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The Tuozanu - China Fnendship Textile Co LId is a Joint Vonluie Company

(q) Ensunng uuailablity and maintenance of otlice equipment and furniture;

procedures, rules, and regulations; outing for suuinlsnce from health curu

between the Government of Tanzania and China. The Company runs a number

)r) Performing any other duties an may be assigned by the Head of

support personnel.

vi Read and intvrpmui 000/mints. recnn/tv: drown/go,a::ca ann

computer-gererated reperta.

a. Reports to; Medical Off cer

Corder with engineers and other personnel to implement operating

procedures, resolve system maituoclions, and provide technical

Department from time to time.

of tactneies from Spinning, Weaving to Processing (Printing) textiles and is one

of the big textile Companies in the country, In order to meet Is aspirations the

ii) Direct Entry Qualifications


I) Repnrts to: Senior human Resources and Administration Officer

Diploma] Certificate in Medicine,

Ii) Supervises: Records Management Assistant, Secretares, Drivers, &

Registration with the Medical Council of Tarzonia

Research and analyze curtomerdesign proposals, specifications, manuals,

and other data to evaluate the teasibitlty, cost and maintenanco

Company needs to tIll existing vacant positions.

The person should be dynamic, dedicated, self motivated to meet new

requirements of designs or appi/cot ions.

Office Affendants

challenges, young candidate are encouraged to apply.

lii) DIrect entry qaallticatien

Specify system components Or direct nsnditicahor of products to ensure

contormance with engineenrg deorgn and performance specifications.

Key Duties and Responsibilities

The Cornrpwry therefore, invites candidates with competent skills to fill in the

Holder of Bachelurts Degree in Public Administration or Human

In padicalar, s/he will be reaporsible for.

lotlowing eacancies.

Resources Management from any recognized university.

a) Decisions concerning sample collection and handling

Research, design, evaluate, install. operare. and maurlain mechanical

b( Daily instrument maintenance and quality control

products, equipment, systems and processes to meet requirermenms,

Iv(Key Duties and Renponsibilibes;

lse( it Bactrtilo! Degtho in Pishlic Athmdstrstiorri Busineea

I) Reports to: Deputy General Manager

Ii) Direct entry qualIfication

ii) Direct Entry Qual'dlcstiene

Organcoing sports and recreation activiftes;

holder of Bacbelorts Degree in the field of Law from any recogoized

Degree in accounts, finance or its equivalent from the recognized iroilutioni



)g) Ensuring auailobillty of udlities;

ill) Key Duties and Respeesibilities:

(k) Assisting the Head of Depaitrrrert in coordinating staR performance

Providing Legal Support and advice to the conrpany

Eotahiah repayment schedules, muntisring repayment of debts And

Assessing legal documents of the organization and to ensure legal

adherence by debtors to instalment schedules.

protection of the organizalior

Contact clients debtors by telephone, email or fax to agree debt recovery

(I) Coordinating human resource development programmes turnout identified
rn) Developing and administering Company's employees heath plans and

administrative issues;
)b) Developing and implementing reward and incentive policies and strategies;

plans and toll ow up as appropriate.

advices to avoid any bar and lawsuit

To provide initiatives for reaching amicable solutions for setting debts on

To make sure that the nrganization'n inventions are patented and ifs rights

Arranging staff travels;

are protected

it) To provide debtors aging analysis ropert every nrenth.

Managing lawsuits

n/To provde collection report every week.

Assisting in managing all matters pertaining to the security of the Company;


Ensuring availability and maintenance of office equipment and furniture;

)g) Directing legal department staff to perform different tasks


Performing any other duties as may be assigned by the Head of

h) To nralse sure that all legal formalities lice too payments, assets

To perform other duties assigned with his/her supervisor.

maintenance, agreements of lease and other obligations are fulfilled in time

Department from time to time.

(r) Salary administration.

Reports to: Top management

)i) May be required to travel to different locations to resolve deals and assess
the real estate value on behalf of the nrgsnization

(e) Implementing disciplinary procedures and measures;

ti Supervisee: Internal Auditor

Direct entry qualIfications

ty To make sure that high level secrecy and privacy for all legal data a

) Assisting and advising the Management with recruitment process;

(g( Ensuring that induction prograirrme to new employees is conducted;

I) Reports to: Human Resources and Administration Officer

)h) Superrusing administration of staff comp000atlon and benefits;

Ii) Direct Entry Qualdications

maintained for the organization

Holder of a Bachelor Degree in Accuunting/FirsvcelBuoiness

Adrranistration from a reputable and recognized University

(ti) To keep track of the latest changes and law regulatiome

(I) Managing the legal department budget

Ensuring that pedonnance appraisal process is carded out;

Holder of Masterts Degree in Accounting, Finance or Business

Administration (MBA) horns reputable and recognized University and must

Holder of Secondary Education Certificate with at least credits in English

ty Cavrdinaling human renounce development programmes to meet identified

have CPA M or ACCA or equivalent and registered with NBAA:

and Kiswahili;


