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If you didnt know how old you

were how old would you be?

3. In 1 year will you

remember what you did

5. If money was paid in

Years to live what job would
you do?

2. If you could only live for 50
years what would you do
differently than you live now?

4. If you could do anything

without anyone knowing what
would you do?

6. Is the grass always

greener on the other side??
7. You are like you..why?

9. If tomorrow was the last

day on earth for everyone
who would you go see?

11. What are you afraid of?

13. Are you superstitious

black cats scare you the #13
is bad dont walk under a
ladder throw salt over your

8. If you could only offer

one piece of advice to your
child what would you say?

10. Do you believe in Luck?

12. What is the one thing on

your Bucket List that you
want to do?

14. I dont want to end on

#13 Why are

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