Change Default Image and Container Location in Docker CentOS 7

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Change default Image and Container location in Docker

[CentOS 7]

When you start trying out docker its very normal that we dont care about the default storage
directory that docker will use to store images and containers. You may have to hit the panic
button when Docker starts to occupy an enormous amount of space as you do more experiments
with Docker. So now is the time to put troubleshooting cap on to figure out how to change the
default location of docker. After wading through a number of sites and forums, I couldnt figure
out the steps to change the default directory of Docker images and containers on CentOS 7 host.
This post provides instructions specific to CentOS 7. (It should work on RHEL 7 as well). For
Debian, I could find a lot of documentation and How to articles posted on the Internet but there
was not many for CentOS 7.
Before attempting to change the default storage location of Docker, we must obtain some
important information,

Default storage location used by Docker

Storage driver used by Docker

New storage space where the containers and images are going to reside

The default location of Docker is /var/lib/docker all existing images and containers are stored
here. If you have any containers running, stop all and make sure no containers are running and
then run the following command to determine the storage driver used by Docker. (You will find
out later in the post why you want to make a note of it)
# docker info
In the output, look for Storage Driver and make a note of it. In my host it is devicemapper. Next
step is to stop Docker service.
# sudo systemctl stop docker

Creating a Drop-In file

Next step is to create a Drop-In file docker.conf at
/etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d by default, docker.service.d folder will not be
present. So you will have to create it.
# sudo mkdir /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
# sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker.conf
The reason to create Drop-In file is that we want Docker service to override specific parameters
mentioned in docker.conf file with that of the default service file located
at /lib/systemd/system/docker.service. If you want to dive deep into Drop-In, read
system.unit documentation.

Define the new storage location

Now open docker.conf and add the following,

# sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker.conf
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker daemon H fd:// --graph="/mnt/new_volume" --storagedriver=devicemapper
Save and exit VI editor, new_volume is the new storage location and devicemapper is the storage

driver. If your storage driver is different, type the value you have noted down earlier. More
detailed information on various storage drives is available in Docker official
documentation. Now you can reload service daemon and start docker service. This will change
the storage location for new images and containers.
# sudo systemctl daemon-reload
# sudo systemctl start docker
To confirm if all went well, run # docker info to check the Docker root directory. It will be
changed to /mnt/new_volume

What to do if you have existing containers and images?

If you want the existing containers and images to be migrated to the new location, dont reload
the service daemon and start the docker service, right after modifying docker.conf, move the
existing data in /var/lib/docker to the new location. And create a symlink.
Continue reading Change default Image and Container location in Docker [CentOS 7]
Posted on July 5, 2016Categories Cloud, VirtualizationTags /lib/systemd/system/docker.service,
/var/lib/docker, change container location in docker, change docker storage space, change image
location in docker, default docker image and container location, docker info, docker root, docker
root directory, docker storage driver, docker.conf, drop-in, ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker, how to
change container location in docker, how to change image location in docker, how to change the
default docker storage location, storage space in docker, what is the default container and image
location in docker0 Comments

Beginners guide to OpenStack

For IT, cloud is a magic because cloud computing transforms how IT has been done for decades.
If cloud is magic then what is the magic wand which transforms the data center to something

Resources such as compute, storage and network is usually managed separately. When need
arises resources are added manually. This is how computing had been done for decades. We
humans can ever settle with anything. Computing doesnt escape from that notion of human

beings. We always try to enhance something which is taking a lot of manual tasks or create
something new as the need grows. The need that we are talking about here is the growth of not
just mobile apps, the reason for the growth of cloud computing is; people think it is efficient and
not so time consuming to do stuff. Cloud computing enables rapid development and deployment
model. It reduces the time that is required in each stage of development. Most importantly its self
service model attracts many IT organizations to transform their IT.
OpenStack is that magic wand.
Over the past few years OpenStack had gained popularity and it is being widely adopted.
Companies like Intel, Walmart and many others are transforming their entire IT infrastructure
using OpenStack platform.

