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NGOs in Bangladesh

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Bangladesh has been perhaps the most important hearth on the globe for nongovernmental organizations. Some[who?]estimates place the number of NGOs in
Bangladesh in excess of 20,000[citation needed]. There are many types of NGOs in the country,
but most focus on development or poverty alleviation. Bangladesh is often seen as the
birthplace of the microcredit NGO, namely the Grameen Bank. The Comilla District in
Bangladesh has also long been the pet project of global developmental theorists and


1 Blogs focusing NGO

2 International NGOs
3 Microfinance institutions (MFIs)
4 Children
5 Education
6 Health
7 Human Rights and Humanitarian Organizations
8 Indigenous Communities
9 Environment
10 Research Organizations
11 Market Research Organizations
12 SME Development
13 Rural Development

14 Others

Blogs focusing NGO

Bangladesh: NGOs and Development Organisations is a popular blog focusing on NGO
and its related issues particularly on organisation development.

International NGOs

CARE Bangladesh

cids (centre for innovation & development strategy)
GWF (Green World Foundation)
[Islamic Relief Worldwide]
Manusher Jonno
Pathfinder International
Practical Action Bangladesh (Intermediate Technology Development Group)
SAP - South Asia Partnership
Save the Children Australia
Save the Children Canada
Save the Children Germany
Save the Children UK
Save the Children USA
TdH-Italy Terre des hommes Italia
Terre des hommes Netherlands]
USAID - U.S. Agency for International development
USC Canada Bangladesh
Voluntary Service Overseas
Damien Foundation
NBDP-North Bengal Development Program (Thakurgaon)

Microfinance institutions (MFIs)

BRAC: Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee BASA: Bangladesh Association for
Social Advancement CCDB: Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh
PKKS: Prantic Krisak Kalyan Sangstha )

ARBAN (NGO) (Association for Realisation of Basic Needs)
BARSA [Bangladesh Association of Rural and Social Advancement], Satkhira.
DIPSHIKHA - "Nonformal Education, Training and Research Society for
Village Development"
DORP ( Development Organisation of the Rural Poor)
Grameen Bank
GKP (Gono Kallayan Parishad)
MSS ( Manabik Shahajya Sangstha) established in 1974
PARD (Palash Palli Unnayan Sangstha)
POPI (People's Oriented Program Implementation)
RDRS Bangladesh (Rangpur Dinajur Rural Service)
TMSS (Thengamara Mohila Sabuj Sangha)

PMUK (Padakhep Manabik Unnayan Kendra)



CSKS - Chinnamul Shishu Kishore Sangstha

GKP - Gono Kallayan Parishad
BSAF - Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum
DDF - Destitute Development Foundation
STS - Shishu Tori Sangstha
BCFDF - Bangladesh Child Fundamental Demand Foundation.
MSS-(Manabik Shahajya Sangstha) working from 1974 runing Day care and
NFPE in Dhaka urban
BITMIR - Bangladesh Imaging Training, Medical Information's & Research
MRC-MODE Limited - []
TALF - Theater & Arts for Less Fortunate
Compassion International
Ayoti Women and Children Care Organization Bogra Bangladesh [1]
MRDI [3]

*NIFT- (National Institute of Fashion Technology)

ARBAN (Association for Realisation of Basic Needs)

BEES - Bangladesh Educational & Environment Society
CAMPE (Campaign for Popular Education)]
CDL-Community Development Library
DAM - Dhaka Ahsania Mission]
DIPSHIKHA - "Nonformal Education, Training and Research Society for
Village Development"
GKP - Gono Kallayan Parishad
DDF - Destitute Development Foundation
FIVDB - Friends in Village Development Bangladesh]
GSS - Gonoshahajjo Sangstha]
MRC-MODE Limited - []
SJA - Sylhet Jubo Academy
MSS-(Manabik Shahajya Sangstha) working from 1974 runing Day care and
NFPE in Dhaka urban
Underprivileged Children's Educational Programs]
Nabil Rahman Foundation

Nurul Uloom Trust-NUT. Address.Shahid Zia Sarak, Barisal-8200, Bangladesh.

HDF- Human Development Foundation
LPS - Love The People and SoCiety

* DOT - Drop Out Theatre, Kishoreganj. After Schooling,Mobile School,Youth


Malikuddin Foundation- UK Based Charity. Investing in rural education.

