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A Research Summary on
Play and Learning

Dr. Rachel E. White for

Letter from the President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
What is Play? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
The Play Continuum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
The Role of Free and Guided Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Play and Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Social Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Social Play with Adults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Social Play with Peers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Object Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Exploratory Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Object Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Cognitive Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Conceptual Knowledge through Exploration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Problem-solving and Creativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Convergent and Divergent Problem Solving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Pretend Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
The Timeliness for Pretense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
The Benefits of Pretend Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Cognitive Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Creativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Language and Literacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Executive Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Social and Emotional Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Navigating Interpersonal Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Socialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Social Understanding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Coping and Emotion Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Benefits of the Whole Child . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Physical Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Benefits of Physical Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Physical Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Cognitive/Academic Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Media Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Cognitive/Academic Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Facilitating Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Facilitation Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

Dr. Rachel White earned her doctorate in Child Psychology at the Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota.
Dr. Whites research focuses on how children can benefit from play and imagination in early childhood. She has also studied young
children's creation of imaginary companions, and how pretending relates to early social understanding, cognitive development,
and school readiness in diverse populations of preschool-aged children. Research for this paper was collected in fall 2012.


With a mission to spark childrens learning through play, Minnesota Childrens Museum provides hands-on learning
experiences to more than 400,000 visitors each year in Minnesota, as well as millions of children around the country
through the leading traveling exhibit program for childrens museum. While recognizing that children learn in many ways,
the Museum focuses on the learning that occurs through child-centered play.
Play may seem simple, yet it is profound to a childs development. Play makes learning something that happens naturally
and joyfully, when a child laughs and wonders, explores and imagines.
For more than 30 years, Minnesota Childrens Museum has embedded research on play and child development into interactive learning environments through its exhibits and programs. As the Museum embarks on an ambitious expansion, we
are presented with a pivotal opportunity to strengthen our connection to child development and high-quality research on
the role of play in early learning.
The following research summary is a unique and robust compilation of published research on the major types of play for
young children and related learning benefits. We are deeply grateful for the dedication of Dr. Rachel White in amassing,
synthesizing and digesting the breadth of research that has been conducted in this field.
A special thank you to the University of Minnesotas College Readiness Consortium, under the leadership of Kent Pekel,
for making Dr. Whites work possible through persistence and funding grounded in the belief that college readiness begins
in early childhood. We also thank the numerous researchers and experts who reviewed and advised on the summary,
including Dr. Stephanie Carlson, Dr. Megan Gunnar, Dr. Sara Langworthy, Barb Murphy, Dr. Amy Susman-Stillman,
and Julie Sweitzer. An additional thank you to Dr. Gunnar, University of Minnesota Regents Professor and Director of
the Institute of Child Development, for chairing the Museums Research Advisory Council that continues the research
partnership started with this summary.
Minnesota Childrens Museums staff is eager to apply this research, building on our strengths of engaging children in
learning experiences and extending the insights to parents and all the caring adults in a childs life. We hope you find this
research as inspiring as we do.
Playful learning is fun and its powerful. Please join us in fostering the undeniable, incredible, exceptional power of play,
wherever the setting.

Dianne Krizan
Minnesota Childrens Museum

In play it is as though [the child] were a head

taller than himself. As in the focus of a magnifying
glass, PLAY contains all developmental
tendencies in a condensed form and is itself a
major source of development.
Lev Vygotsky

Virtually every child, the world over, plays. The drive to
play is so intense that children will do so when they have
no real toys, when parents do not actively encourage the
behavior, and even in the middle of a war zone. In the eyes
of a young child, running, pretending, and building are fun.
Researchers and educators know that these playful activities
benefit the development of the whole child across social,
cognitive, physical, and emotional domains. Indeed, play is
such an instrumental component to healthy child development that the American Academy of Pediatrics (Ginsburg,
2007) issued a white paper on the topic, the National Association for the Education of Young Children (2009) named
play as a central component in developmentally appropriate
educational practices, and the United Nations High
Commission on Human Rights (1989) recognized play as a
fundamental right of every child.
Yet, while experts continue to expound a powerful
argument for the importance of play in childrens lives, the
actual time children spend playing continues to decrease.
Today, children play eight hours less each week than their
counterparts did two decades ago (Elkind, 2008). Under
pressure of rising academic standards, play is being
replaced by test preparation in kindergartens and grade
schools, and parents who aim to give their preschoolers a
leg up are led to believe that flashcards and educational
toys are the path to success. Our society has created a
false dichotomy between play and learning.
This paper presents an overview of the scientific research
that guides the educational philosophy that play is learning,
discussing many overlapping forms of child-centered play,
including social, object, pretend, physical, and media play.
Through play, children learn to regulate their behavior, lay
the foundations for later learning in science and mathematics, figure out the complex negotiations of social
relationships, build a repertoire of creative problem solving
skills, and so much more. Finally, this paper also addresses
the important role for adults in guiding children through
playful learning opportunities.

While experts continue to

expound a powerful argument for
PLAY, the actual time children
spend playing continues to

Despite the fact that adults can intuitively identify play
(Smith & Vollstedt, 1985), full consensus on a formal
definition continues to elude the researchers and theorists
who study it. Definitions range from discrete descriptions of
various types of play such as physical play, construction play,
language play, or symbolic play (Miller & Almon, 2009),
to lists of broad criteria, based on observations and attitudes,
that are meant to capture the essence of all play behaviors
(Burghardt, 2011; Rubin, Fein, & Vandenberg, 1983).

The Play Continuum

A majority of the contemporary definitions of play focus
on several key criteria. The founder of the National
Institute for Play, Stuart Brown, has described play as
anything that spontaneously is done for its own sake.
More specifically, he says it appears purposeless,
produces pleasure and joy, [and] leads one to the next stage
of mastery (as quoted in Tippett, 2008). Similarly, Miller
and Almon (2009) say that play includes activities that
are freely chosen and directed by children and arise from
intrinsic motivation (p. 15). Often, play is defined along
a continuum as more or less playful using a set of behavioral and dispositional criteria (Krasnor & Pepler, 1980;
Rubin, Fein, & Vandenberg, 1983):

PLAY IS PLEASURABLE. Children must enjoy the

activity or it is not play.
engage in play simply for the satisfaction the
behavior itself brings. It has no extrinsically
motivated function or goal.
PLAY IS PROCESS ORIENTED. When children play,
the means are more important than the ends.
PLAY IS FREELY CHOSEN. It is spontaneous and
voluntary. If a child is pressured, she will likely not
think of the activity as play.
physically and/or mentally involved in the activity.
PLAY IS NON-LITERAL. It involves make-believe.

According to this view, childrens playful behaviors can

range in degree from 0-100% playful. A behavior that
meets three of the above criteria would be considered more
playful than one that meets only two, but importantly, a
degree of playful behavior is acknowledged even if only
two criteria are met. Rubin and colleagues did not assign
greater weight to any one dimension in determining
playfulness; however, other researchers have suggested that
process orientation and a lack of obvious functional
purpose may be the most important aspects of play (e.g.,
Pellegrini, 2009).

PLAY builds the foundation for a

lifetime of learning.

From the perspective of a continuum, play can thus blend

with other motives and attitudes that are less playful, such
as work. Unlike play, work is typically not viewed as
enjoyable and it is extrinsically motivated (i.e., it is goaloriented). Researcher Joan Goodman (1994) suggested that
hybrid forms of work and play are not a detriment to
learning; rather, they can provide optimal contexts for
learning. For example, a child may be engaged in a
difficult, goal-directed activity set up by his teacher, but he
may still be actively engaged and intrinsically motivated.
At this mid-point between play and work, the childs
motivation, coupled with guidance from an adult, can
create robust opportunities for playful learning.