What is OpenStack?
OpenStack is a set of tools and services that can be used to build a cloud computing platform. A
common myth is that, people think of it as a replacement to popular hypervisors. This is not
true. OpenStack uses the hardware resources found in data centers such as Storage, Compute and
Networking to create a service model. Once the hardware resources are abstracted, OpenStack
presents these resources to users as services in various forms like Infrastructure as a Service
(Iaas), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS). OpenStack platform is
suitable for any deployment model (Public, Private, Hybrid and Community Cloud). Consider
reading Introduction to Cloud Computing if you want to understand different cloud computing
service and deployment model.

h level architecture of OpenStack
Each year, OpenStack foundation which is the control body for OpenStack development
releases two major versions of OpenStack. Based on these versions organizations like Red Hat,
SUSE, Oracle, SwiftStack, Ubuntu, Rackspace, Mirantis, VMware etc. create their own
distribution by customizing services and packaging it in different ways. Some of these

distributions eliminate the complexity of deployment. Like wise each of them have their own
pros and cons.

Building blocks of OpenStack

OpenStack is not packaged as a single software which can be deployed within few clicks. It is a
collection of services which are inter connected together. Within OpenStack development
community these service are developed as a project. Each service has its own API, using which
they communicate with one another. For example, Compute service (Nova) creates instances
(VMs) and manage the instance resources that are allocated to it. Storage services such as Cinder
(Block) and Swift (Object) provides storage access to instances. Similarly there are different
services available. Following are some of important services in OpenStack,
Object Storage
Block Storage
Identity Service
Image Service

Project name

The dashboard service provides centralized view of cloud environment to user as well as cloud
administrator. Using dashboard a tenant (User) can self-provision resources, create/destroy
Instances; modify networking for instances etc. Cloud administrator also interacts with
dashboard and has more control over entire cloud environment.

Compute services manage Instances life cycle meaning, compute services takes care of Instances
form the time it is created until it is destroyed. Compute services does not function alone it needs
a Hypervisor to run instances therefore Instance related tasks such as CPU, Memory allocation is
taken care by Hypervisor in its own way. Compute services just manages these instances and
monitors them. When an instance creation command is received its passed on to Hypervisor to
execute the task.

As the name denotes networking service provides network connectivity for OpenStack services.
It allows uses to define network connectivity for instances that they own via dashboard. It also

allows other network plugins such as VMware NSX, Open vSwitch, for better functionality. In
any cloud environment Networking is the most complex part.

Object Storage
Object storage is provided by this service. Objects are stored and retrieved via REST API (HTTP
based). Because this API access it can be directly accessed by an application.

Block Storage
This service creates block storage devices that can be directly provisioned to an instance. This
block volume can be used for database or any high speed data access needs.

Identity Service
Different services of OpenStack make use of Identity service to communicate with each other.
Identity service is an authentication and authorization service.

Image Service
Image service functionality is to store and retrieve virtual machine disk images. Snapshot of an
instance can be taken and it can be used as a template for new instances. Virtual machine disk
image is a file in which the operating system is installed. Popular formats are VMDK, VDI,
VHD, OVF, qcow2 etc.

This service monitors OpenStack cloud for usage information for metering and performance
information for statistical purpose. However this services is not an out of the box billing solution.

This service provides template based orchestration for a cloud application. This service executes
appropriate API calls to create/modify OpenStack resources.

OpenStack architecture

In OpenStack cloud, the physical machines are represented as Controller nodes, Compute
nodes, Network nodes, Block storage nodes, and Object storage nodes. There can be one or many
physical machines (clustered). Each type of node cluster has its own set of services running on
them. Following figure is a simplistic view of OpenStack infrastructure; the arrow represents its
scale-out nature.

ntroller Nodes
Controller nodes runs core services such as Dashboard, Image, identity service and also
supporting services like SQL Database service, Message queue, Network time protocol,
Compute management service, Networking ML2 Plugin, etc.

Compute Nodes
Compute nodes runs Compute service. Another important component of compute node is the
Hypervisor. KVM is the default hypervisor support for OpenStack but there are a number of
other hypervisors such as ESXi, XenServer, Hyper-V, Docker, etc. Importantly, compute node
also runs networking modular layer 2 (ML2) plugin. This is for virtual network support for
Please note that what we discuss here applies to KVM as hypervisor. Implementation method
varies for a few other hypervisors, i.e. ESXi. If OpenStack is implemented on top of ESXi
infrastructure we normally interact directly with vCenter.
The compute service (Nova) running in compute nodes interacts with KVM and acts as a control
element. KVM takes jobs from Nova service for instance creation/deletion/modification.

