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Pledged to The Republican Policy of Reciprocity and Protection to American Industries, as Formulated In The Republican National Pfatform.

NO. 51




M i s s M a u d o Drogan of Konoaha is visit

ing relatives and friends here this week.
For RentTbe Kugene Smith house on
Lake street. Inquire of Charles Harden.
For Salea comparatively new safe. Inquire of J, McMabon, Lake Villa, III. GOlf




utomoblles HoV Doing* Their Share

Tovrnrd Mnkliiff Good Roads.
The crowning glory of automobile tourng, however, lies in tbe demand created
n all parts of the world where motor cars
nnd'Mrs. Percy' Chinn" of Kenosha "Billy" Safford, of WinMany Clerks and Shoppers re being used for pleasure or business ,
What They Are Doing ani areMr.visiting
relatives and friends here tbla
for good roads. Here in AmeriSwept to Death as the calurposes,
throp Harbor, Heir to
Where They GoSome week..
the good roads movement within recent
years, has become a question of national
Floors Fall
Mrs. Fred Cpulman of Chicago was \ iaa Large Fortune
Interesting Items
mportonce. With the exception of a few
Itlng her parenUr Mr. and*Mrs. Walter
tales, notably New Jersey and MosaaTaylor, dfer Sunday.
husette, the subject of better roads was
C. T. Fairuian and family of Chicago WORKS AS WATCHMAN
last thought that gave the legislators
NEWS AROUND TOWN are visiting relatives and friends in Lake
he least particle of trouble. The automoVilla and Vlcinltr>ile club of America expended a tremendDon't forget the dance given by the Old-Man la Said to be Related
Wounded Dragged From De- ua amount of argumentative energy in
Short Local
News Gathered In Antioch. cornet band at the opera house
_ m **..
rybg to 'convince the law makers of New
that the making of good roads was a
Our Journeylngs Aboil t'the
business investment. Their appeals
'^McHenry ls rejoicing over the fact, that
out a few thousand dollars, some- .
the prospects are bright for an electric
Twenty to thirty persons were killed and rhat grudgingly given . Finally the gener.';
road to connect that village with Chicago.
ELOIK, ILL., Aug. 7Butter firm
more than half a hundred severely injured as sum of one hundred thousand dollars
Winthrop Harbor and at present serving
21c. Output of the week. 822,000 Ibshe Antioch Hillside Cemetery society os a night watchman in the plant, of the
when the middle section of the biff depart- was appropriated, and at the forthcoming
will hold its next regular meeting at the Municipal Engineering company, Is either
ment itore of the John G. Myers Company lection a constitutional amendment wilt:
Gharles Knerson of Chicago is vlsitl;
home of Miss Suian Morley on Wednesday dreaming or he is the most fortunate mau
at Albany, N. Y. t collapsed at 8:50 o'clock >e presented to the voters providing; that
here this week.
afternoon, Aug. 16. Visitors always la this section o the country. .
Tuesday morning, carrying 100 men, he state bond itself for five mill ton' dollars
8. J. Eakle and nelce were Mo
women and children into the basement.
or ten years for the building of improved
morning passengers for Chicago.
roads. ,
For SaleTen room house with 1 acre
Miss Myrtle Powell of Chicago is the
bos been productive of similar
of land, 1 mile north of Millburn. Shade
guest of Laura and Ruth William*.
in other states. Gov. Deneen
trees and some nice fruit trees and good
those imprisoned in the debris. Forty-six of Illinois, gave a marked illustration of
"Lee Middendorff of Grayslaka spent well. Gallon or.address G. W. Odom, an estate of 97,000,000, and, what is more
injured persons were dragged from the he growing demand for better, roads 'in .
Sunday with his parents south of town.
Antioch, R. *. B. No. 2.
50*3 to the point, it Is claimed that the tangle
I A Burlington woman has named her ruins before midnight, and BIX bodies were he west, -when in his last message, he
Will Hanneman and George, Gollwit
The following from Antioch .are in atIn question is now being untangled in the piano lamp after-her husband, on the taken out. Three more bodies were in made a'strong plea for the expenditure of
were transacting builneas in Chicago Tu
tendance at the races at Davenport, Iowa, New York courts and Safford is soon to ground that it has brass about it; requires sight, and it was the general opinion of the more money and careful thought on road
day.this week where "Little Wonder" owned
come into the enjoyment-of bis money. a^good deal of attention; remarkably bril- searchers that all those who remained in milding. His statement that barely two
by Chas. Sibley will trot 'on Wednesday.
fr. and Mrs, Fred Ames and a pa
per ceot of the Illinois roads are suitable
In addition to this Safford has been able liant; is sometimes unsteady on its legs; is the rulna were dead.
Charles Sibley, Henry Herman, J. J. Morof friends from Waubegan were out o
to establish his relationship to President liable to explode when half full; Bares up The best account of the event that prob- or traffic at all periods of tbe year was no
ley and J. P. Bird.
Roosevelt, and while the relationship Is occasionally; Is always out at bed time and ably caused the ruin is given by the bead exaggeration, and scores of other states
of the crockery, glass and drug department could show no higher average. Depart-'
'distant it Is sufficient to connect him 'with ia bound to B moke.
Mrs. W. T. Hill of Evanston was calling
ments of Highways have been established
At a very large gathering of 'people a which occupied the basement.
on friends in this vicinity the fore part of
California, Idaho, Minnesota, Missis- .
dashing young widow stodped down to tie
the week.
Lake Mills, Wis., will deliver the annual rends like the dream of a childish old man her shoe string. When she arose and floor beam which runs under the end of ippi, Missouri, ^Oregon, Tennessee and/
f Frank Haycock of Chigaao was an over address. A base ball game between Union but it is pretty well authenticated and
the central pillar in the middle of the several of the eastern states in which .the '
Sunday visitor vrjtb relatives nnd friends grove and Burlington will be one of the there is no one in Withrop Harbor but be- started to walk away she found (rather he store." said he. "Excavation for the cel- good road movements have* languished.
found) that she had tied one end to tbe
in tkis-TJcinity.
lieves that Billy's story will come trueiand shoe.string of a handsome young man. It lar was going on about the base of this Florida recently appropriated five hundred ^>
pillar, and I believe that jarring of the
d dollars for good roads, and it is\ -.'
Miss Lena Volt of Lake Mill, Wis.,
Having recently replenished my stock that in the near future. The attorneys' in was a mistake, of course; but they were beam beneath it displaced the foundation
predicted that within a short ' =_
returned home on Thursday after spend- of novelty goods I would invite you when New York who have'charge of tha matter married the very next day at high noon.
not be a state in tue~"union
iiurthe past two weeks with Mrs.'Ed.Neff in need of anything in my line to call, I claim that they will be able to turn a vast
T A country .town is a wonderful conven- of the counters near the place where the .bat will not manifest pride in the increas1
at"this place.
now have on band a good assortment of
year, and Billy is simply/existing ience to the residents of tbe country. The men ..were working began to sag, and ing mileage of its serviceable roads good
LeoU Haynes arrived home on belts, collars,-side combs, back combs, this
until the money,arrives^ .-.,.-- ^
_-^ better the town: the more valuable is farm* several pieces of glassware slid off onto the all the year round.-^-H. P.'Burchell, in bfae
Thursday from,a .three weeks: visit at gloves etc., and nlio a number of novelties
ijQ^WB^ear: ittt*-.A good" liv--town*is floorwltlra'cnrah;* "I yelled" to*-iirjr*clerki
August Out ing- Magazine.

such aa band mlfrori, vases, doiliea, fancy - The land that id involved in the strange always excellent for the form. It should to run for the front of the store. The
Orand Rapids, Wl. >
coshlons, embrodiery silks, and many claim of the Winthrop Harbor man is a be the aim of every owner of land near a words were not out of my mouth when
Oicar Rector of Kenosha visited
dainty pieces of china, anil my prices are tract of ninety-six acres of land in Harlem town to help build up the place by giving there came a cracking and everything
with Mrs. D. A. Williams and other Antiof the lowest. Mrs. Nina Seymour, Main in New York City. It is covered with it his support, for by so doing he assists around us began to fall.'*
och friends last week.
sky scrapers and is grimy from the dust of
street Antioch, III.
himself and his neighbor and his state.
The pillar which gave way supported
Write to Aldan, Bidinger & Co., Wau- , According to orders sent out by chief of a thousand chimneys in the neighborhood.
ends of two giant girders, and when it
Safford's great-grandmother had ,an unKegan, III., for prices and terms on new
Poliece Collins of Chlsigo^all crimnals are disputed title to the property und most of get rid of an old parrot which she. owned. fell the main support of the central part of
and used pianoi and organs.
to be banished from Chicago, this doss it was leased for ninty-aine years. Long It had only one toil feather, but possessed the building was gone. With a noise that Mary Rummel* the 15 year old daughter .
Miss Alice Hopper of Chicago has been will then be scattered throughout the since the old woman was gathered to her an extensive vocabulary of choice and CUBS could be beard blocks away and which of William Rummell, a well to do farmer
visiting at the;home of Mrs. D. A. Wil- country into tbe smaller cities and towns fathers and the leases have just expired. words. A bright idea struck her. She shook the adjoining buildings, nearly half iving near the village of Genoa Junction,
liams for several.days.
.And it behoves Antioch and especially itff New York capitalists have' acknowledged was hostess of her cord club one. day and the great structure, from cellar to roof, and played an important part in a romantic
ittle drama which had Us closing acene in
New and second band pianos and sew- banking interests to be on the lookout for the claim of Safford and the other heirs she gave the parrot as the booby prize. extending from one side wall to the other,
justice court of George B. McCarron, ing machines for .sale or rent, or will trade them. - It would in all probability pay and have offered to either buy the property The'.woman who won it took it 'home and went down.
last week Wednesday evening.
Into this cavern slid scores of employes
our; banks to engage a special night or take new leases for the period named in bided bar time. It soon came her time to
for hones. L. B. Grice.
eloped from Genoa Junction,
watchman'.for tbe next few months.
entertain the club and furnish prizes. So who were working on the four floors above
Miss Elsie Williams and Miss Addle Lake .Villa was invaded lost week, two the former leases.
with Fred LichtenIn the. meantime the multi-millionaire she gave her parrot as the booby prize, aha lacked the warning which enabled aller, a Kenosha man, who .was' recently
Minor, of -Wesley hospital visited with places being.broken into and money and
ia living at the Neinabar hotel, a common- too. From that time on the parrot became those in the basement to escape.
Mia .Williams1 parents over Sunday.
The volunteer rescuers and firemen con- released from the state prison at Waupun
goods being taken. .
place lodging house for workmen, and all the booby prize and made the rounds of
after serving a term on a charge of wife
For.SaleThe Minnie Huber property
night he tramps the confines of tho plant most of the homes of the women. Finally tinued the work until exhausted, when abandonment. Mr. Lichtenteller bad been
on North Main etreetVAntiocb, HI, la
at Winthrop Harbor, earning a paltry $50 tbe woman who originated the idea won their places were taken by a wrecking force working as a teamster at Genoa function,
^uireiDfL.B. Grice.:. v 60tf
a month for Mq .labor, p* never'varies the booby prize the other day and carried of 300 men from the New, York Central and white at work. there he had met the his duties and in the last four- years he home the old bird. The parrot recognized and Delaware and Hudson railroads. girt. She. was fascinated with Lichten. Mr. W. F. Lord and HissGertrude Reed
baa not missed a single day. The only the* former home. He craned his neck, When the darkness came it was estimated taller, and after much penuaxibn she conwere out Saturday* and Sunday looking
thins that worries him'ia the fact that he blinked bis eyea several times and then that nearly fifty persons still remained, in sented to accompany him to Kenoaha,
over the (arm. they recently purchased of
; kitchen's the ruins, and that not more than half ol
ia sometimes forced to wait foe-his meals. with disgust said: "Oh, h
James Kerr.
where the couple bad arranged to be marthese could survive.
Safford itated that when he came. Into dirty as ever."
ried. The Rnramelt girl left her home
Mrs. L. M. Cfibb will entertain the
.bis money he would build the finest house
, morning, stating ahat ahe waa
/ ladiea'of the Angola cemetery society at
Paris Creamery Burned.
in Winthrop Harbor and then bring hie
the village to visit some friends.
I her home on Lake street on Tuesday; after
The Paris Corner's creamery, located in
daughter there to keep house for him. Too
to return to her. home in the
xoan, August 15. Visitors invited. the town of Paris. Wis.i was completely
the North Shore- Electric Company, or daughter is married and lives in Colorado truth in his paper if he wanted to. He
on Tuesday .morning the
destroyed by fire Monday afternoon. The
- If you. want to sail your form see James private capital may be 'advanced to pro- and ia childless. The villagers all. love
can't do it and continue in the business! Bra, which is supposed to have originated father instituted a search for the girl. He
A Johnson, who wi|l list it and advertise mote it independently * R. D. Wynn, the the kindly old man and the merest baby in
found that she had left with' Lichtenteller, .
remarks on exchange. A Missouri editor
the same with no cost to you unless they man who organized tbe road, secured the the town knows that Billy ia a millionaire. tried it and was invited to leave town, and from a defective smoke stack, broke out and he at once set out for Kenoeba, in
*ell it, d<5 this before Aug. 15, as they get franchise, and has made it a success so far, Safford was formerly a conductor on an the request was put so forcibly that he just after eleven o'clock Monday morning hopes of being able to intercept the elopers
and as there was no fire protection' abou
their new list out at that time.
holds the controlling bond, and will play Illinois railway.
"got.1' . Here are some of the items that the building the farmers who made an before they had been married. He reached "
There are nine or ten heirs to the imFor Sale^A cidor mill press, boiler 'and it to his best advantage. ,
put him out of business:
effort to save the building fought ft- hope- Kenosha Wednesday afternoon and at once '
estate but Safford haa the first claim
engine.' The boiler is a ten horse power The status of the road is as follows: To
"Arch Abercombe thrashed his wife less fight. The building was owned, by went to the court bouse to find out if a
and the engine is an .eight horse power. promote it, secure a right of way, and being the next of kin to tbe old lady who' again Sunday."1
the farmers residing in the .nelgtiborhow license had been issued for the marriage/' .
~ Everything in first class condition. In- build it as far as it ia now, bos required formerly secured the land during the Dutch ' "John Benin, the laziest merchant in and the machinery was the property of the of Llchtfinteller . and the daughter. Findquire of J.B. Palmer, Lake Villa, III. 61tf. on expenditure of;|50,000 on the port^of occupancy of New York. President Roose- town, made a trip to Belleville yesterday." Eenosha Creamery company; The loss on ing that no license had .'been issued, he
tbe North Shore Electric Company. Mr. velt is one of the numerous heirs to'the
"Rev. Styx preached Hunday^on charity. tbe building is placed at $1,500 and .the 'went to tho police office, and with the aid-The committee In charge of the arrango- Wynn'Jias been given a chance to redeem property, and a year, ago when altoineys
theme was a good one but the sermon loss to the Eenosha company' through do of the officers he immediately ^went-'tb ^
tnents for Waukegan Day picnic have de- the road;, but this chance iei pi res in sixty offered to settle with Safford for a few
struction.of machinery and loss of business the Lichtenteller borne and found the girl.
cided that U shall bo held on Monday,
days, at the end of which time . the North hundred dollars he declined- the offer and ' "Paddy.Srnitu's 'blind pig' is running
will be 11,000. There was no* Insurance She itated that the marriage had no
Aug. 14. Ond feature of the. picnic will Shore Electric will, assume control, and at- it is claimed that it was the President of
yet taken place, but that BueVwos u
.nobe a cloy pigeon shoot, and tbe pike will tend to its further growth and develop* tho United States that advised him to take
the prbtectfori'of the parents^' Jjicuten-:
jalso have attractions.
tliis action in regard to the settlement.
^ -.-j*.. , ... .
. .
I wish to announce my candidacy fo teller. The -Broom-to-be had ^evidently
There will be a Harvest picnic in Ames* . Ontbeothejc.hand, Frost e tun da ready
learned of the fact that the. officers weiro oa
New Railroad. ,
the office of County.-Superintendent o
grove at Roaecrans on Tuesday .Auor. 22. with 950,000 to pay the redemption money
and he could not be found,
Schools, subject to decision of tbe R.epub his trail
A man by the name of Khox has been
N; H. Welch will be. the speaker of the and save the road from the North Shore
The ; girl consented to. accompany, the
dtiy. Good recitations aAl music will also Electric, absorbing It of course into his for the part several daya "getting frontage Doyle spends a good part of his time loaf- Hcan'convention*- ; - Jonif HopOB," .*
father to the Justice court, and there the
'Rockefeller, III.
from the property owners of Wauconda for
be furnished .and'the ladies of the M. 13. own system.
rewrcl oMhe man .with; whom sue eloped;
church society will' furnish .a chicken pie The third factor in the problem appears the Illinois & Wisconsin electric railway. do much?" '
was laid bare;{ , SbVdeclarcd between sobf;
Robert Wllkes, 3:00%
In tho ehapo of Theodore Rockefeller, a The road OB planned will pass almost
that she had no idea thatljichteu teller had
Will make the season of, J 905 aTmy barn
tfv rates round trip to the south west, relative of John D. Rockefeller, who with through the heart of the village and it is place, the doctor gave bis cause as heart
in Antiqoh, and can until further notice ever been a ' convict, nnd stated -that, she .
understood that next Monday night at the
Texas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Kan- several associates carefully examined the
failure. The facts are that old Dave was be found there for service ~ every' ^Monday would not^have run^avroy Vitu:him.,haa;
sas and Missouri, via. Frisco system, tty road from one end to the other, discovered regular meeting of the board a franchise drunk, that whisky killed him and every
know^hU former recordr ;Tue Justice
and Tuesday*: Terms'^O.'OO.totinkier*
first and third Tuesdays of each mouth. the value of its franchise, and the state of will be asked of tho village. This is the body knows it, and .that the doctor lied
good lecture, andL 'after IhlBH; Herman; was overe'igirra
.Return limit twenty-one days,' stopover in itsfinances,and left with : the Intimation road which only within the last few days when ne said it was heart failure."
she consented to return with 'her
both directions. For further, information thai it might bo an acceptable' place for received its papers' of incorporation with ; "Married, Miss Sylvia Rhodes and Jas.
'father' to .Genoa Junction. ~~.\ .'.- . ,
Jim II. Metloc. ,
Henry Lutzenkircben at its head... While
addrcsi Geo, E. Webb, Immigration agent, Standard OU capital, which they are in- the road Is taking immediate steps to make Oanahan last Saturday evening at. the The Percheron Stallion is registered in ' Xichtentelier has not as yet been located,-audit la hardly poiai.blft'that j any charge"
Antioch, III, :
/ 47tf ; vesting heavily in railroads of all kinds.
sure of Us franchises and permits to pass Baptist church. The bride is a very or- the Percheron Stud-book oE ^tueiica'-'one will bo put against htm if found.
Leflspns on the Piano, Organ, Violin,
through 'the towns alpng.its,right-of-way
the father. of the girl itated that ratio'
August, 1902, and weighs 1550. A wel
.Guitarand itandollnrand instructfronJh
Preserving Youth.
it is not thought- probable, that anything
,Tho Jjest way .to* prevent' growing will be done in tho Way of construction this helped her mother three days in her life- built colt with goo^.bone'and action. Hi was just past .15. years of ago , and that
Harmony may lie had at the studio of Prof.
0. A. Linnerreu,' Antiocb. -"Can..furnish old Is, according to my experience, to fall. Tho C. $ M. bos made no apparent time.; She is no beauty and has a gait third dam bos eight top croBses.' Terma Liobtekteller had influenced her in an .un1
tho above instruments' carefully selected, keep up Bteatly and regular work/ hare effort to build west from Rockefeller so for like a fat duck. The groom Is well known 88.00 to insure. .Con bebeen aVhU horn usual manner. .
, and at low'prioet* The piQno>hafldled IB * much open air and physical exerclaa thti season and cow the residents of Wau- andean up-to*date loafer, He*s been liv- 2} miles north and 2 miles west of 'Salem
u povilble, and think aa Httle a oiay
TtU a. woman you know fhf
high gr^de and unsurpaesod io beauty of b about th advaoc* of yarB,Juitla conda who have so long wisbfld and waited ing off tha folfo ull hi* life and don't station. For further'particulars call ou o
in vain for a railroad feel that surely they
tone, evennefls of scale,'workmanship and
mast have one or the other by another year shucks. The? will have a hard
.McCarthy.,; "
durability. Prof. 0. A, Linnerreu, 82m6
hope for them both;

- *f


Lightning Friday night struck tho barn

on Richard Aylwnrd's farm near Solon
and it was burned to the ground.
A storm accompanied by great chunks
of ice did much damage to crops about
Beloit, Wls., Saturday, especially to tobacco, fields being torn to shreds. Hundred? of panes of glass In the city were
. H Mrs. Sally Cottlng, of Richmond, survives until August 22; she will be one
hundred years of age. This venerable lady
has been a resident of Rlahmond for over
sixty years, and has generally enjoyed
excellent health,
'Fond da Lac, Wis., was visited by a
veritable tornado at an early hour Saturday morning. The heavy wind was accompanied by hail and rain, and considerable damage was done to crops throughout
the county. Several telephone lines went
down and many trees were uprooted.
: .< Baraboo hens scratched up a pocket book
containing 91,000 in notes and drafts
stolen from tbe Prairie du Sao bank about
two yean ago. We wish we could get a
setting of eggs from those hens. We have
been thinking'for some time of raising
poultry and this variety would exactly suit.




to his feet. "Own an. Say you're oW."

