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Facilities Services strives to maintain schools that provide a healthy environment for students and
staff. Facilities Services strives to address concerns regarding Indoor Air Quality quickly and
efficiently with effective solutions that support student/staff attendance, occupant health and student
performance. Our goal is to remove the risks for health problems such as fatigue, nausea and
asthmatic reaction.
Facilities Services monitors the following parameters for Indoor Air Quality:
Physical Parameters
Relative Humidity
Air Movement
Chemical Parameters
Carbon Monoxide
Total volatile organic compounds
Biological Parameters
Fungal Bio-Aerosols
Bacterial Bio-Aerosols
Facilities Services will investigate any IAQ issues presented within 24 hours of initial contact.
Facilities Services maintains a contract with an independent consultant who performs air, fungal, and
bacterial testing when required.
The following steps explains the process of notification and investigation regarding Indoor Air Quality
1. If an individual staff member within a district building suspects an IAQ concern, they
should contact their Building Administrator.
2. The Building Administrator shall contact the Building Chief notifying them of the IAQ
concern. The Building Chief will contact the POC (Point of Contact) via email or phone
call and notify them of the IAQ concern. Should the POC not be available, a direct phone
call into Facilities Services is always recommended.
3. The POC will visit the site to perform an initial evaluation. The POC will bring initial reports
of the IAQ issue back to Facilities Services for review & evaluation. Facilities Services
will establish a course of action based on the IAQ concern.
4. Once the course of action is established, the POC will notify the Building Administrator
and copy the Director of Operations on the course of action to remedy the situation. In
most cases, IAQ concerns can be addressed by in-house Custodial/Maintenance staff.

5. If third party cleaning is required to address the IAQ concern, the POC will notify the
Building Administrator and copy the Director of Operations on the course of action. The
Building Administrator shall notify staff of the course of action being taken by Facilities
6. Should third party testing be required, the POC will notify the Building Administrator and
copy the Director of Operations. The Building Administrator shall notify staff of the course
of action being taken by Facilities Services.
7. It is imperative that full communication between Facilities Services, the Director of
Operations and Building Administration is clear and concise.
8. Should a staff member request results from any third party evaluation, a written FOIA
request will be presented to the Building Administrator. The Building Administrator shall
forward a copy of the FOIA request to the Director of Operations. Shall the FOIA request
be granted, a copy of the third party evaluation will be presented to the Building
Administrator for distribution to the staff member.
9. At any time during this process the Building Administrator can request a meeting between
staff and Facilities Services.

This information can also be found in the Facilities Services Handbook located on the Christina
School District website under Facilities Services.

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