Network Nodes
Networking node runs tenant networking services which provides functionalities such as
switching, routing, network address translation (NAT), and Dynamic Host Configuaration
Protocol (DHCP). OpenStack networking is called Neutron.
When compared with its predecessor Nova networking Neutron release supports three tier
architecture and provides functionalities such as load balancing, VPN, and firewall. These
services are provided to tenant and can be individually charged. It also enhances security. Unlike
Nova networking, Neutron allows usage of plugins. Open vSwitch, VMware NSX plugin, and
many other plugins can be used with Neutron. Internet connectivity for tenant virtual machines is
provided by network nodes.

Block and Object storage nodes

These nodes provide block and object storage. They are standard x86 servers with a bunch of
drives from which storage space for instances are carved out. The storage space from these nodes
is used for various other purposes such as backup, block volumes, etc.

Variations in architecture
When implementing OpenStack cloud, one does not necessarily need to follow the discussed
architecture. It is possible to run storage-related services on controller and compute nodes.
However, it is not the recommended way. Various vendors have released their own distribution of
OpenStack which is production ready. There are also appliances available to kick start cloud as
fast as you can.


We merely scratched the surface of OpenStack on what it is. For detailed documentation head
over to documentation center. I hope the information presented here helped you
to understand what OpenStack is and how it used. Please feel free to comment if you have any
Posted on May 4, 2016Categories Cloud, OpenStackTags architecture of openstack, Beginners
guide to OpenStack, Block Storage, Block storage nodes, Building blocks of OpenStack,
Ceilometer, Cinder, cloud, Cloud Computing, cloud models, community cloud, Compute,
Compute nodes, Compute service, Controller nodes, Dashboard, Glance, Heat, Horizon, how
openstack is cloud, how openstack is different, hybrid cloud, Hypervisor, Identity Service, Image
Service, Introduction to OpenStack, Keystone, KVM, KVM in OpenStack, Network nodes,
Networking, Neutron, Nova, Object Storage, Object storage nodes, Open vSwitch, OpenStack,
OpenStack architecture, OpenStack foundation, Orchestration, private cloud, public cloud, Swift,
Telemetry, tenant, types of cloud, VMware NSX, what is cloud computing, What is OpenStack,
why is openstack important2 Comments

Introduction to Cloud Computing

Due to the increase of mobile phones and other Internet connected devices cloud based services
are emerging. Cloud Computing is not going to replace the data center. So what really is the need
for cloud computing and why should a IT organization take the road to cloud. This post explains
these questions.
Cloud computing is not simply a connection to something over the internet. Instead, it is reimagination of a traditional data center. Data center components like Servers, Storage and
Networking are managed separately. Cloud Computing enables efficient use of resources in a
data center by sharing it with different instances of compute. It also enables users to provision
the resources themselves. They will be able to easily scale up or scale down the resources which
they need on demand. Cloud resources are elastic; depending on the load to a particular instance,
compute resources like RAM, CPU can be added on demand so that the instance does not crash.
National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines what cloud computing is and
what are the cloud computing models.

NIST Definition of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a
shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications,
and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or

service provider interaction. This cloud model is composed of five essential characteristics, three
service models, and four deployment models1.

source: NIST
Any cloud environment should exhibit essential characteristics because that is the key
distinguishing factor from a traditional IT environment where most of the tasks are done
manually. This post explains essential characteristics of cloud, service models and deployment

Essential characteristics of Cloud

The essential characteristics are On-demand self-service, broad network access, resource
pooling, rapid elasticity and measured service.
On-demand self-service A user can provision resources for his/her needs such
as more compute power, additional network bandwidth, more storage etc.
Broad network access Cloud resources of a user should be accessible over
network through standard mechanisms that may allow usage of heterogeneous
equipments such as laptops, mobile, tablets etc.
Resource Pooling The user will not have any control over where his/her
compute resources reside at a physical scale. Instead in a cloud model the
underlying physical resources are pooled. When a user creates an instance the
resource is automatically taken from pool. When user destroys instance the
resources used by it will be released back to pool.
Rapid Elasticity This means on demand resource allocation which can scale
out and also inward.
Measured service In cloud environment all the resources usage can be
metered. This enables user to pay for what is used or a user can prepay for
resource usage.

