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STUDENT ID : 2014680456
CLASS : EH241 5A




What is Chemical Engineering? It is a branch of engineering which
relates to chemistry and building a chemical plant. People often mistake
chemical engineering as just another branch of chemistry where people do
chemical experiments and sitting in labs all day. , which is not the case.
Chemical engineering is a job that largely affect the economy of one
country simply because in this day and age, chemicals are needed for
everything, from soap to purification of drinking water. The creation of
pilot plant or chemical plant require an engineer to ensure the process
runs smoothly without any problem.
Malay economy has been on a rise this past few years. With business
as its primary contributor, Malay has been a strong competitor in the
economy between race, Chinese and Indians.
Development is economics on a social level that has evolved into a
professional industry of highly specialized practitioners normally working
in public private partnership that are sanctioned and many times at least
partially funded by local, regional and state/ provincial tax dollars. These
economic development corporations function as individual entities and in
some cases as departments of local governments. Their role is to seek out
new economic opportunity and retain their existing business wealth. There
is intensive competition between communities, states and nations for new
economic projects.The creation and retention struggle is further intensified
by the use of many variations of economic incentives to the potential
business. These incentives vary greatly and can be highly controversial.
The measurement of success within this industry is normal job creation,
economic growth and increased or retained tax base.

Are chemical engineering relevant in rising Malays economic status?
Or will it bring no effect whatsoever to it? Malays has been a pretty
stagnant force in economy with some of them achieve a staggering result
while most of them fail to achieve any results. Economics can be defined
in many ways; following are some of the definitions. Economics is the
human Science which studies the relationship between scarce resources
and their various uses which compete for these resources.Economics is
the study of how people choose to allocate limited resources to satisfy
their unlimited wants. Economics is the study of how society decide what
to produce, how to produce and whom to produce. Purpose of studying
economics by engineers is to learn how not to be deceived by economists.
Sustainable economic development is the challenge of meeting human









transportation, shelter and effective waste management while conserving

and protecting environmental for future human and capital development
when they are fully harnessed to create jobs and generate income for the
government for the purpose of economic development and transformation
of society to the glory of God.
Therefore it is necessary to find a solution to the solution to how can
we increase Malays economics with respect to chemical engineering since
it is profiting to the race and to the country.

In truth, Malays has been inferior to other races in Malaysia with the
Chinese and the Indians on the rise in their respective specialties. How
ever it is not like all hope is lost because chemical engineering is a great
way to counter the inferiority. Some people may ask, why chemical
engineering? Why not invest in business which is more profiting? There are
plenty of ways to involve oneself in chemical engineering which in turn will
increase the economic growth of malays.
Chemical engineering has many form. The form here refers to the subjob chemical engineers always do like an advisor for example. An advisor
may not sounds like an engineer job but its actually a vital job needed for
every factory or plant because an advisors job is to give advice and
recommend the best way for the reaction to occur. In order to achieve or
get this job, one must study really hard and understand the principle and
the in depth of plant design. However with Malays current mindset, this is
only possible to few because this line of job is normally taken over by
Most of the engineers in Malaysia consists of mostly Chinese with
Malay falling behind short. This shows that Chinese is more dominant in
engineering sector. Why is this so? Education. Personally, Malays has been
a fame in procrastination and laziness if compared to other races in
Malaysia. This has been in the mindset of almost every people in this
country. Even employers sometimes hesitate to trust a Malay to do their
job. They are promoting codes of practice education, mentoring programs,
and policy changes that will encourage the engineering profession to lead
this economic revelation. The engineering courses being studied in higher
institution of learning should also include borrowed courses that bother on
acquiring business knowledge and skills at the first and at the second year
level in order for the engineers to be able to relate their engineering
practice to the business reality on ground in order to contribute fully to the

economic development of their respective nations. Thats one way the

engineers can be fully integrated into the running of the countries of their
origin. Designing a sustainable future requires a paradigm shift towards a
systematic perspective which encompasses the complex interdependence
of individual, social, cultural, spiritual, economic and political activities and
the biosphere.
If we are to achieve a sustainable future, institutions of higher learning
must provide the awareness, knowledge, skills, and values that equip
individuals to pursue life goals in a manner that sustains human and nonhuman well-being. This is critical since higher education prepares most of
the professionals, who develop, manage, teach and influence societys
institutions. The organization of seminars and workshops by professional
engineering organizations like IEEE and NSE will go a long way in
educating their engineer members on their role in contributing effectively
to national economic development. Several prominent engineering schools
such as Georgia Technology are making important strides by making
sustainable technology a core mission and MIT with its program in
Environmental Education and Research (PEER). Despite these effort and
those of a number of Colleges and Universities which have active







education and research about the interdependence of and a sustainable

relationship between human and the rest of the environment is not a
priority in higher education.
Moreover, all engineers must play a much stronger role in the public
policy process to provide the right incentives for industry and others to
move on sustainable path so that engineers can be encouraged and
supported to design sustainable technology for the purpose of economic
development that benefits society in a holistic way now and in future. As
Don Roberts advocates, we must become better informed of the
interdependence of environmental, economic, health and social issues,
inform others and become leaders, otherwise the agenda will be set by
others who neither know the benefits nor the limit of technology in a
sustainable modern society.

They are promoting codes of practice education, mentoring programs,

and policy changes that will encourage the engineering profession to lead
this economic revelation. The engineering courses being studied in higher
institution of learning should also include borrowed courses that bother on
acquiring business knowledge and skills at the first and at the second year
level in order for the engineers to be able to relate their engineering
practice to the business reality on ground in order to contribute fully to the
economic development of their respective nations. Thats one way the
engineers can be fully integrated into the running of the countries of their
origin. Designing a sustainable future requires a paradigm shift towards a
systematic perspective which encompasses the complex interdependence
of individual, social, cultural, spiritual, economic and political activities and
the biosphere.

It is not relevance for Malays to be involved in chemical engineering
for economic growth since its not their strong point. However the time
where that may arrived may come to rise sooner or later. Sustainable
economic development relies on technological change to achieve its aim
but will governments take the tough steps that are required to force
radical technological innovation rather than the technological fixes that
have been evident to date? Such measures would require a long-term
economic cost while industry will readjust. It would appear that so long as
sustainable development is restricted to minimal low-cost adjustment that
do not require value changes, institutional changes or any sort of radical
cultural adjustment, the environment will continue to be degraded unless
sustainable change occurs, the present generation may not be able to
pass on an equivalent stock of environment goods to the next generation.
In short, Malays are not suited in chemical engineering industry due to
their mindset. However in a few years it is not impossible.



FIGURE 1 shows the reason why most Malays retired from their
job early

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