He laughed boisterously at his nephew's wondering face, ami clipping him
by tho shoulders by .both hands, rocked
him to and fro.
"Sold?" tho younger man answered,
like a.belated echo. "I never saw such
a transformation in my life."
"You wouldn't havo known me?" asked his undo In high glee. "Confess It.
You wouldn't have known mo?"
"I hardly know you now," said Hnrvey. "If I hadn't cotno expressly by
CHARTER IX.(Continued.)
"I hadn't reckoned on that," he said. your'own orders to find you hero I should
Tho doctor's fnt bulk began to shiver "Thirty years of wind and sun. Check scarcely bollevo you.."
under his h a n d , nnd ho released him. honoH, noso nud brow, alt tanned to
"That's eminently satisfactory;1 reMonboddo stunk into nn armchair, and leather. Everything colorless under tUa turned Jethroe, with a return to his cuseat there cowering and pitiable. Jethroo beard. It's a change. It's a big change, tomary manner. "I've sent for you, Marplanted himself with his back to the but It gives Itself away."
tin." ho added very seriously, "because
lire. There wan silence for a spaco of
HQ opened a window and sifted the I want your help at a grave crisis, and
contents of tho paper bag Into the outer I'm going to give you my ontlro conntwo or three minutes.
"Of course," Raid Jothroe, at length, air a little at a time. Then he got rid douce. Make yourself comfortable, and
"I could make It extremely unpleasant; of his soapy fragments of paper, packed I'll talk to you. In tho first place, I
but you dismiss any such Idea from your his bag, resumed Ills overcoat and but- take It for granted that you havo kept
mind. I never played the sneak yet, nnd toned himself tip once more. Ho had your eyes open, nnd that you wouldn't
I'm not going to begin rfow. I mention still five minutes before the train arriv- havo como hero unless you were sure that
those little things just to show my knowl- ed at Its first stopping place, and twice you were not being watched or followedge of the fact that tho man I want or thrlco ho arose to Inspect himself in ed."
to serve me has not alwuyi been over- the glass.
"I did ns you Instructed me," said
"It's a beginning," he muttered, "but Harvey. "Hargravcs gave me a man to
"Look at me now," said Monboddo, It's only a beginning."
keep watch. Nobody has followed me.
uddenly, "and 1 began Ufa as a gentleThen tho engine shrieked at the signal,
"HnrgravesI" said Jethroe. "Ah, yes,
and the train gave a first sign of, relent-. the lawyer who served you In that little
"Not you!" said Jethroe, with a laugh. Ing in Us pace. He rose for another look. affair at Central station."
"You fuddled yourself with wlno when
"It'll take a lot more than that," ho
"Exactly," Harvey answered. "I broko
you were a schoolboy. You loafed your said. *'n lot more than that."
the journey twice, nnd there has bcon
student days away In billiard rooms.
He had traveled by crooked ways for no attempt to follow me."
Don't meet me with that kind of rot, days past, making apparently purpose"Good I" said Jethroe. "Now listen.
Monboddo. Name your price." He wait- less journeys across country, and chang* I am going to put my.llfo and fortune fa
ed, and no answer coming, he spoke Ing one railway system for another, and your hands. I can trust my brother's
again. "I'll name it for you, nnd I'll he was now In a city to which he was only son, eh?"
salrc your conscience Into'the bargain. an entire stranger. Ho left a porter In
"You can trust mo entirely, air."
Head that?' He took from a pocketbook charge of his belongings and walked from
"I'm going to provo that I believe you.
a scrap of newspaper and handed It to tho station platform Into tho hotel.
I'm worth n million of money, Hnrvoy,
Monboddo, who nftcr a while made shift
"I sent a telegram from Burton yes- there or thereabouts, and If you ask
to master Its contents. "Now read that." terdayJonesreserving bed aud sitting me what I propose to do In the wny T of
He passed over another scrap of news- room."
spending It, I couldn't tell you. I've lived
paper, and waited until his companion
"Quito right, sir. Roberts, 33 and 84 handsomely since I made my pile, .and
returned It. "That fellow Edgccorao for for this gentleman."
never apent a fifth port of what I could
his own purposes was personating me,
afford to spend to-day. I don't know
"This way, sir."
and he was murdered In mistake for me.
Jethroe followed the waiter and stood how to do It. And now I'm risking my
The men who killed him mean to mark by while ho lighted the fire, the materials life for more. Why? I'll tell you. It
me down. I dpn't mean to let 'em do It of which were already arranged.
Isn't because I want It for myself, but
So long as they believe mo to be above
"Any orders, sir?"
because I'm .determined, at any' risk, at
ground the.hunt .will go on. That Is why
any cost, to prevent It from falling Into
"Barber In tho'hotel?"
I mean to disappear."
the hands of the most infernal gang of
"Yes, nir."
"It's a dangerous game," said Mon"Send him here."
rascals In tho world. See here, now."
boddo tremulously. "The law doesn't
He unbuttoned his waistcoat, and from
The waltcrd melted self-deprecotlngly
inquire into motive In these matters."
away, and In a few minutes returned to a pocket ou the Inside drew a flat, thin
"I'll pay
" said Jethroe. Then he usher in the barber. Jethroe stood by case of leather, which he laid upon the
paused, looking down at the doctor, wso the window with his collar still turned table,
gradually straightened himself to look at above his cars and the* ribbons of hta
"What that Is worth," he said, with
"I'll pay
" he repeated, and flapped traveling cap tied beneath his an Impressive hand stretched flatly upon
then paused again"five thousand dol- chin. He reflected that he had been bare- It, "no one knows. It Isn't split up
ly glanced at, and that ho could ninke among n herd of capitalists. It Isn't go"Make ittaake itten, and It's a what change he would without exciting Ing to feed nn army of shareholders. It's
bargain!" Monboddo gasped.
one man's property, and It's miles and
"Five." said Jethroe, coolly; "and It's
"Just trim me up, will you?" he said miles away the richest Blngle property la
A bargain, and a better bargain than you carelessly, as ho throw his cap and coat tho world. It belongs to me."
looked for, Tom Monboddo. I have my. upon a chair.
Ho drew from one pocket of the case
plan laid out already, and will talk it
The main bustled about, spread a cloth a thin sheet of limp parchment
over comfortably after dinner."
"Here," ho continued, "Is the pattern
upon- tho floor, set a chair In the midst
""I suppose," Monboddo ventured"I of It, smothered his seated client In a of n chessboard, with Its sixty-four
suppose you couldn't make It convenient wrapper, and took a professional look at squares of alternate black and white.
to<oblige me with a trifle on account? him.
You observe that rather more than half
I'm a little pressed, as It happens. I'm
the squares are marked with a letter or
"Much off, sir?"
I'm a trifle in arrears with the land"Make me as smart as you can, my a figure. They're all scattered higgledylord hero, for example, and theah! lad," Jcthroo answered, with a laugh. piggledy, but the whole alphabet Is there,
the village tradesmen areexigent at "I've been abroad this twenty years, and and all the figures are there, from one
times. They're Ill-bred brutes, these peo- I'm going to au old' pal's wedding to- to nought."
Ho folded the parchment to Its original
ple. Boeotians, sirboors."
"You can.take that for handsel," said
"I can take them twenty years off you form, nnd replaced it in the satchel.
Then, from tho pocket on the other side
In twenty minutes."
he drew some dozen or more sheets of
"One hundred!" exclaimed Monboddo.
"Take it," Jethroo answered.
"You are generous Indeed! you are InThe barber beamed, and set to -work thin vellum, each sheet no larger than
jJeed generous, my dear sir!" He folded at once. He cut the grizzled wiry hair a page of ordinary note paper.
the notes which Jethroo had contemptu- away by tho h a n d f u l , and then fell to a pages were all numbered, nnd on each
ously let fall before him and thrust them more delicate manipulation. He trim- sido were alx exquisitely delicate Httlo
Into a pocket.
med the bristling eyebrows close, and drawings In pen and Ink, each drawing
There was a knock at the door, and shaped the straggling mustache.
representing a chess problem.
a rosy old woman camo In with a tray
"You play chess?" he asked.
"A touch of eosmittcek, sir?" he said,
and began to arrange the table. Jethroe almost pleadingly.
"Fairly well," Hurvey answered.
fell Into talk with her, and she became
"Look at this first problem. You have
"Anything you like," said Jethroe,
voluble about the business of the tourist laughing again. "Make a job of It."
to mate In two. Queen takes knightseason, and the contrasting quiet of the
Tho man fell to work once more with check."
winter. The doctor slipped back to the a dark, viscous mixture and a .miniature
"Black has only one moveking to
kitchen and, having astonished t,hc land- brush and comb. Then ho produced a bishop's third."
lord by asking for change for a ten-dollar hand glass,with a triumphant 'flourish,
"Quite so. And rook to knight's sixth
note, amazed him still further by paying nnd Jethroe', looking Into It, saw a wholly Is mate." Jethroe once more drew out
the chequered parchment, nnd pointed
his bill.
unfamiliar face.
"I have reason to believe," Dr. Monto the square to which the black king
"They won't know me," h said.
boddo whispered to him mysteriously,
The neat dark eyebrow, the trim dark of the problem had been forced. The
"that .my circumstances ore about to un- mustache, tho military crop of the grlx- square bore the letter A. "The whole
dergo a cbnngc-r-a change of no small scled hair, tho absence of the beard, had thing, you see. Is a cipher. The square
magnitudeof no .small magnitude, my madu another man of him. When lie on which the black king stands at the
had paid and dismissed the artist who close of each problem gives you n letter
When dinner hod been serred and had wrought this change, he strolled Intu on tho. key. Every problem advances
cleared away, Jetbroe expounded his the bedroom, and, flndln; there a full you ono letter toward the whole message.
cheme. The doctor was firm upon his length choral glass, surveyed himself In I've solved a hundred or more, and I
feet by, this time, being one of that mel- a sort of wonder. The metamorphosis of shall get through the rest an soon as I
ancholy contingent who drink themselves the head seemed to havo changed his have a quiet month to myself. Then I
day by day into possession of their sod- whole personality. His figure was still shall be
"What?" said Harvey, seeing that he
den senses, and wake to the bemused lithe and, upright, and tho well-cut, dark
helplessness of intoxication In the morn- tweed suit ho wore aat smartly on him. paused.
"The wealthiest man In tho world,"
"The neck gear, won't do," he said, smil"You will find me entirely loyal to your ingly. ''Tho vanished beard has left me Bald Jethroc.
(To be continued.)
purpose, Mr.' Jones," he said, ns ho pre- a throat like a vulture's. And the boots!
pared to, face the stormy night In his The hat will be another. I'll mend all
The UaeeelnR Eye.
own ramshackle.-trap. "I have all your that atraighfTvny."
Instructions in mind, and they shall be
we that it takes
He rang bis bell, gave his orders, and Americans, withtcll_
obeyed to the letter."
keen scent for
In less than an.hour was equipped to
to find such
his liking. ,
"Upon my word!" ho declared, as he things, oven In that land where they
Jethroe,senior,, once more heavily.clad examined hlmsejf anew, "I'm a very pas- crowd and Jostle". But even Ameriagainst the weather, found himself alone sable looking fellow. I was never much cans are not always'-capable of phsaIn a section of a- stateroom passenger addicted to personal vanity, and I ing examination on significant points
coach, with nn .unbroken .run haven't given my attractions much of a
and-twenty miles before him. The wheels chance of late years. You're very well at home.
The New York Sun says that two
had barely made their first revolution, preserved, Martin, and you'd pass for n
business men were one day talking
when Jethroe opened a small traveling hard-bitten forty anywhere."
bag which lay on the seat before him,
over their nativercity.-nml-onc said:
and drew from It a brand new pair of
"It's curious Hint one can. .live so
scissors and "a hand toilet glass. He laid
In a place without learning ns
With the rejuvenation 'of .bin aspect,
these down while he unburdened himself
about It as the occasional visof the overcoat, the tall collar of which Jethroc, 8r. took a smarter gait and a itor."
"had been so turned up ns to leave visi"I don't know about that," salil tho
ble little but the bridge of his nose and felt a sort of rebound from IiU late
"I've lived here some years,
.the keen gray eyes which glowed below
his shaggy eyebrows. Ho gathered his saddle, la free air and wild places, a Ufa nnd I think I know little old Now York
great flowing' beard In his left hand and of risk and adventure, had'kept him phy- Inside out."
.cut'-It -away close to the chin, arid sically young. He was playing for his
"It does look that wny at first," said
thrust the severed hair Into a paper bag. life now, and for a groat stake Into the the first speaker. "Of course, we know
Then he took a look at himself In the bargain; but his spirits were youthful a great deal about the city, but there
in their buoyancy, and ho chuckled to
toilet glass, and laughed.
of the deception he was preparing are things we see every day und novor
"I think I shall mako a Httlo differ- think
Inquire about. Your'office is near the
ence," he said, and so went on with his
Ho hud settled himself cosily beside the Battery. Now whose statue la that
task, which began to bo more than, a firo.irlth
a novel when there camo a tap In Bowling Orcca Park?"
little.difficult and even In a small way at tho door,
aim a waiter, in answer 10
"Why, I pass there very often. It's
dangerous, by reason of tho uneven jolt- his bidding, came
In with a visiting curd I believe It's'a statue ofofPeter
Ing of the carriage. He discarded tho on to. salvor.
glass after one experimental minute, and,

''Show the gentleman this way," said

kneeling on .the seat before him and
making use of the mirror below the car- Jethroc, and slipped Into tho bed cham"Well, whose statue Is It?1'
ber the Instant the man had disappeared.
"It's a statue ofof Well, I've forwhole beard and whiskers as close as he Ho left the door half open, and stood,
' d a r e venture. 1 "There's n. change al- silently laughing behind it until-the vis- gotten. Anyway, that pr&vcjj my
ready," he said, cocking his chin at liln itor was ushered Into the adjoining room. point."
'.That you, Harvey," he sang out
own reflection and- scrutinizing himself
on this side and oh that, "Now for tho then, In a big, cheery voice.
"Yes, sir," said Harvey; "It Is t"
SmartWhy do you refer to Mrs,
patent razor. I wonder If I shall leave
Jethroe listened -until- he hoard the Tossern an a hay widow? .
myself In rlhbqna?"
.He returned tho glass and tho scURont closing door and tho waiter's retreating
TartBecause hay Is grass with all
to their places, and after .a little swift footsteps muffled on the carpet of the cor- the-greenness .dried outNow York
Thoa ho strolled aonclialantly Times,
'rummaging, found a flask, a shaving ridor.
bowl, and brush, a nil .'a safety razor.; He back to tho sitting room with a smooth
made a great lather, thrust a handker- face, and with a nod of,greeting.such
AH Ka^o on it,
; chief between hi* collar and- IiU throat, an a stranger offered, seated himself be*
"It must he awfully dull out hero In
:nnd with much wincing and .grimacing, 'tilde the fire and took UP the hook he had the country."
began to shave; He'made a tolerable laid'db ( wnV minute-earlier; Harvoy Jeth"Dull, .hothln'I 1'vo been a-turnin'
piece of.wdrkjjf It,_ but;sh6bk his head roe junior, hat In hand, stood at the tath1 grindstone all day,, by
! returned^ tnaf. greeting.
In .grave"
sUoutoJ.,hl8 uncle, springing Cleveland Leader.






Historical Structure nt Hloomltiuton
Destroyed by Fire.

Dloomlngton's oldest building nnd the

eldest court house In Illinois was destroyed by fire the other day. The old structure had not been In use for the last ten
years. Although an "effort has been
made to kcup tramps and others from
occupying tho structure. It Is presumed
that soiuo followers of n street carnival,
which had been In the ctty t occupied the
place and carelessly set It on fire. The
disposition of the ancient structure has
been a subject for discussion during tho
last year, but no action had been taken.
Thl* building was the flrtit house erected
In Bloomlngton, tho date of 1U construction being 1831. James Allln was tho
builder, and It was originally a log cabin
of two rooms. It then being tho only
tructuro of any pretensions In McLean
county. It was selected for the Circuit
Court and wan used as a court house for


many years-after.
Some of the most
famous lawyers of Illinois practiced in
tho old court house, and many Incidents
are recalled of Lincoln, Salem, Qavls and
other notables of tho pioneer days who
wore heard In the early litigation of central Illinois. The first Circuit Court was
held In September, l!l.
About ten
years later It was succeeded by n more
commodlotifl and modern structure of
brick. (Jen. Asabrl Grldloy, Bloomington's first millionaire, purchased the old
building from James Allin in the 40's. He
sold It to the Into Dr. J. W. Stlpp. Tlie
building was given weather boarding and
some additions and was occupied by Dr.
Btlpp and wife for nearly forty .years.
Following the'death of Dr. Stlpp, his
widow occupied It, but for the lost ten
or fifteen years It had been vacant It
had been proposed to move the bulldlug
to Miller Park nnd preserve it Sirs.
Stlpp. who is an eccentric woman of SO,
would not entertain the proposition, and
operations "Were blocked. The Ore selved
the problem effectually and destroyed
one of tho most Interesting historical
structures In tho State.
HOLD COURT IN THE JAIL. Violent Maniac Make* It Necemiarj ae
lie Can Not OB Drcuct).

The unusual spectacle of n session of

court being held In the Jail corridors was
witnessed In Jollct. It was uiade ncccs
nry because of the Inability of the atli
clals to subdue a raving maniac and
mako him presentable for n trip to. the
court house. William.Bitrowlch, a sturdy
miner from the coal fields, was the unfortunate. Ho has been sick at the hospital In Jollct for two months and then
went suddenly.and violently .Insane, creating a reign of terror until he could be
removed to the county jail. Ills hearing
In the County Court was set and Jailer
Wills and several deputies .commenced
tho task of dressing tho mnn, who bad
stripped himself nude. Bltrowlch fought
against being removed from bis cell,
brealtlng chains and strops with case.
He was finally hauled Into the jail corridor, where the struggle was renewed.
Bltrowlch had the strength of several
men and for an hour successfully fought
tho efforts of five .deputies to get him
under control. Physicians .were summoned 'and drugs were resorted to > but they
apparently had no effect The clothing
of tho officials watt torn of! and they were
scratched, and otherwise Injured. . The
maniac made desperate .efforts'to bite his
captors, but .did not succeed.'" Finally^
after using blankets', 'straps, handcuffs,
chains and ropes, the man was fastened
o that ho could Injure neither himself
nor anyone else,, although be .countlnucd
to struggle against his'.bpnuV. As It was
Impossible to tnko the' patient to the
court room, Judge Haven'and other court
officials came to the jail, where a judl
clal examination regarding 'tho man's
mental condition was mode. There woj
no hesitancy over the verdict, and the
man, strapped la a stretcher, was taken
to Kankakec.

Prominent Quincy Divine Pauce Away

In' London.

Hev. Charles Pearson, 'pastor of the

Unitarian church of Qulncy, Is dead In
Loridoii, .where he was; vlslUug- his daugh
For- .twenty
SOVPII yeara he was
p'rofcsKor of lltera
ture In Northwest
orn university, am
was the central"fig
uro of n famous
heresy trial hi. the
Methodist church
after which ho null
latod with the Unl
He was
the. author of sev
oral volumes . o!
pocm(I nnd <* theological works, notably -"The- Carpenter
Dr. Pearson was born la
England sixty years ago. Most of his
early life was spent at sea and lu South
Favorite Fox Terrier Kite*
Ita Accustomed Fifty mate. A dos leaped Into .tho, face of little
Gerald Uoyllgor and mapped tho end o;
fall nose oR wlion the child Btoopcd to.po
It In front of his home in Chicago. Gcr
Id;; who Is 12 .years old, with blood
the en4 of'lila note ani!
down 'Me -cheek, ran Into his house Ant
the dog fled doWa the street The i
a fox terrier.



All Over the State*
Two hoys were drowned nt a whirlpool
Branch Formed w i t h Govera tho Chicago river and ono In tho Desnor Denettn nirl* reel (lent*
plaincs Sunday,
\n organization of tho Illinois branch
Attorney General Stem! decides a pe- of the American Hed Crow Society wan
Ition of property owners Is not necessary effected the other aftcruoon! by 'leading
'or street improvements.
cftlxens of Chicago nt n meeting held at
Chicago coal teamsters voted against ho residence OL Lambert Tree, Ofllcora
calling tho strike off, standing firm In ircrb elected and n constitution, with a
their demand foir. union conditions.
nil act of by-laws, was adopted, proTho large residence of Tlioman Turner, Idlng for extension and thorough organi pioneer fanner near Virginia, was /uilmi throughout tho State by estab>urned with Its contents. There was no lulling subdivisions in 'every elty. With
he full organization of all these proposed
asurance. '
Illinois win bo In lino with tho
Coal miners throughout the Statn aro
urging n special session of tho Lcglsla- ted Cra*H organizations in such States
;ure to repeal tho shot llrers' law, which as New York, Massachusetts, Maryland,
Connecticut, Michigan, Ohio and Califorthey formerly favored.
An unknown incendiary In Sterling nia, which have as thorough brganjzastole Samuel Elgin's horse from his barn Ions as those existing, for some years
and drove fifteen miles, where ha Bet fire mst In various European countries and
to and destroyed Mr. Elgin's creamery, f a p a n . Officers were elected as follows:
President, Qov. Charles 3. Denecn; vice
valued at $5,000.
presidents, James K. Qulgley, archbishop
Frank Kendall, 30 yeanu, old, 0018 if Chicago; Lambert Trro, Robert T.
CJrovcland avenue, fell frcnr the sixth -Incoln, Itcv. Frank W. Gunsnulus, Dr.
floor to tho basement In a freight eleva- 3mll G. Hlrneli, J. Otis Humphrey of
tor shaft In Rothschild & Co.'a building, Springfield. Edmund J. James, president
Chicago, and was killed instantly.
of the University of Illinois; treasurer,
John Ijlska, n Pole, aged II, had bis Orson Smith, president Merchant*' Loan
neck dislocated by being run over by a and. Trust Company bank;* secretary,
pit car In tho brick yard at Mlnonk. Al- lonorc Palmer; executive committee. Dr.
though his body was paralyzed from the [''rank Billings, chnlrman; Gen. Lloyd
hips down, he lived forty-eight hours.
Whcaton, U. S. A.I Dr. 8. B. McArthur,
Hev. Thomas W. Hynes, D. D., who, J. A. Spoor, Frank Ilnmlln, Gen. MarTor nearly sixty years, was one of the tin B. Hnrdln. Itoocrt A. Ross, Walter
lending A'rcsbyterlan preachers of south- *. Newberry, MM. Bryan Lathrop, Mrs.
ern Illinois, died nt his homo In Green- Mcdlll McConnlfk. Mr*/ Henry Davis,
having nearly attained tho ago of Jr., of Springfield.
Mayor Dcvercux of Springfield will CAVITAI* TORN OVKR FRANC1HSK.
open war on his opponents In the Council
Ity dlnmteslng their followers who are on Riot In flprlimflcld Council Over City
Llahtlna Ordinance*
the city's pay roll, according to the exSpringfield Is nil torn up. following a
ecutive^ supporters. Tho opposition
riot In the Council chamber Saturday
threatens some arrests. .
A switch engine on tho Milwaukee night over the lighting franchise, when
road ran over William O" Donncll of Chi- revolvers wcro drawn and fists wcro used
cago a mile west of Klgln and killed him. freely. Mayor Dcvcrcaux, to prevent
O'Donncll was n deaf mute and was passage of an ordinance leasing the light
walking along tho track .with a compan- plant to a corporation, adjourned- the
ion similarly allllcted. .Ill* companion Council.- A rump session was held by
the Aldermen opposing him and the orescaped Injury.
llnaiico was passed. During the riot in
The portion of Illinois lying south of the
chamber Alderman Hansel
the Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern was Council
Kdwnrtl Wing, a friend
railroad, which extends from St. Louis of tho Mayor.byWing
an enthusiastic
to Ylncctuicfi, Ind.,, has -been declared supporter of the Mayoris and
quarantined against all fcver/lnfoctcd
anaist the
points by Dr. J.* A. Kgan, secretary of Mayor In his plan of adjourning
tho State board of health. .
It was uild that warrant!
Elijah Walker, 02 years old, died sud- would bo Issued for Wing and for Wildenly at his .home In wYssumptlon from liam Ridgely, tho Mayor's brother-ina stroke of apoplexy* Mr. Walker was n law, who was, also armed with n policewell-known grain man and had owned man's Mtar and who arrested Attorney
elevators at Dunkcl, Assumption, Walk- William Lawlcr, who was representing
er, Mowcaqua nud Mncon. - Mr. Walker the' utilities companies at the meeting.
curried $17,000 In life Insurance.
Public meeting)* wcro held denouncing
Joseph I. Miller, a former wealthy the action of the Aldermen who passed
Chlcngoan, brother of ex-Judge C. S. Mil- tho ordinance. Mayor Devercauz furor*
ler of Chicago, died suddenly at the Illi- the operation of tho light plant by the
nois Eastern .hospital during epileptic city.
convulsions. Three years ago Mr. Miller
was committed to the Illinois Eastern
hospital after much of his property had
been secured from him by swindlers, lie Hluc iMlund K c A t d c r i t B t u n c , Full* from
AVnuon and Dice.
was 59 years old and unmarried.
While fighting n swarm of bees that
John N. Hour, one of tho oldest residents ofUIydo Park, died from.the ef- appeared over the loud of hay on whlck
fects of a paralytic stroke. lie was born he wan working Thursday, John Bauer.
In Franco In .1827 and came to Ilyde 5U years, old, Blue Island, tottered and
Park fn 1850, lie was In the nursery fell from the load. Ho suffered Injuries
business at the time of tho Inauguration which Inter reunited In his death*. The.
of the Chicago South Park system, and accident happened hi a field a mile wcsr
rendered much assistance In the establish- of Dine Island. U was at first Bupposet
that Bauer had f a l l e n a victim to tut
ment of that public work.
'During tho week rains continued In heat, and It was not until-after an Im
south, where much grain was damaged vcstigatlon of the swollen 'condition of
in shock; corn caring nicely In central hU face and hands!that tho 'true- cause
and northern portions, hut now needs was discovered. It Is believed*tho pale,
rain; oat harvest. finished;, where bats, and.excitement caused heart failure.
barley, and rye arc thrashed, output Is
good; thrashing rctardiMl in south, whore
much wheat Is sprouting; good crop hay
north; elsewhere.considerable discolored Woman Hurt at Clrcne Brlage Action
Before It Leave* Town.
or damaged; early potatoes short; apples
Miss Lula Vantine, a Bradley :musta
scarce; grapes promising.* Never has the
growing crop of broom corn looked better teacher, established a record for qulck
In central .Illinois than at the present legal, action In* Kankakce. : Injured, at
time, as .It] Id of .strong, sturdy stock nnd 8:10 p. in. by the collapse of on opera
well advanced for this season of the year. chair at a performance of Pawnee UlU'e
Thftjiext meeting of the'Illinois State wild west show, she had her injury dressHorticultural ..Society^ to bo held nt ed, summoned an. attorney, -routed -lout
sheriff anil deputy Circuit clerk and
Champaign, Dec. 11! M> 1C. 1005, will-be tho
11 o'clock had notice nerved on
the tiFiIfth or nemH'onteniiial, ami prep- Major Gordon
Llllle, known as Pawnee
arations aro In. progress to make this a
notable event In Its history. It was early Hill, the owner of the how t rtmt a *3,damage 'suit had' been begun agalnsl
decided to mako* history aud^blography 000
and the development and progress of dif him.
fcrcnt lint'H of horticultural work, ijnpor ;BAI*I< PLAYER ALMOST DROWNS.
taut In'tho program.
KfTorU'wIll. be
made to secure the attendance of an Hack Occupied by Club Brcake Down la
many of tho older members of the society
. .Creek* >
as possible and it Is proposed to have' a
of .the doubletree ot
.special "pioneer" badga for them and to A hack midway across
'Shoal creek near
devoto some period during the meeting to Greenville,: the Highland
Baseball. Club
was precipitated- Into-'thoWater.' -Ernest
Tho game wardens of central Illinoht Kverctt, 21 yeara;pld,,a son of Dr. W.
are on the alert, for any cases of viola W. Everett prnjghland, was sitting la
tlons of tho law. Several prosecutions tho rear of tlib'hack and was -thrown
aro reported.'-;Through the vigilance ol Into four feet of;' water. .All thV other
Warden Trunk of 'tho 'Central Illinois occupants of .the hack., fell ^ upon Him,
District George R Pass of San Jose was crushing; him down .Into tho ; raud at .the
lined $40 for killing a turtle* dova out ol bottom of thb creek.. Everett, was nearseason. Ho pleaded guilty to using ns ly drowned when, rescued, suffering seriair. gun to kill
tho bird/ Ho had neg- ous Internal Injuries.
lected to take1 out a hunter's license;'although a member f.tho gun club of San
Jose, Gumo Warden 13,. II, Welch bl
Bunker Hill arrested a party of Gri'okH BciTj'. Vlljoen Wcde PlttBllcId Woman
wlio were employed on the section by
at St. LouU.
the Burlington nillrond, charging them
From a marriage Itceiisa recently Iswith killing quail and doves out of sea sued It Is learned that (Jen. Ben J. VIIson. They pleaded Ignorance of the law joen," formerly of the Boer war, was marbut.they were all lined, tho total being ried'la St. ItOiiltt to Mm. Myrtle^DIcker$50.80,
aba I^owdenof Plttsllcld. Gen. Ylljowr
Northwestern railroad engineers per met hi* bride during tho world's fair.formed a notable mechanical feat on tho
PeorU "branch of the road, when they
Drowncil Willie In AVadlriR.
raised a .70-ton steel bridge sixty-elgh
Sckluttl, 23[years old and a resfeet. In length nearly thirty feet In tho Mont of SolbytovvnJ'wna
In the
air to aljow .a dredgo to pans under l Sangumon river, north of drowned
on. Its way down .Flvo Mile cre<jk, lu klattl and several comrades had goneBeto
Whltcside county. In accordance with tho river to fish and swim. The young
It contract, tlio ' railroad company Is man could not swim, and while wading
obliged to remove bridges across drainage at an apparently safe depth he was
ditches on tho Pcorlu branch once In caught In the current and carried Into
two years to allow dredges' to pass, am deep jyator. ' Efforts .on I. the part of. his
this work must bo performed nt tho
to'rescue him were aborcompany's expense, and tho present In companions
tho fifth Instance of the kind .since tho
building of tho line. .But heretofore
, DawJe!1raoke.No Other Xlon.
temporary, bridge ^was constriictoil;. while . . Johu Alexander Dowls f ha succeeded
the.regular brtdga.wan slid aside, on roll after" two years In.having tho name of
era'tiud Jator TQtJfcwd. The'edf (Metal -Uie.vilUge o>Ztoa,: la .Oattoll^ceuiitr,
feat was accomplished with such expedl changed to1 Barth, because much of hie
tlon that' train's.'wire delayed but five mat) wee sent to the, OMnil. ,co
to wm.


