster Type
Hell Hound


Monster Type


2.b) Every time a hero spends experience points add those points to the Danger Threat.

Descent, Well of Darkness, Altar of Despair and all associated properties are copyright Fantasy Flight Games and their respective
rights holders. and the creator(s) of this variant rulebook are in no way associated with Fantasy Flight
Games. For feedback, send a message to user shacky22 on Original design and English version by
Christopher Ebert.

2.c) A hero can spend experience points as follows:

In Dungeon:
10 points to discover a new area (you still use 2 movement to open the door). All heroes may spend XP
together to discover a new area. All 10 does not have to come from one hero. Please note rule 2.b.1.
Exception, if the heroes start in an area with no revealed monsters that has a door, that first door is free.
X points to redraw one treasure card - Pay x amount of xp, discard originally drawn treasure card,
then draw a new card. x = 5 if copper treasure, 8 if silver treasure, and 10 if gold treasure. XP cost is per
redraw. Can be done as many times as you desire providing you have the xp to spend for.
5 points to reroll trap trigger die - xp is spent after the result of the first die. Once the xp has been
spent, the die is rerolled and the second result must be used. This can only be done only once per trap
In Town:
10 points to gain a new a training token
20 points to gain a new skill - Shuffle the deck of the skill chosen. Draw 2 of that kind then choose the
one you want. Shuffle the other back into the deck.
2.b.1) If the heroes kill all the monsters in the Discovered Areas and still they do not have enough
experience to discover a new area they must wait one more turn. If the next overlord card does not
spawn any monsters, they may proceed to open the door to a new area by adding double the remaining
experience points a hero needs to open that door to the Danger Threat.This is the only time the heroes
can spend less than 10 xp to get through the door, but it will come at a cost.
Example: A hero has 7 experience points but needs 10 to discover a new area. If the heroes do not want
to wait just add the 7 experience they have to the Danger Threat then add 6 from the unused pile and
proceed to open the door.
2.d) Every time a hero discovers a new area, add 1 counter to the DANGER THREAT for each
enemy figure left over from the previously discovered areas. Then roll a power die. On a Power
Enhancement, draw a card from the Overlords Power deck and activate it immediately.
Note: if this card allows something to happen in the next discovered area, it would count for this newly
discovered area as if it was already in play.
2.e) Every time the Danger Threat reaches 20 points, remove those points and take one card from
the Overlord's Power deck and activate it immediately. This means the DUNGEON has increased it's
2.e.1) If at the end of the Overlord turn, all the power cards are in play and still there are 20 counters in
the Danger Threat, remove the 20 counters and from now on when the Overlord phase arrives draw 1
extra card. The first one is automatically paid with no roll needed and at no Danger Threat cost.
You still must follow the one spawn per turn rule
2.d) When all the Power Cards are in play and rule 2.e.1 is in play, the Danger Threat counters, if
available, will be used in addition to the d12 (or 2d6) to cover the cost of the Overlord cards. See rule
For example if a card costs 4 and the d12 result is a 1, remove 3 counters from the Danger Threat to
cover the cost of the card.

Descent, Well of Darkness, Altar of Despair and all associated properties are copyright Fantasy Flight Games and their respective
rights holders. and the creator(s) of this variant rulebook are in no way associated with Fantasy Flight
Games. For feedback, send a message to user shacky22 on Original design and English version by
Christopher Ebert.


The Overlord does not get threat equal to the number of heroes as normal.
3.a) Every monster activates that does not have a stamina counter on it. This happens before any cards
are drawn so monsters that spawn from overlord cards will not get this free attack until the next turn. After
every monster without a stamina token has taken a turn, remove the tokens from the other figures and
proceed to the next step.
Advanced Challenge: Add a counter to the Danger Threat for each monster without a stamina counter