A holder of a Full Secretarial Certificate from reorgauized irotkutioe with

(k) Developing and administenng Company's en'piloyees health plans and

safety programs;
(I) Supervrsing vehicle management system;

ii Reports to: Depoty Chiet Engineer

Shorthand speed of 1001120 w.p.m. And typing speed of 50/60 words

it Supervise: Supervisor or Mainterasce Officer


ii) Direct Entry Qual'dtcatians

A holder of Computer application certificate (word processing, eecel,

Supervising all support staff;

Managing all maRers pertaining to the security of the Company;
(o( Ensuring the implementation of human resource manual;

behalf of clients.

safety programs;

related laws so as to align the internal policies and systems with the said
)d) Managing the industoal relationo so as to sustain a conducive wortsing


To take part in high level planning organizing meetings and giving legal

Keeping the Company's abreast of arnendmentsto employment and labour


In particular, a/the witl be responsible to:

Ensurng that relevant guidelines are in place and adhered to;

In particular sIre will be responsible for.(a) Advising the Top management an human resources management and

ill) Key Duties and Respenslblt'rtles

ty Assisting in conducting induction programme to now employees;

managemernl of the i'lurnan Resources and Administrative functions of the



(h) Enaunng office cleanliness and surroundings;

)i) Mon'Ooring vehicle management system;

Head of Human Resource and Administration will be responsible for the

I) Reports to: Deputy Finance Mansger

Preparing and maintaining Leave Ruaste

Administering the provision of identity and business cards to employues;

Business Administration-HR from any recognized and reputable

lv) Key Duties and Reapoeslbllttles:



Preparingandup-daitrgstaff records;

'ctolder of Master Degree in Public Adminisiration, tremor Resources or

Investigate equipment tailgres and difficulties to diagnose faulty operation.


internal policies and nysterno with the seid'vnneddm/tnrs,

Administration - Roman Resources from a reputable and recognised

Working eeperierrce of at least tree years in relevant field.

applying kzmowledge of engineering pnncrpiva

c) Somple tvnting
Developing and implementing reward and iocnnlive policies and strategies;
of C Oi3fl and 1n:a:oef sOon of data
Assisting the Head of Depvomifft"in'kying ffdrrff4Hy'u uhro5ot'ttf'n'C - it) Marnlenrap/fe oCa000:ale records and neportingof data
align the
t) Knoudprfivatuvo
amendments to employment

II Reports lu, Deputy General Manager

power-point and intemvt).

Degree in Eloctncal Engineering from any recognised Inahtution

Possession of knowledge 01 computer and financial management system

will bean added advantage;
lv) Key Duties and Reapeneibliff lea:
The Etead Intemal Auditor will be responsible for conducting tinarrdal,

iv) Key Duties and Reapenalbkittles

performance and systems audit of operations of the Company.

Addftienal SkItIs:

(P1 Ensuring effective cs-ordination of duties in the department:

Fluent in speaking and writing Kiowahili and English;

in particular, sIre will be responsible for.

In particular all will be responsible ten:-

(q( Ensuring efficient use at resources in the Departirrent;

Advanced Knowledge of secretarial procedures and office

a) To implement, maintain, and improve electrical instruments, eqaiprrsert

(a) Advising the General manager on audit matters;

)r) Preparing annual, nroethly and weekly plans and reports for the
Department and each staff member;

Typing letters, reports, minutes and similar office documents;


Receiving visitors, axcertair the naturo of their business and relaying

information to the officer concerned appropriately;

(I) Performing any other duties as assigned by the Top Mouragement from time

b( Operate computer-assisted engineering and design software and

equipment to pedorm engineering tasks,
c) To work on rnanufacturimg, construction, installation, maintenance,
specifications, codes, and customer requirenrents.

and other scheduled activities for the esecotives;

handling incoming mails for persona) affertion or the relevant eeecutiee

it) Perform detailed calculations to compute and establish manutsctanng,

circutated and managed;

Ii) Supervises: Hanran Resources Officers, Records Management Assistant

Secretaries, Drivers, & Office Aflendanla
Dl) Dleecteotryqualtitcation


of inspect completed installations and observe operations, to ensure

Peeping files, sensitive documents and other materiel in secured or

conformance to design and equipment specifications and compliance with

confidential place;

operational and satety standards.

Enaunng adequate office supplies to the department;

)h( Performing any slier duties and responsibilities as assigned from time to
time by the relveant Executive;


Reports to: Maintenance Officer

ii) Supervise: Electricians


Reports to: Dispensary Doctor

iv) Key Doted and Responsibilities

Drracl Entry Qualifications

Is particelar, s/he will be reoponaible for.

Diplomat Certificate In Medicine.

a. Registration with the Medical Courcil of Tanzania
Key Duties and Responsibilities

(c) Preparing and up-dating staff recsrds;

In particular, s/tie will be responsible for:

(d) Preparing and maintaining Leave Roaster,

To identity patient care requirements by establishing personal rapport wsh

(e( Administering the provision of identity and business cards to employees;

potential and acloal patients and utirer persons in a pootion to understand

(ly Organizing sports and recreation activities;

care requirements.