Th World's Orcntmt Hkln Cure nod
Sweetcit Kmolllont-Foflltlvclj tin*
rt Titled.
Cutlcura Ointment IH beyond question tbo most successful curative for
torturing, disfiguring humors of the
eklu and scnlp, Including loss of hair,
*vcr compounded, la proof of which a
single anointing with It, preceded by
A hot bntli with Cutlcura Sonp, and
followed In tbo severer cases by a
doso of Outlcimi Itesolrcnt Pills, la
often sufficient to afford Immediate relief In the -most distressing forms of
itching, burning. mid scaly humors,
permit rest and sloop, and point to a
pcedy cure when nil else fulls. It is
especially BO. En tbo treatment of infants nml children, speedily soothing
and healing tbojnoatjllstrcaslng cases*.
Smokcra find Lewis' "Single Binder"
trnluht fie cltciir licttop quality than most
JOc brands. LUWJH* Factory,. Peorla, III.
llor Kxpdrlcrtca
"Do you believe," queried the bnclitlor, "Huit tlo average woman lias perfect confidence In hcr'liiiHbnnd?"
'"Slio hns," rcjilIeJ the young widow,
"for at leant 21 h'ouni after marriage."
Jr, Jl.aJ.
W iOBbla. I Miiio4
.\Vrdil, UunuvJlb. K.J. If<mi M |i.


When the eyes are weak, Bleep all that


Mr*. Wlnnlowi Soanmto Bntrr for Chll dm


Bnooeu ofLydla E. Pinkbun'i VegotabU
Compound Ruts Upon tho Fact that It
Really Does MakoSlok Women Wall

If cade County, Knimaa, I* Klch In !(

Down In Southwestern Knnrmn,

liundrc'd miles or BO bolow ^Dbdgc/'-U
a vcrltiiblo "promlgcd land" flowing la
milk and honey, and destined some day
to take a prominent placo In UIQ topnotch farming country of the Qrcat
Hero Is what a recent enthusiastic
v i H i t u r Bays about U:
In tho first placo. tho farmers of this
seotlon, with tho nuslstance of tho
great experimental farms and researches of Uio agricultural' departments of tho government and of tho
State, hnvo found out what tho Lord
mado this country, for, and they uro
getting rich.
For live kinds of African corn, dark
and light, Kaffir, Jerusalem corn, mllo
maize and dwraf maize, for four kinds
of cane, (sorghum), for. Texas red oati,
for beardless barley, durum wheat and
alfalfa, this country Is proving as sura
a crop country as Iowa and Illinois are
for corn and other cereals needing
from thirty to forty Inches of rainfall.
One township alone In Moado County
this year shows by assessor^ returns
more than 25,000 acres of winter wheat
In splendid condition and a large acrcago. being planted In durum or macaroni wheat this spring. In all of the
counties in this section tbo wheat-Is
very fine and a very much Increased
acreage over last year. It IB "The
Artesian Valley of Meado County" that
makes U famous. It IB a sort of freak
formation, found only hero.
Crooked Creek or Snake Creek, as
the, Indians -called It, Is . one of the
several forks that, coming together,
form the Clmmaron river. At Meada
n stone could easily bo thrown across
the valley. From this point U widens
out until It Is about twelve miles wldo
some eight or tea miles above Meade.
It then narrows again for ten or fifteen miles, making an average width
of perhaps flre or six miles for some
twenty-live miles. This Is all freo alluvial soli, underlaid with sheet water,
which Is within easy reach of alfalfa
roots. In other words, It Is a true subIrrigated district,. This qhcet water Is
from flvb to forty feet from tne surface, Twenty-Hyo thousand acres of
alfalfa now growing In tbla valley.
from ono to ten years old, Illustrates
the subject much better than it can
be told.
Dclow this stratum of sheet water
at from eighty-five to two hundred and
seventy-five feet, artesian water la
found. There arc something like 2,000
of these wells now flowing In tho valley. They are put down at a nominal
expense. .The water Is pure and soft
and has a temperature of GO degrees
summer and winter. There are from
110 to 125 sections of this land. I am
familiar with the country In Kcw
Mexico and elsewhere that Is on the
market as alfalfa land, and I feel that
I know that right here In Mcade County, Kansas, arc better values multiplied several times than can bo obtained elsewhere. I look to. see this section
of the country, In the not far-distant
future, recognized as among the most
valuable lands In tbo United States.
Etaally Remedied.
"I'm afraid," said the anxious mother,
"that' young Huffglns will not make you
a good husband."
"Why not, mamma, dear?" queried tlio
pretty daughter.
"Because," ouswerctl the old lady, "It
flccnia to be that lie U Inclined to ucglcct
hta personal appearance.*'
"Yes, that's right, -mnniinn," said tlio
dear girl, "and I'm glad you mentioned
it. I'll nee that bo makes his personal
appearance here every evening after 'this
Instead of only twice a week."

A Bult Ortr ttie Worfl Grult.

AfaBsachusctts courts are wrest*
ling wltU-tho word "graft1* A Lowell
newspaper la being sued for libel for
applying tho, word tb n politician. The
cdlitiHcl for the Journal has offered to
submit a brief defining tho various
meanings of tha word "graft// for
there seems, to bo a use of the word
In which nothing corrupt Is Implied.
In this sense It means merely tlio holdIng
of a public office, the return from
Red tape Is always ORnoclntctl with
which entirely proper. The
the business methods of government,
whether In America or lu other coun- courts will then decldo which of the
tries, Nearly every one who 1ms had various meanings of the word must be
dealings with Washington will testify attached to Its URO In tbo alleged libel.
as to tho tedious regulations which It Is a handy word, If one may explain
must bo observed nnil the vexatious after using It whether It was Intended
delays which exhaust the pntlcnca of as a compliment or a reflection upon
those who have to* do with the depart- another's Integrity.
ments. Tho President, who, by tornSound m n Dollar.
perntnent, has no sympathy with unMontlccllo, Minn., Aug. 7. Mr. J.
necessary convontlotmlltlpK, and who W. Moore of this place stands as a livdoKlres always to sec work done In tho ing proof of tho fact that Brlght's Disquickest and most effective way, has ease, even In tho last stages, may be
appointed a commission of flvo men, perfectly and permanently cured by
selected from four of the executive de- Dodd's Kidney Fills.
Mr. Moore says: "In 1803, three rcppartments, to Investigate the govern.utablo
physicians after a careful exment methods of doing business, and, amination
told me that I would die
If possible, to discover and recommend with Brlght's Disease Inside of a year.
better ways. In private , business red My feet and ankles and legs were badtape practices are killed off by compe- ly swollen; I could hardly stand on my
tition; for, other things being equal, feet and. had given up all hopes of
the firm which does Its work In the getting cured, when a. traveling salesmost direct and economical way has man told me that ho himself had been
of Brlght'a Disease two years
an advantage. In government business cured
competition plays no part find, ns a
'"Ho said he had taken to his bed
rule, has no Influence; and custom as- and expected to die with it, but that
sumes an undue Importance. The re- he had been cured by a remedy called
sult 1s a tendency, characteristic of all Dodd's Kidney Fills.
"{commenced taking them at once
departments of the public business, to
become clogged with rules and entan- ami I am thankful to say that they
gled In petty details, to tho great detri- saved my life. After a short treatment I was completely restored to good
ment both of speed and of economy.
health and I am now as sound as a
Families living In large towns or
Exporlonco BDRCUI Wisdom.
cities hnvo sometimes been nskcd by
their letter carrier to buy tickets to
Wife (during the spat) Oh, you think
a picnic, .excursion, concert, ball or you kaow It nil, dou't you?
Husband Not nccessjirlly i but I know
other: entertainment- Even If the rea
deal moro now than I did the day
quest bus not been formally made, the I proposed
to you, I'm son-/ to say.
tickets, with the price plainly printed
on them, have been left at the house.
Fall Dead.
It Js not generally known tlmt such
A man fell dead In Chicago the
distribution of tickets Is forbidden by. other day. from heart trouble, and
the postofflce department
Indeed, thousands die every day In tho same
even tuoso who have known of tha way. But the cause of nine out of
prohibition have seldom been Inclined ten of such cases of heart trouble Is
to complain against tho postman who Indigestion. The euro Is Dr. Coldhas delivered their mall dally In rain well's (laxative) Syrup Pepsin. The
and shine for years. At the beginning explanation Is that the swollen, Inof the season of picnics and excursions flamed and engorged stomach presses
this year the Postmaster General call- right up against tho' heart and preed the attention of the postmasters to vents It from working; your heart
the regulation, and said he would hold flutters, palpitates, pains and you are
them responsible for Its enforcement short of breath; some lose It forever.
The regulation applies to rural-free- Just try for these symptoms, a few
delivery carriers as well ns to those doses of Dr. Cald well's Syrup PepJn cities; but on the rural- free-dell very sin, and see bow quick! j It will cure
routes tho carriers have certain privi- you. Sold by all druggists at GOc and
leges of their own. They may 'carry $1.00. Money back If It: falls.
"articles or packages of unmnllablc
A French professor Is tlio owner of a
merchandise for hire for and upon the
020 human bends, representrequest of patrons
residing on their ing every ofknown
race of people on the
respective routes.'
globe. _

Mull's Grape Tonic


Hot Weather Dangers

N o o n o Tonic Is employed.

As a Stomach
lar bowels
of E, B. McOurdy
and heal thy
that the severBtomnch mil contract disonsc. A est forms of Constipntioti
aro promptperson with Constipation and Stomcured by Mull's Grape Tonic Ha
ach Trouble la always tho first to ly
uccurab to Sun Stroke, Heat De- says:
p n r p jour Tonic a thorough trial.
bility anil Prostration. Cholera, Coltc It "IIs tbc
only remedj thtit w i l t cure con*
and Diarrhea arc moro fatal In Hot tlpatlou. I do not believe anyone iufWeather bccauue Tltallty Is lower fcrcd more therefrom thnn I. as X bad
afflicted with It alt my life. For
they are tho direct result of Constipa- been
O u r s my bowels would not act and tbca
tion. It la a nifatako to suddenly
the use of strong cathartics that
check diarrhea, the danger Is Blood WITO rnit ruining my health, Mj- Stomach
Liver were deranged and, I BufPoison. A physic Is also dangerous fered with
piles, the pains of
as It weakens tbo patient and reduces which wouldInward
At times ratio me off mr
Tltallty. Treat tho cnuso with Mull's chair. I spent much, money with varidoctors and medicines to no avail
Qrnpo Tonic. Constipation and Its ousBoon
after I started Mull's Grips
attending Ills are caused by decaying Tonic
my bowels hcgnn to move retro*
or dying bowels and Intestines larlr the pain left ma and my general
built up rapidly.
Mull's Grape Tonic revives and health,
1 heartily recommend It as an absostrengthens tho Bowels BO that they lute
euro to which. I am a living witaro enabled to act naturally and eject ness."
tho poison from tho system, every- Until Mull's Grnpo Tonic was put
body should toko It during hot weath- on the American market there was
er. It wards off disease, builds up tlio no cure for Constipation. Let us send
system and purifies the blood* Ty- you a bottle free to-day to show you
phoid Fever and Appendicitis are un- that It will do all wo claim.
known la families wheco Mull's Grape Good for AUtoi Children tnd If artnc Mother*.


Send thli coupon with year nun ud tddreu ud year dratKtit's name, for a free bottle of
Hull's GrspoToQlc, Stomach Tonic, Consbptttoa Cure ud Blood Purifier, u MULL'S GRAP3
TOrnOC0..2lTalrdAve., RkIiLutd,IU. Give full address ud write pUlnly. TheSi.oo
bottle contains nearly three time* the 50o. size. At drnc itorei. The ceaoine hu a date
ud number stunped on Uw libelWa no other from your druegUt,

Thousands upon thotisandsof American women have, been restored to

health by Lydla. E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound. Thetr lottorsareon file
In Mrs. PlnUharo's ofllcc. and prove thla
statement to bo a fact and not a mere
Your grocer IB honest andif lie cares to do socan; tell
Overshadowing- Indeed Is the auccess
that he knows very little about the bulk coffee ho
of this great medicine, and compared
you. How can he know, where it originally came from,
with-It all other medicines and treathow it tvos blendedOf With What
ment for women are experiments.
Why has Lydla E. Pfnltlmm'a Vepoor -when roasted! If you buy your
lablo Compound accomplished lu widecoffee loose by the pound, how can
spread results for good 7
expect purity and uniform quality t
*WhT hits it lived and thrived and
flone ita glorious work for a quarter of


' Simply and purely because of ita sterling worth. The reason no other medALL PACKAGE COFFEES. Is ol
icine has even approached its success
necessity uniform In quality,
la plainly and positively because there
U no other medicine In the world BO
strength and flavor. For OVER A
food for women's ills.
Tho wonderful power of Lydla IB.
PinUham's Vegetable Compound over
has been the standard colfee In
tho diseases of womankind Is not bemillions ol homes.
cause It Is a stimulantnot because It U
v palliative, but simply because It la
tho most wonderful tonlo and recon*
LION-COFFEE i ~reh>uy pid
struotor ever discovered to act direct.y
t our lactorie*. and until opened In
upon tho uterine system, positively
your borne, bsM no chance of being adulCURING disease and displacements and
restoring health and vigor. .
terated, or of coming In contact wllto dust.
Marvelous cures aro reported from
dirt, germ*, or unclean hand*.
all parts of the country by woman who
have been cured, trained nurses'who
Now and tlttn one, gets ah amusing
In each package of UON COFFEE you get one full
bayo witnessed cures, and physicians
powder to ibake Into your ihoei. It rciU
glimpse of tho variety of duties which A
of Pure Coffee. Insist upon, getting the genuine.
the feet, Cur Corns, DuuloiiB, Swollen,
who nave recognized the virtue in
the President Is called, upon to perform; Bore, Hot, Cilloui, Acblne. Sweating feet
on every package.)
Lydla B. Plnkham'a Vegetable ComIngrowing Nails. Alton's Foot-Kust
While he was settling the difference and
(Sara tlio Lion-heads for r&loable premiums.)
pound, and are fair enough to give
makes new or tight ihoei eaiy. Bold by
between Assistant Secretary Loomls ell Druggliti and Shoe Storei. 23c. Bampl*
credit where it-Is due. If physicians
PREB. Addre Allen S. Olmited,
dnred to be jf rank and open, hundreds
and Minister- Bowcn, ' and deciding mailed
WOOLBOK SPIOE CO., Tolodo, Olio.
of them would acknowledge that* they
what should be done In the case of the
constantly prescribe Lydla E. PinkSanta
ham's Vegetable-Compound-In severe
ranging for a peace- conference 'beFlowers, of all created things the
cases of female ilia, as-they know by
tween Russia and Japan, a delegation most innocently simple, and most suexperience that it will effect a euro.
of 'Gloucester flsh merchants called perbly complex; playthings for childWomen who are troubled with painful
or irregular mcQBtruaUon^ backache,
upon Lint to complain .of the' conduct hood, ornaments of the grave flowers,
bloating (or flatulencejr^leucorrhcEa,
of the mackerel. These Inconsiderate beloved by the wandering Idiot, and
falling. Inflammation or ulceratloa of
flsh, .formerly very regular In tticlr studied by the deep- thinking man of
tho uterus, ovarian troubles, that
** bearing-down" feeling,' dizziness, Emaciated by Dlabotej Tortured with habits, Lave lately become, dissipated science! flowers, that, of perishable
Gravel atuTKItlvcy Pain*.
:*and erratic. They tnke long and fro? things, n re the most bearenlyl flowfa liit nets. Indigestion, nervous prosHenry Soule, cobbler, of Hammonds- qucnt vacations, without ghlng any ers, that unceasingly expand to heaven
tration, or tho blues, should take 1mmediate action to ward off the serious port, NY A*,, says: "Since Doan's Kid- indication as to where they arc going their grateful, and to man their cheerconsequences and be restored to health
rills cured me" jelgbt years ago, or when they will return, and In .other ful f * looks;' partners of human joy;
and strength by taking Lydla
I've reached 70,
1 E. Pinkof human sorrow; at emblems
ham's Vc^etablo'Cornpound. Anyway,
and, hope to live ways give evidence of leading a dbiiblb soothers
write to Mrs. Plnklinra', Lynn: Mass..
many years longer. life. The Gloucester, flsh merchants, of the' victor's triumphs, of the young
forndvicfl. It's free and always helpful
But twenty years who Lave so often fed these mackerel bride's blushes; welcome to the crowdBEST FOR THE BOWELS
ago I. had kidney and looked of tor them so tenderly, are ed halls, and graceful upon solitary
trouble so bad ' I naturally -hurt. They want the PresI: graves! flowers are In tho volume of
could not work. 'dent to get after the rebellious schools Nature, what tho expression, "God Is
Backache was per- with his big stick, and compel the love," Is In tho volume of Revelation.
PoslUvclr cured by'
sistent arid'It' was mackerel to be good; and be promised What -a desolate place would be the
these Little Pills.
TUcy also rellOTO Disrigony to lift' without a flower! It would be a
CROPS.--. <i>-u_a tress tnm Dyspepsia. Iothing. G.r a y e 1, to have the flsh commission make an face without a smile a feast without Tbl ti tb* tiorf BETTER.
ID ooUh*H f Ibi wndtrf ! Ctatdlta Wkwt
Olgcstion and Too Heiuty
w h i r l i n g head- Investigation.
n welcome. Aro hot flowers the stars
T $12.50 PER ACRE
Kaluj. A perfect reitt- aches, dizziness/and terrible urinary
cfly lorDtalnesa. Kauaea. disorders ran'ino^down from 100
, tllcutU nd t4Ur**d fMlLIU**,
Plcttiro post-cards, which are now of the earth, and are not our stars the Writ* .o. n o w f o r a u r o5irV5liw
oo Iiirln*Mk l*lftj
Drowsiness. Bad Tnata pounds.' Doctors-told'me 111 ud dia- so plentiful, bring tb the 'government flowers of heaven? One cannot look ioftccomiucr o r car ftul umiUpi
ud lup*clthli
DDdrfJ had. roll dMtrlptlon MilUd'tr**, Wtlu lo u.
in Uio Mouth, Coated betes and could not live. I was.^vretchclosely,
Tongtio. Poln in tHo BWe. eil nnd hopeless when-I began using
without loving It They are emblems
TonPID .LIVER, Tnoy DoauV Kidney. Ellis, but .they cured ness. The rate, at a cent each for nud manifestations of God's love to
Rgulato Uio Borrela.: Purely Vegetable.
me .eight years' ago and I'-ye been well carrying them 'through the mail; .the creation, and they are the means
amounts to about one dollur and' B
and ministrations. of man's love to his
Foster-Mllbnrn Co., /Buffalo, N. Y. quarter a 'pound, varying "somewhat fellow crqaturcs; for they first awaktn
R*t ul>l. ih* bwilo; ildullrMllon i hk* M ft roornloi tlttmt
Via Chicago, Union. Pacific and
i4 (ur lh**oiMh;iwpiiit*oitnwd*r. 8iilf 4krff*ri
CARTERS Fac-Simild Signature
compares advantageously with tho
per box.
' .
OOpMkiM U *nr >34r. for 11 t* u, b j tnill. W. C,
Worth-Weatetn Lino.
UYKlt, DMUl, 1100 0-Fftll.., it, L*U, M*
cent n pound on newspapers,' tho ' 8 and good. Their growth Is always over
Churoh Built of Fossil*. 'their
DiUjr from Chicago. Auj. 30 to Sept 4,
There Is a church in the quiet little
| to Denter, Colorado Sprinffi and Pueblo,
Letter mall would* pay BO quickly the sepulchre of their W
account Encampment G. A. R. at Den-'
village of Mumford, near .Niagara merchandise.
b r p * r t r . w t w t * a U kbr
ter. ' Colorado Special leaves Chicago
REFUSt SUBSTITUTES. Falls, which Is composed.entirely of twice- the postnl-cardtftte t reyen 1If-'ev-;
7.00 p.m. dally, only otw olghten toot*.1.
IM .W. .
Us full bunco. The
fossils. At flrst glance ;tho walls ap- cry letter welgh'ed
Another fut train leavci daJly XIAO p.m.
pear to be constructed of rough sand- collecting habit, in other-ways, brings
M *.i.
-Treasury many an 'honest pen' fihows He Know \Vhat Food to Stick To. Bow
stone suicurcd with an uneven coating to 'the
torn CtalMHMd tto tMt
of gritty! course-plaster, but ; a closer ny.: 'Tho post-card cfnJEe\ wh'lclr Is; tlii- : Forwarding" n,-photo of a splendidly
FM b*Uti* aiid lull piitlculut tddttu -.
A Mtdleiui AnllwpUc Rm-'
vlovv reveals the -error of this tlrst newest: collecting habit and 'the most handsome' and healthy * young boy/ a ~
C l-r fiAm\J
d/ lorMrLpnptriBar!*,
7*i3T? T?~^ri^-i-j.-)^i* iiu.j-.i;,'-.:
fett chllbUlni. bunion*. c*!loiU(i, earn* mao. all
conclusion. Instead of.% plaster tho recent 'source of: revenue, leads small Vppy mother" writer" from- an Ohio other
foot allnMBUtMtliUim nrBl*d ormoniT
eyes., .bchbld .traceries. of__dcllqato communities ,to seo what th'ey Imvq In town:
r*turaril trim! bo IQc. HollU M&. Qo., Jamalo*. M.Y.
vcbt to bo '"deooratea;ud"ma'db" beautiful
"The enclosed picture 'shows my 4- DOW
loaves, Incev/ork of iutexwoven twigs, the, way. oij natural bcaU^or^prartlstlc
and healthful by using
TO '
bits of broken.; branches, fragments of; ,work"-that* deserves a ,'wlde c\rculaUonu }ear-o!d Grape-Nuts boy.
i*ap'. 'w f
"Since, ho, ;Waa 2 'years old he has MdlOCM
mossy bark dud splinters of wood, all
, *Utt
Heavy, receipts In June resulted In a eaten, nothing but,Grape-Nuts. He depreserved against the-wasting'of time
, w.u
and,decay, by being .turned. Into the surplus of $13,000,C^.in,th;Trea8ury mands and gets this food thro times Mln*r*l
d| wttt*
hardest of flinty limestone. As a mat- operations of that month, and reduced. n dajr.',Thla.may.scom rather unusual,
. .
DAMAN! In white and beau- ter-, dr. facti'.every block of stone In the "the deficit from . $37,000,000 Vt6 "about but he docs!not care.for anything else
n, rlh !!. IBO
not rub or ncale. Uiutroyi dltooio germs nail
four walls. Is a closely. ccmeiUcd mass .$24,000,000 . for the fiscal '.'year. Re-' after. ha , lias eaten his ,Grape-Nuts,
Tiirtnla. No washing of trslU after onco op"
(.to, f 10 pr un. K. W. MOEHjlt,
piled. Any ono cnn bruih It oii-m&r wkh
cold water. Plata tinting and whitening, ami
"." I1U Private.Opinion;
tlio most elaborate relief, itcncli work and
Day he refused ..tur
'stdcrablo Increase of expenditures In on Thanksgiving
tre*colnr nur be dona wUh It. Other flqlHhM ^VlKBl"9IIa.T0 ft clgarVold man?
(bearing fanciful uaraes and mixed with hot
things that make
DeportDlsgabyTlmnksl Don't caro''if I do;
water) donotbaT* the emePtlnEri>ro[>artjr
up that great dinner, and ate his dlsb
of AlabMtlne. They aro iluolc.on *Uu
rluo -or other, animal nutter, which
rot*, what ilo l you think of -..that weed?
dpu^** * ? omji lii|>*'Uii(3,
of Grape-Nuts and cream with the besl
much! n work till*wltkyourl|u!**buU- twoUrtwdtt lUj ptoilUr to _____ __
eedlnff dlieMO-rermi.' tubbing ,' icallnp
amt polling-. wUIvafutniiitf, ta. Buoh
their MI, uu4 u aflouchais HurraCul
naliliei mut be wmhed o(t orenr ywr-ooat- nro umoklng?
ctififal. TJiorouhlvcletJif,klU4U* final,
onion of
-rv .
given an order which appeals to the other foolish members of the family
I* =*
Ijp. flllhy TTork. lluy Alubattliio only la
itops UKBJUC4I/&MOS tnflunauUM ul local
finest.' sentiment ,The post commander experienced.
ruU*uUriwilu\V. **. HUr)rt
flTc-iiouml paoltaffe", proprly Ubld.
'to b*
u oUrtlndln
V, i ' ' V i poii
and eoUlooir
t Futlnf Uln.powdirlorm
.Tint aird, preUy .
"Hint* mi Decorating, nod our artuU ' wr- v pisgabyWell, yon ovideiUly bellovo nt Fort McHenry' has been directed ; "lie Is. never flick, has a beautiful
vitcr, And U tr mart "cltftnilnf nwiUnf. Mnxuaur
to ascertain the exact"posltjon 'of the 'complexion, and hi considered a very
' Tlcfl la making color plans, flrooV '
ta4 teonomlail thwi liquid uttUcpuci lor !!
In tho old.axiom that "misery loves com- pole from which floated the" flag which uahdsomo boy. May the Postum ComTOUJBT AND WOHBr-TA SPECIAL* UBfi
wtito ran Ui
'. pany
Box *ad Book.** iMtnictlcm* Prt*
frjfrfr P f g M j or |M Wi W SU N: V.
If a roan could'have.'.h.alt hl wtahcs
COWFAH* : . gtton', HAHI
tt'80 CKW W; Cin'fc; ho'would double his trouble.Poor Ulch- BtaiSSiianBled
and enUstcd:, men at the post- wish to 'given by.Postum Co., Battle Creek
nrtl. ' " -s-'',.*'* ' - ' . .:;' *.-.'
erect a' stone to mark the
- -No. Q2-1005
I cnribot prnlie- I?Uo'i Oure'cnoiiBh f or
There's &- reason. Read the little
tbo womlers It hn worked-In curing me.
One miner Is killed for tvery million book, "The Roiid to WeUyUU," in ev-.. , . >
'cry pki,

truths that Strike Home

Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year.

