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What It Means to be Spiritual (1 Corinthians 2:12 - 3:4; Hebrews

16 October 2016
Pastor Art Brammer, Tay Street Baptist Church
I. Four kinds of people (1 Cor 2:12-3:4).
A. Natural (an unbeliever who cannot know spiritual things)
1. He cannot receive the things of God; he has no receiver.
2. Examples: Nicodemus (John 3) & false teachers (Jude 10).
3. Natural men can become spiritual.
B. Spiritual (a believer who has the capacity for spiritual things)
1. In spiritual birth we are given the capacity for spiritual
2. Examples: Lydia (Acts 16) & the former demoniac (Mk 5).
C. Carnal (being a believer, but not acting like it)
1. In 3:1 spiritual has a quality that implies maturity.
2. Examples: Ananias & Sapphira (Acts 5:1-4) and Demas (2
Tim 4:10).
D. Spiritual / spiritual maturity (stability in the Christian life).
1. The text speaks of the Christian whose life is characterised
by spiritual things.
2. Examples: Paul (Acts 16), Steven (Acts 7)
3. Marks of the spiritually mature believer growth,
experience and stability.
II. Related thoughts and lessons:
A. We are to be growing toward spiritual maturity Heb 5:11-14.
B. Beware of falling back like Demas.
C. Questions to ask yourself:
1. What is the next step I can take that will help me toward
greater maturity?
2. Am I barren or fruitful?

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