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Haji Buyong

Principles Rela-ng to Environmental Impact

Assessment (EIA)
Principle 13 In order to achieve a more rational

management of resources and thus, to improve the

environment, States should adopt an integrated and
coordinated approach to their development planning
so as to ensure that development is compatible with
the need to protect and improve environment for the
benetof their population.(Ref: (Stockholm)
Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the
Human Environment (1972))

Principle 14 Rational planning constitutes an

essential tool for reconciling any conict between the

needs of development and to protect and improve the
environment.(Ref: (Stockholm) Declaration of the
United Nations Conference on the Human
Environment, 1972))

Principle 17 Environmental impact assessment, as a

national instrument, shall be undertaken for proposed

activities that are likely to have a signicant adverse
impact on the environment and are subject to
adecision of a competent national authority.(Ref: Rio
Declaration on Environment and Development, 3-14
June 1992)

Policy Rela-ng to EIA in Malaysia

World Bank Environment Mission, 1975;
Third Malaysia Plan (1976-80);
Ad hocPanel on EIA, 1977;
First National Seminar on EIA, Nov 1977, Petaling

Jaya, led by Dr Michael G. Royston;

Draft Handbook on EIA Procedure & Guidelines by
John OBrien, Goh KS, and A. Bakar Jaafar, 1979.

Law of Malaysia Rela-ng to EIA

1985 Amendment to the Environmental Quality Act
1974: Section 34A:
1. The Minister ...prescribe any activitysignicant
environmental impact;
2. Any person to carry out any prescribed activity,
before any approval by relevant authority, shall
submit a report ;

Law of Malaysia Rela-ng to EIA

Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activities)
(Environmental Impact Assessment) Order, 1987;
Enforced since April 1 1988

State Laws (Ordinance or

Enactment) Rela-ng to EIA
1. Sarawak : The Natural Resources and Environment

Ordinance, 1993; enforced since February 1, 1994.

The Sarawak EIA Order, 1994 enforced since September

1, 1994.

2. Sabah : Conservation of Environment


Sarawak's Natural Resources and Environment

(Pescribes Ac-vi-es) Order 1994

Sarawak's Natural Resources and Environment, Order 1994 makes it mandatory for

project proponents and/or developers to carry out Environmental Impact Assessment

(EIA) on activities having impact on the environment and natural resources.

The following activities, which are the Prescribed activites contained in the First

Schedule of the Order require the conduct of EIA

1. Agriculture Development
2. Logging
3. Development of Commercial Industrial Housing Estates
4. Activities Which May Pollute Inland water or Aect Sources of Water Supply
5. Fisheries and Activities Which May Endanger Marine or Aquatic Life, Plants in Inland
Waters or Erosion of River Banks
6. Extension and Removal of Rock Materials and Mining
7. Any Other Activities Which May Damage or Have an Adverse Impact on quality of
Environment or Natural Resources of the States

What is Environmental Impact

Asessment (EIA)

EIA is a study to identify, predict, evaluate and
communicate information about the impacts on
the environment of a proposed project and to
detail out the mitigating measures prior to
project approval and implementation.

Why Do We Need EIA?

As planning tool for preventing environmental

problems due to an action;

To avoid costly mistakes in project implementation,
because of the environmental damage; or because of
modications required subsequently in order to make
the action environmentally acceptable;
To integrate environmental considerations into
project planning;
To provide additional information to better decision

Major EIA Procedures in Malaysia

Preliminary assessment of all prescribed activities
Detailed assessment of those prescribed activities

for which signicant residual environmental impacts

have been prescribed in the preliminary assessments
Review of assessment reports


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