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Books Online
Live Zikr

14 Muharram 1438

Classical Islamic Teachings

Islamic Meditation
The Heavenly Kingdom
Naqshbandi Realities
Levels Of The Heart Lataif Qalb
Letters & Numbers
Golden Chain
Simply Iman
Live Zikr





The Golden Chain







Enter 9 States of Perfectio...

From the Realities of Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani (Q) as taught by

Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi.
Audhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the rejected one
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
We pray Yaa Rabb bless us and dress us and that at no time are we anything
and we are relying completely on Allah (Azza wa Jal)s rahma and mercy.
Prophet (sallahu alayhi wa sallam)s rida and satisfaction be upon us and
Awliyaullahs nazar and dress be upon us and throughout holy Quran Allah
(Azza wa Jal) is describing wa ululilmi qaaaimam bilqist (3:20),
The people who know and Ulul Ahbaab and men of the door, and many many
different references, that there are knowledges that are not for commonplace,
they are the knowledges that are held in trust by the men of sureties. That
they have sincerity and Allah (Azza wa Jal) granted them a sincerity, a
yaqeen, where they are custodians of those knowledges.

Difference between Imam, Spiritual Guides, and Ibadur

Alhamdulillah that we are raised under Sultan alAwliya Mawlana Shaykh
Muhammad Nazim




alHaqqani and our beloved shaykh, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, Sultan
al`Arifeen, `wal Muhaqqiqeen and those who are the bestowers of Divine
Lights and realities. One understanding that guidance from the level of an
imam at the masjid, alhamdulillah who knows something, and partakes and
gives you from those knowledges. And then there are guides who guide us
towards these knowledges and realities. And then there are `Ibadur Rahman
because the guides can also be from RijalAllah whom Allah (Azza wa Jal) is
preparing, that they are truthful servants, they are men in Divinely Presence.
It means you can see some as an age of 50, 60 or 70 but in Allahs eyes they
may only be one or two years old in that reality, and you may see somebody
as 20, 30 or 40 but they may be very old in that reality. It means that this
dunya is but an illusion.
From their teachings and their realities in this holy month of Rajab and the
holy month of seclusion, is that they want us to understand that there are
many realities which we ask to achieve and to enter in. That yaa Rabbi guide
us to those whom You have bestowed Your Knowledges, in which you asked
for us yaa Rabbi that to: hold tight to the rope of Allah (Azza wa Jal) and
dont let go, dont break apart.


Watasimo bihab lillahi jameean wa la tafarraqo.(Surat Al Imran)

And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not separate.
(Holy Quran)

This rope, these realities that they are khawas and elite souls in Allah (Azza
wa Jal)s Divinely Presence. And alhamdulillah from Naqshbandiyya til `Aliyya,
the Golden Chain which is a reality and a gift from Prophet (sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam). There are nine Sultanul Awliya within that Chain. Allah (Azza wa
Jal) dressed them from these realities and blessings and what sets them apart
from others, and from humanity in Creation, is that they have Sultan az Zikr.
Allah (Azza wa Jal) dressed them from a secret in which they breathe in and
out and in every breath realities and secrets of Holy Quran. From one to




12,000 different levels of understanding for every huroof of Holy Quran.

Every nafas they breathe in is filled with Allah (Azza wa Jal)s secrets and
every breath that is exhaled out is filled with Allah (Azza wa Jal)s secrets.
Means it`s the highest level of guidance that they want us to achieve. That
yaa Rabbi send us into that association!

Ibadur Rahman


the Ayn

of Aleem

Tariqa is based on the association but not only the association of the physical,
that keep our arwah our soul amongst with those whom You are pleased with
yaa Rabbi who are from `Ibaad ur Rahmaan and the `allamal Quran khalaqal
insaan (55:2),


Ar Rahmaan. Allamal Quran. Khalaqal Insaan.Alama hul Bayan.