Guided play takes two forms. At a very basic level, adults

can enrich the childs environment by providing objects or
experiences that promote aspects of a curriculum. In the
more direct form of guided play, parents or other adults can
scaffold childrens play by joining in the fun as a co-player,
asking thoughtful questions, commenting on childrens
discoveries, or encouraging further exploration or new
facets to the childs activity (for a review, see Fisher et al.,
2011). Although playful learning can be somewhat structured and adult-facilitated, it must also be child-centered
(Nicolopolou, McDowell, & Brockmeyer, 2006). Play
should stem from the childs own desire.
Both free and guided play are essential elements in a childcentered approach to playful learning. Intrinsically motivated
free play provides the child with true autonomy, while
guided play is an avenue through which parents and
educators can provide more targeted learning experiences.
In either case, play should be actively engaged, it should
be predominantly child-directed, and it must be fun.

The Role of Free and Guided Play

Critically, recent research supports the idea that adults can
facilitate childrens learning while maintaining a playful
approach in interactions known as guided play (Fisher,
Hirsch-Pasek, Golinkoff, Singer, & Berk, 2011; HirschPasek, Golinkoff, Berk, & Singer, 2009). Guided play also
falls on a continuum based on how much adults set up the
environment and participate in play. The adults role in play
varies as a function of their educational goals and the
childs developmental level (Hirsch-Pasek et al, 2009).


Over the past few decades, researchers in the fields of

education and child psychology have amassed significant
evidence for the necessity of play in childrens lives. There
is no denying that play is fun, and certainly fun is its biggest
draw for children. However, as children play, they also
develop critical cognitive, emotional, social, and physical
skills. Play even contributes to proper brain development
(Shonkoff & Phillips, 2000). In this way, play is an
important end in itself; it is also a means to other ends. The
skills children learn through play in the early years set the
stage for future learning and success from the kindergarten
classroom to the workplace.
Play presents children with a particularly strong opportunity
for growth because it meets the needs of the whole,
individual child. All domains of childrens development
cognitive, social, emotional, and physical are intricately
intertwined. Play benefits each of these skills in direct and
indirect ways. Children learn and practice cognitive skills
including language, problem solving, creativity, and selfregulation. Socio-emotional growth can be seen in childrens
ability to interact with others, negotiate, and compromise.
They also practice strategies to cope with fear, anger, and
frustration. Moreover, block building, drawing, running, and

jumping all contribute to the development of fine and gross

motor skills. When children have the chance to direct their
own learning through play, they are able to address their
own immediate and developmental needs and find activities
that are most conducive to their individual learning styles.
In play, children develop a lasting disposition to learn.
Having control over the course of ones own learning, as in
free play, promotes desire, motivation, and mastery
(Erikson, 1985; Hurwitz, 2003). Children also learn how to
seek out knowledge; play involves exploration, hypothesis
testing, and discovery. What is more, all this is done in a
safe, anxiety- and risk-free environment where children are
free to test the limits of their knowledge and abilities with
relatively few repercussions (Hirsch-Pasek & Golinkoff,
2003). They learn to have confidence in their ability to solve
a problem, and they become resilient in the face of a
challenge (Erikson, 1985; Hurwitz, 2003; Pepler & Ross,
1981). Play builds the foundation for a lifetime of learning.

In PLAY, children develop a

lasting disposition to learn.

Many of these skills, first developed through play, are

crucial for success in the 21st century. There is no doubt
that amassing knowledge of the world around us continues
to be important in our society and playful learning can
help children to learn content-based lessons, too (for a
review, see Fisher et al., 2011). Increasingly, however, to
achieve success in a global economy, the individuals that
make up our workforce must also be socially adept
and highly creative. The 6Cs Collaboration, strong
Communication, knowledge of Content, Critical thinking,
Creative innovation, and Confidence to fail and try again
will be essential to our childrens future success. Many
of these skills are not easily taught in the classroom;
however, they are readily learned through play (HirschPasek & Golinkoff, 2003; Hirsch-Pasek et al., 2009;
Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2008).

Social play is defined as play that occurs in the interaction
of children with adults or other children. Typically, social
play is not classified as a unique category of play because
any type of play object play, pretend play, and physical
play has the potential to be enacted alone or with others.
Interactions within play scenarios, however, provide great
benefits to children whether their partners are adults or
peers, and are therefore worthy of note.

PLAY with parents sets the stage

for childrens ability to successfully
play with peers.

Social Play with Adults

The benefits of play begin to accrue early in infancy and

though play gradually decreases over childhood, it never
really ends. It changes forms according to the needs and
skills of children (and adults) at a given age. Some benefits
are fairly universal and cross play types; some are more
specific to one type or simply stronger in certain types of
play than others. Yet, the benefits of play nearly always
overlap in some combination to serve the needs of the
whole child. The following sections will describe some of
the most relevant benefits of social, object, pretend,
physical, and media play.

Parents, especially mothers, are often

childrens first play partners. Starting
in infancy, parents initiate play with
children through simple games like
peek-a-boo. By the second year of
life, parents and children regularly
engage in more complex forms of
play such as pretending to race cars
or care for a baby doll. Early
involvement from parents as
initiators, directors, and partners in
play serves to scaffold young
childrens abilities so that play structured by an adult is more sustained
and sophisticated than the child
would be able to achieve alone or with peers (Bornstein,
Haynes, Legler, OReilly, & Painter, 1997; Escalona,
1968; Feise, 1990; Stevenson, Leavitt, Thompson, &
Roach, 1988).
As children mature, they begin to take initiative in generating their own activities (e.g., Fein & Fryer, 1995), but
parents remain involved on the sidelines through comments
and prompting (Haight & Miller, 1993). Play with parents
sets the stage for childrens ability to successfully play with
peers (Haight & Miller, 1992).

Social Play With Peers

With age and increasingly mature social capacities,
childrens interactive play with peers becomes progressively more common and complex. Mildred Parten (1932)
established four levels of social play that are still used today
as a broad framework to describe increasing social maturity
in play over the early years (typical age of appearance,
according to Parten, in parentheses):
1. Solitary play (2 2 years): The child plays alone.
2. Parallel play (2 3): Children may be engaged in
similar activities but they play separately.
3. Associative play (3 4): Children are playing
separately but may share, pay attention to others, and/or
communicate with others about their play.
4. Cooperative play (4): Children are engaged in play
with a common goal and they work cooperatively to
achieve the goal.

Although the frequency of social

interaction does increase over time,
children are quite capable of social
interaction from a very early age.

years of age, but when children are in the company of a

familiar peer, they can cooperate in play through games like
peek-a-boo or running and chasing after one another as early
as 18 months (Brenner & Mueller, 1982). Around this same
time, children reliably interact during play by showing each
other their toys, occasionally offering to share, inviting peers
to play, expressing disapproval of their playmates behavior,
and communicating their feelings (Hughes, 1999). At two
years of age, children can engage in joint activities with
shared goals, such as making a bridge out of blocks or
having a tea party. By around three years, they can engage
in cooperative play with a shared purpose between players
and clearly differentiated, complementary roles (e.g., leaderfollower, or mother-baby; Howes, Unger, & Seidner, 1989).
By providing children with the opportunity to exert
greater control over their situation, play with peers sets
up a robust context for the development of the whole
child, including benefits to cognitive, social, and
emotional development. In contrast to parent-child
relationships in which parents are typically in charge, peer
interactions have a relatively even distribution of power.
Thus, in play among peers, children must jointly establish
the rules of the game (e.g., Were building a bridge, Ill
be the princess, you can be the dragon, This towel is
the moat), and in doing so they practice the skills of

Parten found that children followed a

developmental progression through
each of the four levels, exhibiting less
solitary play from ages two to four in
favor of more interactive forms of
play. This description implied that
solitary play at older ages is a sign of
social immaturity. However, solitary
play is, in fact, a common occurrence
into the school years, and the quality
of childrens solitary play increases
with age (for a review, see Johnson,
Christie, & Wardle, 2005). Moreover,
Partens research has also been criticized for underestimating childrens
ability to engage in social play at
younger ages.
More recent research provides a
revised account of the development
of social interaction in play settings. Although the frequency
of social interaction does increase over time, children are
quite capable of social interaction from a very early age.
Parten described the onset of cooperative play around 4


planning, negotiation, and cooperation (Hughes, 1999).

