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Name:_____________________________________________ Date:________ Section:_____________Probability Review

Determine whether each of the following situations is a Combination or Permutation.

1. Creating an access code for a computer site using any 8 alphabet letters. _____
2. Determining how many different ways you can elect a Chairman and Co-Chairman of a committee if you have 10 people
to choose from. ______
3. Voting to allow 10 new members to join a club when there are 25 that would like to join. _____
4. Finding different ways to arrange a line-up for batters on a baseball team. ______
5. Choosing 3 toppings for a pizza if there are 9 choices.______

Combinations (Fundamental Counting Principle):

1. Next semester you are going to take one science class, one math class, one history class and one english class.
According to the schedule you have 4 different science classes, 3 different math classes, 2 different history classes,
and 3 different English classes to choose from. Assuming no scheduling conflicts, how many different four-course
selections can you make?

2. One quarter, one dime and one six-sided die are tossed. How many results are possible?

3. Police use pictures of various facial features to help witnesses identify suspects. One basic identification kit
contains 195 hairlines, 99 eyes and eyebrows, 89 noses, 105 mouths, and 74 chins and cheeks.
a. The maker of the identification kit claims that it can make billions of faces. Is this claim correct?_________
Explain in numbers:_______________________________________________________
b. A witness can clearly remember the hairline and the eyes and eyebrows of a suspect. How many different
faces can be produced with this information? _____________________

n Pr = !
Where n represents the total number of things to choose from and r represents the number of things to be selected.

4. Suppose that 7 people enter a swim meet. Assuming there are no ties, how many different ways can the gold,
silver, and bronze medals be awarded? _____________

5. How many four- letter access codes for your IPhone can be used if no letter can be used more than once?

6. Twenty-two people bought raffle tickets to enter a random drawing for three prizes. How many ways can three
names be drawn for first prize, second prize, and third prize? _________________

A box contains 10 cubes: 4 white, 2 blue, 3 yellow, and 1 orange. Find the probability for each series of draws if a cube is
replaced after it is drawn (independent events).
7. P (Y, O) _________

8. P (B, B) ________

10. P (Y, Y, Y) ________

11. P (W, B, Y) ________

9. P (O, W, B) ______

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