(Surat Ar Rahman)
The Most Merciful. (1) It is He Who has taught the Quran. (2) He has
created Man. (3) He has taught him distinct (eloquence) speech.
(Holy Quran, The Beneficent 55: 14)

That reality in which You taught them the bayan. Allah (Azza wa Jal) says: I
taught their speech, I dressed their reality. These are not like regular insaan.
They carry the reality of Holy Quran because everything to its darajat (level).
Every reality Allah (Azza wa Jal) dressed the soul with `allamal

Quran but whom Allah (Azza wa Jal) granted the `Ayn of `abd and Allah
(azza wa Jal) made them to be `abd, servant of the Divinely Presence, they
carry the secret of the `Ayn. They carry the secret of Allah (Azza wa Jal)s
Ancient Knowledges.
From Sayyidina `Umar, `Uthman, `Ali and `Abdullah, known to us as
Sayyidina Abu Bakr asSiddiq. Means the Sahabi were all Ahlul `Ayn. All that
reality, Allah (Azza wa Jal)s Ancient Knowledges were dressed upon their
soul. Those were qadeem (ancient), that were dressed upon that, and from




those realities Allah (Azza wa Jal) sent 9 such precious souls within
Naqshbandiyya til `Aliyya.
Find the Ulul Albab (People of the Door) Gate Keepers
And throughout Holy Quran He is giving us a hint that these realities, these
secrets, are not known except by the men of understanding. Men can be men
and women but describes a mature state of the soul. None know it but the
people of the Door.
3:190191 Inna fee khalqis Samawati wal ardi wakhtilafil layli wan
nahari, la ayatin li Olel albab. (190) Alladheena yadhkurona Allaha
qiyaman wa quodan wa ala junobihim, wa yatafakkarona fee khalqis
Samawati wal ardi, Rabbana ma khalaqta hadha batilan subhanaka faqina
adhaban nar.(191) (Surat Ali Imran)
Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the
alternation of the night and the day are signs for those People of
understanding (People of the Door of Knowledge). (190) Who
remember Allah while standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides and
Contemplate the creation in the heavens and the earth, [saying], Our
Lord, You did not create this aimlessly exalted are You [above such a thing]
then protect us from the punishment of the Fire (Holy Quran 3:190191)
What door? So there must be not a physical door but a spiritual door which
Allah (Azza wa Jal) inspires us to move into their association. Find these door
keepers and keykeepers. That if you find those associations and those
realities, to enter into those associations and their realities because their
associations are not like other associations. Their khalwa and seclusions are
not like other peoples seclusions and khalwas.

That to achieve those realities in life they begin to teach one such door when




enter in through Sultan alAwliya and they go into this circle [Shaykh points
to a circle with numbers 19 and Sultan alAwliya is at number 9, the entry
This (illustration) is something meant for our understanding, this is nothing to
be worshiped. People come on the internet and say, O these people are
crazy, they are saying something about worship here. No, no, this is the
complete worshipness of Allah (Azza wa Jal).
This is talking about a Diwan, an association of souls in Paradise, like rooms.
Your soul may be just in a general area of Paradise but there are darajats
(Stations). Where Allah (Azza wa Jal) says: to everything there are maqams,
Maqam Siddiqs. That these maqams are like rooms, when you enter into
them, the arwah, the souls within that room are going to be different in their
You Must have Permission to be in Heavenly Associations
One such association, their souls are dressed with Sultan azZikr. We pray
that Allah (Azza wa Jal) takes us into their association. If Prophet (sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam) gives permission for a soul to enter into those shaykhs.
That I am allowing you to enter into those shaykhs, that I am granting you
for your soul from Malakoot to enter into that room, and into that Diwan, that
association within the Malakoot, within the Heavens. Your body will be
inspired in dunya to meet such an association and to meet the keyholders of
that reality but must come by permission of Prophet (sallalahu alayhi wa
sallam). From Allah (Azza wa Jal) permission to Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam) and from Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) the order goes to ulul
amr that guide the one to that reality. That soul will be placed within that
arwah, and that Diwan.

They begin to teach there are 9 sultans within that circle, their constant nazar
(gaze) is upon that soul and bringing the reality of Holy Quran that, `hold
tight to the rope`, the soul is deep in that reality, and dont separate.


