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Thank you!!

October 15, 2016


NAMIwalks | Out of the Darkness
NAMIwalks Chicago
NAMIwalks Chicago was on
September 17th at Dusable
Harbor. Over 1,000 walkers,
vendors, and volunteers
gathered together to help do
their part in eradicating the
stigma associated with mental
illness. NAMI (National Alliance
on Mental Illness) is an
absolutely incredible
organization whose Chicago
chapter has been around since
1979 offering various programs,
education, and a Helpline for
those in the Chicagoland area.
More about NAMI Chicago can
be found at

Out of the Darkness

The Out of the Darkness walk
was on October 15th at Arvey
Field in Grant Park. Over 4,200
individuals showed up to say
suicide is an epidemic that
needs to be talked about and
that needs to be stopped. The
American Foundation for
Suicide Prevention started in
1987 and currently has chapters
in all 50 states! AFSP is the
leader in the fight against
suicide using education,
advocacy, and programming.

Thank you
I have been absolutely blown away by the generosity of you, my friends
and family, throughout the past few weeks. In todays economy, money
is tight and its not always feasible to give to organizations you may want
to, let alone to organizations you may know nothing about. You all have
gone above and beyond though and shown me that, despite everything,
youre still willing to set yourself aside and believe in me and believe in
the causes that Im trying to bring attention to. It humbles me to know
that I played a role in raising funds for these organizations that Im so
privileged to get to bring to the forefront, and I cant wait to see the
many programs that can be run and the vast education that can be
spread because of your generosity. Thank you so much for supporting
me, for supporting these organizations, and for supporting these causes.
It is because of you that all of this is possible and that organizations like
these can see daylight. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

More about AFSP can be found


Thank you!!

Thank you!!

October 15, 2016

My story
Youve probably heard my story and have been able to draw the
conclusion as to why mental health and suicide awareness are important
to me. In case you havent though, I just wanted to share with you my
personal touch as to why these organizations matter truly matter to me.

I was 13 when I first started to have suicidal thoughts. At first, they were

Spotlight: Honest,
Open, Proud (HOP)
I currently have this amazing
opportunity to co-lead a group at
NAMI called Honest, Open,
Proud (HOP). HOP is an
incredible class that is dedicated
to helping individuals
weigh the benefits of telling

their story
learn when and with whom

few and far between; but it didnt take long for the thoughts to become a
constant part of my every day life. In high school, I struggled far more than
others even realize when I started to hurt myself and hated just about
everything I was involved in. I used to look for dierent opportunities to kill
myself and I wasnt really afraid to share this with friends. Every year I had
a dierent best friend; mostly because I burned bridges and having me as a
friend was incredibly exhausting. It didnt hit me until years later how much
it would hurt not to have these friendships and how hard it would be for me
to learn how to make friends. Its still a daily struggle. I ended up being
diagnosed with Bipolar and being put on medication that finally made life
somewhat bearable. Its been an incredible journey filled with the highest of
highs and the lowest of lows. Im incredibly grateful for friends and family
who have stood by me and am dedicated to living a life that matters now.
One day at a time, for just this moment

they might feel safe telling their

unpack and learn what the

story they have is so that they

can share it for their benefit
and for others
HOP is a peer led program and
strives to help individuals know
that they dont have to share their
story, however, there may be
circumstances in which it is to
their benefit to do so. For 3
weeks, plus an additional booster
session a month later, we try to
unpack what our stories look like
and start shaping them into
something we can share.
This is one of the ways that Im
involved with NAMI and one of
the opportunities that has
opened up for me since the walk.
Thank you!!

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