Cheaper Lands



School Houses
and Homes

4 K









. B.JOHNSON, - Publisher

Its Baseball Heroes Go Down In Humlllatlng Defeat Before the Dinkey r U1)i Ono Dollar Par Y u n r . In AdvanaOi
vllle DemonsLocal Scribe Weeps
and Refuses to Be Comforted.


Don't try cheap cough medicines. Get the best. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. W h a t a
record it has, sixty years of


The Kquitable report snya thnt; tho comOur sympathy gushes out toward
pany shows n -steuily growth. Tho
our esteemed contemporary, the Daily
State of Eufaula, Ala., In Its tribulaclaim might he matlo for tiny graveyard.
tion over the defeat of the Eufaula
If thoy nro Kinff to reiinposo those war baseball team by a nine from Dinkeycures! Ask y o u r doctor if
taxes on us, we uiiitht m well havo the fun vllle. **Poor Eufaula!" sobs the edihe doesn't use It for coughs,
of getting out ami licking another third tor, "not In all of tho several years
colds, bronchitis, and all
wo were wont to chronicle her many
class power.
throat and lung troubles.
splendid achievements and her vari" I IIBTO fount! that Ayor'i Chnrry Pectoral
ous contests for supremacy wore wo
I* tlio biMt niadlcliH) I can preicrlbo for hronThere arc some press agents who believe once called upon to witness a wreck
chitli, influent*.cough!, ami hnl cold*,"
M. LUDKMAH, 31.D., Ithaca. N. T.
thnt the presidential bees now huxzing so vast, so complete* so exhaustive, so
will lay them up quite a stock of honey overwhelming. Fifteen to (We! And All dfugpUt._
for l . n w H I . Mull.
pulverized by Dlnkeyvllle at that!"
before 1903.
It was terrible. Prom what wo can
from tho Incoherent wall ot
China bus furnished the ring for tho
brother tho Dlnkeyvllle
Oricntial championship boui. The quea- team excelled In
Correct any tendency to constipabatting;
lion ia whether she will get any of the
"They knocked balls to the south tion with small dosos.of Ayer's Pills.
gate receipts.
and they were returned, over tho fence
from some county In upper Florida;
Household fire Extinguisher,
A whole lot of minor grafters in Wash- they knocked' balls to tho eastward | Tho
nervous housewife who lives Jn
ington cnn point with pride to their record and they were returned across tho constant dread of flre, may with very
inasmuch as thoy have not stolen as freely river from Georgia; they knocked llttlo 'trouble make an extinguisher
balls to the westward and the state that. will put out a blozo 1C used at
as some of their associates.
special correspondents In Mississippi once. All she needs to do Is to put
us a great sensation of tho fall- 3 pounds of salt In a gallon of water,
Who is going to believe the state do* wired
Ing meteors; their foul tips to various and to this add 1H pounds of sol
partment is really in favor of the Open points of the compasa falling through
Door when it talks of extending the scope skylights wore reported from Macon, ammoniac. This liquid should be bottled and when the flro Is discovered
of its extradition treaties.

L'olumbus, Montgomery, Atlanta and it should be poured on it.

Birmingham as explosions and creditWitte is missing some of the prelimi- ed to bomb throwers."
Shaw Is Churchman.
This superiority at the bat would of
nary feeds at Portsmouth but probably ho
Leslie M. Shaw, for mora
will have a plenty to digest when he chews Itself have won the game, possibly, than twenty years prior to going to
ant In addition the Dlnkeyvllle team
over the Japanese pease terms.
Washington, was superintendent of
boasted of great ability In biyso-run- one
and at times two Sunday schools,
nlng. At least this IB. tho Inference
Senator Depew says be is about to re- drawn from the somewhat agitated and represented the DCS Molnos Conference three times at tho General
turn from Kurope. There arc many citi- account of the catastrophe:
zens of the United States who if thoy were
"Dlnkoyvlllo took up most of the Conference of * bis church.
safely in, Kurope would make every effort :imo of the gamo that way. It needed
four street sprinklers to keep the dust
it stay there.
"I had diabetes in its worst form,
down and get a glimpse of the runner. Mution Lee, of Dunreath, Ind. "I tried
Mr. Sato says that he baa never given Everj' few seconds we could hear the eight physicians without relief. Only
out any outline of the Japanese peuao con- sound of a batted ball on Its way to three bottles of Foloy'0 Kidney Curo made
St. Andrew's bay, then a runner would me n well man.*' Sold by J. H. Swan.
ditions. Nobody thought that he was emerge
from the plato and! couldn't
to and there ore very few who would be- be seen any; more until he landed
lieve them if they thought he had.
Hire Diamonds for Style.
again at the starting- point They
The hiring of diamonds of dazzling
kept the base paths hot and at one
Paul Morton scaled down his salary time, when the paths were full of run- brilliancy and largo value by new$20.000 when he took charge of the Equit- nersthey never halted at the base, made New Yorkers, to be used temporarily on their annual revlsltatlon
nblo. There are some of us who could but kept goingwe thought of turn- of
their former homes In Canada or
stand a similar reduction of our satarien
the provinces ts common.
if there was going to be $50,000 left.
mado In the base paths."
Norway Loans to Farmers.
Evidently Eufaula made a deplorFarmers can borrow money from
They seem to have thought in New York able mistake In going up against the
that Fads and Fancies wan well worth demons of Dlnkoyvllle. But the ed- the government In. Norway at 3 per
buying. Perhaps they knew the reporters itor of the State plucks hope from the c~ent Interest, and still the Norse rush
other lands. The reason Is that
were onto some of the doings of the smart jaws of disaster. Another game Is to
the collateral on which to borrow ts
set that were better worth suppressing.
rather difficult to get In Norway.
"We want a front seat, for not since
A glance at the Congressional Record our esteemed but now deceased felFotey'a Kidney Cure is n medicine free
shows that a great many of the members low workman, Shakespeare, reported
who ore making the most fuss over the 'The Comedy of Errors' have we seen from poisons ami will cure any eawo of
kidney disease thnt is not beyond the reach
Treasury deficit were the very ones who anything* like that game yesterday."
helped create it by voting faye" on the
Later Information, however, Is to of medicine. Sold by J, II. Swan.
the effect that further games are postappropriation bills.
Potatoes for Pen Wipers.
poned and the editor breaks out
London hotel used a bushafresh:
Strong efforts are being made by severel
a year for penwipers on
al organizations notably the Southern
the.tables In the writing rooms. It Is
Cotton Growers Association, to force the
History of conquest Eufaula yield* claimed that a potato wiper Is the best
re'aignation of Secretary Wilson of the her
ed to superiority, confessed her In- preservative that can be obtained for
department of agriculture. It is not like- adequacy and sought her tent of grief the pen.
ly they will' succeed. In the first ploca while Dlnkeyvllle, drunk' with the
Secretary Wilson is not much inclined to gore of their adversary and dangling
Money for Rescue Halt.
resign. Friends call this conscious reci- fief reeking scalp at their ncels, made
The money from the sale of two
tude and enemies call it obstinacy. Which their triumphant march to the depot east Bide Methodist chruches In New
ever it is, he baa the confidence of the and took the train forDlnkeyvllle. York will be spent nearby. It will go
President in bis honesty and while the We refuse to be comforted."
Into the extremely successful Wesley
Quite right, brother! There Is no Rescue Hall In the Bowery.
President is determined that the Department of Agriculture shall be purged of the use In trying to find comfort. AH Is
despair. Words of consolation are
ill-Timed Wit.
grafting that has. been going on for ai like
salt on a sore thumb, and we for- "Did ho leave you anything when he
least two years past, he is willing that bear. Yet we can not suppress a sob
flflkcd of tho fatherless girl, who cried.
Secretary Wilson shall do the jab and he of sympathy and commiseration. For I"Oh,
yes, ho did!" And I questioned
is confident that he can and will do it with we have been there and we may be
"What w*a It?'* *'He left mo an orphan,
propper assistance. There is no question there again.Washington Post
^-Cleveland Leader.
in any quarter that during'the eight and
a half years that Mr. Wilson baa been
Up In New Hampshire.
Foley'a Kidney Guro will cure all diseases
Secretary of the agriculture, he has done
Albert R Plllsbury, former attorney
much valuable work. The departmeni general of Massachusetts, on visiting arising from disordered kidneys or bladder
under him bos expanded pid the various the birthplace of Horace, Greeley In Sold by J, E. Swan.
branches of investigation that have been Amberst, N. H., noticed 'that there
opened up have been of real rervice to the was no placard about the place to Inform
InterSaid tho maid to the milkman, 'ThU
farmer' If Secretary Wilson has been est Accordingly he himself tacked
milk appears blue."
mnn to tho maid, "Well, you'd
taken advantage of in some departments, on the house a card which read: Said the
be blue, too.
it bos been bscause ho trusted too fully in "This Is tho birthplace of Horace If as many bum jokes were sprung about
men who have proved to be dishonest. Greeley." While he was engaged at As there
are on this milk!"
Which seemi to he true.
When these are cleared out there is no this task a" passing native paused to
Cleveland Leader.
reason that the Department shall not con- read the card, and turning to Mr.
tinue the good work that has been so Plllsbury > he remarked with some
Fore* Expended In Thinking.
largely inaugurated under the present acidity: "The gall of some of you fellers
Paul Solller, expert'psychologist,
secretary. There is one thing that is like- is fairly slok'nln'. What do you suptold his brethren at their annual meetly to result from secretary Wilson's visit pose folks here care whether you was Ing In Parie that to think for a whole
to Oyster Bay.. He. had a long talk with born on this farm or some other old week Is to expend just about as much
the President there and it is understood farm? Them's my sentiments, Mr. energy as would lift 8,000 potmda to
that it baa been arranged that there shut Greeley, and don't you forgit It" the height of the Eiffel Tower.
be no pore voluntary resignations from Law Notes.
the department of officials who are under
Chinese Tn New York.
investigation. It is stated that a largo
A Great Advantage.
were 6,080 Chinese InhabiThe young man with the yellow
number of employees of the department
York, according to the
besides the prominent beads of bureaus satchel stopped at the cabin of an old lost census,.but the popular estimate
have recently taken advantage of this colored minister.
that the actual number of China"Let me sell you an alarm clock/' la
mode of exit and have quitted the service
twice as large. Though there
the young man. "Automatic, Is a Is
with all the advantage oE voluntary resig began
exclusion law and
double-action guaranteed timepiece." few birth* federal
occur In the Chinese quarnation though in reality bad they remainThe old man lit bis corncob.
ters, the Chinese population seems U
ed they would have been dropped "for the
"Dat all .sounds very good," ho Increaw.
good'of the service. ' There is no saying drawled, "but de only kind ob an
how far the present investigation will im- alarm clock dat Ah want am a rooster.
plicate other bureau officials in the im Den when yo' gits tired rlsln* early
; proper pmcticea that ore said to have to yo' kin turn aroun* en nab' de alarm
We like best to call
obtained in the.department but there is no clock for dlnnah. Beats all de automatic clocks on earf,"Chicago Dally
-question but'there la going to be such a News.
a food because it stands so' emcleaning up of the various bureaus as wil
phatically for perfect nutrition.
make the dry bones rattle and it ia equally
Treat's Distinguished, Ancestry.
And yet in the matter of restorsafe to say that Secretary Wilson will be
Charles Henry Treat, who became
ing appetite, of giving new
allowed to remain and finish the work o United
States treasurer several years
strength to the tissues, especially
ago. is a direct descendant of-Robert
to the nerves, its action is that
Treat,- who for thirty-two years WM
of a medicine.
deputy and royal governor of the col*
. Putt Claw In Good Humor.
' Send for (rut umnle.
HTM. Borer/ the New,York cooking ony of Connecticut Mr.- Treat'lived*
SCOTT & DOWN K, CheraUti,
409^15 Feiil Sirctl,
- NwYoV.
Uaoher, invariably prefaces her'olui for a number of years In Delaware
goc, tod f 1,00 {
and later In Maryland, before moving
leiions -with a story, evea it Si
to'Mew Tor*.
times against herself.




$5BQO Per Acre And Up*

Claim to Be the Healthiest and Most

Rational LI vert on the .EarthOne
and All Are Said to Bo Free-Think- X A*)E FURNISH LISTS OP DESIRABLE FARMS AND OLD PLAN"ing Christians.
VV tntions'torsnlo on our lino of rond iu Virginia. Productive lands

with improvements, .in desirable communities, with boat church,

The curious and romantic-looking school nud social advantages, nt $5.00 nnd up per acre. \Ve have many
followers of tho simple life who have Northern nnd Western people with tis nlrondy who aro delighted with our
been attracting BO much Interest .on
tho Riviera, and particularly at Mon- section. Como nud see what they nro doing, how they like tbo country,
tane and Nice, durlriK the winter, have icoplo, climnte, etc. Why stiiy in tho cold North with its short summon
with tho warmer weather begun to md long cold winters, when wo offer you hero in tho eunuy South nil your
move Into northern Italy, and near >reflent advantages and numerous others at lesa than one-third of your.
Como there IB an Increasing colony of
these strange people, who scorn well present investment.
supplied with money, and who are now
In search of a secluded and favorable
estate on which to form a new garFor further information, lists of forms* or industrial openings, excursion
den of Eden, says tho Washington
etc., nnd our beautiful pamphlet on Virginia, address
Star's general correspondent.
As tho simple livers wear no clothAgr. and Ind. Agl. Norfolk & Western R'y.
Ing beyond.sandals and one long, flow*
Dop'l. B 1, Hoanoka, Va.
Ing, toga-llko white gown of light
woolen fabric,, and as they spend almost all of their lives In tho open nlr,
they will probably settle down In one
of the warm-sheltered valleys near
Lake omo, where the rigors of winter
are not too severe.
The queer little commonwealth has
been joined by all hinds of people, Including Englishmen, Germans, French
and Russians.
The men wear long hair and picturesque* beards, while tho women,
robust and the picture of vigor and
health, have an almost Amazonian appearance. They pass their lives In the
open air and when compelled, as during some of the recent severe weather, to sleep 'in houses, they remove
doors, windows, carpets and curtains
and Bleep with scarcely any covering,
on hard, simple mattresses.
They bathe at least twice a day and
are strict believers In vegetarianism
and an uncooked food diet; their drink
Is water and as far as can be ascertained'they are one and all free-thinking Christians.
Of their family histories and past
positions In the world they do not
speak, though among them aro perDEVELOPMENT NOW CJQ1NG OK IN
sons of undoubted distinction. They
claim to be .the healthiest' and .the
most rational livers on the earth and
declare that all who'desire to escape
cllficaso and unhapplnoss are bound In
time to join their ranks and adopt
their rules, which aro those of naDo you want to know about rich farming lands, fertile, well located, on a Trunk
ture and of Christ.
will produce two, three nnd four crops from the same Held each
One member of the'band;'a well- year, nud whichwhich
cnn be purchased at very low prices and on easy terms? About stock
educated German, named Paul, says raising where the extreme of winter feeding IB but six (G)short weeks V Of places where
that four years ago he was given up truck growing and fruit raising yield enormous returns yearly. Of a land where you
by tho best physicians of Europe wit* can live out of doors every day in the year? OE opportunities for establishing profitable
not another year to live. -He adopted manufacturing industries; of rich mineral locations, and splendid buiineas opeaiogy.
the simple life as his last chance,
If you want to know the details of any or all of these write mo. I will gladly
rambled In the sunshine and In the advise you fully and truthfully.
fields and 'forests, over the mounQ. A. PARK, Genera! Immigration and Industrial Agent
tains and Alpine pastures, sleeping at
night under trees or sheltered by
rocks throughout 'the entire summer
and when winter came, Instead of dying, he felt full of vigor, and new



The = BETTER - Kind

Are You Interested in the South?

The Great Central South?


The Only Way.

Kong Yue Wei, the Chinese reform

cr, was describing the hardships that
are undergone for reform's sake In
"But reform," he said, "Is .never
brought about except with suffering.
They who carry the torch of progress
moke targets !of themselves. Reform
and* persecution walk:.hand m hand.
It Is always so."
"It Is always so. It Is the only
way. You remejnber our Chinese
sage, Chang Wu?
"Chang Wu found one day among
his disciples a beautiful ; princess. She
had come to propound: '-- .lain questions to the sage,'. but tud old man's
great age, his manifold. Infirmities,
shocked her. She' forget her questions, and kneeling, she gazed at
Chang \Vu In silence.
-"'Daughter/ said Chang Wu. smiling, 'why do you regard me so
strangely T*
The princess flushed and murmured
" 'Oh, father, do you not find It very
unpleasant to 1grow-old?1
"Yes, very, Chang Wu answered.
*But Is there any-other way of living
a long time?'"

IPaints ' Ms * BrushesMake your Old Woodwork and

Old Furniture new by applying


1b. Swan,

Drove Trade In Autographs*

Dr. W. G. draco, .the most famous SPECTACLES SCIENTIFICALLY FITTED
cricketer In England, probably has
given his autograph as'of ten as any
other celebrity. At. a match not long
ago he wrote his name In the notebook of a little' girl.' A couple of
weeks later* much to his surprise, the
same little lady, shyly; sidled up to
him with the necessary documents
and the request for his 'autograph.
i aad i Opticians,
"But I gave It you,only a few days
St, Waukegan, 111
ago," laughingly said the 'veteran;
"Oh," came the answer,''.'I changed
that one for two bishops'." Dr. Grace
laughed heartily as he replied: "Well,
my dear, If a. cricketer Is worth two
bishops I don't believe I ought to give
you another autograph. But your on good improved farms at 5 per cent; Innalvette Is'so delicious I suppose I
must Bo there you are,"

The Brooke Bailow Investment Co

Italy's King to Knight American.


Dr. Joseph Spencer Kennard Is to

foavo the distinction of being knighted RRAOTIOE
by the King of Italy at tho January
levee. Dr. Kennard recently removed FRANK B. ORVIS,
from. Philadelphia to. Tarrjtown, N.
Y., and his the Italian'ton
??*? Pfcone 1891.
Spring Grot*.
gue have received larger royalties
than any Italian novelist, pave (labrlello D'AnnunKlb.
To Purify SewaQ*.
The Motherwell (England) town,
council has decided to .establish i
plant for sewage purification in which
the septic system will he used. Tin
plant will cost 10,000, including

Licensed Ernbajmer
by thastata Board




- rrvmmmmmm-*


Anyone MO<Jtu * rttteb ud descriptio

qnleklr uoerUtn our opinion frMWDWLbar BO
n U probably MienUb
tUL H ANOBmon Patent!
Hnt frM. Odott uenoy
f or HenurMtvntm.
HenrijurMtvntm. ~
Patent! Ukn toroiuh HUUH 4 Co, t*wlfo
fpfdol notke, without cbwse, la tbo .


A handfomclf llhiitntod WMklr. ; tarns* dp.

cnUUon of any tcton LUJO loarau, i Ttnn*. VI
rMrifoarmontbihfl. BowbyiOliitwidMdi

Juclto* .1 thf> Po
Notary Public
CallaolloM, Le>B> VorbT *
Fir* liuranc

Special Agent


Diamond feahara
Between Waiblnxton and Uftdlionu
at IMS than cost. At baft tae price you par U)


From oar Stiff

of Adi?


Mr. John P. AJuher and friend npent
part of tho week with Mr, BiirtiB Ovorton.

Miu Edllb Van Alitlne hnft been very

Ick w i t h appendicitis the past week.

Miis Nellie McDougatl in ontertaining

Miss AtrneaTaylor,
Mr, tlell Hughes Sumlayed wltli hfo
parent*, Mr.'and Mrs. .1. Hughca.
C. E. topic, Aug. I8-"Tho building of
character." 2 Pet. 1:M1. Judo 20,
The Ladles Aid wilt Imve another cnko
Vivien Uonnor, leader.
mile next Saturday, AUK. 12.
Mr. nnil Mrs. Uoorgo Stowrtrt, of WtuiMr. 0, Harris entertained hi* brother
were hero for a fow- days viilttnif
and wifo n faw daya.
with relatives.

Mr. nntl Mra. Frank bhepnrduon nnd

Mm. Unrris U hero visiting with her
baby visited relatives here the post weok.
wo daughters, Mra. Wm, Thorn and MM.
Mr. E. L. Wold, of Grnyalnkc, was "in
e Dodge-,
town Wednesday.
Mr. Peter Tompnon, of Pikes Peak, Col.i
Miss TholEa Champion In visiting her and IIH brother William and wife, of Chi*
cousin, Mr. A. Richards.
'iitfo, are visiting the StowartY
M. John J. McMnhon is vtiiltinft friends
Mr. and Mrs. Hd Gerry and Mr. and
in the city.,
Mrs. Henry Kilmoniln attended tlie wedMrs. Emma Kerr and Mrs. Jnmes Korr llng of their neico, Miss Gerry of Waukewere in the city Monday.
A bus loud of ladies from Waukcgan ntMr. and Mrs. Bert Oonyo and daughter
the rulealonnry tea nnd thank offer'
upent Sunday with bin brother at W11ing
last Wednesday afternoon, among
mette, III.
;hem were Mrs, Chprles Wilbur, Mn. QorMr. and MM. Frank Hall, of Chlu'go. mm, Mrs. Tumlaugh, Mrs. Cummings
attended the funeral of Mis* Maude Gib* nnd Mrs. Just.
Bon. .
Mr. and Mrs. Koeppen and daughter
spent Wednesday in I bo city with their
daughter* Mrs. Ralph Fairiuan.
Mr*. A. Little and daughter, of Anttoch,
were in town Wednesday evening to aee
her sitter, Miss Cora Wallace, who returned from the hospital Tuesday.
Tho ladies of tho Angola Cemetery society will meet with Mrs. L. M. Crlbb at
her homo in Antioch on Tuesday afternoon
AuguitlS. Everybody welcome.
The ladies of tho Fox Lake Cemetery
societywill meet with Mrs. Edwin Wilton
Thursday afternoon, Auguit 17. Visitors
cordially invited. Mrs. Tesaio Nelson,
Card ot Thanks.1 wish to tlmnk tho
many friends who so kindly assisted during tho illnuas and death of my daughter,
and all those who sent (lowers. 1 at BO
vrich to thank the singers and the Lehmans for their flower*. Archie Gibson,
Misa Maude Gibson was born In Lake
Villa April 23,1892, and died August 2,
1905, aged 13 years, 3 months and 10 days.
She was the only living daughter of Archie
Gibsonand.ltiswife Huttie Gibson;..who
died several years ago. Maudo always
seemed to be a strong, healthy girl, and
her death cornea as a great shock to n great
many. ,She has spent most of her life in
Lake Villa and vicinity, but last spring
she went to Chicago to work, and about
six weeks ago came home to her father's
and became steadily wane.. All was done
that loving hands could do, but the complication of diseases was more than could
be conquered by human skill and she
passed peacefully away "Wednesday ovening. Death was directly due to heart
failure. . The funeral was held at her late
'home Friday afternoon, Rev. Hitchcock
officiating. The sorrowing father has the
sympathy of all In bis bereavement.