Watasimo bihab lillahi jameean wa la tafarraqo.(Surat Al Imran)

And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not separate.
(Holy Quran)
Wa koonu maas sadiqeen, [9:119].





Ya ayyuhal ladheena amanoo ittaqollaha wa kono maas

sadiqeen. (Surat at Tawba)

O you who have believed, fear Allah and be with those who are true (in
words and deed). (The Repentance 9:119)
Not only sadiqeen of dunya (material world) but whom Allah (Azza wa Jal) has
favoured in Akhirah, (hereafter) they are continuously under the nazar of that
reality, to be rushd (grow), to bring that soul towards what Allah (Azza wa
Jal) wants to grant it of its realities. It means their treasure the gift that Allah
(Azza wa Jal) has given to them, through their nazar, through their light, they
are constantly conveying that light in that Diwan!

As soon as they enter in, the shaykh at position number 1, because
everything is in the reality of 9 is complete submission. The math of 9 is
amazing, 9 multiplied by anything makes itself to be 9. It brings it into the
fana and hudoor completely annihilates it and makes it from the reality of a

1.Shaykh at Position 1 Teaches Tawheed Oneness of Allah


The shaykh at position 1 is teaching that if you come into that circle, in that
association, the responsibility of that shaykh is to convey complete Tawheed,
that if at position number 1. That shaykh is teaching the soul constant,
constant, reminder upon the soul about the Oneness of Allah (Azza wa Jal),
that everything in your life is based on laa ilaaha ilAllah, laa ilaha ilAllah,
(there is no God but Allah).
That Allahs hand is upon everything, that everything is coming from Allah
(Azza wa Jal), you dont have to look left or right. It means every reality is
coming from that ocean of Allah (Azza wa Jal)s Qudra and Power.
And as they are conveying that reality, then they begin to teach and you see




how the 1 and the 18 (at the same position on the diagram) and the 8 and
the 1 that everything is in perfect symmetry, which opens many different
realities and understandings. This is beginning at Tawheed.

2. Shaykh at Position 2 Teaches Reality of Wahid Nur

Then the shaykh at position number 2 is constantly inspiring within

the soul that theunderstanding of Allah (Azza wa Jal)s Oneness, and Allah
(Azza wa Jal)s Wahid, Oceans of Oneness. Allah (Azza wa Jal) is uniquely
Ahad, and Allah (Azza wa Jal) has created the reality and the Noor of
Sayyidina Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) as the unique Wahid.
There is nothing like unto Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and there is
nothing like laa ilaaha ilAllah. And the shaykh at position 2 wants us to
understand there is nothing like Muhammadun Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wa
It is the reflection of 1 and 1 1 of Allah (Azza wa Jall) laa ilaaha ilAllah that
is the power of 11, because in 11 you see the two ones, and 11 is 1 and 1
which is 2. The Oneness of Allah (Azza wa Jal) is a reflection to the oneness
of Sayyidina Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). That 2 stands for the
Bahr alQudra, the Ocean of Power, the Ocean of Annihilation, where
everything is in that ocean of atomic power, it is just energy. Everything
manifests in the physical world but is only a




reflection of the Oceans of Power.

It is a hologram. These atoms are moving making a hologram, but those
atoms and their movements are from an Ocean of Power. That Ocean of
Power is existing giving the world a form, an illusion of its existence. If Allah
stopped the Zikr, stopped the movement, the whole illusion would have
collapsed. All the atoms would have collapsed, all the space within an atom is
empty, and everything drops into its nothingness.
Then, a constant reminder of the greatness of Sayyidina Muhammad
(sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). A constant reminder that everything is from this
Bahr alQudra (ocean of power, that is teaching you of your origin. That Allah
(Azza wa Jal)s oneness, Allah (Azza wa jals) Power. That Allah (Azza wa Jal)
is laa sharik (Allah has no partner), nothing from Allah (Azza wa Jal) but,
Allah (Azza wa Jal) is the source of everything. That you are not going to be
like Allah (Azza wa Jal), but Allahs secret is dressed number 2, the secret of
Prophet (sallalahu alayhi wa sallam). That dressed the Bahr alQudra, dressed
that Number 2 and the reality of the soul of Sayyidina Muhammad (sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam).
From that relationship Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) describes, and
creation is from me. [Shaykh points to the next number]