)g( Ensunng availability of utilities;

To establish a compassionate environment by providing emotionyl,

)h) Ensuring offce clesnlinesa and surroundings;

psychological, and spiritual support to patients, friends, and families,

(i( Montioring aehicle management eystem;

To promote patienfs independence by establishing patient care goals;

ty Assisting in conducting induction programme to new employees;

teaching patient, friends, and family to understand condit ion, medicatinna,

(k( Asaisting the Head of Department in coordinating staff perlonsaoce

and self-came skills; anewering questions.

a) To supervise the work and observe if therein needs maintenance for the

mechanics responsible for cleaning

d) To supervise the work given to the mechanics and avert it is done property
and collect report on the machine with big prabierna
e) To give reports or electrical problems to electrical technicians
To give the daily mechanical report to the chief mechanical officer.
gl To give the daily work ropon In the Engineemng Manager
To Perform any other duivo as assigned by the Maoeger

Qualified Candidates should send applications marked on lop of the envelop the
Job flurrther (JN) to the address below esdssing;
Curriculum Vitae with two ret ereen
One passport size photograph attached to application letter.

Supervise: Maintenance Otficarf Supervisors

Only shorthafed Candidates will be contacted

Degree is Mechanical Engineering from any recognised lostitofior

To Resolve patienf pmnblemn and needs by utilizing multidisciplinary team

lv) Key Duties and Responsibilities

Apply Is:

The Geveral Manager.

Tanzania - ChIna Fri endehip Testtte Co. LID,
P.O.BOX 20842,

To Maintain sste and clean working environment by csmplying with

Mode of sppticafiees:

The deactire for receiving applicators is or the 3rd Qcfr,2Ot6 at 1400frrs.

atate nurse practicv act, and other governing agency regulations,

(P1 Ensuring the implementation of human resource manual;

(a) Pertonning any other duties as assigned bythe'Genwraf nvarager from time

Reports to: Deputy Engineer

ii) Direct Entry Qualifications

Assisting in managing all matters pertaining to the security of the Company;

Ensuring effective co.ordiraftnr of duties in the department;

Copies of relevant certificates and awards

division's philosophies and standards of care out by state beard of nursing,


the Company's Audit Commisee; and the ctairmar of the hdard;


)r) Monitoring the performance of the department against agreed performance

To arrange the cleaning job to the machires, This (oh is done by the

rn) Developing and administering Company's employees heath plans and


implementation or recommendations;
(k) Preparing and submitling msnthly and quarterly Intemsit Audit Reporfstd

To arrange the daily work which has imnmerged

health outcomes against patient care goals and standards; making or

safety programs;

ldertitymng and recommending relevant policy that ensures the Company's

assets are preperiy accounted for and safeguarded from loss;

ty Following upon replies to internal and eatemal audits queries and verify

(m) Ensuring efficient use of resources in the Department

(I) Coondinaing human resource development programmes to meet identified

recommending necessary ad(ustments; following hospital and nursing


To Assure quality of care by adhering to therapeutic standards; measuring


)n) Arraoging staff travels;

Audti Comrnthee for review and approval.

reconrerend appropriate improvement;


Grade I Certificate/Diploma in Engineering from any recognised institufior

(a) Developing and implementing reward and incentive polices and strategies;

internal policies and systems with the said amendments;

the operations of the Company;

)g( Preparing annual internal oudit plans and programmes and submit to the
(h) Evaluating the effechveness of esmsting system of intemal control and

ki) Direct Entry Qualifications

Working eeperience stat least three yearn in the relevant field,

P1) Key Deities and Respeesibllfties:

amendments to employment and labour related laws so as to align the

and implemented;
)t) Ensuring compliance with policies, laws, regulations and rules goneming

similar etectmonic moans.

Holder of Bachelwis Degree in Peblrc Admrnistratisn, Human

ti) Assisting the lead of Department in keeping she Company abreast of

Staff for effective delivery of qua/by serurces;

(a) Assisting the Company to identify, understand and appropriately nraoage
its risk eapevurea by enaarisg that risk management strategies are in place

Performing any other duties as asoigred by the Deputy Engineer Manager.

(g) Recening and seoding infomration through ta)aphoee calls, fax v-nra)) and
Resoorcvs or Business Administration-HR from any recognized

are adhered Is;

(d( Ensuring that there is understanding of policies and goidel'rres among FTC

construction, and installation standards and epecifications,

and ensuring that information and correspondences are effectively

I) Repents to: Human Resources and Administration Manager

procedures of FTC;
)c( Ensuring that the Company's pot ic/os, systems and procedures stall levels

support, documentation, and testing activities to ensure compliance with

)c) Maintaining diary of appointments, meetings, occasions, official travelling

(u) Salary administration

)b) Promoting guod governance and strengthening poficies, systems and

and domestic purposes.

14) Key Duties and Respenaibiltiiee

Monosring the pedonnance of the depanmeot against agreed peitormance

to time

facilities, components. products, and systems for cornonercat, industrial,


In particular, aflre will be responsible ton:


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