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Ethiopian Investment opportunities

Expand production of high quality coffee beans SNNPRG, Kele, Amaro, Ethiopia

The company is engaged in coffee production and export. This exceptional coffee is
exported through Ethiopia's only female miller/exporter, Asnakech Thomas. Native to the
Amaro region, Asnakech decided in 2005 to return to Ethiopia and improve the coffee
quality and living conditions of her community. The coffee is scrupulously harvested,
sorted, and milled at her facilities, so she has remarkable control over her crops. As a
brewed coffee, the Amaro Gayo is a remarkable sonata of baking spices and aromatic
woods. The project employees about 32 permanent an over 200 temporary workers. The
company is interested to improve the technical and management skills of the staff. The
project has financial constraints to achieve its goal to market value added roasted coffee.
Project code: ETH014AA
Amount of investment: USD 390.000
Type of Business: Coffee export
Type of collaboration: Loan, Market access, Management expertise , Technical
expertise, Technology transfer / Supply Services
Expand quality Ethiopian coffee for export markets Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The company Aster Bunn is engaged in coffee processing, roasting, grinding and
distribution in Addis Ababa and other major cities. It is a well known company in the field of
coffee processing and distribution. The company has three coffee shops in Addis Ababa.
The major challenge the company is currently facing is penetrating international markets.
The manager is keen to develop partnerships with companies interested in distributing
quality Ethiopian coffee in foreign markets.
Project code: ETH015AA
Amount of investment: USD 500.000
Type of Business: Coffee roasting
Type of collaboration: Loan, Market access, Equipment purchase
Expand coffee production and export high quality roasted coffee Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa,

The company is engaged in the coffee processing, roasting, grinding and distribution. The
company buys coffee through the national distribution channel acceding to high quality
coffee beans; it adds value processing the raw material and markets the products locally
for supermarkets and end users. The company can count on a solid experience in this field
and on an increasing demand, both local and international, for high quality roasted coffee.

The project aims to expand the current production capacity and to meet the demand of
additional external markets.
Project code: ETH016AA
Amount of investment: USD 2.150.000
Type of Business: Coffee Roasting, Beverage and Drinks Import, Tea Packaging
Type of collaboration: Loan, Market access, Technical expertise
Coffee roasting and grinding Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The company is engaged in both the primary processing, such as washing and drying of
coffee, and in the secondary level value adding roasting and grinding. The two owners
possess a coffee plantation of 10,000 hectares and they are willing to expand the current
processing plant in order to fully utilized land resources and increase the production
volume. Despite of the recent establishment of the company, it has recorded positive
feedbacks so that five new locations are expected to be opened in the capital city and new
foreign markets are intended to be penetrated.
Project code: ETH017AA
Amount of investment: USD 1.050.000
Type of Business: Coffee production, Coffee Roasting and Grinding
Type of collaboration: Joint Venture, Market access, Management expertise ,
Technical expertise
Ethiopian quality roasted coffee for export markets Bole Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Kabu Coffee plc. is planning to expand the production volume of Ethiopian quality roasted
coffee in order to put into place an export strategy able to reach several world markets.
Kabu Coffee plc. is a sister company of METAD plc. engaged in agriculture production and
marketing. Kabu Coffee plc. specifically established coffee plantations in the Southern
Nations and Nationalities Regional Government. While establishing the nursery and
planting, the company exports high quality coffee to a demanding market that involves
countries such as Japan, Korea, Russia etc. The company established a state of the art
quality control lab. This is considered to be the first initiative of such type in Africa.
Project code: ETH019AA
Amount of investment: USD 1.200.000
Type of Business: Coffe roasting and cafe business
Type of collaboration: Market access, Buy-back arrangement
Coffee roasting plant expansion Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The project consists of building a new roasting plant for coffee beans. The company is in
fact currently engaged in coffee beans production and collection, selling the product to the