3. Shaykh at Position 3 Teaches about the Birth of Light

The secret of the number 3 and the shaykh at number 3 begins to teach the
secret of that number. That 3 has to do with the birth of light, that your soul
is from 3, your existence is from 3. That from Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam)s reality of Bahr alQudra, a light and an energy comes out and makes
you to be the third, which is the Adamic reality. Allah (Azza wa Jal) from laa
ilaaha ilAllah, Muhammadun Rasulullah and then Sayyidina Adam, where
Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) described, I was a Rasul before Adams
form came, because the light of Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) is
based on that 2.

Kuntu Nabiyan wa Adama baynal Maa e wat Teen.

I was a Prophet and Adam was between clay and water. Prophet
Muhammad (saws)
So then 3 comes and it is the birth of the soul, and every creation comes
from that light of 3.

4.Shaykh at Position 4 Teaches that our Form is made up




From that soul of 3, then the shaykh at position number 4 begins to teach us
about the realities of this dawaam, this Earth. That your form is based on
these 4 elements, that you have 3 states of mass and a state of gas upon
your reality. And these 4 elements are making you to have a form. Dont be
tricked by these 4 elements, dont be locked upon these 4 elements, but
understand the use of these 4 elements: earth, water, fire and wind.
We are Created from Purified Soil Min Teen that Balances Water and
Begin to inspire within your existence you are, and the earth that Allah (Azza
wa Jal) has placed upon you is the great mizaan, the great scale of your
reality that within you, you have a water reality which are from the angels,
and within you you have a reality of the fire which are from the jinn.
So everyone has a jinn reality within them and an angelic reality within them,
and the great mizaan that Allah (Azza wa Jal) said: I created the mizaan, the

scale, and from Ibaad arRahmaan that mizaan from Surat ar Rahmaan is
describing it as min teen.

Was samaa rafaaha wa wadaal Meezan. (Surah ar Rahman)

And the heaven He raised hight and set up the balance (of justice).
(Holy Quran, The Beneficient)
That is why last night we were describing teen and you said, No shaykh, it is
Figs, teen . No, khalaqal insaan min teen





Wal laqad khalaqna al Insana min sulalatin min Teen. (Surat al

And certainly did We create man from an extract of clay (water and
dirt). (The Believers 23:12)

That We created you, insaan, min teen

meem, noon, and teen

that from a purified soil. min

, Meem, Noon is from the Muhammadan
Noor, that We created you insaan with a very pure soil. Its reality was
astonishing to the angels, that this reality of earth it can carry angelic light,
because you throw water onto earth and greens sprouts, flowers sprout. So it
has the ability to take an angelic light and grow with it.
It has an ability that when fire comes, you throw dirt. That is why tayammum
is halal for us because the dirt [that is within] you can burn the shayateen
(devils). Also from dirt to dirt, you shall return that dead body. It means the
tayammum and why tayammum is (permitted) for us? because Allah (Azza wa
Jal) (says) you have a dirt, and also the secret of dirt can put out the fire of
Shaytan, and your water can put out the fire of Shaytan.

So then the shaykh at position 4 is teaching that balance your dunya

world). Because you see this is the symmetry, that the 2 will open the reality
of this 7. [The diagram is vertically symmetrical] This Bahr alQudrah is a
doorway, at position number 2 because it is crossing the heart, the point of
the heart.
I think Leonardo Da Vinci is the one who copied this and took it as his own
and became the man of intellect? They were studying in Spain and for them
knowledge was forbidden, so they used to go for `uloom (knowledge) to the
Muslims and take all their knowledges, steal it and come back and say it was
theirs. And they would put a naked figure (over each position) to make it