Importantly, play with peers is rife with conflict, as when
both partners want to be the mommy or one child takes a
block the other wanted. As they navigate their way

through such situations, children learn how their own

desires may differ from those of another child, how to
advocate for their own ideas, how to deal with frustration,
how work in a group, and how to respond in socially
appropriate ways (Berk, Mann, & Ogan, 2006; HirschPasek et al. 2009; Pellis & Pellis, 2009; Tepperman, 2007;
Vygotsky, 1978). The diverse skills that children gain
through social play with peers help them feel competent
in social situations (e.g., Connolly & Doyle, 1984;
Hirsch-Pasek et al. 2009; Singer & Singer, 2005), while
also contributing to cognitive and emotional growth.

As soon as children acquire the physical capacity to pick
up and manipulate objects, they begin to play with those
objects (Hughes, 1999). Throughout childhood, object play
remains a large part of the daily routine, occupying approximately 10-15% of childrens waking hours by conservative
estimation (Smith & Connolly, 1980).

Children can use PLAY to

scientifically reason about novel
objects and test hypotheses about
how those objects operate.
Object play can be formally
defined as the active, playful
(Bjorklund & Gardiner, 2009).
Examples of object play include
throwing a ball around or building
a racetrack out of blocks.
Although debates exist as to
whether childrens exploration of
objects or construction play (i.e.,
organized, goal-oriented play, in
which children use various
materials to build symbolic structures) can rightly be considered
play (see Pellegrini, 2009;
Hughes, 1999), several notable
researchers have recently included
these interactions with objects as examples of playful
learning (e.g., Fisher et al., 2011; Hirsch-Pasek &
Golinkoff, 2003). Thus, this paper will also take a liberal
view on the inclusion of exploratory and construction play
within the overarching category of play with objects.

Exploratory Play
Exploratory play is the first form of object play and typically
begins around five months of age. By the second year,
children begin to combine objects in play (e.g., put play food
on a plate or build a tower of a couple of blocks). Around
this time children also start to treat objects according to their
intended function (e.g., blocks are for stacking). Then later
within the second year, children begin to treat objects
symbolically; for example, a block may represent a piece of
cake (Hughes, 1999). Over the following few years,
childrens use of objects in play continues in large part
through the use of objects in pretend play and the creation
of increasingly complex and representationally realistic
structures in construction play (Reifel, 1984). They also use
art materials to create symbolic representations of their
thoughts and the world around them (DeLoache, 2004). By
age four, construction play may account for as much as half
of childrens free-play time in preschool classrooms (Pellegrini & Bjorklund, 2004; Rubin et al., 1983), and childrens
interest in building extends well into the elementary school
years (Christie & Johnsen, 1987).

Object Play
Play with objects is believed to make significant contributions
to childrens physical, social, and cognitive development.
Manipulation of small objects gives children the chance to
practice fine motor skills, and play with larger loose parts

involves gross motor skills. As discussed earlier, interactive

object play with adults and peers benefits childrens social
development. Object play also contributes to cognitive development, including learning about the nature of objects,
problem-solving, creativity, and foundational skills for
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.


Cognitive Benefits
Conceptual Knowledge through
Piaget believed children to be little scientists, who were
driven to perform everyday experiments that would
reveal the nature of their world. Through solitary object
play and exploratory play, children are introduced to the
ways objects work (What does it do?) and how they can
exert control over those objects (What can I do with it?;
Bjorklund & Gardiner, 2011, p. 154). Research has shown
that children can indeed use play to scientifically reason
about novel objects in their environment and to test
hypotheses about how those objects operate. Studies have
demonstrated that when young children are presented
with a puzzling new toy, their first instinct is to engage in
exploratory play, touching and manipulating parts of the
toy to figure out how it works (Schulz & Bonawitz, 2007).

PLAY has been described as

practice in divergent thinking,
because in play, children are
constantly coming up with
new ideas and
recombining them
to create novel

Amazingly, childrens play

with objects not only teaches
them about the particular
objects with which they
personally interact, but the
knowledge gained through
exploratory play can help
children generalize about broad
categories of similar objects. In
a study conducted by Baldwin,
Markman, and Melartin (1994),
9-16 month-old babies were
presented with novel toys such as horns or castanets that
had non-obvious properties (i.e., honking, clacking). After
only a brief exposure to the toy, the researchers showed
children a similar toy. Upon receiving the new object,
children immediately tried to produce the non-obvious
property; they had learned not only about the toys they


played with, but also about a category of objects. Through

exploratory play, children are able to learn about the
properties of and uses for objects that they can touch,
hear, and see, but they can also make inferences to learn
about properties that are not so easy to ascertain.

Problem-solving and Creativity

Given the imaginative and flexible nature of play, special
attention has been given in child development research to
its contributions to creative problem-solving. When
children play, they experiment with different behaviors
build new block towers, create new shapes in sculpting
clay which help them develop the creativity and
strategies necessary to successfully tackle novel problems
(Johnson et al., 2005).

Convergent and Divergent Problem

Convergent problems require children to organize pieces
of disparate information to arrive at one correct answer.
The ability to solve convergent problems has been linked
to childrens performance on standardized intelligence
and classroom tests where there is a single solution to
each question (Guilford, 1967). A classic study illustrates
the impact of play on childrens ability to generate
solutions to convergent problems. Sylva (1977) directed

children to retrieve an object that was placed out of their

reach, without moving from their seat. The experimenter
provided each child with two short sticks that could reach
the faraway object only if they were connected to one
another to form a longer stick. Children who had an

opportunity to play with the sticks before this task were

better at finding the correct solution to this convergent
problem (i.e., connecting the two sticks) than children in
a control group who previously had not seen the sticks.
Although children in a third group who observed an adult
model the solution also correctly solved the problem more
often than the control group, they were not as motivated
or persistent in their problem solving as children in the
play group. They often gave up if they failed to immediately solve the problem, whereas children in the play
group were more likely to keep trying new strategies until
they solved the problem.
Divergent problems seem to call upon creativity to a greater
extent (Hirsch-Pasek & Golinkoff, 2003), since they
require problem solvers to consider a range of possible
solutions; there is no single right answer to a divergent
problem. Play has been described as practice in divergent
thinking, because in play, children are constantly coming
up with new ideas and recombining them to create novel
scenarios (Pearson, Russ, & Spangel, 2008; Singer &
Singer, 1990). Experimental evidence supports this claim.
For example, children who were given 10 minutes to freely
play with paperclips, matchboxes, or other small everyday
objects were subsequently able to produce more creative
uses for those objects than children who imitated the play

of an adult or had no prior exposure to the objects (Dansky

& Silverman, 19731).
Research also indicates that the characteristics of
childrens play materials impacts divergent problemsolving ability. Pepler & Ross (1981) assigned
preschoolers to play with a single-solution puzzle (i.e., a
convergent toy) or a multiple-option block set (i.e., a
divergent toy). On later tasks, children who played with
the divergent toy were more innovative and flexible in
their approaches to solving problems than their peers who
played with convergent toys. While the benefits of
experience with convergent toys were limited to problem
solving in similar convergent tasks, the benefits of
divergent experiences transferred more broadly. Children
who played with the divergent toys were generally
successful on a range of both divergent and convergent
problem solving tasks, suggesting that engaging in
divergent playful activities might instill the idea that there
can be numerous creative solutions to a problem.
While this study remains one of the most commonly cited pieces of experimental evidence for the effect of play on divergent problem solving in
recent years, it is important to note that the results are controversial.
When Smith & Whitney (1987) tried to control for possible experimenter
bias through a double-blind experimental paradigm, these effects of play
on divergent thinking did not replicate.


