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12th of April
8:10 bad memory. --_-- pls. Cooperate!!
I need to recall my dreams.
( a week after holy week. Te Liz, promise to go here in (bnaybanay) I dunno if this dream is just a
product of thinking that she will come as early as I expected but. It goes like this. I clearly
I fetch her together with someone, to my surprise that 'someone' happens to be a person that I
know(he's my college crush) the reaction of the guy was not as surprised as I was.he just nod
and smile. Me, on the otherhand was wondering why do te Liza introduced me to someone I
already know.
Visit a iglesia 2015.
I'm a kind of person hu loves to be in places I've nver been. The thought of me being on the
stranger places gives me thrill. We went on 7 different churches.(insert places) here in batangas .
again to my surprise the feeling of dj vu never leaves me, the tall grasses on the road,
crowded people, the scent, coffins, our way in different churches. While we are in the van, one of
my co-teacher asked "city n din ba dun s ssunod nting ppnthan,.(she's reffering to whether we
can see any big store on our way or not)"
No one answer and I suddenly butt in., 'hndi cher msyado, medyo tlahiban s gilid at kaparangan
She asked me again"ah, nkpunta k n don't cher?"
Me:hndi pa(I just smiled) joke lng yun hahaha.
Honestly, I dunno but it seems like I need to utter the description of the places i've nver been
without prior knowledge of what it really looks like. To my surprise again, the description that i
was told to her an hour ago were now good to be stared at.
My heart beats like it has its own life and wants to jump out of my chest. Plus the fact that it feels
strange in every saints of every churches that we visit, i clearly knew them all by face. That I
know is not the first time I saw them.
On our way home the feeling of dj vu is still there until 2days after.. I realized the reason
behind that feeling.
Its because of one of my dreams, I know it sounds weird but I met them (saints) in my dreams.
They were forming circles, they were smiling at me, but i only knew st. Vincent and sto.nino by
name, the other one had a dog, the other was holding a bible and a stick, I saw a saint
(woman)holding a book and a feather, d one holding crossand many more. In a flash, I am in
front of a hundred bibles some were torn, some were new. . its like I was asked to choose one. As
far as my memory is concern, I pick the thickest one, when I open it there are thousands of
rosary some were new, some were lost its beads, they're in different colors with different sizes
and design, mostly light.
Its d end.
When I wake up that 3am. . . my heart beats faster not because I feared of dreaming it again but
because i can't believe i am meeting d saints. I feel relieve, i feel calm.
--------all for now 9:28pm
14th of april
Waking up to another dream after dream mkes me feel fear.
I was walking in our town. Suddenly, a group of people was staring at me like they gonna eat me,
I feel a threat specially when this group of people turns into something not human.
I run as far as I could until I reach our house, to my surprise all of my neighbors turn into like
Again I run and run. A mixture of a thrill and fear overwhelmed me as I was chased by them.
Until out of nowhere, I feel like I'm flying, they can't reach me anymore. I feel a sense of courage,
I knew it, there's someone above me.that "someone" i can't see dictates me that d moment I
feel fear again, i will be descended and become one of them.
I saw many familiar faces, it creeps me out, it seems that they need help. I pity them. I feel like
i'm slowly descending,
They were about to caught me when i suddenly remembered that 'courage' which lifts me up.
And i was up and up to the clouds until i no longer see the pitiful creatures..
------The moment i wake up this morning, i utter a little prayer. My heart still beat fast as if it really
happens in reality.
When i was about to get up, i suddenly fainted, like all the energy leaves me. I'm so restless and
found myself fall to another deep sleep again.
15th of April

