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'Economy of Resistance' liberates Iran from sanctions:

former WB economist
Jul 19, 2016


The Economy of Resistance, an economy mainly based on self-reliance is an excellent idea. Not
only does it help liberate Iran from the foreign imposed sanctions, but it also helps propel own
domestic capacities, create labor, added value in the country and ultimately Iran may develop
exports far above what they would be in a globalized western and WTO (World Trade Organization)
controlled world trade.

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. As a former World Bank staff member, he
has thirty years of global experience in the elds environmenl and water resources; Koenig has
earned several publications on various news websites. He is the author of Implosion - An
Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; he is also coauthor of The World Order and Revolution! - Essays from the Resistance.
In an exclusive interview, Mr. Koenig enlightens us on his experience with WB
and IMF, Iran's 'economy of resistance', Panama papers, plus his own perspective on US
domination over the global economy.

The following is part two and the last part of the interview:

Whistle-blowers reporting the corruption inside the World Bank have been under pressure for
their efforts. How can we believe the Panama Papers leaks?
PK: In short, the Panama Papers are a farce, if there ever was one. They are blown out of
proportion by western media to point accusing ngers on politicians who are disliked by
Washington, to slander them this is precisely what these leaked papers were supposed to do.
They were largely successful in meeting their objective.
The Papers were released by the International Coalition of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), an
organization in the hands of western secret services. This is revealed by looking at the parent
organization of ICIJ, the Center for Public Integrity (CFPI) which is funded by such eminent
establishment gures like the Rockefellers, Carnegie Foundations, the George Soros Foundation,
as well as Paul Volker, former chairman of the FED and many other prominent gures from the
world of corporate nance with links to the CIA, NSA, Mossad and others. Many of the sponsors
are members of such semi-secret organizations as the Trilateral Commission, The Bilderberger
Society and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
The Law rm, Mossack Fonseca, which apparently released the so-called Panama Papers to the
ICIJ, containing information of off-shore holdings by prominent political gures, may or may not
be part of the deal. They claim the information was stolen. In any case, from rst sight it is
obvious that the powerful western elite who concocted this leak had a very specic purpose,
namely to mud-racking and slandering politicians disliked by Washington with lie-propaganda.

Prominently appears of course Mr. Putin, even though he is not mentioned personally, he is
immediately linked to others who are on the Panama Papers list thus by implication putting
guilt on him. Any clear thinking person would, of course know, that Mr. Putin or his associates
even if they had money to hide for which there has never been proof they would most certainly
not use Panama as an off-shore place for hiding. Panama is Washingtons most watched spot in
the US backyard, as Obama likes to call Latin America, where you cant even ush a toilette
without the White House knowing it.
Besides, none of the gures accused of hiding money is a prominent American. How come? It
is widely known that more US corporate and individual money amounts can be estimated in
trillions is hidden in the Caribbean than in the rest of the world combined, including

Switzerland. No matter how wrong or distorted, once the information is out on the mainstream
propaganda trail CNN, BBC, CNBC et al there is no truth that can stop it. This is modern
propaganda technique taught at most Ivy League Universities. Once people are impregnated by
a lie, it is virtually impossible to replace it by the truth.