ECX. By means of the investment, it aims to expand the production cycle to processing
and value addition. The strategy consists of providing the company with new processing
equipments and a specialized work force in order to sell processed products to European
markets. The company already possesses a startup plan of US$ 3,000,000 and is so
seeking a source of financing and partnerships to realize the project.
Project code: ETH020AA
Amount of investment: USD 3.000.000
Type of Business: Coffee production, query production, transportation
Type of collaboration: Loan, Market access, Equipment purchase , Management
expertise , Technical expertise, Technology transfer / Supply Services
Organic coffee beans production Yirgacheffe, SNNPR, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The Union is engaged in the production of organic coffee beans for the export market
using ecologically sound and sustainable productive processes. The project aim is to
expand the current production in order to penetrate additional foreign markets.
Project code: ETH023AA
Amount of investment: USD 3.500.000
Type of Business: Producing Coffee Beans
Type of collaboration: Joint Venture, Market access, Management expertise ,
Technical expertise, Marketing expertise, Technology transfer / Supply Services,
Joint R&D
Forest-coffee honey production and distribution expansion Boditi Town, SNNPR, Ethiopia

The project aims to expand the production and distribution of high quality honey and its biproduct (wax) at competitive and profitable prices for the local market. The strategy
consists of investing in the production of such forest-coffee honey, which can vaunt a
particular taste and some medical properties. In particular, the cooperative wants to invest
in capacity building and improve its market strategy in order to add value to honey
processing and open the company to new markets.
Project code: ETH064AA
Amount of investment: USD 50.000
Type of Business: Apiculture
Type of collaboration: Joint Venture, Loan, Market access, Buy-back arrangement,
Equipment purchase , Technical expertise, Marketing expertise, Joint R&D
Organic coffee production, processing and export Addis Ababa, SNNPR, Ethiopia

The company is actively investing to expand the business in both upstream and
downstream directions of the coffee value chain (from production to grinding). They are

planning to start their own organic coffee farm, and to obtain the organic certification. This
would allow them to directly produce and export high quality organic coffee both green and
specialty and roasted coffee. The company is family owned and was founded in 1971 in
Harar. Is the 18th Ethiopian exporter by volume and it is growing by 5% annually. It is
managed by the founder's daughter which is an experienced manager, with a very strong
knowledge of the market and who is willing to reinforce and expand her business. The
company's main focus is quality and it aims to high end markets. She is actively investing
in the workforce and in trainings to ensure talents retain and low turnover. The roasting
activity is already in operation and they export very high quality coffee, suitable for foreign
markets. The coffee plantation is also to be exploited for the production of coffee honey
(see project B).
Project code: ETH082AA
Amount of investment: USD 1.050.000
Type of Business: Agri-business, coffee exporter
Type of collaboration: Market access, Equipment purchase , Management expertise ,
Technical expertise, Marketing expertise
High quality Ethiopian Coffee processing and export Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

With the scope of having more control on the supply chain and quality of their products,
ADDIS EXPORTER is an established and reputable company that has been exporting
Ethiopian coffee for many years. This is a new project that seeks to launch a coffee
plantation in order to export directly to existing customers and investment in roasting plant.
Project is in the initial planning phases, and proponents are looking for investors with
similar objectives of producing the best quality coffee, that can also provide financial
support and knowledge. Strength of the project: We have years of experience in the coffee
export field, and we are connected with strong overseas partners that could purchase our
Project code: ETH084AA
Amount of investment: USD 2.000.000
Type of Business: Agri-business
Type of collaboration: Joint Venture, Loan, Market access, Equipment purchase ,
Management expertise , Technical expertise, Marketing expertise
Roasted coffee business development Yeka Sub city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Ethiopian population is estimated to be 90+ millions, of which coffee sustains the livelihood
of 15 million people. Coffee is vital to the culture and socioeconomic life of the state. The
Ethiopian economy is highly dependent on coffee as it contributes to more than 25% of the
countrys foreign exchange earnings. The best quality green coffee bean from Ethiopia is