Mrs. A. W. Harvey is improving.
Mr. Mont Allen and Miss Belle Allen
opent Saturday and Sunday at Kenosba.
Mr. Ray Darby, of Wilmette, is visitini?
hii grandparent* Mr. ond.Mra. T. Mead.
*Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Parker are visiting
friends iij Indiana.
Mrs. Cora Richardson and daughter, of
Ghicatto, spent part of tba week here,
MrB. Emma Kerr was tbe guest of Mrs.
8. Allen'the tut of the week.
Mrs. Emma Harvey, of Waukegan, is
visiting relatives here..
F. 0. Wilbur i* among those who contemplate going to Portland, Oregan, soon.
Many from bore attended tbe funeral ol
A. Ben well atbU home west of .here on
--.AfiBs Doolittle, of Waukegan, was the
guestof her aunt Mrs, ,F. Batterahall tbe
last of the week,
Mrg. H.J/Wheeiock baa gone to Wav
erly, Iowa, whero^Bhe will spend a few
weeks with her brother and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Lewis and .daugh
terKatbryn wturned home on'Saturday
from Lewieton,. Vermont, arid Concord,
N. H.,;wbere tbej bave been the part two

Mrs. H, B, Tower and MM. Geo. Gerrlty
were Chicago visitors last week.
_Wrj* Trotter bas.hoen visiting, relatives
in Hickory for a few days.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Dodge on
Thursday, Aug. I, a son.
'.Miis Emily Wynn,- of Wauiegan,
visiting at Miss Qarrie Eater's.
Mrs. D. B. Taylor' left lost Thursday for
Milwaukee whore oho will visit for a shor
time with her brother.,

Mrs. Nowell Parks spent Inat week with
relatives in Kenoslm,
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Taylor a little
son, AugustB, 1905.
Mrs. Geo. Patrick attended the funeral
of Mrs. Nettie Bishop at Bristol on Friday.
Jacob Drom and family visited relatives
In Antioch on Sunday.
The Misses Jennie and Jessie Garland
of Bristol, visited at George Booth's last
Eugene Bailey and family, of Glenn El*
lyn, Alex. Bailey ami Mrs. Palmatier, of
Salem, were calling on Trevor relatives on
Thursday evening, Aug. 3, Miss Sarah
Patrick wns tho victim of n surprise party.
A few friends gathered to help her celebrate her birthday. Among the company
were three others whose birthdays occur
on the same date, let: cream, cake nnd
fruit were served.
On Wednesday evening, August 16, tho
Ladies Aid of the Liberty church will give
an ice cream social on the lawn at Henry
Latano. Min Barnum, tho. noted elocutionist from Chicago, who him been with
us before, will be present and reclto norna
of her choice selections. Come one and all
and have a good time;

Mr. II. U, Gnlncs spent Saturday and
Sunday with friends in Chicago.
Mrs. Fred Benedict nnd son, oKenohn,
spent Sunday tit tho home of Mr. C. E.
Rev. J. L. Sizer went on Saturday to
Sawyer, Wig., to help in revival services
being held at place. .
Some of the young people of thia place
attended the entertainment at "Wesley on
Friday evening.
\Mr. Frank-Holcomb, of Rockford, ia
acting ai our depot agent during the absence of Mr. A. H. Bottlemy.
Mr. Clarence Jackson and Miss Mary
Jackson spent Sunday at the home of Miss
Ida Stevens.
Rev. J. E. Oarrett, of -Neenah, Wia.,
was calling on old friends here on Friday
of last week. He was called here to officiate
at the funeral of Mra. E.1M. Bishop.
Mr. and Mra. Lew Halle, of Chicago,
spent the greater part of the week at tho
home of hit) mother, Mrs. M. E. Haile, of
thla place.
Mra. Walker and family spent the forepart of the week at the home of her brother
Mr. W. Stannard, of thla place. She la
on her way east*where she ffill make her
future home.


Dictates of DcGtlny Polnt'Stronyly Toward This EndAbundance and

Cheapness of Nature's Production
Bound to Turn the Scale.
That Americana arc great meat cat*
ors may bo considered a fact of der i v a t i o n from tho hunting aod fishing
stage of the coimt'ry's lifo. So long
as moat was abundant and cheap It
had tho recommendations which Ipd
to Its choice an the principle article oC
food. The vegetarian who here and
thero raised Ma volco in protest
against tho consumption of flesh fooda
was little heeded. A people are guided In the selection of their foods very
little,by deliberate choice. They eat:
the Uilnga which ,are closest to hand.
The time may come with that remote
future to which IB referred everything
Utopian when nations will deliberately select the predominating articles of
their diet with reference to tho development of specific racial charnoterisr
tics. But at present people In general
tiro not oven convinced that what
they cot has relevancy to what, as a
nation, they become.
For a few centuries to come, Americana certainly will continue to eat
the "food convenient to them," while
good-humoredly allowing the cerealiBts to tickle their palates with health
fooda. But own American independence or Indifference la amenable, to
the dictates of destiny. Just now
Americans seem destined to drift more
strongly than ever toward a fruit diet
The moving con el derail on Is the fancy
figures, with an upward tendency, at
which flesh foods are sold. The, other
consideration Is the abundance and
cheapness of fruits. As wisdom takes
counsel of necessity* a third motive,
which of Itself would not have great
weight," la the superior wholesomeness
of fruit foods.
We produce tho biggest apple crops
In the world-, our peach crops arc unparalleled, our watermelons and small
fruits respond in abundance to tho
mere tickling of the soil with a hoe.
Tho same story holds true of all domostlce fruits. But this term bas tiecome elastic. California distributes
throughout tho country great quantities of tropical fruits and the area of
cultivation of these Is constantly oxtending.' When the Panama trench Is
dug the Pacific coast fruits can be
brought to the eastern markets .with
greater celerity and less cost Mod
cm means of transportation have
made the plantations of the West In
dlea also almost the same as though
they were within tho country confines
U* Is safe to predict that the con
sumption of bananas especially wil
soon be Increased. Oranges aro being
consumed In rapidly Increasing quao
titles. Certainly during tbe- summer
months fruit will be king. During the
winter months the force of habit will
prevail and more fruit .and less meat
will be eaten.Baltimore Herald.
Shooting a Tiger Wolf. .
A gentleman residing at Qlencon
nor took up a position in tbe buah In
the hope of potting a "buck," and hid
himself near a bush path on a hillside.
Suddenly he heard a rustling noise
in. the bush, and raising bis head a
few Inches from the ground be per
celved a dark object stealthily approaching him from the .direction of
tbe hill. In order to be ready for all
possible contingencies he drew-and
cocked his weapon. The dark object
crept nearer and nearer, and as Its
shape grew more distinct the~waltlng
sportsman saw that It was not that of
a man. but of a wild beast
' When within half a dozen yards it
sprang straight at -Mm, Tho rifle
flashed, and while the brute! was yet
in the air the bullet found-Its mark.
The marauder proved to be a splendid
specimen of the "tiger, wolf," or spotted, hyena, and measured'three feet
six Inches without the tall.Alice

The Professor's Toast.

"That reminds me," remarked the
fellow oppoalte, "that wo are a chivalrous race. At least we attempt to be
so. Intention counts for considerable!
especially when we give It consideration. A few years ago I was at a din
nerthis was shortly :after the ,'new
woman' appeared, and the staid colHarvesting IB nearly done.
lage professor, who was an old-fash
Mrs. Erod Crlbb' called on friend* at loned man, mentioned that while this
new woman had ceased to be a lady,
Fox Lake Monday afternoon.
she had not become a gentleman.
Mrs. Wm. Nelson fell Sunday afternoon Then be capped It all by lifting.nil
glass and saying:
hurting herself quite badly.
"'Here's to tho better sex, God bless
Mr, and.Mra. A..Tweed werecallera here them.* "New Orleans Times-Demo'Monday evening.
Mra. Frank Galiffcr is entertaining some
My LOM. .
friends frocu the city.
Farewell! aalfl^my conscience%
Farewell to you, now. for aye; .
Sunday School at Fort Hill overy Sunday You've
goaded me long with my sinning.
And now I hall cart you nway .
at 10:30 a, m.
Time wm whtn you hela me In bondage
Time waa whon you ruled deep within.
. Tbe Sunday School convention for tho But
now I fhall heed you no longer.
town of Grant will be held at the Congre- I am free to go forth and wo.**
gational church at Fox Lake on Sunday Com*' back! Gome back I 6 ray con
August 14. Dr. Roomer and other speak- I cried
from my loal'i deep grtof
ers will be present.
60 weary I've frown of my alnnlngr,
I lonjr for your brave -relief.
Oh. bring back tho joy of your fruldanoft
'Why. oh, why! make mo wait?
Then the ghoit . of ~ my conscience an
Many persona in this community 'are
" You have called me too late too late!'
suffering from kidney complaint who could -Herbert - Flaniburgb. in Boston Tran
, .-.
avoid fatal results by using Foley's Kidney script , _

Cure. Bold by-J.-.H. Swan.

N Innocent Irreverence.

Oliver was in": the front yard one

Ayer's Pills.; yers is.

Aycr's Pills. Keep saying
this over and over again.
The best laxative.

oustache or bear

, __ .
row a or rich
black? Use
-** tl-


<>* *.


It Looks like a Good Time to Buy Summer Stock Sugar.

Window Shades, we sell them with Nails, all sizes, at extremely low
adjustable roller, only 250.
Screen Doors, a good one, at go cts Williams Bros. Best Flour, $1.60 a
and $1.00.
Lawn Mowers, 14 in. $3.00, 16 in. PUlsbury's Best XXXX Flour, $1.60
$3.25, 18 in. $3.50.
a sack.

Agency American Field Fencing Show a New Poultry Fence - See it

Did you try our 20c and 25c Coffee? The real value is 25c and 30c

Judge Cut the Knot.

A Missouri Judge recently set a
precedent which may prove embarrassing for twins, A boarding-house
mistress of Kansas City seized tho
runk or A. K. Young an security for
the unpaid board hill of his twin broth"p Robert "Why don't you pay your
board bill?" tho Judge asked the owner of the trunlt. "Because I don't owe
nny," the young man replied. Then
.he judge asked tho brothers to stand
xigethor. "I don't see any difference/'
the'court remarked. -"You're exactly
alike. If one of you 'refuse to pay a
debt on the ground that the other Incurred It, neither would have to pay
Us debts. Mrs. Wilson may have
judgment, and may retain the trunk
if the judgment Is not satisfied."
Cousiiinptlou Threatened.
0. linger, 211 Mnplp street, Champaign*
II., writes: "I wiui troubled with a backngr cough for a year ami 1 thought I had
omumption. I tried u ffreat ninny remelies and was under Lbe care oE physicians
brpeverl months. I used one bottle of
?oley'* Honey and Tar. It cured nift, and
'. have not \xn troubled flincc. Sold by
J. M. Swan.
Ladles Crossed Over. Pontoon.
M. Bertreaux, the French minister
of war. Is a man of resource. It
rained the other day In Paris with a
remorseless fury. There was an exhibition of fencing which drew all Paris
and when It was over the ladles found
tho street turned Into a lake. How
were they to cross? All the military
men, especially the engineers, were
nonplused. Then the minister had an
Inspiration. He Gent some soldiers for
chairs and a double line of these was
made across the street like a pontoon.
Each distracted dame look the hand
of a soldier and was conveyed over
the spectacle affording much gratification to the rest of the company.
Her Wish Came True.
In "A Diary from Dixie/1 by Mary
Boyd Chesnut, there Is a curious
story of a beautiful 'Washington girl,
Mattle Reedy, who, weary of the abuse
that her northern friends showered
upon tho southern general, John Morgan, took up the cudgels In his defense.
"What's your name?" asked an officer,
turning fiercely upon her. "My name
Is Mattle Reedy," waa the answer, "but
please God, I shall one day call myself Mrs. John Morgan." Up to this
time she had never met or even seen
John Morgan. Somehow the story
came to-hi B ears. He sought her out,
courted her and married her.
Folcy's Kidney Cure
Will cure Bright's Disease,
Will cure Diabetes,
Will cure Stone in Bladder,
Will cure Kidney and Bladder Disease:).
Sold by J.H. Swan,
The Only Religious Test.
No religious test has been devised,
short of burning at the stake
.the ultimate and only satisfactory
teatwhich will operate as a trustworthy criterion 'of sincere nellef.
Mr. AsojuHh.

Some Object Lesson*.

A Massachusetts clergyman stood

before his congregation with a dog beside htm and talked on the subject of
kindness to animals. The Innovation
made a strong Impression, but there
la no doubt that It opens up a somewhat dangerous precedent. Will the
next Massachusetts clergyman who Inveighs against horse racing find It
necessary to use a live horse for an
object lesson? Or If lie discusses on
the dangers that surround the devoted missionary (n Oriental lands,
will he feel obliged to Illustrate his
theme with the tiger of the Jungle and
the elephant of the foothills?
There are few good things In this
llfe^pf ours that can't be overdone.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Ultimate Use for Drawings.

Princess Mathilda was an artist In
the passionate protection which she
afforded to artists as well as by her
love for-the beautiful and her constant effort to attain it. Her talent
was by no meant! despicable, though
It produced nothing very remarkable.
She studied attentively, and her drawIngs were frequently hung at the ex*
hlhltlons of art, but In her own. house
they were banished to the studio. She
never "showed off"; beside*, no one
knew so well as herself where they
were wanting- "When I am gone,"
she would say, "what will be the use
of them? They may light a fire."

Prussian Exiles for Siberia.

A Gorman Journal calls attention to
the fact that In 1802 the king of Prufl;
Tom's Cause for Thankfulness.
Snpt. Donald of the Wakefleld town sla made an arrangement with tho
farm tells of a jovial old Irishman Russian emperor for transporting
whose convivial habits have frequent-, Prussian criminals to Siberia.
ly brought him within the Jurisdiction
Servant Girls Have Money.
of tho police court and finally made
the number of .servanthim a town charge. The old man Is
girls who have savings bank account
commonly known as "Tom."
Last Thanksgiving day Tom came Is nearly three times as large as that
downstairs smiling and singing to him- of shop girls who have them.
self, and met the superintendent.
"You seem, happy this morning,
Tom," said Mr. Donald.
"Sure, sur," said Tom, In bis 'rich
brogue, good reason have I to be
thankful this Thanksgiving day. One
year ago I was In the house of correction, and this year, glory be, I'm la McMahon Block. Lnko Villa, III.
the poorhouse."


Hot Shot for Churchill.

Winston Chorohtll, the author, recently hired a man to work on his
country place In New Hampshire.
The fellow proved to be phenomenally lazy, besides being on particularly
good terms with himself. Finally Mr. CAN BE SAVED BY
Churchill discharged him. The man
took his dismissal with a Jaunty air
which was rather nettling. "You
seem pleased," observed Mr. ChurchIll, with a touch of sarcasm. "Ob, I
ain't worylng," waa the ^response.
"Guess I shan't starve." "Indeed? ANTIOCH; ILLINOIS
I'm not BO sure about that .Perhaps
you won't mind mentioning what yon
expect to do." "No objections," anWe promptly obtain U. a and Foreign
swered the other, easily. "If thn
worst comes to the worst, I shall take
up book-writing. I've discovered that
It don't require such an all-fired smart
man as I used to think It did."



Bend model, sketch or nboto ol Invention for

Irecreport on patentability. For free wrlt

Evening With Celebrities.
An "evening with celebrities," which
Patents and I KAUC-MAlffVO to
was given most successfully by a
charming hostess not long ago, all
came about .through a friend remarking one day, "My birthday Is the same
as Queen Alexandra's." "And mine as
Queen Victoria's," added another. So
the young hostess began to evolve a
plan which resulted' In her asking
twenty-four of her friends to spend
the evening with her a little later,
each one to represent In some way a
person whose birthday fell on * the
date of his or her own. In the as..DENTIST..
sembly were found "Martha Wash*
ington," "Mrs. Cleveland," .' "Jenny
jUtlbch, Illlnol*
Und," "Abraham Lincoln," "Mozart," Central Block
'Miles Standlsb,' etc. Each guest told
come interesting anecdote of the* personage represented, and the occasion
was very enjoyable.

Dr. James H. Reading,

James A. Thorn, M. D.C.

True Living.
Americans to Grow Tea.
Men's lives should be like the day
and American capital are
more beautiful In the evening; or like
to assist In the de- ADDRESSAntioch R. F. D. No. 2.
the summeraglow, with promise; velopment of the tea-growing
and like the autumnrich with gold- this year as never before.
en sheaves,. where good deeds have
ripened.In thefield.-^-CharlesWagner.
First Auction Sale.
sale known was
, Quick Relief for Asthma Sufferers, held at Oxford,auction
England, Feb. 28, 1C8G,
. Folcys Honey and Tar affords immediate for the disposal of a lot of books.
relief to asthma sufferers in the worst
stages and if taken in time will effect a
cure. Sold by J. H. Swan.

R. W. Churchill,

A Man to Be Admired.
I confess,to Vwhole-hearte* admiration for the fellow who can rest, who
can sit or.'lle absolutely still minus a
pipe, for three or tour solid hours^Fry's Magazine.

day When a > gentleman passed by. on

the street. Oliver ashed T hU nurse : Wo Do Not Understand fhlrJeit.
"Papa, do. .you .think Wngs an*
who It was.
are happy In their home life***
"That WM Mr. -Lord," ihe respond*
asked Jlmmlo.
"Well/1 replied 'tila fatter, slowly,
"oh muyver, God h&s jail
tone past and he
had: a bfjd h*1 '"I'presume they arV It they Have
full bout*."

Mam * vi



' ****

FIVE Graduating From Th<

<golle$e of (gommeree
July 1st Are Now Holding Good
Office Positions.


The Autioch News,




6a? Corn
Fa TO ruble PrOffTCW.

Cr*p conditions ir summnrlted

followi U tbft weekly bulletin of ftr
ILLINOIS. weather bureau:
During tho wek ending July 31 tht
Ohio valley and northern portions of tho
middle A t l a n t i c States and New England
experienced temperatures too loir for
best results, but elscwher* the tempirmture condition* were favorable. tUIne
Charles E. Slitrely, Supreme Chancel- Interfered with farm work In tlto MU
lor of the K n i g h t s of I ' y t h t a M of the sour! valley, northern Texas and In porWorld, h:iH i>*iinl n bulletin containing tions of the lower Ohio valley and east
the report of the unmniittoc.'' on finance. gulf coast district*", while ruin li needed
It tihows n halimrc in the ImmU of tho In Georgia, portions of Florida, northern
BnprtMiie M*ter uf ICxdie<iner on July 1, Mississippi, northern Illinois, Ohio urn)
northern New Jersey.
1005, of
In the Ohio vulb-y the growth of corn
Walter Wellmnn writes thnt the J:iphas
been somewhat checked by cool
as the f r u i t s of t h e i r victory will
demand nti empire an the mainland of weather, but elsewhere la the principal
comprising Korea, Mum h t i r i a nml corn States this crop bos made excellent
Throughout the Atlantic coast
probably part of Siberia, the dominance progress.
crop Is Indicated. In Tenof the Sea of .Taptin boiup cotiHhlcreil t'snessee, Arkansas, Indian Territory and
itntlul to imtiuiml piifrty.
northern Texas the condition of cor* U
Jilted by the girl he loved, Jacob Loar not so promising.
6f WnsliiiiKi'ii), l';t., In anger stole her
Thrashing of winter wheat ha* been
t-yi'tt'r-ofd sister, ntul t:iklt)K her Into the interrupted by wet weather In southern
Seep woods, tli>d her to n tree, where she Illinois and portions of the Missouri valtemnluod over night. The entire rotmlry ley and middle Atlantic States, but elitturned out to search for the child, anil whero this work UBS advanced eaUsfao*
Lour narrowly escaped lynctiing.
torlly. Winter wheat harvest Is OnlehWhile asleep n few night* ago. near nn d, except a small part of the crop Id
ipou window, Minn Mnnd (.lidding* of Michigan and New York.
Uoanoke, Va., lost a beautiful head of
'Spring wheat harvest Is In progress
lair. Borne miscreant with a pair of In Nebraska, Town and the southern porihenrs cut off the girl's golden tresses na tions of "South 'Dakota and Minnesota.
jeatly as a barber could have done. This crop has made favorable progress,
Neither the hair nor the thief hns been no rust damage being reported, excopt
lecn or heard from since.
from scattered Gelds In South Dakota,
At Jefferson City. Mo., State Senator where emut and blight are also prevalent
fl. F;ims was acitnittc'l by n jury In tho to somo extent. Late spring wheat was
Circuit Court on a charge of bribery In materially damaged In Washington b/
tonnectluii with n bill Introduced at the hot winds of tho preceding week, but the
of the State Legislature In 1001 early crop escaped Injury. Harvest li
'o repeal the statute prohibiting the use general In Oregon, with about tho avertf alum In the manufacture of baking age yield and quality.
Oat harvest has progressed favorably
powder, commonly known us the "alum
and 10 now becoming general In the moro
Joel Stanley, known a* Hcv. Stanley, northerly States, With tho exception
la Boonc comity, W. Va.. where he has of some damago to harvested oats In
teen conducting a serif* of revival meet- Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas and Virginia
rags, was arrested by United States reve- the reports respecting thin crop are highnue officers, who took him from the pul- ly favorable.
Somo Improvement In the condition ot
pit while he was fervently exhorting a
tougregatioii to go and sin no more. The cotton over most of Texas la Indicated,
iirisoncr wan Ideiitifk'il by [lie otllcerti as and, while too rank growth and unnatBtanley, a moonshiner of Nicholas coun- Iifsctorj fruiting nrc reported from Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana and Missisty.
A crush of thunder woke up Leola elppl, a general, but slight, Improvement
Morton, daughter of Melville Morton of Is also shown In these States. In AlaCleveland, early in the morning In time bama the crop has generally deterioratlo save her fattier from death on account ed; In Georgia It U fruiting rapidly
of chloroform administered by burglars. where suulcient rains have occurred, but
U.-*e thieves had broken "in and chloro- In other localities of that Stato rain la
formed Morton, and had ransacked the badly needed, and shedding, rust and
bouse. When the storm broke the daugh- black root are prevalent. Hank growth
ter awakened, smellcd tbe chloroform and bedding are also reported from
find discovered her father In time to save Tennessee, tho Carolina* and Florida, In
which States no Improvement Is indicatafter an hour's work.
except on clay lands In South Caro' The standing of the baseball clubs la ed,
lina, whllo on sandy lands In that State
tin- principal leagues l as follows:
the crop has deteriorated.

A. B. JOHNSON, Publisher


Devlin, of K n i i f t n i , Wa* Hoiicut, but HI*
Habit of Trusting to Memory Proved
FlnauclnUy Fatt W h e n lllneM Came


Cblcngo Inter Ocean.