Service Models
Service models must be well known to everyone. They are Software as a Service (SaaS),
Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
Software as a Service (SaaS) User can use the application which is
preconfigured with little or no configuration change. User may have ability to
configure the application according to ones need, but cannot modify/control
underlying components such as database, operating system etc.
Platform as a Service (PaaS) In this service model user has the ability to
deploy self-written application or licensed application on to cloud. User may
control the environment which powers the application such as databases, but
user does not have control over operating system, network, storage etc.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) User has access to fundamental computing
resources. By making use of resources a user can create fully functional
Instance. A user can provision required storage, network bandwidth, processing
power etc. This allows users to run operating system and tools of their own

Deployment Models
The deployment models are Private cloud, Community cloud, Public cloud, Hybrid cloud and
Public cloud.
Private Cloud2 The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by
a single organization comprising multiple consumers (e.g., business units).
It may be owned, managed, and operated by the organization, a third party, or
some combination of them, and it may exist on or off premises.
Community Cloud2 The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use
by a specific community of consumers from organizations that have shared
concerns (e.g., mission, security requirements, policy, and compliance
considerations). It may be owned, managed, and operated by one or more of the
organizations in the community, a third party, or some combination of them,
and it may exist on or off premises.
Public Cloud2 The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for open use by the
general public. It may be owned, managed, and operated by a business,
academic, or government organization, or some combination of them. It exists
on the premises of the cloud provider.
Hybrid Cloud2 The cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more
distinct cloud infrastructures (private, community, or public) that remain
unique entities, but are bound together by standardized or proprietary
technology that enables data and application portability (e.g., cloud
bursting for load balancing between clouds).

The above discussed are the cloud deployment models and its fundamental characteristics. When
a deployment model is selected the IT organization may decide on how to approach in case of
private and hybrid cloud. There are two types of deployment options; Greenfield and Brownfield.

Greenfield deployment option

Greenfield deployment is nothing but building everything from scratch. The IT organization
must procure all IT equipment in case of a Greenfield approach. Consider someone moving from
public cloud to private. In this case, the IT organization must set up their data center.

Brownfield deployment option

If an IT organization decides to reuse their existing hardware (IT equipments in general) to
transform into cloud infrastructure, it means their approach is Brownfield.

The Need

Amazon Web Services is a public cloud service

provider. The services it provides can be accessed over the internet by a subscriber of AWS. IT
organization will use private cloud for their own internal purpose. For example, Intel has built
their private cloud using OpenStack; using which their developers and other users subscribe for
resources which they need on demand. Cloud Computing bridges the gap between various
departments in IT. Usually, each resource i.e. servers, networks, storage are managed separately
by different teams. When transforming the data center to a cloud-based approach; silos that are
usually present in any data center is removed. Therefore all the resources can be managed by a
single governing body. When an IT organization decides to hit the road which takes them to the
cloud, several questions must be asked. Following are few,

Will Cloud Computing suit their applications and services?

Will the new approach enhance their internal customers experience?

What impact is it going to make on the product or service which the company is
ultimately selling? i.e. will it be helpful for the developers or the users to opt for selfservice based approach?

Should they opt for public cloud instead of building their own?

Total cost involved in public cloud Vs private cloud

Total cost of ownership

Return of investment

How can they address security without any compromise?

Greenfield or Brownfield?

Does the IT organization require any organizational changes, such as hiring new talent?

What contracts and service-level agreements can be made with cloud service provider?

Does the move to the cloud include any purchase of new software? If so, how is it

How can the existing applications be migrated to the new cloud?


Most things in todays world moves because of the need which arises
Organizations will see the true potential of cloud computing only if their need suits with what
cloud computing may offer. Otherwise, there is no need for the organization to adopt cloud.
Instead, they can focus on making their existing data center to a more converged and softwaredefined approach. Consider reading Top 5 storage and data center tech prediction for 2016 to
understand why cloud is not the best approach for some IT organizations.

NIST definition of Cloud Computing

NIST definition of private, public, community, hybrid cloud

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