usually exported on a bestselling day for not more than 6 dollars per 1 kilo (2.2 pounds).
This amount is distributed between all parties that are involved in the coffee industry;
starting from farmers who grow coffee, to processors that wash and remove the skin of the
coffee cherry, to transporters that bring the coffee from Ethiopian coffee growing regions to
the capital of Addis Ababa, and exporters who pack and export coffee in containers from
Djibouti Port to many destinations all over the world. Our research suggests that once the
green coffee bean reaches its destination and finally to roasters, the coffee is sold in a
range between 21 and 45 US dollars depending on the market region. 1 kilo of coffee can
produce as much as 90+ cups of coffee we consume. We believe this distribution is unfair
for the country that produces the coffee, thus we are working toward a goal with a fair
distribution to all the ones involved. Our Coffee is not only grown and cultivated in coffee
birth place, but also roasted and packed in Ethiopia. While drinking our coffee, you can
enjoy the authentic taste of coffee and be part of the African story that promotes products
that are fully made in Africa. Strength of the project: Young entrepreneur with recognized
management and business development skills, awarded by UNDP, and selected by
Forbes and BBC. High quality premium coffee with an attractive price and professional
service. Since we are located in the same land that produces some of the finest coffee in
the world, we have access to abundant unlimited fine Ethiopian coffee. Human resource is
relatively cheaper with a large young population that is driven. Located in East Africa, we
have access to markets in Asia, Europe, Africa and North America. Government incentives
and access to GSP+ & AGOA privilege.
Project code: ETH085AA
Amount of investment: USD 300.000
Type of Business: Roasted coffee & processed spices
Type of collaboration: Market access, Equipment purchase , Marketing expertise,
Technology transfer / Supply Services
Coffee production, processing, packaging and export Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Currently mainly focused on the green coffee export activities, ALFOZ is actively investing
to expand both upstream and downstream in the coffee value chain by increasing the
production of green coffee and by producing processed, roasted coffee to be packaged on
site and exported as a finished product. Today their capacity utilization is around 10% and
they want to run at full capacity for which they need a stable and sustainable demand.
Strength of the project: The company do not need to invest more as the facilities, lands,
machinery, etc are already there and ready to be used. They are looking to fully exploit
their current available capacity by developing the sales. The Company is one of the
biggest coffee exporters in Ethiopia, managed by experienced entrepreneurs, motivated to
diversify and expand their business. They have already purchased brand new machineries
to roast and package the coffee and have two lands in the South-West of the country and

have also applied to get lands near Harar, a well-known coffee area, where they plan to
expand their farming activities.
Project code: ETH091AA
Amount of investment: USD 2.000.000
Type of Business: Coffee exporter
Type of collaboration: Market access, Technical expertise, Marketing expertise,
Technology transfer / Supply Services
Organic coffee production, processing and export Addis Ababa, SNNPR, Ethiopia

The company is actively investing to expand the business in both upstream and
downstream directions of the coffee value chain (from production to grinding). They are
planning to start their own organic coffee farm, and to obtain the organic certification. This
would allow them to directly produce and export high quality organic coffee both green and
specialty and roasted coffee. The company is family owned and was founded in 1971 in
Harar. Is the 18th Ethiopian exporter by volume and it is growing by 5% annually. It is
managed by the founder's daughter which is an experienced manager, with a very strong
knowledge of the market and who is willing to reinforce and expand her business. The
company's main focus is quality and it aims to high end markets. She is actively investing
in the workforce and in trainings to ensure talents retain and low turnover. The roasting
activity is already in operation and they export very high quality coffee, suitable for foreign
markets. The coffee plantation is also to be exploited for the production of coffee honey
(see project B).
Project code: ETH082AA
Amount of investment: USD 1.050.000
Type of Business: Agri-business, coffee exporter
Type of collaboration: Market access, Equipment purchase , Management expertise ,
Technical expertise, Marketing expertise
Coffee roasting business expansion/development Bole, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The company has gradually grown to medium scale level by processing coffee intended
for both domestic and export markets. Since its establishment the company has been
making sound full profits and expanded its working areas, increased its staff, and now is
looking for further expand to a big capacity processing plant, modernize and to drastically
increase its market share so as to become a prominent market player in the coffee
roasting business. PROJECT STRENGTHS: The company is committed for quality with no
compromises; it employs efficient and trained workforce with high involvement of women.
Limited overhead cost of labor that helped the company to work at a minimum profit
margin. A reputation showing progressive growth trend registered by sustained increase in