Great IttatreM Compel* Surrender on

Sakhalin Utand After Lone Fl (>>*
A report giving details of the Tmal
The federal -government will take full
control of the yellow fever s i t u a t i o n . pursuit and surrender of tho majority
Gov. Blancliard of LouUlana Friday of the Ilusstnn garrison on Sakhalin Islafternoon sent a request to that effect and on July IU has been received at Toto President lloosevelt, and the latter klo n's follows:
Immediately 'directed Surgeon General
"An independent cavalry column on
Wymnn to take every step In Ms power
to meet the situation. Gov. Blanchard's tiie afternoon of July 28 attacked the
appeal to the President was the result enemy south of Palco mid routed htm,
of the action of a muss meeting of cltl- driving him southward, capturing two
tens In New Orleans, at which the opin- field guns, besides a number of rtlles and
ion was expressed that federal control a quantity of ammunition.
would result In an Immediate restoration
"On July 0, the cavalry, being reof confideuce throughout the South, and cnforccd, vigorously pursued the enemy
would do away with all danger of contllct south of Taylan, which lies twenty-five
between the States over quarantine regu- mile;) south of Kykoft. The enemy halt
While It was declared there was no etl nt Onol, twenty-five miles south of
Intention of admitting that the situation Taylan, and at 5 o'clock on the morning
had got beyond the control of the local of July 30 eent a letter under a flag
authorities, It was the belief of those of truce to the Japanese commanding
present that Surgeon Genral Wyman olllcer from Gen. LiapnofT,.tbe Hussion
would be able to send n force of physi- Governor, saying that the lack of bandcians to New Orleans thoroughly equip- age material and medicines. nnJ the conped for handling the fever situation, be- sequent inability to succor the wounded,
cause of their experience in Culm, Mex- compelled Iilni from n sense of humanity
W. U
W. L.
ico and at different points in the United to terminate hostilities.
"The commander of the Japanese forco
and that tho government would
'New York...OS) 29Cincinnati ...51 40
Plttsburg ....tlli.UOSt. Louis
37 04 It Require* Much More to Support m. have the facilities for enforcing a scien- replied, demanding tho delivery of all
tific campaign not possessed by the local war supplies and property/ of the KtisPhiladelphia. DS 40 Boston
:w 70
Family Than IB Year* Ago.
slan government, the uninjured, and the
53 42 Brooklyn
20 UU
In the last bulletin Issued by tho buPresident A. Brlttln of the cotton ex delivery of nil map*, records and papers
reau of labor it is shown that the living chinge presided at the meeting. The relating to the Husslan civil and military

expenses of the average trolly during announcement of the action taken nt administration, and requiring their deW. t.
W. L.
tho period between 1800 and 1004 have first croatiMl sonic nlnrin In the city, livery In reply nt'10 o'clock on the mornPhiladelphia. 54 37 Boston
45 43 Increased from 25 to GO per cent.
whvn was quickly allayed when It be- Ing of July ill, otherwise an attacking
51 38 Detroit
Beans and salt beof have gont up 15 came known that the authorities- had movement would i m m e d i a t e l y be started.
'Cleveland .. .53*41 Washington.. 3055 per cent, lard 10 per cent, butter 24 per
"Col. Tolivltch. oil behalf of Governor
New York...40 41 St. Louis. ...*.32 50 cent, cornmeal 38 per cent, crackers 18,0 acted .simply In the belief that the prompt Llapnoff,
met Col. Koizumi, Jnpanciifl
action now In turning over the direction
per cent* molasgci G per cent, eggs 70.0 of affairs to the marine hospital service chief of staff, on the morning of July 31,
per cent, herrings 5S.9 per cent, salt 15 would almost certainly avert an epi- and .accepted the proposed terms. GovW.
V. L.
per cent, pepper 05.3 per cent and cur- demic.
ernor IJapuoff, seventy officers-and 3,200
Columbus ...70 33 St. Paul
5051 rants 30 per cent.
Friday morning the launch Tom of the men of the Husslnn garrison then arMilwaukee ..04 40 Indianapolis. 4052
These ore only a few of the articles I.ouisiitim fleet, with Lieut. Ivy in com- rendered. The sjmlK consisting of clothMinneapolis. 38 47 Toledo
3504 which show an Increase. Although, the mand and Sheriff Nunez of St. Bernard ing, papers and military supplies, are
Louisville ...54 52 Kansas City.. 31 UO bureau of labor claims that articles: class- Parish on board, captured the Missis- now under Investigation.'ed under the general head of "Food1' sippi boat Tipsy; In command of CapAlmost tropical rains are falling In
have Increased In price only 7.2 per cent, tain English. The captain and crew Manchuria, nnd the hilly regions are-Inv
W. L.
W. L. the argument is a false one, is tho claim were placed under arrest by Sheriff Nu- passable for trains of- artillery. Every
Des Moines..<i2 34 Sioux City.. ..50 42 of the Ntw York World.
nez and sent with their boat to St. Ber- m o u n t a i n path, Is'a torrent, and every,
While It Is shown that flour lias In- nard Parish, where tho ofllcern and men valley n quagmire. Importnut-opernDenver 7,... .57 42 Pueblo
34 57
50 42St. Joseph... .28 03 creased 30 per cent and eggs TO.G per were taken to tho parish prison. The tiuns apparently, will be Impossible for
cent In price, nutmegs hav decreased Tom was running through Lake Itorgnc n long time to co'me. The alternation of
D5.7 per cent and prunes 44.0 per cent. when the Tipsy attempted to head It off. rains nnd fervid sunshine hns'n depressBREVITIES.
Nevertheless they arc all lumped In The Naval Jtcscrves ou the Tom con- ing effect on the health of the army.
Charles F. Pfister, the Milwaukee mag- together under tho head of "Food," and cealed themselves and allowed the MisDispatches received from Keren renate Indicted on a graft charge, has be* an average Increase of 7 per cent Is ob- .slsslpplaus to board their boat before port that the Japanese have.begun a simgun a civil suit against his accusers as tained. This Is the merest sophistry.
ultaneous advance from Kunnchodcrl
disclosing their identity.
Slnco 1804 canned goods have advancan act of defiance.
The Mississippi quarantine boat Grace against the Miitmrict and Fint'sabang
Mrs. Hannah Baker of Sallncsrllle, ed over 25 per cent on the dozen cans. was also forced to haul down Its qnaran* pas*?*, but that''both columns were
Standard Oil Company has advanced tine flag while in Louisiiinn waters.
checked under pressure of the Russian
Ohio, Is recovering from whooping cough Tho
S ceuti a gallon in tut
The Russian
Four other launches joined the Ma- advance detachments.
contracted from her grandchildren. Mrs. saiuo time.of oil
Bread Is still 5 cents,, al- jestic and Marie hud nearly all of the losses, the dispatcher say, were insigniBaker Is 82 years old.
though the prica of flour has rlien 30
Prompt action of the federal govern- per cent. This li because the bakers, to lin> available men of the Naval Reserve* ficant.
Japanese warships nrc reported to be
ment In agreeing to take control of the protect themselves, wer* forced to make are on the scene, only enough being held
.in New Orleans to man the United States cruising off the month 01 Peter the Great
yellow fever situation gives renewed con- the loaf smaller.
steamer Stranger, which Is unable to bay. on which Vladivostok Is situated,
fidence In New Orleans.
The hens of to-day produce four times navigate Lake' Borgne, but Is held In their light* often being visible from RusDistrict Attorney Jerome, in an ad* as many eggs an a similar number did readiness to proceed to Mississippi sound sian Island.
at Cliautauqiia, N. Y., roundly ten years ago. Tht advance In price hai
caso she is needed.
The Japanese are most active In esscared political bosses' and condemned been phenomenal. The art of cold stor- 'In Hundreds
of people are tornporarly tablishing trade relations In southern
prominent members of tho Senate.
age is the one great barrier which pre- moving out of New Orleans Into St. Munchurln. Over a score of large .busiWilliam Allen White, In discussing the vents commodities from finding a natural Tammany parish, which Is practically the ness house* have been established at Yinvisits of Lnwson and Jerome to the prico level. These cold storage plants only nearby haven to which people from kow, and 0,000 Japaucxe sutler* and
-West, says they found a satlsGed people are controlled by the trusts.
the city can go. The parish has rcfuttcd larger traders follow close on the heels
We eat eggs laid,a year ago. Wo eat to put n quarantine, and has opened Its of the army.
and that.all the ferment over present
chickens and gome that were killed last doors to-nil refugees. . N o case of yelconditions Is in the East.
and beef that has been on let'for low fever has ever developed there, even
The Interior Department at Washing* year
You may find in theso cold stor- during the most serious epidemics. Case*
ton adopted the policy of leasing Indian age houses
barrels of frozen turkeys have been taken to the parish, but wheth lauds for agricultural instead of grating which
were killed last Thanksgiving day er'the patient died or recovered there Milwaukee'* Xcudino; CupltulUt nnd
purposes, with the hope, of deriving a and which
you may probably eat next has never been any extension of tho In- Politician Cauitht in Graft Drauuet.
, larger revenue for the owners.
Charles K Pfister, MHwunkeeV leading
fetlnn. Tho'reason for the Immunity
The snake car of tho Gasklll Carnival
Boda crackers have decreased 10.5 per 'of St; Tammany Is that the stegomyla papltalfotmanufacturer, banker, street
circus caught fire,while near Brownsville, cent in- price and about 50 per cent In
railway magnate, newspaper owner, hotel
2\*eb,, nnd the big boa and minor snakes alze. Fresh vegetables cannot very well has never'existed there.
mun and head and front,of the stalwart
escaped to the bushes, where the keepers be kept for next year's consumption, conKilled by HntUtoiKB.
or iintl-Ln toilette Republican,faction In
had a hard time to capture them.
sequently they have decreased naturally
The worst hailstorm hi the history ol Wisconsin politicswas Indicted by/the
,. The ''Holy Ghost and Us Colony" at In price with tho advanct In.truck farm- eastern Iowa occurred recently between grand jury Friday, together with four
Shiloh, Me., ! ou the brink of starva- ing.
Tlptoii * and Mocha nlcsrllle. The hail- other victims of the graft investigation.'
tion. "Elijah" Sandford'a people admit
Coal has clambered up the scale about stones were flat fn filmpc nnd were 12
Attlde from the Uigclow defalcation, no
they, are Buffering for want of suitable $2 a ton since 1800, without counting tht Inches across. . Many-hogs were killed In vernation wcr has stirred the metropolis
food .and that a famine seems Inevitable. extra.high figures readied In 1003.
'the pastures, and horse* and cattle, blind- of Wlfconsin as did the news that flew
As for' clot Id riff cotton flannels have ed by tho terrific pounding .of the Icy over the city that (lie \vciilthlcst citizen
Two ferryboats,-the train sheds of the
Lack a wa mm railroad and a hotel wero Increased 13.3 per cent, common suUlngi missiles, stampeded into wire fence?, nnd and one of the foremost buHinetu
destroyed In n $1,500,000 fire which 14.1 per cent, common boots and shoes many valuable' animals' -.wore badly cut of tliii WiMtthu man wlio j saved -tho
stfirted on the docks at Hoboken, N. J., 10.2 per cent, women's dress goods 10.8 up, bcshlcfl being timlscd by tho ball. '
First National Utink .when Its president
The storm covered an area .of. a mile utole inlllloiishad been cniight in Disnnd spread to the town. Big liners were per cent, blankets 18.3 per cent, and
thread 20.1 per cent.
and a half. No wind accompanied It, or trict Attorney Francla K. McUovcru'a
laborer paya more by 15"pcr cent the damage wnulil luivo been much great- drtiguet.
Sewnrd, A l u f k n , lias finally been con- forThe
now than ten . years er. Nearly all the window were broken
TIic-Dlfttrlct Attorney, when he startnected with the .outer world by tele- ago. his1Ifurniture
10 per cent more in houses In Us path. . The hallntoiies ed the present graft Inquiry,' .dec-hired
graphic communication. With the con- for the commonest kind
dishes and struck the plowed fields with mich force there'wore big fhfii In Hlglir, If lltcy only
uectlou of the Seward-Valdez cable the table cutlery, and for the ofluxury
of to- that they were biirU'd In the earth, soft- conld bu cnnght. IMiKter Is the' biggest
government now has'about 2,300 miles bacco 17 per cent more."
cnod by the week's ralnn.
Huh In all tlie snrramiuTlig waters.
of cable in Alaskan waters.
The Indictment ngalnHt Mr. Tfister
A jumping hog afforded much amuseDrTWIIllam H. Kelly "of Albany. N,
ArrcHts aro anticipated In New York
ment at the Kansas pity stock yards. Y., chief veterinarian of the New York within n short time a* the result of 'a caiiHud n double tfcn&itlot), iniiHmiic-Ij us
'Although.'the animal weighed ISO poundi Department of Agriculture^ban been ap- scUnro of cheap stoglj reported by dls- pcr.sim.f first hearing tiie news nnHUmed
It would Jump board fences five feet high. pointed by the State Department at patchc* from St. I,oi. Tho consign- that It might be tbtv opeiitng.'to dlnelo.'According, to-men who have: been at tbe Washington as* delegate for the United ment taken by government ngeitlH num- ur'tis In.connectionnvlth the street rajl-T
fcog yards for years, tub* was the first States to th International veterinary bered *i8,000 and. bore lutvruul revenue wny franchise grant of a few -years ngo
regarding which there tint) been nil manlog that had ever leaped a fence^there. congress to bo held a Budapest, Hun- wiiHhcd
ner, of .talk. The charge.ngnlnst'the
.Minnesota has 10,225 Indians' living gary; Sept. 3-0.,
politician, however,- In. that
.upon reservations within :.tho**.'Stat'o7 acAn indictment containing six counts that a ' general* fttrlke of the mine-work- of appropriating to Ills own ;use $14,000,
)cordlng to figures raado public by tin against
Select Councilman Frank H. era was Imminent, President Mitchell nt through the use- of which the WisconBin
-Btato census bureau* Of these Indians Caveu was
returned by the grand jury Scrautqii, I*arrmildj "Tlllr rumor 'of . n Rendering'Cotnpany had uxpocted to gt
xwjy thftse;uponjthe .Whlte'Barth reiKryft- in
Pa., alleging violations strike U HO .H Illy that I can. find no pos- a gurbage coiitnict frbui the..clty.
illon are' entitled' to' luffrage and tho legal
of his-oath of offlc* by btlng Interested sible excuse whatever for Its circulaters -upon that rtJttrvatloa.number ex- l&
city contract!.'
, .
Old papers for sale at tbla office*
ly 000.
Frnldcnt Acts on Kcqticat off the
inim Governor.

Whllo the people of the East are getting their ahare'of "frenziedfinance," th
West IN not wholly neglected, though U
Is on somewhat different lines. It It
"tangled finance."
There aro no senatorial
but a popular Idol
ban fallen with a
tlint 1ms
echoed through th
S t a t e . However,
, there Is little con*
dcmnatlon,but much
'sympathy. A clot
of blood Is responsible for tho worst
o. J.
fijinnc i a i
sua kc up
Kansas has experienced In a dozen years,
accompanied by a political upheaval of
ndHinic force. It was upon tho brain of
Charles J. Devlin that the clot formed,
just before his enormous monthly payroll was dne, and no other man in Kansas could have brought on so much trouble by falling ill as Devlin did.
'In tho first place he was rated the
richest man In tho State np t the hour
that tUo bursting of A tiny blood vessel
In hi* brain caused an apoplectic stroke,
his fortune being estimated at $3,000,000 to $-1.000,000, Then, his interests
were BO diversified and geographically
scattered that crowding him Into Involuntary bankruptcy affected an uncommonly large number of people. But the
great cause of bis present troubles, and
those of thousands of others* was his
practice of relying on his memory. He
owned or controlled four banks two In
Kansas and two In Illinois and 20 other
corporations, among them two railroads.
Tbo affairs of 30 corporations he
carried In his head. Ho had no knowledge of bookkeeping, but possessed tho
most Implicit faith In his ability to keen
his hearings by the compass of
his memory. And, more Is the wonder,
ho kept them In that way successfully
until an accident happened to the compass, and then no one else aboard bis
financial bark could make even a rational gueas ns to where they were. In
a few days they struck the rocks.
A U n i q u e Figure.

Devlin la a unique figure In finance.

He Is SL-LouIsan by birth, 54 years of
age. As a young man he was clerk In *
coat otllcc anil eventually he became man.nger of a small coal company In northern Illinois. In 18SO he was made manager of tho fuel properties of the Saata
Fc system, and when that company went
Into a receivership Devlin leased Us coal
properties. Ho acquired mines In Illinois, Missouri and Kansas. When the
miners and tho big coal companies had
trouble Iii 1807 Devlin- sided -with the
miners and kept his mines going, with
the result that be made money fast and
acquired other coat properties. He became the richest man in Kansas, but good
fortune did not breed snobbery. He spoke
an pleasantly to a laborer in tho street
whom he knew as to tho Governor of the
State, Much comment lids he caused by
lifting his hat to an old negro couple
of his acquaintance. Everybody looked
alike to Devlin. Another marked trait
was his desire to see young men .succeed. lie gave them a chutitc wherever
he could. Ho lived lu a pretty home,
with iplctidid flowers, and other evidences
of good taste, but uo cxcluslvcness. He
enjoyed sitting on the porch and having'
the children romp on the lawn.
Work was his recreation and be was
a veritable engine. He was the busiest
man in the West. But he had no faith
in bookkeepers nnd stored all tbo details
of his business lu his head. Most of
bis concerns were making money, but all
wero relying upon him as tho motive
power to keep them In operation. His
credit was large. State Treasurer Kelly
bad $.717,000 stored In one of his banks
tho First National of Topeka.
A few weeks ugo he gave out and was
forced to his bed. Ills mind became a
mazt and lie could not plan a few days
ahead. When Devlin's Drain stopped
working, his enterprises had to cease, operation, for* there was uo one lu the harness who knew which way to turn. Three
of- his four bankH are In the hands of
receivers, 1G of hi* 20 corporations are
In bankruptcy, hundreds of bank depositors are seeking return of their uavlnga,
hundreds of coal miners are fearful lest
'tho Devlin mines shall be closed and
throw them and their families Into the
clutches of want, and the people -of the
.State are In a fever of excitement on
account of the probable. ThVtdtal liabilities of Devlin aro estimated at $3,000,000.
To Build A 3,OOO,000 Park.

Chicago is to have

pnrk ou tho lake shore Just south of
Jackson Park, .which,' It is declared by
those behind It, will surpass anything of
the kind lu the world* In addition to a
multitude of lilghclatis and novel amusement*,- there Is to bo a ?1,OUO,000 hotel
on tbe lake shore, which,-together with
the amusement projects and beautiful
landscape gardening and seenIo'-'effects
'planned, will represent an investment
of approximately $3,000,OQO, Tho" land,
which lius already been placed under coatract, comnrlnes what It known as tho
WHInrd tract, and embraces between GO
and 70 acres. It extends from Jackson
'Park'to Seventy-first Htreet, -with lake
frontage tho ciiture distance, and tiie
price to be paid'for f t . b y the Hyudlcate
behind the project Is $300,000.
A campaign has been Inaugurated' by
ComnilBtiloncr Wathcrn of New York
agaliifit the use of cigarettes on 13111s Island. .Their sale has been.-forbidden and
tho commissioner has caused' be
'known among, tbo cinplayoi thnt*,clgartUo amokcrs'Mre not wanted.
Tho^congrens of Venezuela lias ratified
the contract.nmtlo by Uio government
with Scnor 0. Madtieno for-the .eatabllnlnucut of the National Bunk of-Yeaeznela and granting 'liitD the excluilr*
right uf manufacturing cigarettes*-

Agricultural conditionsform u Itfitdlng consideration lu business clrclca at

this time, theso entering largely Into
plans and commitments for tho imtueUlnto future. Winter wheat Is wpll
Imrveatod lu tho northern region, tlm
ylelif. : bclng heavy, and Into advices
bow other crops to bo making a seasonable ndvtinco, corn- carrying tbe
niosf excellent promlso In Illinois. All
Indications favor un enormous Incrcaito
lu llnancjiit returns to tho farmer.
Demands upon factory output show
xnoro strength this week, retail dealings extended In uoccasarlCH, and tho
Jobbing branches gained In tho volume
of orders for fall staples, especially In
clothing, footwear", food products and
textile wares. Satisfactory reduction
proceeds la merchandise stocks -ami
widening buying appears In farm supplies. Tho wholesale district gains In
activity, personal selections showing a
wide variety for both city and country
trade and the bookings Included much
for early delivery. Discount taking i
noted more frequently, wlill'e commercial defaults are slight and collections
generally Improving In promptness.
Primary foodstuffs, werjs In .steady
request, but the offerings "were liberal
lu the grain pits and a lower"average*
cost was established. The total quail*
tlty of-ccrcnls handled aggregated
7,010,572 buslicls, hgalnst 0,233.7-18 In
corresponding week of 1001, tbe receipts being 3,018,733 bushels and tbe
shipments 3,097,780, an Increase of 21
per cent and 23 per cent, respectively.
Tho market for. provisions was affected by shorter supplies ot tbo mw material and warehouse stocks have been
reduce J.
Bauk clearings; $177,1GO;021, exceed
those of tUe corresponding week last
ycnr by 22.1 per cent
Failures In the Chicago district wero
38, against 18 last week and 32 a year
ago.Dun's Itevlow of Trade.
Crop reports and fall
trade advices are more
tlian at any preceding-time tills seaBOU. Conlidenco In the crop situation
is reflected by good fall-orders and n
volume of wholesale and retail trade
certainly ju excess of a year ago and
fully equal to tho average at tbls soueon. Special activity la noted la cotton
goods, which aro In eager demand nt
high price*, with scarcity of desirable
makes widely reported* Trade In woolen'fabrics Is good, confirmation of this
being found In freer buying by manu-,
facturcrs of raw material at ruling
high prices. Report* from tbe shoo
and clothing lines and from the lumber,
hardware and other building material
lines are generally satisfactory,
Ucavy. movement of winter wheat has
helped collections' and developed a little more activity In Hour milling In tbo
Southwest, Tbe .Iron trade shows some
quietness after tbe exceptional activity noted ID pig Iron last week. Other
Industries show considerable activity.
Business failures In tbe United
States for tho week ending July 27
number 105t against 105 last week, 174,
In tho like week of 1004, 100 In 1003,
108 In 1002 nnd luO In 1001. In Canada failures for tbo week number 28,
as against 22 last week and 17 In-this
week a year ago.Bradstrect's Commercial Report

He* YorL

ChicagoCattle," common -to prime,

?4.00 to'$5.00; hogs, prime heavy,
$4.00 to $0.05; sheep, fair, to choice, $3,00
to ?5.00j wheat, No. 2, 80c to S7c;
corn, No. 2,- 53c to 55c; oats, standard,
2Gc to 27c; rye, No. 2, 50c to'OOc; hay,
timothy, ?8.r0 to $13.00; prairie, $0.00 to
(11.00; butter, choice creamery, iSc to
20c; eggs, Trcsh, IGc to 17c; potatoes*
new, per bushel, 40c to CSc*
IndianapolisCattle, shipping, $3.00 to$5.75; hogs, choice heavy, $4.00 to '$0.17;
sheep,' common to'prlmc, $2.60 to $5.00;
wheat, No, ,2, 80c ,to SSc; corn, No. 2t
white, Me to 60c; oats, No. 2 white,
32c to 34c.'
St LouisCattle, $4.50 to $5.75; hogs*
$4.00 to '$0.20; sheep, $4.00 to $4.715;.
wheat, No. 2, 80c to 81c; corn. No. 2,.
50c to T>2c; oats, No. 2, 25c to 20c; rye*
No. 2, 70c to 72e.
CincinnatiCattle, $4.00 to $4.75t
hogg, $4,00 to $0.15; .-slieop, $2.00 to
$4.50; wheat, No. 2, 83c to 81e; corn,
No. 2 mixed, COc to 50c; oats, No. '
mixed, 82c to 83cj rye, No. 2, CPc to
. DetroitCattle, $3.30 to $5.00;. hops,
fi.OO to $0,10; sbcep, $2.50 to $4.50;
wheat, No. 2, 83c'to-84c;-cprri, No.'ll
yellow, 57 to f0c; oats, No. 3 white,
to 20c; rye, No. 2, OOc to 02c.
' :MIlwaukce^-\yheat, No. 2 northern,.
$1.00 to 51.03; corn/ No. 3, 54c to 55e;
oats, NO. 2 wliUe,,31c to 32c; rye,.No. 1^
uOc to (JOcj barley, 'No.-2,, 50c to 61c;
pork/ rotas, $13.05.
ToledoWheat, No;;2 mixed, 85c'to>
SOc: corn, No. 2 mixed, Clc to 53ct
oata, >'o. 2 mixed, 30c to'82c[ rye, No. a,
54c to U2c; clover seed, prime, $7.00.'
BuffaloCattle, cbolcc'slilpplng stecr^$4.00 to $5.70;.hogs, fair to choice,.$4.(K>
to $0.40; Hhecp, coininon to good inlxeJ,
$4,00 to $0.25; .lambs, fair, to cliolcc,
$5,00 to JT.50.
3Sew York-^-Oftttle, $4.00 -to ,$5.35;
liogl, $4.00 to $O.B5; sUeep, $3,00 to$4.(i2; wheat, >N,o;~2 red,'87c to SSc;
corw.-.No..S^ 02cj: oats^naturaJ,
wUUe, 85c to"BOci>batter,**drearii*rjr;"
to 2lc; egg*, western, 18c to 20c.

: '."'

-'. O



break land, harrow, drag nnd roll, tuea

Immediately follow with tho drill. A
surface harrowing ihny be all that tho
seed bed deeds bpforo sowing tho seed. INTRODUCED BY THE PRESIDENT
Tho work of sowing wheat need not
come In n lump, if taken In time.
A Good Stock Tonic.
Each of tho many stock foods, or
condlmcntal apices now on Urn market,
has Its own particular composition,
and It Is better, both from the points
of view of economy and cleanliness, to
make tiso.of these, but. If thin Is quite
Impossible tho following recipe may be
safely adopted: Turmeric, one-half
pound; cumin, one-half pound; gentian,
three-fourths, pound; ground ginger,
one-half, pound; grains of paradise,'
one.half pound; bl-cnrbonate of soda,
six ounces; fenugreek, six ounces;
blood root, four ounces; . asafoctlda,
four" ounces,.brown- sugar, five pounds;
One salt, 1 3-4* pounds. The above Ingradients should bo well ground by
tlie druggist and bo thoroughly mixed
with ono 'thousand- pounds of finely
ground meal, or, If desired, It may be
fed without the meal. When mixed
with maize-mear the quantity to be
fed to a horse, cow, or ox at each
feed in one pint, and to. each calf,
foal, slioop, or>og, half a-plnt' When
fed'without tho meal It should bo given In the proportion of a tablcspoonful
to a horse, cow or ox, and half, that
quantity for each of the smaller farm

Kntnitra and W l l t e , with Their IU*

pectlve Bultci, Shake HuntU on the
Y ac lit MayflowerAn Klaborato and
IMctureique Ceremony.

DiMimmlril by.
1&12England ... .China. $25,000.000
18IMKiifflHiiiI ....Clilim.
16iH^-Prun*Ia .....Austria IUi,500,000
;1871Germauy..... prance 1,000.000,000
Turkey 1110,000,000
Greece. 1.0.000,000
Chlnu. 37,OOp,OQp
(Tlio payment nude by China In 1842
.was for what Is known an tlio
war," that of 18'H wiu for the
rebellion, and the 1000 figures
the UlsaBirou* rrsulH of tlio tyoxcr up
rUInff. I t m l f f l i t be ndded tltat
lirnt demand from Greece was for
000,000, but tlio potvor*'Interfered nnil
procured a reduction of the amount. In
the cnno of Kriince. Germany, beflliloM
receiving the huifo Indemnity KtatiMl, also
from the defeated n u t i u u tho
province* of A1 unco anJ Lorraine.)

