Exam 1 Short Answer

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Exam #1 Short Answer

This short answer portion of exam 1 must be typed, Times New Roman, 12-point font, and doublespaced. If you choose to write these answers out, please use legible handwriting and double-space.
Please include your name and section number at the top left hand corner of the page. Choose two of
the four questions below; be sure to address which question you are answering, preferably by copy
and pasting the question before each answer. You must answer the questions in their entirety in order
to receive full points. Each answer should be 1-2 complete paragraphs or more if you have not fully
answered all parts of the question. Each answer must include a reference from your textbook,
Fundamentals of Oral Communication. For this first exam, that does not require APA citations. Feel
free to use them or practice for future exams.

Please bring your completed answers to the beginning of class on Friday,

February 12th. I will not accept late submissions.
1. Think about a conversation (communication episode) you have participated in recently. Identify
and describe the five stages of listening using this conversation as an example. Give an
example of a problem that you encountered at one of the stages and provide a solution for
overcoming it.
2. Describe a time when you used each of the different levels of proxemics. Explain what each
level means and why that level was the appropriate one for the given situation. Explain why
using a different level could be problematic.
3. Explain the three different types of biased language and give an example of each type. Then,
take those examples and explain how to make them unbiased. Explain why we should not use
biased language and describe the effects of biased language on communication.

Answers questions completely: Answered all questions required in full


Sentence structure: Sentence structure is coherent and well-written


Grammar and spelling: VERY minimal spelling and grammar errors


Followed directions: Student followed all directions correctly




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