PLAY lays the foundation for

higher-order thinking and later
learning of formal STEM concepts.

Science, Technology, Engineering,

and Math
Recently, the field of education has experienced a push to
develop the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Math) skills that are important to success in the 21st century.
Through play with objects blocks, sand, balls, crayons,
and paper children begin to understand logical scientific
thinking, such as the concept of cause and effect. They also
practice mathematical skills such as measurement, quantification, classification, counting, ordering, and part-whole
relations (Gelfer & Perkins, 1988; Ginsberg, Inoue & Seo,
1999; Piaget, 1962; Ness & Farenga, 2007). The informal
understanding children gain through experimentation,
observation, and comparison in play lays the foundation for
higher-order thinking and later learning of formal STEM
concepts (Bergen, 2009; Ginsberg, 2006; Shaklee et al.,
2008 as cited in Fisher et al., 2011; Tepperman, 2007).
Free play provides rich opportunities for children to experiment with mathematical concepts. Ginsburg, Pappas and
Seo (2001; see also Sarama & Clements, 2009) found
evidence of mathematical activity during almost half of
their observations of preschoolers play. Specifically, they
noted that children spent 25% of their time exploring
patterns and shapes, 13% comparing the magnitude of
objects, 12% on enumeration, 6% exploring transformation, 5% on spatial relations such as direction and
distance, and finally 2% on the classification of objects
into groups. Even without specific adult guidance in the
moment, childrens free play is rich with STEM lessons.


Moreover, research has linked early object play with

positive math and science outcomes. Object play, including
play with art materials, has been shown to be related to
better visuo-spatial skills (Caldera et al., 1999; Hirsch,
1996). Wolfgang, Stannard, & Jones (1996) followed a
group of 37 children over 16 years and found that the
complexity of their play with blocks as 4-year-olds was
significantly and positively related to their level of
achievement in mathematics during middle and high
school, even controlling for IQ and gender. This research
suggests that complex object play could provide children
with the early mathematical understanding that supports
later learning in formal contexts.
In summary, research on object play suggests it can benefit
childrens cognitive development in the short- and longterm. Giving children the chance to freely experiment with
diverse objects provides information about the world and
the childs place in it, allows them to create and express
themselves by making new objects or art, encourages
creative problem solving, and builds the foundation upon
which formal math and science training can be built. As
discussed in the section on social play, interactive object
play also builds childrens social, emotional, and
regulatory skills as they learn to cooperate with one
another and regulate their own behaviors in order to jointly
plan play activities.

Pretend play is a hallmark activity of early childhood.
Pretending involves creating alternate realities to the real
world. Children can enact different people, places or times,
and objects become symbols for what is imagined (Fein,
1981; Lillard, 2011). Here, pretend play refers to a range
of behaviors including symbolic play (i.e., mentally transforming objects to represent pretend entities, as when a
child pretends a banana is a telephone) as well as sociodramatic play (i.e., pretend play with a group in which
children cooperate and take on complementary characters).

The Timeline for Pretense

The developmental timeline for pretense is well established
(Carlson & Zelazo, 2008; Fein, 1981; Garvey, 1991). Pretend
play first appears around 12 months of age. At this point, it
is typically directed toward the self, as when children pretend
to sleep or eat (Piaget, 1962). Later, children begin to direct
their play toward other people and objects. By the middle of
the second year, children transform objects in their
environment by giving animate characteristics to inanimate
objects like dolls or stuffed animals. Shortly thereafter, they
also assign new, pretend identities for objects (e.g., a banana
becomes a telephone). Two-year-olds can understand pretend
actions by adult play partners and respond appropriately
within the pretend context. For example, if an adult pretends
that a cardboard box is a bathtub, the child can then fill the
bathtub with water (Harris & Kavanaugh, 1993; Lillard &
Witherington, 2004).

Gradually from toddlerhood to preschool age, pretending

becomes increasingly decontextualized so that play can
occur independent of tangible objects, and children can
create imaginary characters and situations. By preschool,
children have reached the high season of pretend play
(Singer & Singer, 1990), and up to two-thirds of the time
they spend in make-believe play is interactive (i.e., sociodramatic play; Rubin, 1982, 1986). Overt pretending is
thought to wane in middle childhood as children become
more interested in organized games, but reports indicate that
older children are most likely to engage in fantasy privately
or in the context of technological media (Bergen & Williams,
2008, as cited in Bergen, 2009; Singer & Singer, 1990).

The Benefits of Pretend Play

The benefits of play are perhaps best addressed in the area
of pretend play, both theoretically and empirically. Several
eminent scholars (e.g., Erikson, 1950; Freud, 1958; Piaget,
1962) of the last century spoke of the significance of this
type of play in cognitive, social and emotional development.
Vygotsky was perhaps most resolute in his belief that pretend
play is a leading factor in development, noting that in play
children develop a range of skills and learn culturally valued
competencies (Berk, Mann, & Ogan, 2006).
Research over the past few decades has supported
Vygotskys bold claim, underscoring the ability of pretend
play to serve the development of the whole child. The
following sections will review several ways in which
pretend play impacts childrens growing abilities in the
social, cognitive, and emotional realms.

The benefits of play are perhaps

best addressed in the area of
pretend PLAY.


Cognitive Benefits

Language and Literacy

As in play with objects, pretend play has been linked to

creativity, and creative problem solving in particular (e.g.,
Dansky, 1980; Russ, 1993, 2004; Saracho, 2002). A metaanalysis of play studies found that one of the strongest links
among a long list of correlates of pretend play was to
divergent thinking, a key component of creativity (Fischer,
1992). In one study, Dansky (1980) assigned children to
one of three conditions (1) free play, (2) imitation of an
adults actions, or (3) problem-solving experience, and
found engaging in free play increased performance on a
later divergent problem-solving task. However, this relation
held only for children who were observed to display high
levels of pretense in their play, suggesting that there might
be something special about the nature of pretend play, over
and above other forms of play, for promoting flexible and
creative problem solving.

Pretending and language are each, at their core, modes of

symbolic thought. Just as a block can stand in for a car in
pretense, in language, letters and words represent
concepts, objects, or events in our world. Pretend play
allows children to practice creating symbols as they
mentally transform objects within a play scenario. As
such, pretending contributes to childrens understanding
of symbols and their meaning, which is essential for
counterfactual thinking, empathy, and formal learning
(consider using numerals in math or diagrams to represent
atomic structures in chemistry). It is also particularly
relevant to literacy-related learning. Hanline, Milton and
Phelps (2010) found that preschoolers who had high
levels of representation in their block constructions had
higher reading abilities and a faster rate of growth in
reading in early elementary school.

Pretend PLAY has been linked to

creativity, and creative problem
solving in particular.

Although these and similar studies related to object play

together are suggestive of positive effects of play on
divergent thinking, the research on pretend play and
divergent problem solving is correlational. Without
further experimental study it is premature to assume that
pretending causes increased divergent thinking; the
relation could also be due to a third factor such intellectual
flexibility, which is believed to be a prerequisite for both
constructs (Carlson & White, 2012).


