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In the excerpt Animal intelligence under-rated by humans,

different researchers state that animals are intelligent like us,
but in their own unique ways. Dr Arthur Saniotis mentions we
shouldnt consider us like the most intelligent species on the
world. Saniotis add that superiority of humans became of a
philosophy and sciences. He mention Aristotle believed we are
intelligent than animals because of our reason capacity.
Professor Maciej Henneberg notes we dont understand the
whole concept of animal intelligence because of the language
and technology. He explains some animals can communicate
across their own language and can do other things which
show social and kinaesthetic intelligence. Alexandra Horowitz
and Ammon Shea conclude we could never perceive the real
intelligence of animals if we continue comparing them with us.
These researchers conclude we considered superior, but there
are different kinds of intelligent that can be better than us.


For many millennia, we humans have considered ourselves
superior, primarily due to our large brains and our ability to
reason. However, we might not be as smart as we think.
Researchers from Australia point out that there are different
kinds of geniuses out there, some even better than us.
Dolphins can communicate via echolation, while hyenas use
the marmoset
monkeys have figured out how to have a polite conversation,
something many humans still find hard to follow.
Dr Arthur Saniotis, Visiting Research Fellow with the
University's School of Medical Sciences says that the concept
of "ad nauseam", which means humans are exceptional by
virtue and are "the most intelligent species on Earth" might
not be true and that animals are intelligent in their own
unique ways.
The idea that humans are exceptional probably emerged
about 10,000 years back when humans decided to take up
farming. The feeling of superiority went up a notch with the
arrival of organized religion, which niftily put humans
(especially man) at the center of Life and Universe.
"The belief of human cognitive superiority became entrenched
in human philosophy and sciences. Even Aristotle, probably
the most influential of all thinkers, argued that humans were
superior to other animals due to our exclusive ability to
reason," Dr Saniotis added in a news release
According to Professor Maciej Henneberg, a professor of
anthropological and comparative anatomy from the School of
Medical Sciences, humans have misunderstood animal

"Animals offer different kinds of intelligences which have been

under-rated due to humans' fixation on language and
technology. These include social and kinaesthetic intelligence.
Some mammals, like gibbons, can produce a large number of
varied sounds - over 20 different sounds with clearly different
meanings that allow these arboreal primates to communicate
across tropical forest canopy. The fact that they do not build
houses is irrelevant to the gibbons," Henneberg added.
Alexandra Horowitz and Ammon Shea had earlier said that
although researchers conduct studies to understand animal
intelligence, we might never be able to really judge how smart
they really are because during the tests animals are being
compared to us.

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