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Ministeral Ecucafel si Carcetén Stintiics Gonirui National de Evaluare $i Exerinare Examenul de bacalaureat national 2015 Proba C de evatuare a competentelor lingvistice intr-o limba de circulatie international studiat’ pe parcursul Invasimantului liceal Proba oral !a Limba englezi ‘Toate filierele, profilurile $i specializarile/calificariie 23 iunie 2015, Bilotul nr. 1 1. Answer the following question: How did you moet your best friend(s)? 2. Speak about how air pollution affects the environment. 3. Give your opinion on the following statement: A waimn smile is the universal language of Kindness. Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas. Praba G— Limba englez’ Ministorul Equcstiel si Cercetarit Stinttice Contsu! Nayonal de Evaluare gi Exeminare Examenul de bacalaureat national 2015 Proba C de evaluare a competentelor lingvistice intr-o limba de circulatie internagionala studiata pe parcursul invatamantului ficeal Proba orald la Limba engleza Toate filierele, profilurle si specializérile/calificarle 23 iunie 2015 Biletut nr. 2 1. Answer the following questions: What pot do you think would be most suitable for a person living ina flat? Why? 2. Daseribe a usual weexday. 3. Give your opinion on the following statement: At any street corner the feeling of absurcily can strike any man in the face. (Albert Camus) Use relevant arguments and examples to ‘support your ideas, Proba C — Limba englaza Ministerul Educati! gl Cercotac Stinttice Centrul Najional de Evaluare gi Examinare Examenul de bacalaureat national 2015 Proba G de evaluare a competentelor lingvistice intr-o limba de circulatie internationala studiata pe parcursul invatamantului liceat Proba oral la Limba englezi Toate filierele, profilurile si specializarile/calificarile 23 iunie 2015, Biletul nr. 3 1, Answer the following questions: Would you consider taking a gap year atter high school? Why (not)? 2. Describe the atmosphere in a museum. 3. Give your opinion on the following statement: It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to five. (J.K. Rowling) Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas. Proba © — Limba englezs Ministora! Educatiel si Cereals Stintifos Gentful National do Evaluare si Sxaminare Examenul de bacalaureat national 2015 Proba lor lingvistice intr-o limba de circutatie internafionata studiata pe parcursul invafamantului liceal Proba orala la Limba englezi Toate fillerele, profiluriie si specializ&rile/calific&rile 23 iunie 2015 Biletal ne. 4 1. Answer the following questions: Are you 2 morning person? Why (not)? 2. DeSeribe a family photo. 3. Give your opinion on the following statsment: Every saint has a past. Every sinner has a future. (Oscar Wilde) Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas. Proba C Limba engiezi Ministorul Ecucatel gi Cercotall Stinfiice Genirul National do Evalusre gi Examinara Examenul de bacalaureat national 2015 Proba C de evaluare a competentelor lingvistice intr-o limba de studiata pe parcursul invatamantul ireulatie internationala iceal Proba orali fa Limba englezi Toate filierele, profilurile si specializarile/caliticarile 23 iunie 2015, Biletut nr. 5 4. Answer the following question: How wouid you fike to spend your 70" birthday? 2. Describe a person that you look up to. 3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of test papers. Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas. Prova C — Limba engleza Ministoral Educatil sf Corcetall Stintiice Contrul National de Eveluara gi Examinare Examenul de bacalaureat national 2015 Proba C de evaluare a competentelor lingvistice ints-o limba de circulatie international studiaté pe parcursul invatémantutul liceal Proba orald la Limba englezi Toate filierele, profilurile si specializarile/calificariie 23 iunie 2015, Biletul nr. 6 1, Answer the following questions: What famous historical personality would you like to bo? Why? 2. Describe a hotel at the seaside. 3. Give your opinion on the following statement: Fear is the mind-kilfer. (Frank Herbert) Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas. Proba G~ Limba englezi Ministerul Equestiel 9 Cercetar Stinttice Gontrul National de Evaluare si Examinare Examenul de bacalaureat nafional 2015 Proba G de evaluare a competentelor lingvistice intr-o litnba de circulatie internagionala studiaté pe parcursul invatéméantulut ticeal Proba orald la Limba englezd Toate filierele, profilurlle si spacializariie/calticarile 23 iunie 2015, Biletul nr. 7 1. Answer the following questions: What is your favourite type of computer gamas? Why? 2. Describe the atmosphere in a library. 