The large amount of time children spend pretending also

provides opportunities to practice language use. During
pretend play, children talk more, speak in lengthier utterances, and use more complex language (e.g., future tense,
interrogative clauses, conditional verbs, descriptive
adjectives, mental state verbs) than when they are
engaged in other activities (Fekonja, Umek, & Kranjc,
2005 as cited in Fisher et al., 2011; Singer & Singer,
1981). Moreover, in their research, Dickinson and

Early pretense is related to later

literacy outcomes including
reading comprehension and the
ability to communicate clearly
through speech and writing.

Moreton (1991, as cited in Fisher et al., 2011) found that

kindergarteners vocabulary was positively related to the
amount of time they spent talking with other children
during pretend play sessions at three years of age.
In addition to oral language proficiency, dramatic play
contributes to childrens developing narrative abilities
(i.e., thinking in stories). In jointly creating a story with a
partner or group, children must communicate their own
ideas in ways that others can understand and integrate
each partners ideas into a single coherent narrative (for
a review, see Fisher et al., 2011). Fisher and colleagues
(2011) suggest that children may be better prepared to
understand narratives when they have experienced similar
concepts through play, such as identifying and acting out
characters or creating contextual descriptions to support
a fantasy scenario. Pretense and narrative ability do
appear to be related in the preschool years: Trionfi and
Reese (2009) reported that children with imaginary
companions tended to produce richer narratives than their
peers who were not so fantasy prone.
Moreover, pretense in the early years is related to later
literacy outcomes including reading comprehension and
the ability to communicate clearly through speech and
writing (for a review, see Nicolopoulu, 2006 and
Tepperman, 2007). Bergen and Mauer (2000) found that
children with who engaged in more play with literacy
materials (e.g., pretend reading to stuffed animals,
making shopping lists) at age four had more advanced
language abilities and reading readiness in kindergarten.
Finally, experimental research has repeatedly shown that
when children listen to and reenact a story, they
comprehend and remember more about the story than
children who did not play out the scenes (Pellegrini &
Galda, 1982; Saltz, Dixon, & Johnson, 1977; Williamson
& Silvern, 1984).


Executive Function
In psychological terminology, the cognitive abilities behind
conscious self-control of thought, action, and emotion are
known as executive function. They involve a group of
related processes including inhibition of impulses, working
memory, planning, and cognitive flexibility. Executive
function develops rapidly in childhood, concurrent with
maturation of prefrontal brain regions (for a review, see
Carlson, Zelazo, & Faja, 2012), and continues to strengthen
into the mid-20s (Zelazo, 2012). Early executive function
abilities have been implicated in school readiness, (Blair &
Razza, 2007) as well as the development of memory,
attention, intelligence, morality, and emotion regulation (for
a review, see Zelazo, Carlson, & Kesek, 2008). Moreover,
measures of executive function at age four have been
shown to predict a host of long-term outcomes including
physical health, substance dependence, personal finances,
and criminality (Shoda, Mischel, & Peake, 1990; Moffitt
et al., 2011). Such research is contributing to a strong case
that building a childs executive function skills should be a
priority in early education.


Noted Russian psychologist, Lev Vygotsky, believed that

a childs greatest self-control occurs in play (1978, p.
99). He proposed that pretend play, in particular, could
be a leading factor in the development of the childs ability
to self-regulate. Indeed, pretending provides practice in
many aspects of executive function: for example, children
must be able to flexibly view an object both as what it truly
is and as its pretend identity, inhibit their own desires in
order to follow the rules of the group, and plan elaborate
story scenarios.
Playful preschool curricula can improve childrens
executive function skills. Following Vygotskys theory,
the Tools of the Mind preschool program (Bodrova &
Leong, 2006) was developed with the goal of improving

Early executive function abilities

have been implicated in school
readiness, the development of
memory, attention, intelligence,
morality and emotion regulation.

Stepping into the shoes of a

character and imagining what he
would say, do or feel might help
children to develop an understanding of other people.
young childrens self-regulatory abilities. Through the
training of mature pretend play, children learn to use toys
and props symbolically, develop consistent and extensive
narratives, maintain rules and roles, and plan play
scenarios from beginning to end (Bodrova, Leong, Atwill,
Ko, & Saifer. 2009). Several evaluation studies have
found the Tools of the Mind program to be effective in
improving participants executive function relative to
control groups (Barnett, Jung, Yarosz, Thomas, Hornbeck,
et al., 2008; Bodrova & Leong, 2006; Diamond, Barnett,
Thomas, & Munro, 2007).
Within the field of child psychology, studies have established consistent links between executive function and
pretense abilities (Albertson & Shore, 2009; Carlson,
White, & Davis-Unger, 2012; Elias & Berk, 2002; Kelly
& Hammond, 2011; Taylor, Carlson, & Shawber, 2007).
Experimental studies have further shown direct effects of

pretend play on childrens self-regulatory abilities. Saltz,

Dixon, and Johnson (1977) developed a pre-tense training
program for low-income preschoolers. After a full year of
participation in the program, children who were trained in
thematic pretense (i.e., fairy tales) tested higher on
executive function than children who received sociodramatic training in realistic roles, those who heard fantasy
stories without enactment, and the regular curriculum
control group. Researchers concluded from these findings
that the abstract or symbolic nature of imaginative activities
could be responsible for the improvements seen in
executive function.
Recent research shows that even a small dose of pretend
play less than 10 minutes improves childrens
performance on a subsequent executive function task,
further suggesting that pretending may encourage the
flexible thinking required for children to overcome
impulses and successfully control behavior (White &
Carlson, 2011). Taken as a whole, this line of research
indicates that encouraging children to engage in pretend
play, and furthermore cultivating more mature forms of
pretend play, could be a natural vehicle by which we can
promote executive function within and outside of formal
educational environments.


Social and Emotional Benefits

Navigating Interpersonal Interactions
Social pretense has been discussed at length above, but still,
it bears repeating here that socio-dramatic play is particularly well-suited to teaching children to navigate complex
social interactions with peers and adults because it is, by
definition, so intensely interactive in nature. In addition to
the negotiation and cooperation that takes place in planning
a pretense narrative in collaboration with another and
jointly determining the rules of engagement, children
frequently engage in problem-solving and conflict
resolution during socio-dramatic play (Russ, 2004). Within
the intricate negotiation process that takes place during and
before complex socio-dramatic play, children can learn to
persuade one another and resolve disagreements in socially
appropriate ways (e.g., de Lorimier et al., 1995; Doyle &
Connolly, 1989; Doyle et al., 1992). That play can foster
the development of early friendships (Singer & Singer,
1990), may be related to the fact that childrens ability to
successfully negotiate with their peers during play is related
to peer social acceptance (Doyle & Connolly, 1989). In
fact, training children on socio-dramatic play has been
shown to increase perspective taking abilities, positive peer
interaction and cooperation (e.g., Rosen, 1974).

Play is a way for children to learn about the realities and
expectations of their culture. During play, children internalize scripts for how to act in society and how things are
done (Carlson, Taylor, & Levin, 1998; Farver & Howes,
1993; Vygotsky, 1967). In dramatic play, a child can experiment with a variety of different roles; one day he is a
fireman, and the next day a baby. Stepping into the shoes
of a character and imagining what he would say, do or feel
might help children to develop an understanding of other
people (Hughes, 1999). Another socialization benefit of
dramatic play is that it allows children to master scripts
for events in their lives. Hirsch-Pasek and Golinkoff
(2003) use the example of the supermarket at the Please
Touch Museum of
Philadelphia to illustrate this concept. As
Through conflicts and negotiations
children play in the
with other children or the creation
market, they shop for
canned goods and
of characters, children become
produce, place their
aware that other people have
goods in miniature
carts and wheel them
intentions and desires that may not
up to a register where
match their own.
Similarly, children


could rehearse the events of going to the doctors office or

being a teacher. They are pretending to adhere to the rules
of the society they live in (albeit, often with creative
modifications or misunderstandings).