disfigured so that Shaytan would overtake it. Now Muslims see this and say,
Why are you coping them? Ya akhee (O brother), this is from Islam, this is
from Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), they (Muslims/Awliyaullah) were
teaching them the reality.
All Awliyaullah are teaching us that you are in a perfect symmetry [Shaykh
indicates, right side and left side of a person], and that if you understand this
Bahr alQudra, it is going to open the powers of 7 and that you have 7 holy
openings and we have not gotten into that yet.
Number 2 and Secret of number 27 and 72
But that is why Isra wal Mi`raj [Prophets journey to heavens] is on the 27th
[of Rajab]. This is not just a random number where Allah (Azza wa Jal) says I
like the number 24, no, no, I will provide 27, I like it better, lets bring
everyone up on the 27th. There is a secret where Allah (Azza wa Jal) is
teaching programmers that everything is perfectly numbered,


Liyalama an qad ablaghoo risalati rabbihim wa ahata bima

ladayhim wa ahsa kulla shay in adada. (Surat al Jinn)
That He may know that they have conveyed the messages of their Lord and
He has encompassed whatever is with them and has enumerated all things
in number. (The Jinn 72:28)
Everything is upon a program, everything has

a code, when the codes are locked and unlocked then all its realities can be
bestowed. That door to the heart and Divinely Presence is based on the
understanding of that 2. And in the perfect understanding of symmetry, that if
you open from dunya 27 and move, you are actually moving towards the




reality of 72. That is why it is a reflection, that the door on Earth is 27 but 27
is a reflection of 72 in Heavens.
Reality of 72 Shuhada and 1 Imam in Karbal:
Ahlul Bayts Intercession of Ummah
There are 72 ShuhadaeKarbala and one Imam, because each of those
Shuhada were a piece of the lock for the intercession of the Nation of
Sayyidina Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). Prophet (sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam) described my Nation will be in 72 tribes all of them will be wrong
except one.
But the greatness of Sayyidina Muhammad saying, Ummati Ummati, I am not
going to let them go to jahannum no matter how wrong they are. They are
going to be intercessors who will intercede, who will sacrifice, and their amal
(action) will be pleasing to Allah (Azza wa Jal) and inshaAllah Allah (Azza wa
Jal) will grant them the intercession. So its not a random number that there
were 72 Shuhada and that Imam Hussain (alayhi ssalaam) represents the
the Imam, the Oneness. Means that 27 is a reflection of the door in Paradise
which is 72.

Water So then the shaykh at position number 4 is teaching us about our

That if you dont understand your water then how are you going to nourish
the water within you, your angelic reality? That water requires Zikr. How are
you going to bring that water into purity? What you eat and drink is going to
determine the cleanliness of that water the angelic reality within you.
Fire What you do with your ghadab, your anger and your characteristics are
going to determine the fire within you. If the fire grows too strong it will
overtake that insaan and they become naraani (fiery). If the water grows




strong and the angelic fire grows within that being, they become noorani
(illuminated). And Allah (Azz wa Jal) says: that is your scale in life.
Wind: Allah (aj) says, I blew from My wind, My nafas into you, gave you the
secret of life,
Now you balance your existence, bring the fire down and increase the Noor
and the angelic reality. They are then a balanced insaan (Human being). They
are making us understand the rijaal (men of God) with the knowledge they
are conveying. They are constantly inspiring, that all the water you are
washing with has a tremendous angelic reality.
Your nafas and your breath was the gift from Allah (Azza wa Jal). How can
you smoke and contaminate yourself? How can you harm your inner being and
your reality? Then you begin to understand all your elemental reality.


Ha =5 (From abjad table) = Hidayat (Guidance)

Then the shaykh at position number 5, and it is a continuous process, the
position 5 begins to teach hidayat (guidance). That we are the people of
guidance and understand the guidance, and the only way to achieve guidance

is to understand your senses. These 5 senses that Allah gave us, they are the
way and the door towards the Divinely Presence.
Means if you cant hear the message and hear the teaching you are already
lost. There is no way you can be seeing if you are not hearing. If you are not
understanding how to hear the reality, how to see the reality, how to touch
and understand the importance of touch where now the dunya is only sexual
touch, they only want a temporary satisfaction.
Allah (Azza wa Jal) says then you have to control that touch and bring it into
your spiritual touch. Only through hardship and difficulty your soul begins to




feel the touch, you dont need the body to want to touch everything, but you
need the soul to begin to touch. When the body has been through hardship
the power of the soul becomes much more powerful.

