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Summary of Decisions of the Structural Engineering Committee

SEC 3/2004 held on 19.8.2004

(a) Case 5/2004
Issue :

Proposed use of parameters for wind tunnel testing.

Recommendation : To accept an hourly-mean gradient velocity of 59.5m/s at a height of

500m for a 50-year return period be used in the proposed wind tunnel
test for the determination of wind loads and other wind characteristics on
the proposed building structure.
Decision :

Noting that the background information and justification provided by the

RSE were based on the most recent wind engineering research works on
Hong Kong and an added safety margin was adopted in the
recommended gradient wind velocity value, members endorsed the
recommendation subject to the following :(a)
Wind tunnel test to be carried out in accordance with PNAP
150 with the proposed revised parameters; and
Site-specific topography model studies of wind speeds and
turbulence properties to establish the wind profile are to be

(b) Case 6/2004

Issue :

Proposed use of parameters for wind tunnel testing.

Recommendation : To accept an hourly-mean gradient velocity of 59.5m/s at a height of

500m for a 50-year return period be used in the proposed wind tunnel
test for the determination of wind loads and other wind characteristics on
the proposed building structure.
Decision :

Noting that the background information and justification provided by the

RSE were based on the most recent wind engineering research works on
Hong Kong and an added safety margin was adopted in the
recommended gradient wind velocity value, members endorsed the

recommendation subject to the following :(a)

Wind tunnel test to be carried out in accordance with PNAP
150 with the proposed revised parameters; and
Site-specific topography model studies of wind speeds and
turbulence properties to establish the wind profile are to be

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