Social Understanding
Play could be a major factor in developing an understanding of ones self and others (e.g., Taylor & Carlson,
1997; Lillard, 1993). Through conflicts and negotiations
with other children or the creation of characters, children
become aware that other people have intentions and desires
that may not match their own (de Lorimier, Doyle, &
Tessier, 1995; Kavanaugh & Engel, 1998).
The ability to attribute mental states beliefs, intent, desire
to oneself and others and to understand that others mental
states could be different from ones own is an ability known
as theory of mind. Research into the link between play and
theory of mind has revealed a robust relation between
pretending and the frequency and nature of childrens talk
about mental states (e.g., thoughts, beliefs, memories;
Hughes & Dunn, 1997).
Furthermore, Cassidys (1998) research suggests that the
make-believe context may give children a boost in theory

PLAY can help children to regulate

their emotions by providing an outlet
to deal with stress in the moment.

of mind ability. She showed that children were able to

understand that a character could hold a belief that the child
knew to be false (a common test of theory of mind) when
the scenario was situated in the context of pretend play, but
not in a real context. As Vygotsky (1978) noted, a child
often shows her highest level of functioning in pretend play,
and skills applied in pretense may gradually transfer to
other contexts.
Within the realm of pretend play, role play may be particularly well-suited to help children appreciate mental states
(Harris, 2000) as it may promote perspective-taking and
help children to understand how others think and feel (de
Lorimier, Doyle, Tessier 1995; Kavanaugh & Engel, 1998).
Numerous studies have revealed that the amount and
quality of a childs role play is related to their theory of
mind abilities (Carlson & Taylor, 1997; Hughes & Dunn,
1997; Jenkins & Astington, 1996; Youngblade & Dunn,
1995), but arguably the best evidence for role plays impact
on mental state reasoning comes from a study by Dockett
(1998, as cited in Kavanaugh, 2011 and Pellegrini, 2009).


Four-year-old children were trained in role playing over

three weeks. Compared to children who did not receive this
training, the role-play group performed better on theory of
mind tasks both immediately after the program and again
after three weeks. Similarly, after a year of acting classes,
children and adolescents showed increased empathy, and
adolescents showed increased theory of mind (Goldstein
& Bloom, 2007).

they will go. Moreover, young children may lack the

cognitive and linguistic abilities to verbally work through
problems or difficult emotions. Play can help children to
regulate their emotions by providing an outlet to deal with
stress in the moment, allowing children to revisit and
understand disturbing experiences after the fact, and giving
them the tools to cope with distress in the future (Johnson
et al., 2005).

PLAY and fantasy give children

means to exert control over their
environment and to regulate their
thoughts and feelings.
Notably, this ability to successfully take the perspective
of another person to understand what they are thinking
and feeling is necessary to establish close interpersonal
communication (Harter, 1983), and is related to altruism
(Froming, Allen, & Jensen, 1985), empathy (Bengtsson
& Johnson, 1992), and social popularity (Kurdek &
Krile, 1982).

Coping and Emotion Regulation

Play and fantasy give children means to exert control over
their environment and to regulate their thoughts and
feelings. Play is an especially important outlet in this sense
because young children are often at the mercy of others to
determine rules of behavior, what they will eat, or where


Several studies have found pretend play to be positively

related to coping (e.g., Cristiano & Russ, 1996) and
emotion regulation (Gayler & Evans, 2001; Russ, 2004).
Theorists have suggested that play offers children the
opportunity to master negative feelings in a risk-free
context by exploring and modifying their emotional experiences (Bretherton, 1989; Fein, 1989). A study by Barnett
and Storm (1981) supports this idea. The researchers
randomly assigned preschoolers to watch a movie clip with
a stressful ending or one with a positive ending. As one
might expect, the children who watched the stressful clip

were more anxious and unhappy following the movie than

their peers who watched the positive clip. When given the
opportunity to play following the movie, children in the
negative group spent more time enacting events related to
the movie clip than children in the positive group, and they
were able to attenuate their anxiety and negative emotions.
Another study shows that play is related to childrens
repertoire of emotion regulation and coping skills during
a distressing situation: of a group of seven to nine yearold children undergoing an invasive dental procedure,
those who expressed more affect and fantasy in their play
reported implementing a greater number and variety of
coping strategies and felt less distress during the

Pretend PLAY is a powerful tool

for learning in childhood.
procedure than children who were not as advanced in their
play. Some have suggested that the symbolic nature of art
may have similar effects on coping, as children can
represent and deal with thoughts and feelings via artistic
media in a similar fashion to what they do in dramatic
play (Russ, 2004). Russ (1988) has proposed that
divergent thinking skills may play a role in helping
children to come up with various ideas on how to regulate
their emotions.

Benefits to the Whole Child

Although, the lists of benefits to specific areas of play are
long, the most impressive evidence for the impact of pretend
play comes from those studies that consider influences in
multiple domains of development. Studies in which
researchers have trained children to engage higher quality
pretend play have shown improvements in verbal fluency,
vocabulary, language comprehension (Smilansky, 1968), IQ,
ability to distinguish fantasy from reality, controlling
impulsive behavior (Saltz, Dixon, & Johnson, 1977), story
interpretation, memory (Saltz & Johnson, 1974), verbal
comprehension, story sequencing, creativity, causal
reasoning (Dansky, 1980), and empathy (Saltz, Dixon &
Johnson, 1977; Saltz & Dixon, 1974). Of course, the benefits
revealed by these studies likely underestimate the reach of
play in development because of a lack of resources to
measure all possibilities. Still, together with the benefits
described above in the areas of creativity, language, social
skills, socialization, social understanding, coping and
emotion regulation, this research makes a clear statement:
Pretend play is a powerful tool for learning in childhood (cf.,
Lillard et al., 2012).


Active PLAY among youngsters

has plummeted by 50% over the
last forty years.

Physical play, also known as locomotor play or exercise
play, involves physical activity in a playful context such as
kicking, running, jumping, chasing, and climbing (Pellegrini, 2009). Generally, scholars believe that physical play
follows an inverted-U shaped trajectory, gradually
increasing from infancy through the school years and then
declining during adolescence (Power, 2000). Unfortunately,
despite the potential physical and cognitive benefits
bestowed by physical activity, physical play is one of the
least researched forms of play (Pellegrini, 2009). It is also
one of the most endangered forms of play in our schools
and society: recess in schools is disappearing at an alarming
rate (Pellegrini, 2005) and active play among youngsters
has plummeted by 50% over the last forty years (Juster,
Ono, & Stafford, 2004).

Benefits of Physical Play

Physical Benefits
Promoting the physical benefits of locomotor play is
perhaps more relevant today than at any other time in recent
history. Obesity among children is at an all-time high;


approximately one-third of American children between the

ages of 2-19 are overweight or obese (American Heart
Association, 2011). The American Academy of Pediatrics
(2006) considers physical activity to be an important
strategy in promoting healthy lifestyles, and some in the
medical community have suggested that encouraging
children to play is key to boosting levels of physical activity
(Budette & Whitaker, 2005). In addition to practicing gross
motor skills, children receive vast health benefits from
physical activity including aerobic endurance, muscle
growth, strength, coordination, growth stimulation of major
organs (Pica, 2008), and increased bone mineral content
(Gunter et al., 2008). Extended periods of activity may be
required in order to accrue such benefits (Byers & Walker,
1995); the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(2011) suggest that children aged 6-17 should play for 60
minutes per day. Studies show that children naturally
gravitate to physical play given the chance. Approximately
20% of childrens free play behaviors can be classified as
vigorous physical activity (McGrew, 1982, Smith &
Connolly, 1980 as cited in Pellegrini, 2009). Giving
children the time to play could contribute to immediate and
deferred physical health benefits.

