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Consumerism and advertising

Definition of consumerism
Types of advertising
Relation between the two
Consequences for the economy and for consumers
Core Vocabulary

2. Fairtrade
Buy Nothing Day
Core Vocabulary

3. Anti-consumerism
School education
Humans and animals rights
Famous people
Examples of non-consumerist ads
Core Vocabulary
4. Overconsumption
Repair Caf vs Planned Obsolescence
Consequences for consumers
Impact on environment
Core Vocabulary
5. Consumerism and the Mass Media
Advertising: the subliminal art (techniques to consume)
Advertising Techniques
The Music Trade (marketing to release a single or
Songs (Madonnas Material Girl, Money from
Cabaret film,). Prepare a song and give it to the class
as a listening exercise.
Core Vocabulary

6. The Rich & The Poor

Ive noticed the biggest hoarders and squanderers are people who
dont understand the value of money (they never had to work hard
to make them) or/and feel a constant need to show everyone how
much theyve got.
The ten richest people in the world

Famous squanderers (Paris Hilton, Victoria Beckham,
The Rich and the Poor Gap (conclusion)
Core Vocabulary
7. The Opposite Side of Consumerism:
Shared economy
Charities/ ONG
Core Vocabulary
8. Informative Advertising and Public service Campaigns
Examples of Campaigns about social/educational/
issues e.g. domestic abuse
Campaigns about drug use
Create one yourselves
9. Ecotourism and connection between advertising and protection of the
show how marketing used environmental protection to
invest in a new area
ads to publicize it

Groups of 4 students about 20 minutes
Groups of 3 students about 15 minutes
Practice the presentation at home to make sure it doesnt
finish too early or that I wont stop you!
Topics 1 to 7 must be presented before 8.
Reading aloud is not accepted zero points.
You may use PPT to help with the presentation BUT you MUST
make collages, posters, flyers, videos, draw, use real
You must send the materials, if you want to use the computer,
to at least 24 hours before the
Presentations not given on the due date are given a ZERO.

If members of the group do not work, report it to the teacher.

You can always ask the teacher for materials or other help but
dont leave it to the last minute!

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