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This post will explain all the different count functions in Excel.

See graphic below that has a

brief description of what each formula does.

For this demo I will use the following data from the screen shot below.

COUNT(A2:C5) would look at the range in blue and return the value 7 since it counts cells
that contain numbers. COUNTA(A2:C5) would return 11 because it counts anything with
text or numbers. COUNTBLANK(A2:C5) would return 1 because there is a blank cell in the

If I wanted to count how many times the word excellent is listed I would use the COUNTIF
function. This has 2 arguments. The first is the range and the second is the criteria. We would
get the value 2 answer.

The last example in this post will look at multiple conditions for the criteria using the
COUNTIFS. You use COUNTIFS when you have 2 or more conditions. My example will
share counting how many rows of data do we have that have an excellent status and the
units is greater than or equal to 90. You put >=90 inside of quotes.There will be 4
arguments. Make sure that each range is the same amount of cells. The answer value
returned is 1.

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