Baron Komura, Minuter .Takalilrn

and tho,other membcrH of the Japan.Thin out IIOMC carrot* to five or six to the farmer seeking to Improve hi*
ese peace commission, -and' M. WItttf,"
Inches, or more If large carrot Is .want- grade Htouk; and by Hooding the puw
Huron Rosen and the suite of the Kused.
i'd market with a lot of Inferior stodl
Hlun plenipotentiaries met In board tho
they lower the prlren nil around.*
naval yacht Mayflower In the outside
I'lant Hoy braiw, clover and ulfalfa London Farmers* Adovnte.
harbor at Oyster Hay Saturday, nnd
the stock. Keep weeds out of the
were formally Introduced by the Pro*!-'
A New Bordeaux Mixture.
dcut of .the United States, , Tho oeoav
following formula Is a cheap,
slou wan one of elaborate ceremony
There ore many fanners who would easily made,
said to be very effecfrom end to,end. A more 'imposing, a
profit more by what they read If they tive mlximv nnd
of fungus
more picturesque sight Oyster Bay has,
would put more of the Information Into cllspiiHprt on plants orkilling
In ono
never seen.
There Is to be a Joimiiepo, empire ou practice;
barrel dlaaolve U pounds of copper sul*
The booming of fifty-nine great guna
mainland of Anln, declares Walter
A poor line fence not only leads to plmte In 2Ti gallons water; In another,
In the shadow,of Sagamore III1I gave tiic
correspond- damagn to crops, but damage* to 7V& pounds washing-soda .In 25 galnotlco that the pence plcnlpotcntliirle* ent. ,.It IsthetoWashington
Korea . and. friendships that are worth more than IOIIH water. When dissolved empty tbo
o? Russia and Japan had been brought Manchuria and. embrace
part of SI- oil the props on the farm.
soda solution Into the other, stirring
together. Twenty-one of these cannon
present Is
thoroughly. This mixture In Its gennotes were for. the President and nine* n mere .Island' kingdom; The
The cream iteparntor Is slowly push- eral appearance rescmblcR the old
teen each were given the envoys and
the future Is to rulo the littoral of Ing Its way Into the youth. When It IH Ilorcuux mixture, but la supposed to
their order-blazoned suites, HH they of
Asiatic continent, reach- fully ostabllRhml there the fanners will be stronger and quicker In Its effects.
climbed over the white sides of tlio Ing northern
Interior, comprising enjoy greater prosperity than ever When It stands a while a deposit will
Mayflower, where they ntet In token
provinces. before.
form nt the bottom, but a little stirring1
of their resolve to end the fur Kittftc ",\
ti ' !
Coarse grasses unlit for lawna some- Is Huillplont to mix It for spraying
populaIt was n notable scene when the entimes start up from seeds smooth nnd even.
voys of Russia and Japan shook hands'
the wind, and these should be treated
Bwlne In the Orchard.
hs the guests'of the President of the Sen. of Jnpnn Is to be the center, t!io like any other weedsdug out and tho
i* tlon In Cow*.
pastures In old orchards are
It Is a common expression to speak United States. The dramatic Incident Id to become a Japanese Ittko. Jnpnn holes filled with soil, over which the not likely to do nny harm unless they,
.of a ebw as Joslng her cud t whcu nbe was of n momentous character to' all Is to dominate It and nil the lands grass will soon spread.
are expected to get their entire living
stops rtimluaUift. Tho trouble Is duo the world, nnd will bo regarded ns lying about It. This dominance of the
The time In coming when progros- from scanty growth of grass. In such
to indigestion wholly; and .may be typical- o f ' t h e new Influence to be Japanese' Sea nnd Its const country on sjve
farmers will havo their fertilizers cases they are likely to gnaw tho bark.
exerted -by the United States as n
;canny remedied, In most cases, by ;a
to order, and progressive dealers of the trees If possible. This they will
(proper "diet Usually this 'trouble oc- world-power.
will be ready to fill their orders, tt Invariably do In young orchards, and'
For the flrat time In history nmhtiscurs most frequently In tho.. winter,
not bo a difficult task to ascertain they should never be pastured In such
when the cows-are heavily grain ffed, sndors of foreign powers at war meet, ^ The prelrimlon the Jnpnnese' put will
the varying wants of every field ond locations. In the older orchards see
but sometimes occurs with cows in* tha on American poll to discuss terms 'of forth ns to tho Sea of Japan lit not un- in
that they have one good feed a day
what elements the land Is poor.,
summer who are on the range, but are peace. Heretofore European questions like the Monroe doctrine which the
while there, with ono more good meal
receiving some grain. In such cases raised by war have been settled by United-States applies to the.Caribbean
the pen, morning or night, accordOno
n good plan'Is to cut out the grain ra- European congresses. In the last fifty Sen. Jnpnn has a Monroe doctrine of times a week la about right. During Ing to your own Ideas In this matter.
tion entirely for a few days, or until jenrs the controversies of Europe/in1 her own. And the meaning of It Is tho moulting season a little more msut
During the fruiting season the
nations have been settled hi the Intor the
will eat many of the apples that
level with the .top of the stack, than time after she resumes ruminating, rtt of Europe nt Paris, Berlin and
get some benefit from them,'
carried over and dropped at any placo feed her largely on the grass with London.
destroy many. Insects; then*
*n the stack. It will keep two men some good hay, and gradually get hei
"When the United States hs .been or to plant their Hvstcmn on or near
will enrich the soil torequire,
busy on the stack all the -time, and on to tho grain. A. day or two after engaged In war with a European powsome
tho pasturage in the
they will not hare to reach over the the grain ration has been cut off the er the terms of pence have been dis- Japanese Monroe doctrine applies not
ono may cut rope
edge of the stack lo help get the hay cow should have a single dose of one cussed In a European cripUalr The only to -Russia, but to all Eurbpe.w
WWIo one farmer sows twenty or and cart It to them, or turn them Into
up. Besides, it docs not drag up the pound of Epsom salts and two ounces treaty of pence between the United :powcrs. InaVmuch, liowcrct, Ai^KussIa thirty acres of-wheat, his neighbor will the rape field once during tho day,
aide of the stack, aa many pitchers do, of ground ginger root mixed In two States-and Eiighind/ after tho^RfevoJu.* Is the only Enropeun power which has put In half as much nnd get as many then onto good grass pasture and periaor docs It make tho stack heavier on quarts of warm water. In,the.wlntei tlonary War, was negotiated In Paris,
Itself on the- const of tha busllels. Thero Is not only the lesson mit them to use the orchard mainly
ona side than tho other. A round reduce the grnlu ration one-half, glvt nnd that of 1815 In London. The treaty cntabllHhed
Sen,. It Is Hunaln alone of profit In this, but It must bo kept for shade. Always have a good sup*
stack can be built twenty feet high her the medicine named above at the 6f peace with Spain, after the war of Japanese
nnd known ambitions :ire In mind that well-tilled land Is con- ply of clean fresh drinking water In
and easily made to hold from twelve beginning of the treatment, and make 1803,* was signed In Paris. Europe 1m* posflcsslon
to be narrowed or delimited by the stantly Improving while that -which In the pasture-orchard, thus giving tho
to fifteen tons. It saves time, money, up the ration with roots or ensilage. been for a century and more the scat national nsplratlons of the victorious half tilled Is growing poorer every day. swine tho full benefit of the change
help, muscle, patience "and other At all times cows should have free ac- of negotiation nud settlement.. Now Jnpnn cue.
The depth nt which seed should be from'the open range.
things too numerous to mention."
cess to rock salt, for It Is a great dlges. two great nations, one European and
Astatic* and tho other Asiatic, seeking springs from n scattered Island king- planted depends upon the quality of
Bule* of Feeding a Mistake.
CmtiyCrop Pe>U.
permanent pence, shim Europe and dom off tho Asiatic coast, a nierc ocean tbo soil. Much good seed is smothered
It Is dangerous for one to lay down
by being planted too deep In heavy
The proceeds from the wheat crop,
come to the United States.
To Pat Potatoes la Cellar.
principality half lost In the maritime soil, their vitality being Insufficient to hard and fast rules for tho feeding of
the average annual farm value of
The envoys of tho warring powers
Hero Is nn excellent device for use
stock of any kind, and when one pouiwhich may bo roughly put at four In unloading apples or potatoes from a were received with equal courtesy hy. fogK, to cmplrcahlp covering Islands force them through tho crust. Seeds tryman says tuat two-thirds of the rahundred million dollars, havo -la more cart to tho cellar. Take A piece of No the President. Questions of rank and nnd a huge Htrlp of the mainland nnd planned too shallow on light soil dry tion of grain for laying hens may safe*
than one year been cut down n a much 12 .wire (telephone .wire) and nm It precedence were put aside In' ths .the sen which lies between them. np and fall to sprout from lack of ly be of corn, he may bo giving the reas twelfth or -fifteenth moisture. Use common sense.
as fifty per cent as a result of the from a stake In front of the'rollway American way. The envoys meet ns From.rank
sults of his own experience, and yet
the earth Japan
ravages of the chinch bug and the down through the railway, or potato the guests not of a cabinet odlccr, but rises nt a bound to of
flftlror sixth place,
Some .poultry raisers clean out n this rulo would not be a safe one for
Hessian fly. King' Cotton alone was bin. String.-two Iron hooks'on tha of the President himself, who proposed nnd with Htlll greater
many of the old birds In mid- all poultry men to follow. Experience
damaged to the extent of nearly fifty wire and hook the loaded basket upon the toast, "To tlje welfare nnd pros- lying before her In Chinese political
and In this way make room has' shown that Individual fowls, as
million dollars by the Bo-culled Mexi- these, when the load will slide smooth- perity of_tlio sovereigns nnd peoples hegemony and commercial lenderahlp. summer,
for tlio chickens. If this Is done and well as breeds, must be handled differcan boll weevil, In the single State of, ly down and across the cellar, where of the two^ great nations," and ex- These arc the aspirations of the Jap- tho
birds are then- allowed to ently. For example, In our flock,of
Texas, In 1003, according to li care- the helper can empty the basket. A pressed the'hope "that n Just and hut- anese people nt thU moment. This go onyoung
the roosts, nail n board four or, about one hundred laying Plymouth
fully .compiled report , Issued by the light cord attached to the basket al- Ing'.peace may speedily be' concluded, (implrc-hulldlng. ambition of theirs- six -Inches
<ln width the whole length Bocks 'there are a dozen or so hens
Census"- Duccau.- The apple crop has lows the man outside to pull the bas- between'them."
forms the basis of the peace, terms
the perch. This will prevent chook who are not nearly so fond of com
been reduced as much ns twenty-five ket buck for another load. This
The meeting-of the pence envoys which they will cmleuvor to Impose of
ed breastbones whlch-aro likely tovre- 8 tho others, but consider wheat an
I\r cent In many 'seasons .througu'tbe saves a large amount of heavy lifting wns-ai triumph for*the President. He upon ltiift.slii.
snlt'frbnrroostlng on' narrow perches especially desirable dish. We make H
op>^4Hons of the codling moth and and saves time also, since two baskets nlon'e brongbt these men together.
a business to carry a small measure of
The United-States nnd Grent Britain
otberVnscct*. So one might go through
The President was waiting for the en- nrc^vell nwnre of the Intention of the or poles.
wheat to the house on the day we feed
the entire list. -The burden Is disvoys lu'thc
pretty, cabin of the Mii.v- Japanese to spread their empire to tho
Aside from the -molting season. 'corn and after these odd birds have
tressingly heavy, hut It Is safe to nsflower,:and Assistant Secretary' PltrcoV Asiatic mainland, nnd-neither'Great there Is no other, tl mo when tho hen eaten all tho com they want we give
who had arrived In advance ,of tho Brltnlu nor the'United States has* any needs such careful attention as dur them a handful of wheat.*
flcrfc that farmers themselveswho,
plenipotentiaries, made the formal In- objection thereto. If the need should Ing the -period when she Is incubating
obviously, ought to know as much of
The egg return proves that this la
troduction. The President said 'that nrlse under attempts to exert Interna- eggs, sa'ys Commercial Poultry. She profitable. We bare another flock of
this 'phase of the matter as anybody
ho did not need an Introduction to tional pressure favorable to Itnsalti,' muit bo kept fre from -vermin and Buff Wyandottes that If fed a twowilt agree that their losses. In practiHuron Komura or Minister Thkablru, Great ..Britain. wp"W bo n positive must havo such foods os will main- thirds ration of corn get so fat they
cally every Instance, would be far
greater were the scientific knowledge
for lie had met them before. He shook force In. support of the contentions of tain the heat*of'"her Iwdy and keep stop laying. This we have proven by
hands, however, with theb botli ami Japan, while thcnttltmle of the United her In good health. Corn Is the best repeated experiments, BO we feel Justiof the -Department of Agriculture's
then greeted the other;members of the Eftntcs would bo negiitlvcly food for" sitting" hens; ~buf should not fied In saying that while a two-thirds
staff not put to account A careful
party. .
survey of the facts leads to tho concluthe.Jitpancse* In tlint our government bo made an exclusive diet. . Supply a corn ration may do for some hens )(
.."After the" introductions there .was n .would decline to take any action what- variety of food, with corn, as-' the will not do for all, hence should notTUtT '
sion that the tot nl damage each yen r
. would .be froin two to four times as can .bo kept going, Fig. 1 shows tho pleasing, chat In the.cabin and thcit.lho soever'. Japan bus Uusalu to deal with, basin, and plenty of fresh, clean advised for general feeding without
large, were It not for tho Department hooks on the wire, Fig. 2. shows the Jnpnnese. gentlemen retired to another and Russia nlonc.
water. It pay^.Jto keep the sitting" qualfflcatlbns. It la considerable of a
nuisance to feed poultry and cater to
cabin to make .room, for 'tne^liussliui ! Japanese nrms have won-u,series of hens healthy and, ,.comfortable.
of .:AgriculturVs' unremitting warfare device In action.
their whims; but It almost Invariably
putty.' 'Count Vflttc, "Ambassador victories unprecedented In the hlsto,*;'
against the pests, nud that n maxiDehorning Calve*.
pays to do it If one has flocks of conItoscn nnd.their suite then entered the of modern ware* Japanese statesmanmum annual destruction of two billion
Selecting IJrood Stock.
It Is much easier, to say nothing of siderable size.Indianapolis News,
dollars, or nearly one-half tho whole
If one has raised a litter of fine pigs cabin, .were Introduced, to. tbo, Prcrtl* ship-now seeks to flx for,all'-time the
yearly .value .of tho country's crops,. at of good" breed there are probably sev- rteut,.wh6nr(hpy already..kriojv.' Thou, fruits of those military and nntlornl being more humane, to dehorn calves
Lamenc*n tn Slicep,
present, would-bo possible. C.'Arthur eral among them that will'make-good (he two partjes-.were brought together, triumphs. The-terius which Japan Is when they are young,. preferably wheu
.Important' item In the .manfrom
brood sows If properly brought'up. and there were speecbes, juore haml- about to submit to.-.Uu8sIa-. mny emWilliams In "Success Mtigaalne."
a flock Is tho condition of
The Individuals should - be carefully; fllmklug and more .cpvers"utlon, . .All brace thin or that'Uoiirdesigucd to seVDlncof Heavy Sod, .
those \heep.that have
While not for a moment advocating watched as'they grow-and 'when the buffet .lunch, which, it should be said, cure the" results nlmed nt. When tlioao some material to protect the fingers, been herded together during lambing
extravagance it Is safe -to say that selection Is made the pigs should be was itlie President's- clever way of demands-are presented It Is more thin moisten one end with water and :*ub season, U will be a wonder If there*
'moat formers ought to add one-half about five-months old. From then on avoiding any question, of precedence likely certain features .may 'be irflnl-, gently over'the button until the. skin are.not some cases of lameness. Lamba
; more, atlcastrtp the quantity." of. grans they should be separated from-, the which, might have arisen had the Pres- nilzcd or receded .from' as the friction becomes sllghtlyjraw and smarts a lit- contract the disease from their mothers
of ihogotlntlon and of give nnd take tle. ' In a few days a scab will form, and the damp state of the'ground' Is
seed they use both' In .the .first, seed- market stock, and until tho end of the ident joined hln guests at table. ,
becomes ncute. But when the Irreducing and the resecdlng of meadows. season, placed 'on tnc~ best grass pos-.
After the:(luucheon- the, Japanese ible minimumls rcached-lt will virtu- .which will soon disappear, and, 1C the likely to encourage It, The best plan Is
Not -only should this bo done ln: order slble.,.All females Intended for .brced- gentlemen
said farewell,.with /many ally wipe out ilussuvas ft power.nlone Work Is properly done, will leave the to thoroughly pare down the hoofr
to get better crops of hoy and' to .h'nvo Ing*purposes should,iiavG'JeBs carbon-' protestations
calf without horns. .One application Is keeping tho walls o f . tbo hoof level'
of good will, and
tho Asiatic littoral bordering t|ie-Sca usually
-a growth of grass- Instead of weeds ttceous food than that given to those
enough, but In case the horns with tho Inner part, so that tho pres-,
which find a. 1*1 ace -where 'tho seeding Intended for market. Fr<?iri one-half to find Secretary ,Pierce spon after left of Jnpan nnd place that sea'ln the_very start again^ the application can be re- sure la .equally distributed over tho
heart of the future 'empire of-Nlppon. peated. Caro should be taken that foot. In tho case of a diseased foot
Id light, "but ,Jn order, that when the two-thirds corn Is enough In tho ration
sod Is -to be turned under It la of the from the time the.young sow begins the. Mayflower In possession of the
none of the caustic potash runs down tho foul .part must bo cut away.-cftro
UiiBsInns. and tho ceremony was' ended.
greatest possible. value to tho crops to cat grain.
over tho/hnlr to Injure the'eyes and being.-taken-not to causo bleeding:
which follow..
Top DrcMlne Foraifc Crop*.
skin, <In case tho horns break through dress well with a caustic mixture, so
and-tub Mayflower .with
At the Now Jersey .Experiment sta- on. board, convoyed'by the. Gnlvcstbn,
.the skin-before the caustic U nppllort ns to prevent proud flesh growing, and',
Essentials nrc .that tho land ba clean, tion tests have-been made of nltnite of reached -Portsmouth -Mondny morning.
It will probably be necessary to use to stimulate the vascular parts;to so-'
warm, and In a fine unlily state to re- soda as a top dressing OH forage cropa , The Mayflower Incident, destined; to
.a knife to cut off the button, after crete healthy'bora. If tho weather is
Inclined to bo 'wot a strong dressing'
relyo tho 'seedi'v Tho .rows .may bo In connection with the* manures and become historic. WAS In nil Its .details
Combe*, formerly prime minister which a little caustic potash can bo t) .'necessary, such as muriate,of'antidrilled, It Ilia t Is the method of sowing. fertilizers generally used. In all cases essentially -American. If, suys the Chi- of M.
rubbed over tho exposed surface.
France, Is practicing ,nietllclac.
mony applied, with a-feather,: and
Httcjm Indies apart, the .seed slightly a very markcd_ Increase duo to tho ap- cago. Inter Oconiit the envoys, of. BusLord Yarmouth IH probably tho only
again equal parts of hydrochloric field
covered with harrows, ami n very light plication of nitrate occurred, ranging" Blaniid'Jnpnn net up to the American peer who ever earned applause AB a skirt
Improving Beef Breed*. .
Any"bull sexually sound 'will 'get rind tincture of myrrh; a milder dressrolling^ given to. level tho "surface"; so from 34.1 per cent for corn to 00.0 per fttundard,. they will meet for dlscnnM ->n dancer.
Tuo Shah of Persia coulJ.sell his or- calves If mated to^ healthy mature fe ing Is a strong solution of sulphate of
that afl plants Imvo equal chance of cent.for barleyn profltnblo return,, of pence terms uUtrnmiuelcd by Instarting together; There Is a good doal from tho use-of tho nitrate ' on ail trigue or malice.and. In the'spirit or nnincntn and procloun atones for mora males, but there Is in the breeders' copper, and tincture of aloes of friar's
art more thau mere bringing together balsam Is milder .still.
in this latter, for where Irregular first crbpV.cxcept the bnrjoy, whlch#bwlng courtesy nnd fairness Hint controlled than $35,000,000.
j?rowth Is raado thero are always to unfavorable weather conditions, Grant tind Leo lu the negotiations nt i 'The Emperor. of Japan recently. gnve of animals to multiply tho species, All these aro useful If applied with
?5,000 to the V. 'M. 0. A. to* assist in Even If the breeder looks at tho rant- discretion according to the seyerlty^of
enemies to take the plants as they ap- did notv make a-large yield.
work In tho JnpaucHo empire,
the case, suggests the Midland Farmtor solely from'th'e standpoint of t
--^_ ___
-, "Bomblta," ouo. of the greatest of money 'to-be made from breeding pure er. A useful application ns well asUuniorotiB
Pasturing aiitl Boiling.
Breaking for Wheat. * ';..
Spanlnu toreadoi-B, has retired at the ago
and does not concern hlmsolf a preventive. Is coal' tar, particularly
The early broken wheat /grouncl la , A comparison was made at the Ne- The government's cotton "lent" was of 30 with a fortune of nearly $500,000.
Improvement -of the breed If a little creosote is added to lt; and
usually the land from Svli.Ich.iho lrffEmperor William has made oii Innova- even- that man -will find It pays hlm: to some powdered plaster .of -parls :over
Chief Cusluecr Stevens has signed tho
eat yields. ore taken. Tho -haul, breaks amount of feed produced and the ef- pledge
tion In ttie Germany army by .appointing
not to resign. '
well. No clods to mash, uo packing to fect upon the yield of milk ami.butter The demand for "tainted money" seem* Baron Karl Mayer vou Uothsehild, 'a use, the. very .best bull ho can afford, the,tar, will .naslBt Its drying effect A simply cannot afford to use an chaiagQvtQ.a ;dry pasture,Is necosiary.
Jew, as an officer.
'<lo- late in August. .)Yhon; tho. g'round fat'when 'certain crops' were 'pastured to be as brisk as over.
bull because. U ^costa, only -a Sulphate of .line, powdered, one ounce;
becomes hard and breaks Into Jargo
It Is ilgnlflcant that'Peary started for Horn- from' ,ul3 .birthplace;- Hoorue, a hundred or two/ .Far too many' men Sulphate of lime, powdered, ono ounce;
clods'-d great deiir.ofclab'or ^required The crops':so-tosted wore alfalfa, sor4 tho,north
polo wearing a straw IiiU.
vlUago in ? tho Zuyder Zeo. He was the breeding: .registered, cattle Jto-day. nre one scruple; Stockholm V'^tar,,. tout
to get, the sct'fl-bcd . fine and well gbum nud Indian corn. In the case'.of
flrst to .double' It., _'_- ....
uslng;lhforior bulls, and* aro*thua:hurt; ounces; lard, four: ouncoa; made twta
^ packed for the proper gcrmluatlou of
Ing themselves and th pure br0d cat an 'olu'tment and applied' the'-boot
i.s much feed was -procured from a.
up of work glrpn area.of land wben* tho crop was tlii Crar as the Ja'pios H. Hyde of Hus- noveltatR, who U almost as well kuowa tie Industry.- by -setting v bad. examnj*. anil.;between, the cleft, aftee parting,.
. Thou again, t
b> beginners at the .biumesiI and also ui a good drewlng.
la America as lu the fatherland.
that causes so mu extra, labor and cut and fed as when It was

Improved ITny Device**

Tho man wlio has stood with his
back to the stack pitching hay by
hand under a hot July sun will appreciate the picture here shown,, says
a writer In the Ohio Farmer. The derrick or pitcher will cost tho man
-on .tho !fnrm alwnt-$r in COHJ. It is
mounted on runners twelve feet long.
The base of the frame Is 10 by 10 foot
square and the top 5 by 5.feet. The
.telephone pole In'the center Is twentyfive feet 'high. Tho arm Is fourteen
feet long and tho braco about twelve
feet. The pole and arm can be turned
In n complete circle by means of a
crowbar .Inserted In the pole near tlio
An entire haycock, can bo -easily
lifted straight 'from tho ground to n





Aattocn Station 53 MUes North of Chicago
: CABDAnttoch Station.

Ar. Aiitloch.
8:35 AM No. 6. DsllrexSntlda> 10:40 AM
1.301'M-No. 7, Dally ex Sunday 3JSPM
4KX1 PM-No.13, Dlllfy
B.ot) PM-PnilT except Sunday
6JH Pit
8:00 AM-Sunday Special
1000 All

4:11 AM

aoma sotrra

Lv. AnUocli.
Ar. Chicago.
057 AM-Dally exw |>t Sunday
7:IU AM-No. U. Unity
lid? AMNO. 8, Daily. Sunday U$FM
4-.'J> PM-N'o. 6, Daily ex Sunday 6tl5PU
UAWl'M-Xo. 'J
10 5U PM
032 PM-Sunday Speclul
6:40 PM
Patrons can now bonM or leave the above train*
nt Halst<*a<l streM, Chicago,In.itend ot the Central
Btntlon II80desired.

kuiutrpT. Agent. Antloch.

