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Sexual intercourse is one of the human needs to express their love.

This is a
good thing to do, if it's done by married adult couple for tighten their relationship.
But, it turns bad when it's done by underaged people like teenagers (students). It
can bring some negative effects like a row of dominoes in which the fall of one leads
to a cascade of falling pieces.
Doing sexual intercourse outside marriage like by teenagers violates a lot of
religions rule like Islams which is And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse.

Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way[1], Christians which is Thou shalt not
commit adultery[2], Hindus which is Kuwiwahaih kriya lopair wedanadhyayanena ca kulanya
kulam tamyanti brahmanati kramena ca.[3] that means by doing sexual intercourse outside
marriage by ignoring ceremony, weda, and Sullinggihs word; big, rich, and influential family
will fall apart, and other religions rule.
After doing it, it can cause underaged pregnancy which is strictly banned prohibited by
school. Before being caught she will show worse performance in school caused by decreasing
consentration by almost 20%. WHO estimates that the risk of death following pregnancy is twice
as high for women aged 1519 than for those aged 2024. The children of teen mothers can be
born prematurely with a low birth weight, predisposing them to many other lifelong conditions.
They are at higher risk of intellectual, language, and socio-emotional delays.
Based on a research, 80 percent of the time, the physical intimacy of a teens first sexual
relationship wont last more than six months. More than 37 percent of teens reported first sexual
relationships that lasted for one to three months, 19 percent had four- to six-month relationships,
and 20 percent had sexual relationships that lasted for at least seven months. [4] It mostly ruins
Beginning sexual activity at a young age greatly increases the probability of becoming
infected with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as herpes, hepatitis, gonorrhea,
Chlamydia, syphilis, and HIV. Girls who began sexual activity at age 13 are twice as likely to
become infected by an STD as girls who started sexual activity at age 21.

1. QS. Al-Isra: 32

2. Exodus 20:12
3. (Veda Smerti, Manawa Dharmasastra III. 63)


Suzanne Ryan, et al., The First Time: Characteristics of Teens First Sexual Relationships, Research

Brief (Washington, D.C.: Child Trends, August 2003), 5.

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