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Comms plan for Digital Marketing Workshop – 1st July 2010

Budget = 5K
Catering & Venue Costs = £2,530
Keynote = £1,000
Remaining = £1,470

Branding - New growth (SOO)

1. Create logo/device and branding (SOO). Logo agreed. Tag Line Share.Inspire.Deliver. DONE
2. Create Email template and registration form and follow up form (SOO/JG/LC) DONE
3. Create presentation templates (SOO). DONE
4. Create RBI video/adapt Shifthappens to reflect RBI. JG
5. Create delegate packs (DP/JG/SOO). To include RBI strategy/floorplan/speaker notes/order or day
6. Branding around the venue
a. Use Soo’s Slide from my strategy ppt
b. D4s to show case our brands (SOO). Design complete
c. Enlarge cartoons around the room (SOO)
d. Table tops for Supplier Zone area (SOO)
e. T-shirts for organisers (SOO)
f. Neon bands/wrist bands for all attendees JG)

Logistics/AV (DP)
1. Organise AV (DP)
2. Organise filming & editing with AV studio (DP). DP working with Ian Wilkinson. DP to see if we
can use Telegraphs booth operator?
3. Create exhibitor/demo area around the tea area (DP): ensure there is room for 6 tables/suppliers
4. Book venue: The Daily Telegraph offices in Victoria – 1st choice (LC) DONE
5. Organise catering (LC) – DONE
6. Create name badges (JG) – JC to help. To include country flag & 3 dots
7. Arrange venue viewing for SOO & DP & Speakers (LC). DONE. Speaker run-through 22nd June
8. Video delegates. Q: What are the key challenges in digital marketing that you personally face? (JG)
Communications (JG)
1. Email Comms
a. Email 1 to invite people: save the date/registration form (JG) DONE
b. Email 2 venue and format of the day (JG) DONE
c. Email 3 – last call for attendees. Only 20 spaces left! (JG) DONE
d. Email 4 speakers and content confirmed (JG) 10/06
e. Email 5 reminder (JG)
f. Email 6 post event follow up with feed back form (JG)
2. Post letter on the Business post event (SA)
3. Create a closed Yammer network– (JG) - DONE
a. Send Yammer invite to attendees. Ask each person to include photo.Group attendees into
teams and include photos (JG)
4. Create twitter account #digitalmarketingconference – include running commentary of the day (JG).
Promote #hashtag
5. Video some of the speakers (JG)

Content & order of the day (LC)

1. Confirm speakers. Content & order (LC/LM). Speaker gathering. Agreed 22ndt June
2. Confirm Keynote Speakers (LC). Briefed and awaiting decision. Matt Woods?
3. Confirm Google Tools (LC) to discuss details.
4. Confirm timings 9.30 – 5pm (LC) DONE
5. Confirm venue (LC) DONE
6. Agree demo’s and book external suppliers (SA & DP). DONE (IDM still to confirm)
7. Arrange hotels for overseas delegates (LC). DONE
Who should attend?
Delegates: Max 100 attendees. 40% drop out rate expected

09/06/2010 09:34:59
• Primary – Marketing/anyone with marketing in their job title
• Secondary – by invitation only: Publishers/Web Editors/Product Managers
Exhibitors/Suppliers (Supplier Zone)
• Creative Suppliers - 2 or 3 web designers. Include New Scientist app designer (SA)
Technology (SA)
• Gyro/Eloqua/Cheers/Google confirmed
• IDM SA to confirm

09/06/2010 09:34:59

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