LOTUS CAMP No. 567 M. W. A.

meets at 7:30 the lint and third
Monday evetlng ot evry month,
In Woodmen halt, Antloch,Illinois.
YlsltlngNelgbborsalways welcome
C. M. MiNLKT, V. C.

Tumblers and Rarities.

Tho pink lemonade was served In
silver hemispheres In hollow silver
balls that bad boon cut In half.
; "When your glasses are empty,"
sold the halt, "turn them upside
The guests on doing so. found that
each silver cup turned Instantly upright again. The cups were BO per*
fectly balanced that, placed In any
position whatever, they would at onco
assume their right position.
"They are tumblers/' said tho host;
"real tumblers, over 200 years old.
Tumblers are so called because when
they first took their name thoy would
always tumble about till thoy got
themselves erect. These tumblers of
mine are perhaps the only set In New
York. I bought thorn at All Souls'
College, Oxford, where a number of
old sets of beautiful gold and silver
tumblers still remain." Evening Bulletin.

J.O.JAMU. JR., Clerk.

Fiendish Suffering
is often caused by sores, ulcers and cancers; that eat away your akin. Win. Bcdeell, of Flat Rock, Mich., eayii; "1 have
used Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, for Ulcers.
Sores and Cancers. It is tbe beat heating
, His Labor and His Love.
Before the gateway of Tib life's demand dressing t ever found." Soothes and beats
:3nto Love and Toll, and Toll waa worn cuts, burns and scalds. 2oc at J. H. Svan
nnd gray.
tFut Love wa fair. Love called ha drug store; guaranteed.

CEQCOIT LODGE, No. B37, A. F. & A. M., hoMa

t3 regular communications the and Third
Wednesday evenings at every month. Visiting
Bretnern always welcome.
The Eastern Star meets Second nnd Fourth
Wednesdays ot each month.




Cures Kidney and Bladder Diseases In Every

FormMany People
Have Kidney Trouble
and Do Not Know It.
It Is the function ot tho kidneys to filter
and purify the blood which Is constantly
passing through them.
When the kidneys are out of order the
other organs are affected Immediately
and you may have symptons of heart
trouble, stomach and liver trouble, and
other ailments, which aro allowing to the
kidneys being weak and out of order.
If you are eick Foloy's Kldnoy
Cure will strengthen and build up the
worn out tissues of the kidneys so they
will act properly and the symptons of
weakness, heart, stomach and liver
trouble will disappear and you will be
restored .to perfect health.
How to Till If You Have Kidney Trouble.
You can easily determine if your kidneys are out of orderby setting aside for
24 hours a bottle of the urine passed
upon arising. If upon examination it Is
cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sediment or small particles float about In it,
your kidneys ore diseased and Foloy's
Kldnoy Cure should be taken at once.
Folay'ft Kidney Curo la pleasant to
take and acts directly upon the parts
affected and you;bcgin to feel better
at once.
It corrects slight disorders In a few
days and It has-cured many obstinate
cases after other .treatment had failed.

chose and they

Passed through the happy portaU hand
In hand
Flypaper Checks Cut Worms.
"What one Is this?" ho asked; for ever
Angeles orange growers recent*
A handmaid their delight, and all their ly saved their trees from an attack ot
Bloomed with tho flowora of an endlcu millions of cutworms by wrapping
some flypaper around the trunk of
Ths fmernnt blossoms of their Edon- each tree, the branches being also
trimmed so that they wouldn't touch
Then answered Lova: "Dear foolish heart
ground. The worma couldn't crawl
and fond.
"Who chooscth Love hath won her serv- past the barrier of flypaper.
ant. too;
Toll, the eternal, mtnlflters to you;
And thou thou hunt not known, fenr
A Touclilnir Slory
heart and fond."
But he who chooses Toll shall find too is the saving from death, of the baby fcirl
Doctor* Said H* Would Not Uvi.
That he has Iflft Love weeping1 at the of Geo. A. Eyter, Cumberland, "Md. He
Freyvof Woodruff, Pa., writes:
. fin to,
Qeo. H. Mnrttland In Dooklovcr's Maga- writes: "At the age of 11 months our little "After doctoring for two years with the

"1,100 Franca for King's Umbrella.

"The Xing of the Belgians once left
* his umbrella In a hansom when- driving In Brussels. This was returned
' to bis majesty a few hours afterward
by the proud "cabby," who was offered
- lor bis honesty by King Leopold the
eurn of 100 francs. The astute Jehn,
however, begged a great favor of the
king. Could he have the umbrella
'- instead of the money? The favor was
- granted, and before many days had
-linseed the cabman had put up the
^umbrella for sale, and it was knocked
<lown to some royal enthusiast for
a.100- francs.
When King Leopold
heard of this he exclaimed: "Well,
I've heard of an umbrella 'being put
up to keep off showers of rain; but
this, seems .to have been pat up to
bring down showers of gold!"'
Peculiar Disappearance.
J. D. Runyan, of ButlervUle, 0.. laid
the peculiar disappearance of his painful
symptoms, of indigestion and biliousness,
to Dr. King's New Life Pills. He says:
"They are a perfect remedy, for dizzinesa,
* sour stomach, headache, constipation, etc."
Guaranteed at J. H. Swan's drug store,
price 25c.
.-^-"J". "Th Skeleton's Function.

My class In physiology was questioned concerning the uses ot the skeleton, and a small boy put himself on
record thus: "When you sit down your
skeleton keeps your legs from going
up Into your head." Good HousekeepElectro-Plated Lace.
Electro-plated lace may yet be the
Tashlon. A French writer says that
a complete set of ecclesiastical vestments has been , made at Lyons of
these plated laces and suggests that
society people adopt them for ball

Woman Is Made Magistrate,

A woman has been elected as local
magistrate In the commune of Rank
Horleln, Hungary, because the whole
adult male population of the place*had
emigrated to America and not a man
'was left to fill the position.
Meal Dow as an Example.
The following story Is told of Neal
Dow. the famous temperance orator:
While In Portland one day Dow passed the; house of a prominent citizen.
A new brick walk was being laid before the do%r, and OB Bow struck the
loose eand he slipped and went bead
over .heels Into the gutter. As ho did
BO the owner of the house rushed out,
and, picking him up, exclaimed: "My,
how I wish, there wasn't, a drop ot
liquor in the'world,"





/; Prior,
Fra Trial.-'

9meat and amce*t C


girl was in declining health, with serious

thront trouble, and two physicians gave
her up. We were almost in despair, when
we resolved to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs ancl Cotds.
The first bottle (rave relief; after inking
four bottles she was cured, and is now in
perfect bealtb." Never fails to relieve
and cure a cough or cold. At J. H. Swan's
drug store; 50c and 81 guaranteed. Trial
bottle free.
Give Russia the Credit
It Is a singular fact that Russia Is
the country which first gave the greatest encouragement to the woman doc*
tor. The Woman's Medical-Institute
In St. Petersburg, on Its -foundation,
was ballad as the only place In the
worJd where a woman could take out
medical- degrees. But, In 1886 Minister Warrowsky closed It Now It
has suddenly come to life again, the
ciar boa given It an endowment, and
lU''atudnta have all the privileges
hitherto accorded men.. Why and
wherefore? Because the war Is taking
all the men doctors, and If their places
are not filled the unhappy empire la
at the mercy of any. epidemic that
may come along.

best physicians in Waynesburg, and still

getting worse,'the doctors advised me If
I had any business to attend to I had better attend to It. at once, as I could not
possibly live another month, as there was
no cure for me. Fbley's Kidney Cure
was recommended to me by a friend, and
I Immediately sent my son to the store
for it and after taking three bottles I began to get better and continued to improve until I.was entirely well."
Two Sixes, BOo and 41.00.


Chocolate Consumption.
The Swiss chocolate consumption of
America Is causing somo alarm among
the domestic manufacturers who were
not smart enough to produce as popular a chocolate.
Health and Liberty In America.
That. America la not only the land,
of.liberty, but ^'health/the-aurvlval
of ao many thousands of,. Confederates forty.years after the closing of
the war emphatically testa;Louisvilla Courier.

Don't Forget ThU

Self-pity Is one of the.states that Interferes most effectually with making
Gets $82,500 for Picture.
the right use ot circumstances. 'To
Vienna Is angry because Count pity one's self Is destruction to all
Schoenbnin has sold Rembrandt's possible freedom.Exchange,
"Samson and Delilah" to the city of
Frankfort Frankfort paid 82.600 for
Town Pet Well Looked After.
It The- picture was bought for $30
The municipal authorities of Wiesby one of,the count's' predecessors, baden have provided a vulcanite leg
who saw It being used In the market- for a pet stork which la kept In the
place aa the canvas awning for a park, and which .recently had one o|
pfttty stallholder's wares.
Its limbs amputated.

The Cause of Many .

Sudden Deaths.
There Is a ' disease prevailing In thb
;ountry most dangerous because so deceptive. .Many sudden
deaths are caused by
Itheart disease,
pneumorna, heart
(allure or' apoplexy
are-often the-result
of kidney disease. If
kidney trouble Is allowed to advance the
blood will attack the
vital organs or the

kidneys themselves break' down and waste

away cell by cell.
Bladder troubles most always result from
a derangement of tha kidneys and.a cure Is
obtained quickest by a proper treatment of
the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you
can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney^ liver and
bladder remedy.
- It corrects Inability to hold urine and scalding, pain in passing it. and overcomes that
unpleasant necessity of being .compelled to
'go often during the day, and to get up many
times during the night. The, mild and iho
extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
realized.. It stands Iho highest for Us wonderful cures of tho most distressing cases.
Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and sold
by all druggists In fifty-cent and one-dollar
sized bottles. You may
have a samplo bottle of
thla wonderful new discovery and a book that
tells all* about II, both llomao<Bmmp.Itoot..

: - Vain Butterfly.
How different la Madgo from the little
'hand mirror
Into .which she's so often found peeking*.
For Madge alwaya apeolta without over
The 'mirror reflects without speaking.
Philadelphia Prew.

'An" Aid to Appetite.

Do not eat when tired. Lie dowa
for & few minutes first, then when a
little rested?the digestive organs will
perform their duties much better..
i- . '
No Americans In Liberia.
Although .^Liberia waa founded by
AmerlcaCptillanthropy, America la not
represented th*re I j a single firm.
England* an'd Germany monopolize Its
trade, a 5-cent cotton cloth having a
value of 24 cents when offered, In
barter for coffee, palm oil, palm wine,
Ivory, skins and rubber. Define* Dealing In Futures*
.Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes of
the supreme court. In a recent opinion on a .stock gambling caso, said
that dealing: In futures, was the "self,
adjustment of society to the probable."

To Dayolop Peru Oil Fields,

California capitalists have shipped
three carloads of machinery to Peru
and havo formed a company to develop
tho oil fields on Loko TlUcaca, for
which K has received valuable concessent free by. mall. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. sions frbm'-'tbe.'PeruvlBn government.
.Blnghamton, N.'Y.% When writing mention
reading this generous offer In.lhts paper.
Costly Hand-Spun Thead.
piake any' mistake, but remember
Hand-spun thread, used for the very
^.Bwjhip^opt.: Dr. ' Kilmer*! finest Brussels lace of all, costs someSwamp-Root, an4 the 'address,. Blueb'am- times oa'.mucb as 11,200 per pound.
on.'N. Y on'emy bottled

Skipper of the American, After Accident Unforeseen and Unavoidable,

Saved Every Person on Board of
His Little Flotilla of Small Boats,



ThO Drlght Side.

Ob pluck from every (laming buah

Tho t'.pxvy road of morn,
And koep the ruby-coior<Ml cup,
But cunt awn y the thorn;
B-tnln tho Hovror'a goldfn heart,
But not tho bitter smart.
Qo look on life In every icene,
The ftloomy and the Ray,
Remembering tho sidetulld on**,
And CQBt tho rt'st away;
Kcciill tho onon with love oslow.
But turn away from woo.
Go sip from all tho cups of life
In all her wnya among,
But Itnnlah all tho thoughts of .dregs
And keep upon your tontruo
Tho honey, iwoctcst draught of all.
But throw away tho

.,. ~*,ifi

are a symptom of tno most sflrious

trouble which can attack a woman,
vizi falling of the womb. With this,
generally, comes Irregular and painful
periods, weakening drains, backache,
headache, nervousness, dizziness, Irritability, tired feeling, etc. The euro 19

In tho New York offlco of a great steamship lino Is CapU WMt, tho marine
years ago he figured* as one of the
heroes of a shipwreck In the Atlantic
off the const of Liberia. Capt. Walt
wa8 skipper of tho American. 2,000
tons, running between England and
South Africa. The story of that shipwreck reads like a chapter from Frank
Stockton. When" day broke on the
morning of April 23. 1380, (ho steamer
was close to the equator and about
100 or 160 miles from the LIberlan
coasrt. Suddenly, In the first morning '
watch,.betweeu"6*and.6 o'clock, there'
was a fearful crash In. the engine'
that wonderful,' curative, vegetable exroom, fplfowed* by a... conciiflafon
tract, which exerta such a marvelous,
against the ahlp'B side,' which for an ' strengthening influence, on all female;
instant suggested that she Had struck '
organs. Cartful relieves pain and
regulates the*'-menses. It'll a sure
on ai , rock. . Halt-dressed passengers '
and permanent cure 'for alt female
hurried o/l deck and eagerly Inquired
what had happened, but were met In
At all druggists and dealersIn 11.00
the 'coolest possible manner by Capt.
Walt and Mr. Hepworth, second officer, .who assured them that It was
merely a break-down of some part of
the machinery. The passengers reIn my womb and ovaiteVMnttM Mrs.
Naomi Bake, of Webster Grow, Mo.,
turned to -their, cabins. The propeller
"alto In my right and left sides, and
shaft had broken In 'the stem tube
my menses were very painful end (rrefand bad burst open the side of the
ubr. SlnMtaldngOudullfeelUkea
ship. There was no. hope* of saving
now woman exd do not suffer as I did,
tho steamer.
It Is the best audldoe I ever took."
"It. means the boats/-' Capt. Walt
remarked, "but she will float for a
few hours yet, so we wilt get the pasBath In Goldfleld.
sengers', Into. this saloon and hare
and Inconvenience
breakfast served." This was promptly growing out ot the
scarcity of water
done and Capt Walt took his usual
place In his usual cheerful manner, Is' rapidly disappear In g."ofremarked
while Mr. Hepworth and the crew Oscar J. Smith, lawyer anil! capitalist
bulled-- themselves In getting the ablp'B of Reno. "They hare quite as much
boats ready. After breakfast Capt. water In Goldfleld now as will satisfy
Walt mentioned. la manner so cool as the requirements of tho camp. I was
to be almost casual, that the accident down at Goldfleld recently, and notichad damaged the ship's side a good ing a sign on a bulling which prodeal and, that therefore It was better claimed the fact:that baths were to;
to be .prepared- for any emergency. be had there I went In and announced
The passengers, when ,they were that I would like to get a bath. The
ready, took their places In the boats. fellow In charge handed me a ticket
Quickly but methodically,' and without and took my money*
the least .hurry, the eight boata, which
"'Well;, see here,' said I, 'I don't
were provisioned and manned,, were
filled* and when ever other person had 11 a bath ticket I want a bath/
'Oh, you'll get a bath all right,'
been safely passed over the side Capt.
the .bathhouse manager. 'Let me
Walt left bis ship and joined his crew
your ticket. No. 813. There are
and passengers. Very shortly after,
812 people ahead of you. Come
'about noop, the American was seen to
in about three or four weeks.'"
Capt, Walt divided his little flotilla
Into two sections. Of the first he
Figuring Out 100 Sons-In-Law.
himself took'- charge and' Mr. HepA few years ago, in the town of Litworth became responsible for the
other. The part of the sea where .the tleton, N. H.. lived a man named Ben
American went down was, of course, Flake, who was the typical New EngIn the Immediate track of numbers of lahder. One day a visitor at his houso
sailing ships and steamers, but as It asKed him If he had a large family.
was also very close to the LIberlan "No," he replied, "I have only three
coast it was decided to make for the girls, but I have 100 sonslnlaw."
"How Is that?" asked tho stranger,
latter. During the first night at sea
the little flotilla' became separated. astonished*
"Well, stranger. It Is thla way. My
On the following1 day Capt. Watt and
two of his boats were > picked up by oldest girl married a pretty good sort
a brig which took them to Grand of a man. He counts one. The other
Ba&sa, and thence to Sierra Leone, two girls married good for nothing
where they were transferred to a men. They are nothing but ciphers.
steamer called the Senegal,, then on Aa 1- and 'two ciphers make 100, you've
got It."
her way to England.
Curiously enough, the . Senegal, on
Public Is Aroused. "
her voyage borne, -was stranded on an
Island of the Grand Canaries, so that
The public is aroused to a knowledge of
some of . the American's passengers the curative merit* of that great medicinal
had a second unpleasant experience Ionic, Electric 'Bittern, for* nick stomacb,
before getting back to . England. In
tho meantime Mr, .Hepworth'a boat liver and kidneys. Mary H. Walters, 546
and two others made for. the LIberlan St. Clalr Avenue, Columbui, 0., writes:
coast, which they reached on the third **For several mouths I was given up to
day. In consequence ot the surf, how- die. I had fever and ague, my nerves
ever, they found It Impossible to land, were wrecked; I could not sleep, and my
so they headed out to om again, and stomach was so weak, from useless doctors1
two days later were picked up by a drugs,* that I-could not eat. Soon after
steamer called the Congo and taken beginning to take' Electric Bitten', I obto Tenerlfe and thence to Madeira and tained relief, and in a ihorl time I was
from there, to England.
This loft only the gig and 'the dingey entirely cured. ' Guaranteed ut J. H.
to be accounted for. , The former was Swan's store; price 50c.
heard of In a few -weeks, >but when
Japan's Merchsmt Marine.
nearly twelve months had gone by
Japan, hod only 167,000 tone
and the. eighth an* smallest boat of
steamships, but by the
them all still remained' mlsslnc the
worst was feared. But in a year al- end of 1001 her mercantile steamship
most to a day from the date of the fleet numbered 1,224 vessela of .791,*
catastrophe came the nowe that the 053 aggregate tonnage. . This wae
dingey, too, had'-been plcked*up with- after Buffering; a Io*a of fl,000 tons by
la a few days at the accident by a the war.
calling ship on- her. .way to Australia.
Frailty Common to Mankind.
Thus It was many months before the
man have their frailties,* and
Intelligence, conveyed to Eng- whoever
looks for a friend without
Imperfection.will never find what he
seeks. We; love ourselves notwithAnother Meanest Man.
standing our faults and we ought to
"1 have heard. a great deal about love our friends In like manner.
mean men," said the man with the Cyrus.
black cigar, "but the meanest man 1
ever heard of livea in the towu where
Adventures of PHr.
1 was born. He is a rtal estate agent, **I Love You"
once eicaped from but
and as grasping as a Scrooge before
The dictionary'! poiei,
eele the opportunity
the - Christmas ghosts. He bad an ToAwaited
through the age*.
old house at the east end .of the town
heart h hied him forth
that was ready to fall to pieces any
Whan fortune good 'beset him;
moment. Tho walla actually did H* hadn't,wandered long* before-
"ThU IB Bo Sudden"' met him.
bulge out one day. 'When he collected
on tha'rosy way
that month's rent; he_calmly: told the
\Vhllo arm.In arm they clodded.
lessee of the house'that .the rent Behind them ray "I Told You Bo"
would be $1 raoro & month thereafter.' \Vlth learned wlidom nodded.

The astonished woman pointed at tho
bulging walls and Bald:
Men Past Sixty lu Danger.
., " 'More rent! 'and'.wlth those bulging
walls?' .
" 'Certainly, madam. You hare more years of njw sufferfrom kidney and bladder
room In the house now; consequently, dUorUere, usually enlargement 'of, .proitate
more rent must bo paid!'".
gland. This is bothlpalnful. and danger
ous, and Foiey's .Kidney Ciiro"'
.Countess Catteltane'e Jew* I a.
taken afthe first sign of dftDffer,as_ It'-cor.In Paris-Countess Bonl De Castel- rect" irregularities and has cured many
lans (one.of:Jay Gould's; daughters), old men of this disease., Mr. Hbdney Burwho continues to lavieh money on. all
possible' objects,: la: said to display nett, Rock Port, Mo., writes,! "I .suffered
more jewels than, the old: noble fam- with enlarged prostate glnml, and kldnoy
ilies approve; '.At a soiree she wore trouble, for!years and after, taking two
bottle* of Fray's Kldney,Cure I feel better
for,tho first time a collar of.
largo and so beautiful as to
than;! bare: for -' twenty/years' although I
vral comment, as ttWM taottitt to am now 91 years oldiV^Sold by .J. H",
be la bad taatt.

The Female Regulator


Who Has a Scheme for the Eradlcatlcnjtf the Cactus In Queensland?
Find an Alloy In Diamond Cutting
That IB Without Danger to Health.'
Many persons, no doubt, will conclude that there IB, practically no
chance of securing such desirable
prizes us Uolargo sums of money
flvo prlios each worth 8,000 otfore^
by the Nobel bequest, where It IB absolutely needful to have attolnmonU
of both a learned and brilliant nature;
yet, sayo Tit Bits, a study of tho following particulars of prizes which aro
being, offered today will show that'
there aro other splendid opportunities
well within tho scopo of most 'people.
Among the many varletlee of cactus
there Is ono which Is known a* the
prickly pear; It Is a rather attractive
looking: plant, but Its leaves are covered with hair sharp enough to pierce
the hands of any ono- who Is BO rashas to touch It. Tho. plant came originally .from: America; but after It was
introduced In some manner or other
Into Queensland It spread so rapidly
and to 'such an extent * that In somo
districts It has practically destroyed
all other vegetation. The' Queensland
government Is still offering a reward
of 6,000 to any one who can devlso
a method by which It con be complete*
Ijr eradicated/
The Briteh consul at Palermo not
long since sent "a dispatch to the For'
elgn Office containing Information regarding a premium of 21000 that the
municipality of Catania ' la offering.
la order to encourage local Industrial
enterprise this aura 10 to be awarded
to the individual who establishes
some new Industry In the town. This
trade Is to, he of such a nature that
it will employ not* 'fewer than .100
workmen. A further 1,000 will bo
paid for every! additional fifty bands
that are 'afterward, employed. These
sums would bo payable, at 'the end ot
the year In five equal Instalments.
Fire* hundred pounds la to bo obtained from the. government of Holland. AB moat people are aware, the
Dutch are the most expert, diamond
cutters In the. world, but In this diamond cutting -It Is necessary to i
an alloy which Is dangerous to health.
Is it possible to find a method of doing
without the aid of this alloy?
Again, to turn to a- very different
source of money making by competition, there IB 600 being offered by
the well known firm of Rlcordl & Co.
In order to encourage English opera.
that firm boa offered thla prize to bo
competed for by English subjects
alone, 'and has guaranteed to produce
the successful* work at (he Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. ' 'WT. Massenet has already been secured OB one
of the adjudicators*
Women can gain a prize of 200
which Is: being offered, by the Women's Institute of Science at Naples; It
IB to be given for the best work on
any subject ot scientific research, but'
It must be based on Independent laboratory experiments.
Another Interesting subject -is "The
best, least Irksome. and least costiy
method of securing the male able*
bodied youth of this country for service In the " regular- or'auxlMarr forces
as existing, ; and for expanding .thesa
forces In the time* of war." For ,tae
threo' beat casAya dealing with these
topics the Royal United Service Institution offers 'prises consisting of ' 100
guineas, 30 guineas and 10 guinea*.


Statue of^ English Actons,

Since actors have* been, excluded
from the' royal Incloaure at Aaoot
races. British'members.of the profes*
slon are' complaining. One of them
says; "It Is impossible for .on actor
to attend a levee, even'though he
may have, attended'In -the days %b*
fore, he Joined the theatrical profeo'
slon. He may. have ' taken a urjlverslty degree; ho may nave boon called
to, but these qualifications tor
appearing in the royal presence, laptd
when ho becomes an.'actor. , Three
actors have been knighted for dlstinc*
tlon In. their calling and they may go
to court as nights, but not as actors,
while every actor-who Is not knighted
IB still an outsider, under a ban; which
the court officials would'not dream of
applying to painters, sculptors and ora*
* Cupid's Prink.
.Manly boiora,
Laule'i head; *
Silence > golden,
Nothlhc sold. .
Twinkling UrleU,
Sighing brwio,
vrlnglnc namraooKi
Whlsporinjr. tree*.
raco complete. .Darkened ihadowi,
Lovers greet
Happy, couple,
Heaving sigh,
., "
Thro a toned trouble
Hovered nigh, Hammock busted.
Contents aplUed.
Smotherod laughter Quickly stilled.
Worried vqlcoj.
Neighboring lawn,
Private, watchman
, Looking on,
Cincinnati Gornmercla!-Tribun.

Disastrous Experiment.
/They're Veiling o t a . Jackson countr;
farmer who found dh auto horn. In the
road* one!day 'and took It home ami
taught ma chickens to recognize IU
honk OB their feed call. Instead : of
calling them In:the old-fashloued way
tho farmer or hie wife would blow tlia
auto horn. One day an auto'moblllst
paused the farm going about fifteen
mllea 'an hour and tooting his ;horn.
The chickena near the houao took out
after the auto an4 fourteen hens dind
three, rootterc ran themBele* tt>
death behind the

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