Abstain/Fast through 5 Senses to Open the 5 Senses of Your

Means when they abstain and fast Ramadan, from these shaykhs they begin
to teach, It is a perpetual fasting, that fast with your hearing, dont hear
too much negative, it is blocking and Shaytan is blocking your soul because it
is like bricks on your ears. If you abstain and hear salawaat on Prophet
(sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and hear Holy Quran, it is directly affecting your
If you control your vision and lower your gaze and contemplate and meditate,
and constantly trying to open the heart, the physical eyes will begin to be
blocked, and the spiritual eyes of the soul will begin to open. But if you are
too much toward your physical eyes your spiritual eye will never open. The
sense of touch that you dont need the physical touch and begin to lower the
physical touch so that the spiritual touch (opens).

If all of that is opening then Allah (Azza wa Jal) begins to train your dhawq,
your taste. That the taste you have for dunya (material world) will begin to
dry and Allah will begin to open the taste of Akhirah (hereafter). Where you
find no greater pleasure than Zikrullah (remembrance of Allah), where you
find no greater pleasure than salawaat on Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa
Other people say, How do you people sit for so long? because for you it is
not food, what can I do? You are struggling through it. For me it is dinner
time, every dessert, every bounty is being fed

through that reality, and we could sit for hours. You go some places their




hadrah is four to five hours long and still they are not tired from it because
Zikrullah tatmain alquloob,

Alladheena amano wa tatmainnu Qulobu hum bidhikrillahi, ala bi

dhikrillahi tatmainnul Qulob. (Surat ar Rad)

Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of
Allah. For without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find
satisfaction. (Holy Quran, the Thundar 13:28)
More than that, it is a food and nourishment for them. They are being fed
from Divinely Presence because Allah (Azza wa Jal) opened the reality of their
tongue. That the food you eat is one (thing) but I begin to feed upon your
tongue, from all your Zikr and from all these worshiping and praising will be a
sustenance that will be pouring upon your reality.

6. Shaykh at Position 6 Teaches about

Waw = Wadood

Then the shaykh at position number 6 is teaching, because now you see the

reflection of 36 [Shaykh indicates on the diagram the 3 and 6 directly

opposite to each other], that your qadam in life should be based on Sayyidina
Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). The Holy Quran directs you to Surat
number 36, Surat Yaseen (saws). That yaa Rabbi my life should be based on
Sayyidina Yaseen (alayhi ssalaat o salaam). Qadam asSiddiq that my whole
life is to move in the path of Sayyidina Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam) and that is why its reflection is 63. Prophet (sallalahu alayhi wa
sallam)s life on dunya was 63 years. Means it is opening its reflection for us,
that your life, your qadam (to be) on 36, on the way of Sayyidina Muhammad




(sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), and the real lifespan for a Muslim is not 100 but
it is 63. It is in the life span of Prophet (sallalahu alayhi wa sallam).

The shaykh at position number 6 is beginning to teach that that reality of 3
and 3 is the reality of love and wadud. That 6 is the secret that opens all
realities. That 619=114 which are the (number of) surahs in Holy Quran,
means that reality opens with the power of wadud, opens with the power of
The shaykh at position 6 is teaching that the heart of Holy Quran is Surat
Yaseen, the heart that is moving towards Divinely Presence, inkuntum
tohiboonallah fatabioonee,

3:31 Qul in kuntum tuhibbon Allaha fattabioni, yuhbibkumUllahu wa

yaghfir lakum dhunobakum wallahu Ghaforur Raheem. (Surah Surat Al
Say, [O Muhammad], If you should love Allah, then follow me, [so]
Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and
Merciful. (Holy Quran 3:31)
Fatabioni, to be from tabi`yeen, is to be from the people of feet on the path
of Sayyidina Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), and teaching if you
take truly the path of Sayyidina Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam),
everything about you should be about Divinely Love, and everything should be
blossoming from that love. And that Allah (Azza wa Jal) loves His Creation.
Whether it is good or bad, Allah loves them and it has nothing to do with you.
Your only job in life is khayr and goodness convey goodness to people, dont
judge people, that is for Allah (Azza wa Jal) because He loves His Creation.