Cognitive/Academic Benefits
Physical play can also provide benefits in the cognitive and
academic domains. First, physical activity could contribute
to the development and expression of self-regulation. When
running around in a game of chase for example, children
are at a high level of arousal, but when the game is over they
must control their behavior in order to disengage and settle
down (Hughes, 1999). Several intervention studies have
shown that moderate to vigorous levels of physical activity
can improve executive function in school age children (for
a review, see Diamond & Lee, 2011). Organized activities
like sports may be even more effective, because they require
sustained attention and disciplined action.
If physical play can impact executive function in young
children, it may in turn affect academic outcomes (Blair &
Razza, 2007). Taking breaks for physical play also has
immediate impacts on learning, which may be due to
childrens increased attention to academic tasks (Pellegrini,
2009). School-aged children who were assigned to five
additional hours per week of physical activity performed
better on standardized academic assessments than their peers
who did not take part in physical activities (Shephard, 1983).

In another study, third graders were found to be more

attentive to in-class activities after recess than they were
before it (Pellegrini & Davis, 1993). While the connection
may not be immediately obvious, recess and other forms
of physical play may be crucial to childrens ability to learn
cognitive and academic lessons.
Further research is needed to understand the full range of
benefits physical play has to offer. In the meantime, we
know that this type of play can boost physical development,
promote healthy lifestyles, and even help children perform
better in school. As our society continues to face the obesity
epidemic and strives for higher academic standards, the
need for physical play in childhood should become ever
more apparent.

Technology is more prevalent in childrens lives today
than ever before. On average, children under three spend

PLAY can boost physical

development, promote healthy
lifestyles, and even help children
perform better in school.


3-4 hours per day engaged with screen media (Christakis,

2009), and by eight years of age, that number increases to
7.5 hours per day (Rideout, Foehr, & Roberts, 2010).
Research on childrens use of technology and its effect on
learning and development is currently in an early stage, but
thus far it suggests that interactive technology, including
video and computer games, can be a valuable tool in
promoting playful learning.

Technology-based games can be

a powerful tool to promote
playful learning beyond the point
in early childhood when interest
in traditional forms of PLAY
begins to wane.

Popular opinion is not always in favor of the rise of media

use; gaming has been accused of inhibiting the development of social skills, increasing rates of obesity, and
promoting violent behavior (Gray, 2012). For the most part,
however, research does not support such claims. In reality,
video game players are reported to be more likely to participate in sports, less likely to be obese, more interested in
civic involvement, more obedient of parents, more likely
to have academically-minded friends, less likely to have
risk-seeking friends, and no more violent than non-video
game players (Durkin & Barber, 2002; Ferguson, 2010;
Williams, Yee, & Caplan, 2008).

Cognitive/Academic Benefits
Technology-based games can be a powerful tool to promote
playful learning beyond the point in early childhood when
interest in traditional forms of play begins to wane. Like
other forms of play, games are fun and they provide
children with the opportunity to exert relatively high levels
of control and self-direction in their learning. Games also
guide children toward advanced knowledge and skills
through the graduated levels of complexity built into their
programs. Moreover, the presentation of materials in
multiple modalities (i.e., visual, tactile, auditory) can serve
the needs of children with a wide range of learning styles
(Mayo, 2009). Together, these properties of games motivate
children to play; they stay on task longer, and that gives the
benefits of this type of play more time to take hold
(Owston, Wideman, Sinitskaya, & Brown, 2009).
Video and computer games can promote learning even
when they have not been designed with specific educational
goals in mind (Gee, 2003; Shaffer, 2008). Games require
children to make decisions, present increasingly difficult
challenges, and encourage exploration, experimentation,
and creativity in problem solving (Goldstein, 2011; Fischer
& Gillespie, 2003). Such behaviors feed into the foundational skills of science and mathematics: hypothesis testing,
experimentation, and discovery (Goldstein, 2011). Among
the many additional cognitive benefits of video game
experience are increased visuo-spatial abilities (including
tests used as components of IQ assessments; e.g., Green &
Bavelier, 2003), memory, critical thinking, problem solving,


Like other forms of PLAY, games are fun and

they provide children with the opportunity to
exert relatively high levels of control and selfdirection in their learning.

executive function, and qualitative thinking (Goldstein,

2011). Technology can even promote social learning when
children must cooperate with one another to achieve goals
in multi-player games (Prensky, 2004).
Games are also a valuable resource in imparting specific
content-based lessons. For example, a recent study found that
young childrens (3-7 years) self-initiated play with the educational iPhone application Martha Speaks increased
vocabulary scores as much as 31% over two weeks (Chiong
& Shuler, 2010). In contrast to this finding, a recent study
found that preschool-aged children correctly responded to
more content and chronology questions after reading traditional books with a parent than when they read electronically
enhanced books, a finding which could be due to decreased
levels of dialogic reading tactics employed by parents reading
electronic books. (Hirsch-Pasek, personal communication).
More positive results for media play can be found in
research with older children. A review of educational video
games for middle-school to college students also found
7-40% increases in learning over lecture-based programs

(Mayo, 2009). Games can and have been applied to a range

of content areas including language, civics, and STEM
(Goldstein, 2011; Mayo, 2009). Video games, computer
simulations, and virtual reality allow users to experience
and manipulate infinite environments, objects, or situations
the Oregon Trail, outer space, atoms, coral reefs, ancient
Greek Parliament that are outside of their reach
(Strangman, Hall, & Meyer, 2003). The largest gains in
learning seem to occur in the areas of science and mathematics. (Roschelle, Pea, Hoadley, Gordon, & Means,
2000). Overall across content areas, technology-based
learning has largely contributed to positive outcomes and
has a distinct advantage in that children find it to be a fun
way to learn (Ainge, 1996).
Technology should never replace traditional forms of play.
Children still need to play with blocks, pretend, and run
around outside. It may, however, be time to eschew the
automatic stigma attached to video games and similar media.
They can introduce rich content and provide the opportunity
for children to practice a wide range of skills. Used appropriately, games are a valuable tool for playful learning.


The preceding sections have demonstrated the profound
importance of play for learning and development in
childhood. An abundance of research and theory suggests
that children may accrue maximum benefits of playful
experiences when activities are scaffolded by adult play
partners. As noted above, adults can guide childrens play
by setting up the play environment or through direct
involvement in play activities (e.g., Fisher et al., 2011).
Importantly, adults can further scaffold childrens behaviors
during play to achieve higher levels of play and learning
(e.g., Fisher et al., 2011; Vygotsky, 1978). This section will
explore research on the role of the adult in guiding and
facilitating childrens playful learning experiences.
The idea that children can benefit from sensitive, childdirected adult guidance and participation in play is
empirically supported. In addition to the benefits mentioned
above for social play with adult partners, evidence to
support the power of scaffolding children to higher levels
of play and learning can be seen in the Tools of the Mind
preschool program. Based on the works of Vygotsky,
teachers in this program provide individually-tailored
guidance based on childrens developmental level, including
hints, props, and modeling behaviors. This guidance


includes support for mature intentional play in which

children carefully plan and enact specific roles in pretense.
Research has revealed significant gains in executive
function and literacy for children in this learning
environment. Although, one cannot be certain that adult
guidance in play was responsible for the benefits seen in
Tools of the Mind students, the results are suggestive that
proper scaffolding helps to raise childrens level of learning
and subsequent performance on a variety of tasks (Tools of
the Mind, 2012). More direct evidence comes from experimental manipulations of adult intervention in play. Fisher
and colleagues (2009, 2010 cited in Fisher et al., 2011)
found that guided play is more beneficial to childrens
learning than even direct instruction. When the experimenter guided children through play with shapes by
encouraging them to explore and prompting explanations
about the number of sides or other properties, children
gained a better understanding for new, complex shapes than
when the experimenter simply showed children relevant
properties of the shapes. Together, these studies speak to the
potential for adults to positively impact learning outcomes
through play.