----last night
I found myself in strange place with abandon house. D house was simple, newly painted, with a
combination of color peach and light yellow. It has only ground floor.,
I inspect the whole house. It is wide and it can accomodate 50 persons inside. The surroundings
outside was solemn, you can only hear a hush of leaves. There are trees, ornamental plants and
a resting place in a big trees.
I am wondering, if it is abandon, it shouldn't be this clean. I even notice the gate was locked and i
dunno how i get there.
I went at the back part of the house. To my surprise i found a woman. .
Hanging with no life. Wearing a long shirt and has a bracelet of bids and cross in it. Her hair was
long, and the necklace she wear was so familiar, its a circle ( st.benedict ) i knew it because te liz
gave me one so its easy to recognize.
I wonder why i feel no fear, until i heard a voice saying "is she familiar?". Then i realized the dead
body of a woman is mine.
17th of April.
I dream about bigbird whose friend is my grade 1 classmate. That person(wearing all white
clothes, which Iooklike a clothes of a priest) is standing beside friendly bigbird of sesame street.I
can't remember the details but all I know is. "There is an urgency to talk to that person". I dunno
That person as far as I remember is a bully. A headache of all the teachers when we were
elementary because he did bad things just to tease my classmates and sometimes it includes
me. He started many fights, almost kicked-out but since he was smart it didn't happen. I was
3rdyr. highskul when we became classmates again. But that time he became mature, he do not
involved in fights anymore and I know he is way better than before. I also heard that he serve in
a church that time. Currently, he is aspiring to be a priest.
2am onwards April 27
My head feels heavy. I almost believe I was having a sign of tumor, because it feels heavy.
This past few days I haven't had a very good sleep. I'm almost awake till 5 which is bad bcoz I
need to wake up early so I won't be late. Not until this night of April 26. I was crying after I pray,
because i am reflecting of the sin that I made when i was young and the people involved. Also
because of the sign that God sent me that I ignore before. Until i close my eyes i saw the image
of mater delorosa. I was wondering why. The next image though blurred is st. Michael. It was
midnight. I found myself in a familiar road between d house of te karen and kkampili. But t'was
like a past feature of the place because the house where there is sari-sari store is replace by a
pigpen and a basketball court(kuno). My position was like I was having a race (i clearly remember
I used to do thay when i was 12 yrs. old, when i am waiting for my father to come home). But this
time as i was running i passby my neighborhood look at me like they're holding grudges against
me.(including my family). I was running until i reaached 'labasan' where in i was lifted again.and
this part of place receivs a little amount of sunlight. Then i recognized its st.vincent again. Until
in the flash i was in the memory of my mother, somebody tries to let me feel the pain she felt in
her worst experience in her life. I was almost believe its me--that it really happening to me. I
uttered 'lord i surrender this pain to u' . then i become half concious, i felt heavy this time not
just my head but my whole body. i felt half asleep. I pray again, and as i was praying i feel that
'elements' trying to stop me from saying the prayer. Since i was half conscious, i tried to grip the
pendant in my necklace but a long nails nailed my palm in reaching it.moreso, i also felt the
presence of the saints who joined me to pray, i even pray some words i didn't understand but it
helps me get through in this situation. I never doubt a second God is with me in this battle. The
moment i regain my consciousness, i say thanks to almighty ,to all the saints that protects me.
Now, as i was typing this, the pain i've felt in my head seems to have its own life it goes through
my forehead then side. Hmmm. . . .
May 1st.12;47 am
5min's earlier, I knew it. The place were familiar( the ceiling full of clothes cause my mother used
to hang our clothes inside when d weather is bad). I knew it... Again I am half-conscious. I tried to
close my eyes so I can go to the dreamland but. . . I saw my other self in the atmosphere, trying
to find the exit in my rooms. I encounter it before, I tried to wake myself up, but its too late. I feel
that i am getting heavier. As i was trying to regain my consciousness.I pray.saying u are my only
lord, a lord of all.but there's a thing that pulls my hair. I am calling the immaculate conception.
.then iheard a song "mother of christ" in the background. I knew it, the lord sent an angels to
accompany me in this battle. Min's later, i thought its done, but Suddenly, a pointed thing in the
air was pointing at me ( like it gonna struck on my neck). I was crying for help then my mother

heard me and wake me up. I fully regain my consciousness, stared at mom blankly. i can't speak,
i can't even follow mother's instruction to drink water. Not until i utter a prayer our father.
One Saturday night of May.
In a flash I was in an unfamiliar room,together with te liza and te Karen. Talking about everything
under the sun (as usual). In the middle of our conversation. . some energy lift me up and transfer
me into a church. . which was very familiar. (a Carmel church in lipa) I thought nobodys there. I
just sit there hoping itll remove my confusion about a dream close to reality. Then I heard
someones praying. I saw a sister kneeling. in a side view, shes wearing eyeglasses, her clothes
is like one of those which mama mary worn but a combination of gray and blue.
_________Waking life(Sunday)
I and my co-teacher went to carmel church to attend the mass as a habit.
I was 3 mins late, so I need to find where they sit. The mass goes on. . when I suddenly feel
sleepy. I yawned covering my mouth and slightly turn backward. The second moment I glance at
the back. . . there is a sister who fits closely to the description I saw in my dreams. It gives me
goosebumps. . and I cant focus to the mass properly. My co-teacher notice that I feel
uncomfortable then she ask me why. I state her the reasons then.. she told me maybe I need to
talk to that sister. After the mass, I approached that sister and I told her that I saw someone like
her in my dreams before I attend this mass. She too, was surprise and she asked me maybe I
need her to pray for someone. that moment, I remember te liza which I told her to pray with.
Before our convo ended, I asks for her name.. and she told me that in their community her name
is sister templum.
June 13-17
That same headache strike me again.
I notice that these week, there is a certain theme of my dream.(exorcism)
In my dreams there is an appearance of a posses sister. And theres a young girl who most likely
is a possess one too.
(Im sorry I cant write it in detailed because I dream of it, Sunday evening and I just ignore it at
first so my memory is failed to focus on the detailed.)
I told this in one of my co-teachers and she just laugh..and told me, anla cher, iyang panaginip
mo ay conjuring 2
I told her cher hndi ko pa napapanuod yun, ayoko nga panuodin ang trailer
She look at me with confusion kasi un ung main characters dun cher, prang dun umiikot ung
kwento nun.
I dont believe her at first then I decided to watch some of the scene. . and surprisingly.. the
faces of possess one is very much close to my dreams.
The 2nd dream I remember wasinvolving my students with cases in my classroom. They were all
standing in front of me and chant something I dunno. I utter a prayer and told myself its just a
bad dream then I woke up.
That day, its been 9am and ESP(values) is the next subject I about to teach on my advising class.
Suddenly, one of my students with cases cover his ears(his age ranges from 9-11). I approached
him calmly and asks whats wrong? But he cant make an eye to eye contact and just looking at
the floor. I told him its okay, look at teacher, I am not madits okay he slowly lift his head and
I saw fear in his eyes. I was about to turn back to him and go to my table when. . he shouted
angrily, Prayers, no prayers There is something in me that produce goosebumps.. but I
approached him again and toldwhat is that again?in a low tone still. then he answers nothing
teacher, Im sorry
I was thank that it is not new to his classmates. What shock them is that the line prayers, no
prayers and the tone which according to them is so unusual in all the instances He tantrums.
3rd -------------------I was running. . and running until I was trapped in the wall and a possess strange people in front
of me. I remember te liza gave the oil and salt I use it but there is someone mockingly said do
u really think it will work?, you have no power here I cant utter a prayer., my tongue was stuck.
I feel weak.frightened.
Then, I wake up peacefully and I cant remember what happen next.

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