That is why we talked last night about Surat arRahmaan. If you read you
begin to cry in this month because Allah (Azza wa Jal) says: I gave you the
rain fa bi ayyi`alai rabbikuma tukazzibaan,
what kind of an ungrateful person (are you)? Why? because He wants to be
praised. Some people send texts on the website that, Why do you say Allah,
Allah, Allah so many times? Read Surat arRahmaan, Allah (Azza wa Jal)
says: you should be thanking me for the date, for the pomegranate, for the
sky, for the moon, for the oceans, for the grass. You should be in perpetual
praising for what I have given to you, I want to be praised. I want to be
acknowledged for this Creation that I created and I gave it to you as a gift.
Imagine what I want from the creation of Sayyidina Muhammad (sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam) as a gift for you? Wa ma arsalnaka illa rahmatan lil

21:107 Wa maa arsalnaka illa Rahmatan lilalameen. (Surat Al Anbiva)

And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the
worlds. (The Prophets 21:107)
Allah wants to be praised, Allah wants to be celebrated, Allah wants to be
loved. Everything is based on love just like we want. If you want to do good,
you want to come home and hear someone say, Thank you. After you make
a big meal, the person who did all of that you say, I want to thank you.
Allah (Azza wa Jal) says, I want you to thank Me, praise Me, acknowledge
everything I have given to you, that is all based on love.
And the people who have no love all they say, Why do you have to sit down
to thank Allah? Why do you have to make Zikr of Allah? Why in the house of
Allah you have to mention Allah? That is where the Nation is now.
2:114 Wa man azhlamu mimman manaa Masajida Allahi an
yudhkara feeha Asmuhu, wasaa fee kharabiha, (Surat al Baqarah)
And who are more unjust than those who prevent the name of Allah




from being mentioned in His mosques/(His House) and strive toward

their destruction (Holy Quran)

These people of reality are teaching everything is (based) on love, I cant
even imitate a flower where Allah (Azza wa Jal) says yusabbihu bihamdihi,

17:44 Tusabbihu lahus samawatus sabu wal ardu wa man fee hinna
wa in min shayin illa yusabbihu bihamdihi wa lakin la tafqahoona
tasbeehahum innahu kana haleeman ghafoora. (Surat Al Isra)
The seven heavens and the earth and whatever is in them exalt [praises]
Him. And there is not a thing except that it exalts [Allah] by His praise,
but you do not understand their [way of] exalting. Indeed, He is ever
Forbearing and Forgiving. (Holy Quran, The Night Journey 17:44)

That every Creation other than the talking insaan (Human being) is praising
Me with a praise you cant imagine. The flower when it is given life is
praising. Those who go into seclusion or even in dunya if Allah opens their
heart, they hear. They go in front of a tree, they can hear the Zikr of the
tree, the Zikr that Allah (Azza wa Jal) gave the tree.
The real Teb in nubuwwa, the prophetic medicine is that they (saints) can
sit in a field and every grain and every bush and every flower will give its
Zikr. And teach why Allah created me, either I am a poison and should not be
eaten by you, or through me is a shifa and healing. Both are good because
you destroy cancer with poison. Then you put from jalaali tajalli to jamaali
And everything has a Zikr, it knows its identity, it knows its purpose and why
Allah created it. Allah says: you are jahoolan (ignorant).
You people with big heads, you are jahool (ignorant). My flower knows itself,




My flower knows its reality, My flower knows how it is supposed to be saving

you and it is continuously praising Me, thanking Me.
And we are the people who say, Why do we have to praise and say thanks to
Allah (Azza wa Jal) so much? Can we do it like in ten minutes! Do we have to
do it everyday? Can we do it once a week? So we are not better than nature.
Allah (Azza wa Jal) created all of that reality and they all know their reality
wishing to depart that upon insaan.