3, Give your opinion on the following statement: Speech is power: speech is to persuads, to conver, to compel. (Ralph Waldo Emerson} Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas. Proba G~ Limba englezS Ministoru! Educstiet st Coreotart$tinttice Central Najional de Evsluare si Examinare Examenul de bacalaureat national 2015 Proba C de evaluare a competentelor lingvistice intr-o limba de circulatie internationala studiata pe parcursul Invatamantulut ticeal Proba orald la Litnba engleza Toate filierele, profilurila si specializariie/caliicarile 23 iunie 2015, Biietul nr. 8 1. Answer the following questions: Do you enjoy learning English? Why (nat)? 2, Deseribe your favourite park. 3, Do you believe that people are influenced by their astrological signs? Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas. Proba G— Limba engleza Ministonat Educatiel si Cercetatl Stintfice Contrui National de Evaluare gi Examinare, Examenul de bacalaureat national 2015 Proba C de evaluare a competentelor lingvistice intr-o limba de circulafie internationala studiata pe parcursws invatamantului liceal Proba oral la Limba englezi Toate filerele, profilurle gi specializarite/calificarile 23 lunie 2015 Biletul nr. 9 1. Answer the following questions: Do you enjoy watching reality shows? Why (not)? 2, Describe your ideal house, 3, Fast food advertising campaigns have changed their purpose during the past years. After years of fast food being criticised for its harmiui effects, many contemporary campaigns ‘emphasise the availebilily of healthy options. What is your opinion? Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas. Proba G — Limba englez® Ministerul Educatil ¢1 Corcotali Stungtice Canteul Nalional de Evaluare gi Examinare Examenul de bacalaureat nafional 2015 Proba C. de evaluare a competentelor lingvistice intr-o limba de circulafie internafionala studiata pe parcursul invatémantului liceal Proba orala ta Limba englezi ‘Toate fiierete, profilurle $i specializarile/calificdrile 23 iunie 2015, Biletul nr. 10 1. Answer the following questions: Do you have dinner together with your family? Why (not)? 2. Describe your first day in high school. ‘There ara numerous and complex causes leading to youth unemployment. Some of them are the lack of education, of experience and the intlexibifity of the abour market. Which of these causes do you find the most important and what solutions would you propose in order to improve the situation? Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas. Proba O— Limba englaza Ministorul Ecucatel si Corcoran Stinitice Centr Natianal de Evaluare gf Bxaminare Examenut de bacalaureat national 2015 Proba C de evaluare a compotentelor lingvistice intr-o limba de circulatie internationala studiatd pe parcursul invatamantulul liceal Proba oralé la Liinba englezi Toate filierele, profiturile si specializérile/caliticérile 23 iunie 2015, Biletut nr. 11 4. Answer the following questions: Would you rather eat out or order take-out? Why? 2, Describe what you see from your bedroom window. 3. Give your opinion on the following statement: in order that ail men may be taught fo speak the truth, it is necessary that all likewise should leam to hear it. (Samuel Johnson) Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas. Proba G ~ Limba engloza Ministonul Educate gl Cercetarl Stenttice Central Nationel de Evaluare si Examinare Examenul de bacalaureat nafional 2015 Proba de evaiuare a competentelor lingvistice intr-o limba de circulatie internationata studiat’ pe parcursul invatémantulut liceal Proba oral la Limba englez Toate fillerele, profilurile si specializairlle/calificdrite 23 iunie 2015, Biletul nr. 12 1. Answer the following questions; Do you want fo have a desk job? Why (not)? 2. Describe a marriage ceremony. 3. Give your opinion on the following statement: We believe thal we can change the things around us in accordance with our desires—we believe it because otherwise we can see no favourable outcome. (Marcel Proust) Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas. Proba ©— Limba engiezé Ministorul Eaucotiol si Corcetan Stintlice Cenirul Najonal de Evaluars si Examinare Examenul de bacalaureat national 2015 Proba C de evaluare a competentelor lingvistice intr-o limba de circulatie international studlat pe parcursul invatémantului liceal Proba orala la Limba englez& Toate filerete, profilurile $i specializérile/calificarile 23 iunie 2015 Biletul nr. 13 1. Answer the following questions: Wha is your favourite playwright? Why? 2, -Deseribe your living room. 3. Give your opinion on the following statement: Anything worth dying for is cettainly worth living for. (Joseph Heller) Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas. Proba O— Limba engleza inisterul Educate’ 9i Cereetéril Stintiice Contru! Nafional de Evaluare gi Examinace Examenul de bacalaureat nafional 2015 Proba C de evaluare a competentelor lingvistice intr-o limba de circulatie internationala studiaté pe parcursul invatamantutui ticeal Proba orala la Limba englezd Toate filerele, profiurle si spacializarile/calticarle 23 iunie 2015, Biletul ne. 14 1. Answer the following question: How do you see yourself in 20 years’ time? 2. Describe a happy family occasion. 