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Appeal to the Bahutu Conscience (With the Hutu Ten Commandments), Kangura Dec 1990

The Batutsi are bloodthirsty and power-hungry and want to impose their hegemony on the people of
Rwanda using armed force.
The Ten Commandments [of the Bahutu]
1. Every Hutu male should know that Tutsi women, wherever they may be, are working in the
pay of their Tutsi ethnic group. Consequently, shall be deemed a traitor:
o Any Hutu male who marries a Tutsi woman;
o Any Hutu male who keeps a Tutsi concubine;
o Any Hutu male who makes a Tutsi woman his secretary or protge.
2. Every Hutu male must know that our Hutu daughters are more dignified and conscientious in
their role of woman, wife or mother. Are they not pretty, good secretaries and more honest!
3. Hutu women, be vigilant and bring your husbands, brothers and sons back to their senses.
4. Every Hutu male must know that all Tutsi are dishonest in their business dealings. They are
only seeking their ethnic supremacy. Time will tell. Shall be considered a traitor, any Hutu
o who enters into a business partnership with Tutsis;
o who invests his money or State money in a Tutsi company;
o who lends to, or borrows from, a Tutsi;
o who grants business favors to Tutsis (granting of important licenses, bank loans,
building plots, public tenders) is a traitor.
5. Strategic positions in the political, administrative, economic, military and security domain
should, to a large extent, be entrusted to Hutus.
6. In the education sector (pupils, students, teachers) must be in the majority Hutu.
7. The Rwandan Armed Forces should be exclusively Hutu. That is the lesson we learned from
the October 1990 war. No soldier must marry a Tutsi woman.
8. Hutus must cease having pity for the Tutsi.
9. The Hutu male, wherever he may be, must be united, in solidarity and be concerned about the
fate of their Hutu brothers;
o The Hutu at home and abroad must constantly seek friends and allies for the Hutu
Cause, beginning with our Bantu brothers;
o They must constantly counteract Tutsi propaganda;
o The Hutu must be firm and vigilant towards their common Tutsi enemy.
10. The 1959 social revolution, the 1961 referendum and the Hutu ideology must be taught to
Hutus at all levels. Every Hutu must propagate the present ideology widely. Any Hutu who
persecutes his Hutu brother for having read, disseminated and taught this ideology shall be
deemed a traitor.

A Sister Who Exposed Herself! (Kangura, an 1992)

A sister called Therese Mukabacondo, the Headmistress of the young girls school of Kibeho,
overemphasized her persecution of the Hutus, teachers and students together. Wherever she lived,
this Tutsi from the royal dynasty distinguished herself through hatred and the disdain for those who
were not from her ethnic group. This was confirmed by the sisters, priests and the students who lived
with her in Byimana.
As soon as she arrived in Kibeho, she overemphasized her ethnic bigotry. For the time being, for
example, she grouped within a signing and prayer association, students and teachers from her ethnic
group. This association aroused suspicions: for example, it was posted for the information of the
members of this association that a mass had been planned in memory of the Rwigema who died a
year ago. Those who were invited attended the mass and dirges were sung. After the mass,
Mukabacondo and her guests celebrated the event with pomp; they ate and drank galore.
This annoyed many Hutus, victims of the calamity which this war had caused them. When they
inquired from their Tutsi friends about the object of these masses and these celebrations, they
responded that the Hutu regime was to end with the end of this year. Subsequently, Mukabacondo
threatened to dismiss the Hutu students if any continued to show displeasure in respect of this mass
celebrated in memory of the Rwigema.
As you have noted yourselves, Mukabacondo represents the chaff in the wheat. We advise her to
remove her white gown as well as her veil, to wear culottes and the R.P.F. cap and then go to
prostitute herself in Biryogo. Although she has started growing grey hair, we think that she would
not lack lovers as numerous are those who, believing she is a virgin, would go and see her, curious to
know what a Sister tastes like

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