7. Shaykh at Position 7 Teaches Paradise Realities, the 7

The shaykh at position number 7 is then teaching now towards the Paradise
realities, that you have to know your 7 names. Anyone who deems themself
as a spiritual guide they come under the hadith of Prophet (sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam) Who knows himself will know his Lord.

Man arafa nafsahu faqad arafa Rabbahu

Who knows himself, knows his Lord. Prophet Muhammad ()
Before you can know who Allah (Azza wa Jal) is, you have to know who you
are stuck with, yourself, what are your 7 names in these presences? Everyone
has a name for every Paradise. When Allah (Azza wa Jal) created Paradises
He put your arwah in all of them. He put your soul in jahannum, a portion of
that soul to watch its position in jahannum and 7 darajats of Paradise. The
soul is not in jahannum, but a place in which it looks to the chair, that if you
do bad this is your place, save yourself from that place.
The shaykh at position number 7 is teaching that reach towards your 7

With all that has been opening for you that take a way of tafakkur, use the 4
and the faculty of your 4, open the power of your 3 and your soul. Means use
your senses, understand your name in each of these Paradises, reach towards




these heavenly openings.

Then through their tafakkur they begin to open the 7 holy openings of their
face the two ears, the two eyes, the two nostrils and the tongue, Lisaan al
Haqq, Lisan asSiddiq al `Aliyya. As those 7 points are opening, the shaykh at
position 7 is also inspiring the 7 lataaifs of your heart that at the same time
open your heart, open the crown of your creation, the two are going to bring
all these realities.

8. Shaykh at Position 8 Teaches about the Ocean of Ever

The shaykh at position number 8 is teaching Bahr alHayat (Ocean of ever
living) that your soul now is in the oceans of hayat and eternity.

9. Shaykh at Position 9is the Sultan ul Awliya He Teaches

The shaykh at position 9 is Sultan alAwliya. Means then all of that perfection
is constantly brought before Sultan alAwliya and Sultan alAwliya is then
responsible to bring that soul into annihilation because 9 is the perfection.
When that soul reaches into the presence, the real presence, and the arwah
of Sultan alAwliya then theyre being dressed and blessed by these realities.
That soul is taught how to annihilate itself and to be nothing, to be brought
into the presence of the Oneness of Allah (Azza wa Jal) and the oneness of
Sayyidina Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam).
It is the binary code that you cannot be anything in Allah (Azza wa Jal)s
Presence. Allah is on and you are off. When Allah (aj) sends you away you
are on. They teach you that be nothing and move into Allah (Azza wa Jal)s
greatness and oceans of power.

Sultan alAwliya (Mawlana Shaykh Nazim) used to say, I am nothing, I am

nothing, I am nothing. But if Allah turns me on I am 124,000 darajats, that
are behind me. Means he was teaching that when you take a path of humility




to be nothing, you become 0.000124 like I am the lowest, most humble of

Allahs Creation, but if Allah flips the switch and moves the decimal to the
other direction, all 124,000 Awliyaullah (saints) their power is within the
Sultan alAwliya. If Allah flips the switch he carries all the power.
This is what Sultan alAwliya is teaching that, to dress you with a Qudra
(power) and continuously teach you to shatter, to shatter, to shatter, to be
nothing, be nothing, be nothing. In Your nothingness, Allah dresses you from
His Everythingness.
We pray that Allah (Azza wa Jal) dresses us from these holy lights and these
holy blessings of the month of Rajab and opening inshaAllah in the next week
and a half Laylatul Isra and Miraj.
Subhana rabbika rabbil `izzati `amma yasifoon wa salaamun `alal mursaleen
wal hamdulillahi rabbil `aalameen. Bi hurmatil Muhammad alMustafa wa bi
sirri surat alFatiha.
[Special thanks to sister Saira and sister Hafsa for their help with transcribing
this suhbah.]
Related Articles:
Reality of Number No. 9 The Perfected Being, Fusion and
Reality of Number 1 9 From Creation of our soul to form
Insan Kamil The Perfect Human Being
Control the 5 Senses To open the Soul
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