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Oscar Morales Cofr

Ingles Intermedio II 355/07

October 10th, 2016

Education should be free

A lot of students and those that finished their programs are in a difficult situation
about the total amount of their debt, about 5 million Chilean pesos, the sum of
tuition, the annual payment and the cost of the course are part of this big account
that lasts about 20 years. If they were studying five or six years to get a course and
them work in an society that they ar part and help it my question is Why must
they pay on average 5 million during five years? After this question, i can say:
Education should be free.
So, if we are contributing with out job to society across taxes, working five days a
week with a long journey Also we must pay an amount almost equal a
department, for examplpe. In my opinion this situation is totally unfair. As Abraham
Lincoln, a famous politician said: On education, i can only san that is the most
important that we, as a country, must engage.
In addition, we are humans with rights and one of them is the right of education.
For example a child who is at school has talent to study but he does not have any
money to continue studying. Increase inequality because his solution is get a
credit. In chile (according to a research of ECO education and communication)
70% of Chilean students resort to credit, which according to people against of the
system leaves thousands of middle low class students debt once they finish
In conclusion, I can restate that education should be free. We are part of this
society and we contribute with our jobs during our life while we are working. In
addition, we must fight against inequality and we need young people to benefit
from the future so we cannot give up

Source of Abraham Lincoln:

Oscar Morales Cofr

Ingles Intermedio II 355/07
October 10th, 2016

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