What are the counter measures independent countries can adopt to neutralize US dominance
over global markets?
PK: As explained in the question above, why does the US dominate the international monetary
system, this trend is gradually reversing. Countries which do not want to bend to US-imposed
rules, like Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Syria, North Korea and many others, are at best systematically
nancially and economically sanctioned. If that doesnt do the trick, then regime change is of
the order which has many models direct assassination (the internet is full with leaders that
were killed by the CIA and other secret service forces) by Obamas personally approved drone
program which are extra-judiciary killings (of which hilariously! Obama just accused North
Korea to justify further sanctions), military invasions, bombings, by US and NATO (Europe)
forces, or by proxies, like funding and arming Saudi Arabia to wipe out Yemen, killing tens of
thousands of civilians, most of them women and children, just to take control of one of the most
strategically located Persian Gulf country.
There is no limit of Washingtons imagination to subdue nations and entire populations around
the world, always with the ultimate objective of full spectrum dominance. It is estimated that
between 10 and 15 million people were killed around the world since 9/11 through US / NATO
direct invasions, wars and conicts carried out by proxy (mercenary) forces and US / Brussels
instigated civil wars. No wonder people and sovereign nations want to get out from under this
oppressive western bulldozer that not only aims at controlling the world militarily, but also by its
US-dollar based western at pyramid or Ponzi-style monetary system to which the euro also
belongs, as it was modeled according to the dollar. A pyramid scheme is the creation of money
through interest-bearing debt by private banks, with debt repayment through new loans and so
on until the system collapses in itself.
Russia and China have already developed their own internal monetary and transfer system, the
China International Payment System CIPS, gradually being extended to the members of the
SCO, BRICS (unfortunately for now without the B) and the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU).
Together they are accounting for about half of the world population and one third of the world
GDP. If I am not wrong, Iran is currently in the process of being integrated in the SCO. This would
certainly be one way out of the US dominated monetary system. As Mr. Putin recently declared,
the sanctions were one of the best things that happened to Russia since the fall of the Berlin

Wall. It allowed a massive development of Russias own agriculture and industry, i.e. loosening
Russia from western dependence. Russia is rapidly achieving food self-sufciency.
In addition, China is promoting the new Silk Road, all the way from Shanghai through Eastern
China, Russia, Central Asia, Eastern and Central Europe and President Xi Jinping offered
Madame Merkel in March 2014 to become the western most link of the Silk Road. She had not
reacted at that time. But the writing is on the wall, loud and clearly- the economic future for Europe
is with the East, Russia, Central and Eastern Asia and China. The potential for joint development
investments, trading and research is enormous, by far outweighing the treacherous and deceptive
machinations with the west.
Irans leader has introduced Economy of Resistance as the breakthrough to counter US
economic aggression. The Economy of Resistance doctrine is intended to make the Iranian
economy resistant to all external economic shocks in the long term, including Western
sanctions and global nancial crises by utilizing the domestic capabilities. Whats your take in
this regard?
PK: The Economy of Resistance, an economy mainly based on self-reliance is an excellent idea.
Not only does it help liberate Iran from the foreign imposed sanctions, but it also helps propel
own domestic capacities, create labor, added value in the country and ultimately Iran may
develop exports far above what they would be in a globalized western and WTO (World Trade
Organization) controlled world trade. A resistance economy is what Mr. Putin applies, as I
explained before, by intensifying development of local agriculture and industries, depending less
on imports and, of course, shedding Russia from the impact of totally illegal sanctions.
Resistance Economy is to a large extent synonymous with a concept called import substitution,
promoting and developing local capacities over imports. Once goods and services formerly
imported are available locally, they offer great advantages to national economies, in this case
the Iranian economy. For example, instead of exporting crude hydrocarbons, building up a petrochemical industry, creating jobs, technologies and added value in the country and perhaps
most important, Resistance Economy, substituting imports by local production, is a blow to the
nefarious US-corporate driven globalization.
The neoliberal argument that Irans economy should be restructured to focus on comparative
advantages of Iran with imports for everything else, can easily be nullied. This is clearly a
neocon argument favoring globalization and making a country vulnerable to economic
sanctions of all kinds. Comparative advantages is hardly anything inherently available in a
country, but can be planned and built, especially in times of crisis as is the case for countries
being punished with illegal sanctions due to a monetary system totally dominated by the West.
This has been proven time and again.

One of the rst cases was China; she kept her borders closed until she could declare food,
medical and education self-sufciency which was the case in the 1980s, when China opened
her borders and started exporting food grains. One of the most recent cases, as mentioned
before, is Russia, producing for local markets and for export to likeminded countries with whom
they are associated, mainly China, the SCO and the BRICS. At the same time de-dollarizing their
monetary and international transfer system frees them from illegal and wanton punishments
form the west. Iran becoming a member of the SCO is on the right track.
As Ayatollah Khamenei said, The Resistance Economy is an inspiring pattern of the Islamic
economic system and a good chance to make an economic epic.


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