sales value and profit for the last seven years. The trust and goodwill established among
the customers for the last seven years had been proven by having customers from
international companies. Strong relationship with buying clients, supplying customers and
many GOs and NGO stakeholders. Good record carrier performance among the financial
institutions/Banks. Planned capacity building tasks for workers and managers with
exposure visit, market assessment in foreign countries. Active member of Ethiopian coffee
roasting association and Addis Ababa Chamber of commerce and sectorial association.
High flexibility of management to look alternative business and fast decision to penetrate
new markets.
Project code: ETH119AA
Amount of investment: USD 600.000
Type of Business: Coffee Roaster
Type of collaboration: Market access, Equipment purchase , Management expertise ,
Technical expertise, Marketing expertise, Technology transfer / Supply Services,
Joint R&D
Coffee Roasting, Grinding and Packaging plant establishment Ketema Sub City, Addis Ababa,

The project profile envisages the establishment of a plant for the production of roasted and
milled coffee for export & domestic market with a capacity of 192 tons per annum. The
principal raw material are export standard, local washed (LW) & local unwashed (LUW)
green coffee available locally. The total investment requirement is estimated at about Birr
8,677,150.00 (or US$ 500,000), out of which Birr 6,838,000.00 (US$ 330,000) is required
for plant and machinery. The product can get its market outlet through the existing
wholesale and retail network that includes department stores, merchandise shops and
supermarkets. The project is financially viable with an internal rate of return (IRR) of 18.90
% and a net present value (NPV) of Birr 10.82 million, discounted at 9.5%. The project will
create a backward linkage effect with coffee plantations. The establishment of such plant
will have a foreign exchange earning effect by exporting its product to the global market.
Project code: ETH120AA
Amount of investment: USD 500.000
Type of Business: Coffee roasting, grinding & packing.
Type of collaboration: Joint Venture, Loan, Market access, Technical expertise,
Marketing expertise, Technology transfer / Supply Services
Roasted Coffee production improvement and business development Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa,

The company plans to alter the market dynamics of coffee in Ethiopia by improving
farming, roasting and service standards. It operates a commercial size roasting plant with

annual potential production capacity of 135 tons. Product and service quality is improved
by bringing traditional designs and fabric patterns from coffee growing communities into
coffee bags/cases made out of cotton, wood and bamboo while maintaining international
packaging standards. This created market linkages among handicraft, hotel and tourism
stakeholders. The Company now plans to further improve production efficiency and
environmental safety with the purchase of an automatic weight and fill machine and
afterburner, respectively. It will also establish a research facility to oversee product and
business development, and an eco-lodge with an integrated and conservation-oriented
coffee farm. We will transform coffee varieties of Ethiopia from a consumable commodity
into an exchangeable gift item. Strength of the project: Relatively high market demand for
our products, and excellent research and marketing experience to ensure a leading role in
competition and strategic positioning; Well-established local retail outlets and feasible
contacts in the US and UAE based retail outlets; World recognized, technologically
advanced and high quality roasting and packaging machineries and accessories including
packaging materials to ensure and sustain production, competitive edge and product
differentiation (i.e. quality, cost and efficiency); Excellent expected ROI provides insight
into the feasibility of the business plan; Unwavering commitment of the local investor;
Detailed understanding and planning of the business; High acceptance and recognition of
our brand and products within a relatively short period; Relatively high level of expertise in
coffee, especially when compared with local investors; and Significant demand for quality
coffee products in the local market.
Project code: ETH130AA
Amount of investment: USD 7.500.000
Type of Business: Coffee Roasting
Type of collaboration: Joint Venture, Loan, Market access, Sub contracting, Buy-back
arrangement, Equipment purchase , Management expertise , Technical expertise,
Marketing expertise, Technology transfer / Supply Services, Joint R&D

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