3. Give your opinion on the following statement: AM grown-ups were once childrén. «.but only few of them remember it. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) Use relevant arguments and ‘examples to support your ideas. Proba O— Limba englez& Ministorut Eduoatel 31 Cercotal Sinfitice Contrul Najional de Evaluare gi Examinare: Examenul de bacalaureat nationat 2015 ProbaC de evaluare a competentelor lingvistice intr-o limba de circulatie international studiatd pe parcursut invatamantului ficeal Proba oralita Limba englezai Toate fiferele, profilurile si specializariie/caliicarile 23 tunie 2015, Biletul nr. 15 1. Answer the following question: When and how do yau use English? 2, Describe a stadium during a footlvall match. 3. People need to become more sensitive towards environmental issues. What solutions can ‘you put forward in order to make them more aware of the dangers that our planet is facing? Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas. Proba C— Limba engiezi Ministoral Educate! gi Corcotai Stittice Carnal Nafiozal de Evaluare gi Examinare Examenul de bacalaureat naffonal 2015, Proba C de evaluare a competentelor lingvistice intr-o limba de circulafie international studiata pe parcursu! invatamantului liceal Proba oral la Limba englezi Toate filierele, profilurie si specializarile/calificariie 23 iunie 2015, Biletul nr. 16 1. Answer the following questions: Do you enjoy travelling abroad? Why (not)? 2. ‘Describe a mountain resort. 3. Give your opinion on the following statement: All animals are equal, but some animais are more equal than others. (George Orwell) Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas. Proba C— Limba englez Ministerul Educalit | Corcolal $tinfios Centru! Najonal de Evaluare $i Examinare Examenul de bacalaureat national 2015 ProbaC de evaluare a competentelor lingvistice intr-o limba de circulatie internationala studiata pe parcursul invatamantului liceal Proba oralé la Limba englez& Toate fiierele, profiturile si specializarile/calificdrite 23 2018 Biletul nr, 17 1. Answer the following questions: What is your favourite character from a TV saries? Why? 2. Describe a busy venue. One-third of the world's population lives in countries which are experiencing. water shortages, yet litle is being done to preserve and ensure proper management of this invaluable and life giving resource. Identity the possible causes and provide solutions to improve the situation, Use refevant arguments and examples to support your ideas, Proba G— Limba englezé Ministerul Educatii gi Cerce:arit Stinttice Centnu! National de Evaiuare gi Exarninare: Examenul de bacalaureat nafional 2015 Proba C: de evaluare a competentelor lingvistice intr-o limba de circut studiata pe parcursul invatamantutui liceal Proba oral la Limba englezi Toate filerele, profilurie si spesializairile/calificariie 23 lunie 2015 Bitetul nr. 18 1. Answer the following question: What is the most impressive monument that you have ever seen? 2. Describe your ideal working condtions. 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the town centre? Use relevant arguments and examples to support your ideas. Proba G — Limba engloza Ministorul Educaiiol si Corectail Stiles Contra! National ds Evaluare gi Exarninare Examenul de bacalaureat nafional 2015 Proba C de evaluare a competenteior lingvistice intr-o limba de circulatie internationala studiata pe parcursul Invagamantul Proba oral la Limba engleza Toate fiierele, profiluriie si specializérile/calificérle 23 junie 2015 Biletul nr. 19 1. Answer the foilowing questions: Oo you enjoy walking? Why (not)? 2. Desoribe the (view from the top of a mountain. 8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a flat? Use relevant arguments ‘and examples to support your ideas. Proba © — Limba engieza Ministorul Educatis gi Corcetanl $tinitice Contzy| Nakonal de Evsluare gi Examinare Examenul de bacalaureat national 2015 Proba C de evaluare a competentelor lingvistice inér-o limba de circulatie internafionala studiatd pe parcursul invafamAntului liceal Proba oralé la Limba englezi Toate filierele, profilurile si specializarile/callticarile 23 iunie 2015, Biletul nr. 20 1. Answer the follwing questions: Do you prefer spending time with your friends or with your family? Why? 2. Describe a traditional Romanian recipe. 8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an employee in comparison to being self-employed? Use relevant arguments and examples to support yoirr ideas. Proba C— Limba englezi

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