Overall, research on adults

various roles in PLAY suggests
that they need to be sensitive to
the childs needs in the moment,
flexible in choosing the way they
intervene, and willing to follow the
childs lead.

Research shows that the quality of adult interactions in play
scenarios may be more important than the quantity. When
adults respond in a sensitive and child-directed manner,
childrens play can be more elaborate (Feise 1990; Sylva,
Roy, & Painter,1980), creative (Shmukler,1981), and
sustained (Dunn & Wooding, 1977). Children engage in
more social play (Farran, Silveri & Culp, 1991) and
cognitive activity as well (Howes & Smith, 1995). On the
other hand, when adults become too bossy or are insensitive
to the needs of the child in the moment, children tend to lose
interest and stop playing (Howes, Unger & Matheson, 1992;
Shmukler, 1981). Between the extreme positions of being
completely uninvolved and taking over the play scenario,
adults (in this case, teachers) have been observed to interact
with children in several roles that can facilitate play
(Johnson et al., 2005; Singer & Singer, 1977).

As onlookers, adults
observe children from
nearby and may make an
occasional comment,
but do nothing to enhance
or disrupt play. Observation
can help the adult to
understand childrens play
habits and in turn, to know
when they need to intervene
with one of the more
involved forms of play
described below.

In this role, adults do not
directly take part in play.
Instead, they help children
set the stage for various
activities and offer assistance when asked (e.g., get
materials, make costumes).
A stage manager may also
propose extensions to a
play scenario (e.g., a new
imaginary obstacle to
overcome in socio-dramatic
play), but children are free
to follow or ignore the
suggestions as they please.

Knowing which role is best for a given situation can be

difficult and often takes quite a bit of practice. Children
will differ on the level of adult involvement they want or
need on a particular day, or in a particular space, and as
such adults may need to take on several different roles
even within one session (Gronlund, 2010; Johnson et al.,
2005). Roskos and Neuman (1993) found that, experienced teachers flexibly and frequently shift between
several different roles depending on childrens needs.
Overall, research on adults various roles in play suggests
that they need to be sensitive to the childs needs in the
moment, flexible in choosing the way they intervene, and
willing to follow the childs lead.
A study by Shine and Acosta (2000) on parent-child interactions at a childrens museum suggest that parents may
need some guidance to successfully facilitate play. While
visiting a grocery store exhibit, children were likely to role
play, while parents mostly prompted, taught concepts, and
directed pro-social behaviors from outside of the play
frame. As such, interactions between parents and children
were brief, often non-contingent between partners, and
sometimes disruptive to play. Follow-up interviews
revealed that parents felt a desire and duty to teach their
children about real-life experiences while at the museum,
which can sometimes be detrimental to the flow of the play
scenario (Wood, McMahon, & Cranstoun, 1980) They also

Co-players join in play
activities. Typically they
take small supporting
roles, while the child
takes the lead. Co-players
might make suggestions
to extend play and often
model play skills for the
child, such as sharing
or role playing.

In this role, the adult
actively guides childrens
play from within the
activity. Play leaders aim
to enrich and extend play
by suggesting new
themes, props, or plot
twists to the current
scenario. Teachers are
likely to take on this
high level of involvement
when children have
trouble starting or
maintaining play.


avoided participation in play because they felt exposed and

uncomfortable in the role of co-player in public. To
encourage parent involvement in pretend play, Shine and
Acosta suggest that museums provide private, enclosed
spaces and adult-sized props to prompt parents to join in
the play, as well as parent education about the benefits of
parent-child play through classes and signage.

in successful socio-dramatic play training studies (Dockett,

1988, as cited in Kavanaugh, 2011 and Pellegrini, 2009;
Smilansky, 1968). Finally, adults can give children the time
they need to play and explore. Research shows that children


often need at least half an hour to plan, set up, and execute
play. Specifically, in one study, preschoolers exhibited more
mature forms of social and cognitive play, and higher
percentages of group play, constructive play, and sociodramatic play during 30 minute play sessions than 15
minute sessions (Christie, Johnsen, & Peckover, 1988). By
using a few child-centered techniques, adults can help to
boost children to higher levels of play and learning.

Based on a review of relevant literature, Johnson and

colleagues (2005) recommend several specific techniques
to help adults scaffold childrens play. Perhaps the most
important aspect to any intervention is to follow the childs
lead. Adults can observe what children like and do, and
respond to it accordingly. They can also engage children in
theme-relevant conversation, ask leading questions, respond
to their requests for help, and address questions in a way
that encourages critical thinking (i.e., not necessarily giving
away the answer; Mind in the Making, Ellen Galinsky).
Another suggestion for adults is to ground new experiences
at the museum in childrens knowledge of the outside
world, as play is contingent on an understanding of the
situation or materials at hand: for example, providing
children with preparatory experiences has been a key factor


Research shows that children

often need at least half an hour to
plan, set up, and execute PLAY.

Overall, this line of research suggests that in addition to

enhancing childrens experience at the museum, targeting
the education of adult visitors could provide a unique
opportunity to impact playful learning in a broader sense.
Given that the time children spend within the walls of the
museum is relatively short, and many of the benefits of play
accrue over the long term, helping parents to realize the
importance of play and how to foster playful learning in a
home environment could be particularly important.

Play is learning. As Vygotsky (1978) noted, it contains all
developmental tendencies in a condensed form and is itself
a major source of development (p. 102). Through the
presentation of research on various, overlapping styles of
play, this paper illustrates the impact of play on the whole
child. In the short and long term, play benefits cognitive,
social, emotional, and physical development. Children
learn cognitive skills such as creativity, problem solving,
divergent thinking, mathematics, and language. They learn
to negotiate social relationships, regulate their emotions,
and control their own behaviors. Play also fosters the development of fine and gross motor skills. When play is fun
and child-directed, children are motivated to engage in
opportunities to learn. Moreover, when given choices in
play, children can find activities that are best suited to their
individual needs.
Together, the research summarized here makes a strong
statement for the benefits of play. We must, however, take
caution in the interpretation and application of some
individual studies. Much of the research is 30 years old or
more. With the passage of time, it is hard to predict
whether the same outcomes would hold for children in
todays world. Also, much of the research on the benefits
of play is correlational; we cannot say for certain whether
play itself is the cause for learning or development in those
cases. Finally, we know that culture can impact parents

opinion on play and how children play. Although, care was

taken to include research with diverse groups of children
in this paper, the majority of play research is done with
middle-class, Western samples. While these limitations do
not negate the overall argument that play benefits learning
and development it will be important to keep these
limitations in mind when applying individual findings.
The mission of Minnesota Childrens Museum is to promote
playful learning for young children. By providing children
with rich play experiences, and helping parents to understand
the importance of playful learning in childrens lives, we can
help children to learn, build successful relationships, be
happy, and find success in the 21st century. In an age where

PLAY is learning.
play is under siege (Zigler, 2004) in many educational
circles, promoting opportunities for children to learn through
playful contexts could not be more important. Through play,
we can begin to build the foundations for motivated, healthy
and happy children, and a productive society.


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Sparking childrens learning through play

Foundational Beliefs
Early learning is the foundation for lifelong learning.
Families are our childrens first teachers.
All children deserve a time and place to be children.
Diverse perspectives enrich childrens lives.
Playing is learning.

10 West Seventh Street, St. Paul, MN 55102 651-225-6000

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