If rule 2.e.1 is in effect, do so now. (draw 1 extra card. The first one is automatically paid with no roll
needed and at no Danger Threat cost.)
Roll a power die. On a Power Enhancement take one card from the TRAP & SPAWN deck. Then roll
1d12 (or 2d6). The d12 (or 2d6) represents the ability of the Overlord to pay for the card. If the number
is equal or bigger than the cost of the card execute it immediately. Note: the leftover threat from the
die roll is not added into the danger threat as this roll is only to buy the card and does not represent the
overlord getting threat.
Advanced Challenge: Draw a card on a Power Enhancement and a Surge.
If a power card allows the Overlord to draw extra cards is in play (like Evil Genius), roll a power die. If a
blank is rolled, do not draw a card. On any other result, draw the card and roll the d12 as in rule 3.b.1.
See 3.c for rules on Floor Traps, 3.d for Chest Traps, 3.e for Door Traps, and 3.f for Spawn cards.
3.b.2) If the roll is only off by one, take a counter from the Danger Threat to play the card. If there are no
counters in the Danger Threat, then proceed to the next step instead
3.b.3) If the card cannot be paid add the cost of the card to the Danger Threat and discard it.
Note: If the dark relic card appears in this manner, this one is not executed immediately. If the d12 roll
succeeds, set the card aside. The next time a hero takes a treasure card, roll a power die. If you roll
anything but a blank, the dark relic card will be played. Roll the d12. This total must be 4 or higher for
Copper Treasure, 7 or higher for a Silver Treasure, and 10 or higher for a Gold treasure. If the d12 roll is
under this amount, use counters from the Danger Threat to make up for it. The Overlord will use anything
he can to play this card.
3.b.4) When all the cards are used reshuffle the deck and add 10 counters to the Danger Threat. The
Heroes still lose 3 conquest as normal.
3.c) FLOOR TRAP CARD: is triggered on the hero that has the lowest amount of wound markers and is
an eligible target. If there are more than one with that condition, the hero with the lowest defense is hit. If
again there is a tie choose one randomly.

Descent, Well of Darkness, Altar of Despair and all associated properties are copyright Fantasy Flight Games and their respective
rights holders. and the creator(s) of this variant rulebook are in no way associated with Fantasy Flight
Games. For feedback, send a message to user shacky22 on Original design and English version by
Christopher Ebert.

3.d) CHEST TRAP CARD: When chest trap is drawn and can be used (due to successful d12 roll), set
it next to the dungeon face up. When a chest is opened, and a chest trap is face up, roll a power die for
each chest trap available and consult the following list:
Copper/Silver - surge triggers trap OR power enhancement and surge if last chest on board.
Gold - power enhancement triggers trap OR power enhancement and surge if last chest on board.
For Example: Your Hero opens a silver chest. Roll a power die. The die roll result is a power
enhancement. This chest is safe and the trap card does not get played. Had you rolled a surge the trap
card would have been applied to opening this chest. If this was the last treasure chest on the board, then
the power enhancement would have caused the trap card to be played.
After the last chest is opened, and there are still chest trap card(s) left, add the cost of the the card(s) to
the Danger Threat.
If there are no chests on the board when a chest trap is drawn, skip the d12 roll and immediately add the
threat cost to the Danger Threat.
3.e) DOOR TRAP CARD: When door trap is drawn and can be used (due to successful d12 roll), set it
next to the board face up. When a door is opened to an UNDISCOVERED area, and there is a face up
door trap, roll a power die. On a Power Enhancement, the trap is triggered. Power Enhancement and
Surge triggers trap if the door being opened is the last door to an undiscovered area.
After the last door is opened, and there are still door trap card(s) left, add the cost of the the card(s) to the
Danger Threat.
If there are no doors to open to an undiscovered area on the board when a door trap is drawn, skip the
d12 roll and immediately add the threat cost to the Danger Threat.
3.f) SPAWN CARD: Follow the rules for spawning monsters from the game manual. Remember, only
one spawn can be used per Overlord turn. Always place Masters first and place the monsters as close as
possible to the heroes. If no monster can be placed due to the fact that all the heroes have line of sight
in the Discovered Areas just discard the SPAWN card and add the cost of the card to the DANGER
THREAT (They are safe for now).

Descent, Well of Darkness, Altar of Despair and all associated properties are copyright Fantasy Flight Games and their respective
rights holders. and the creator(s) of this variant rulebook are in no way associated with Fantasy Flight
Games. For feedback, send a message to user shacky22 on Original design and English version by
Christopher Ebert.

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