Community Development Friend (CDF)


RTM International - Research, Training and Managment International

BUF - Bangladesh Ultrasound Foundation
BITMIR - Bangladesh Imaging Training, Medical information's & Research
Gonoshasthaya Kendra (GK)
GKP - Gono Kallayan Parishad
Damien Foundation
DDF - Destitute Development Foundation
Eminence - Centre for Health and Development Intelligence. Eminence
Associates for Social Development (Eminence) emerged as an evidence based
not-for-profit organization during August 2003 to reach out the health, nutrition,
food security, climate change and human rights realm of Bangladesh alongside
contributing its potential to invigorate the existing development system. [4]
Marie Stopes
MSS- (Manabik Shahajya Sangstha) working from 1974 and running health clinic
and services as well as awareness actitivies on health specially HIV/AIDS.
MRC-MODE Limited - []
Centre for Injury Prevention and Research, Bangladesh
TALF - Theater & Arts for Less Fortunate [5]
NURUL ULOOM TRUST-NUT. Address-Shahid zia Sarak, Natullabad, Barisal
-8200, Bangladesh. Post box No. 25, Barisal.
GW - Good Wills Bangladesh.B- 500/19, Gulshan Shopping Complex, Circle 1,Gulshan, Dhaka.
AVAS- Association of Voluntary Action for Society, Barisal.
Village Doctor International- UK Based Charity. Taking medical aid to the rural
people of Bangladesh.
Community Development Friend (CDF), 247 Arambag, Gopalganj, Bangladesh

*DOT - Drop Out Theatre, Kishoreganj. Safe Hospital Project.

Human Rights and Humanitarian Organizations

Community Development Friend (CDF), 247 Arambag, Gopalganj, Bangladesh

ASK - Ain O Salish Kendra
BILS - Bangladesh Institute of Labour Studies
BRCT - Bangladesh Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma VictimsBRCT
GKP - Gono Kallayan Parishad
HDF- Human Development Foundation
DDF - Destitute Development Foundation
Coastal Development Partnership (CDP),
MRC-MODE Limited - []
MSS (Manabik Shahajya Sangstha) established in 1974 Pioneer in Governance
and HR activities with urban slums
PARD - Palash Palli Unnayan Sangstha
PRAN - Participatory Research & Action Network[6]
HRCBM - Human Rights and Humanitarian Services Organization]
SJA - Sylhet Jubo Academy
Steps - Steps Towards Development
BARSA [Bangladesh Association of Rural and Social Advancement], Satkhira.
LPS - Love The People and Society
Odhikar [7]

Indigenous Communities

ECDO - Ethnic Community Development Organization, Sylhet.
Dipshikha, Dhaka
DDF - Destitute Development Foundation
MRC-MODE Limited - []
PBM - Parbataya Bouddha Mission, Chittagong Hill Tracts]
Community Development Friend (CDF), 247 Arambag, Gopalganj, Bangladesh
Farmers Advancement & Cultivating Effort-FACE


BASA - Bangladesh Association for Social Advancement

BEES - Bangladesh Educational & Environment Society
DDF - Destitute Development Foundation
MRC-MODE Limited - []
Water and Sanitation:
Community Development Friend (CDF), 247 Arambag, Gopalganj, Bangladesh
SJA - Sylhet Jubo Academy

GKP - Gono Kallayan Parishad

BITMIR - Bangladegh Imaging Training, Medical Information's & Research
NGOF for DWSS (NGO Forum for Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation)
Participatory Research & Action Network- PRAN
Farmers Advancement & Cultivating Effort-FACE
Coastal Development Partnership (CDP),
Zabarang Kalyan Samity (

Research Organizations

GWF (Green World Foundation)

BITMIR - Bangladesh Imaging Training, Medical information's & Research
PromPT - Promoting Participation & Training
DDF - Destitute Development Foundation
HDRC - Human Development Research Centre
MRC-MODE Limited - []
PPRC - Power and Participation Research Centre
PPS-BD- PRA Promoters' Society- Bangladesh
Unnayan Onneshan - The Innovators
AMRF Society- Alternative Movement for Resources and Freedom Society
Participatory Research & Action Network- PRAN
Newsnet Information Ltd.- newsNet
Farmers Advancement & Cultivating Effort-FACE
FIRD-Foundation For Information,Research And Doccumentation
Coastal Development Partnership (CDP),
Community Development Friend (CDF), 247 Arambag, Gopalganj, Bangladesh

Market Research Organizations

MRC-MODE Limited - []

Zabarang Kalyan Samity (

SME Development

ChangeMaker - Society for Social and Economic Development

Rural Development

Community Development Friend (CDF), 247 Arambag, Gopalganj, Bangladesh

GKP - Gono Kallayan Parishad
DIPSHIKHA - "Nonformal Education, Training and Research Society for Village

DDF - Destitute Development Foundation

MCCB - Mennonite Central Committee Bangladesh
MRC-MODE Limited - []
SAP - South Asia Partnership-Bangladesh
VARD - Voluntary Association for Rural Development
Society for Integration of Rural Initiatives
RDRS Bangladesh (Rangpur Dinajpur Rural Service)
[Grameen Swapna][8]
SJA - Sylhet Jubo Academy
BSDS - Bangladesh Social Development Services (BSDS)[9]
ARD- Association for Rural development (ARD)
TALF - Theater & Arts for Less Fortunate
Farmers Advancement & Cultivating Effort-FACE


DDF - Destitute Development Foundation

Community Development Friend (CDF), 247 Arambag, Gopalganj, Bangladesh
Find an NGO and Volunteer at Bangladesh at World Wide Directory of NGOs
Aparajeyo-Bangladesh Grameen Swapna
Aparajeyo-Bangladesh Ars-Bangladesh( develop by
TALF - Theater & Arts for Less Fortunate

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