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The cognitive dysfunction of an elitist tribe seems

to have successfully been transferred and

imposed on an already paralysed and fractured
Hindu Society that find it to be a fit prey for its
sadistic social re-engineering.

This Clinical psychologist from America and an

outstanding Human Rights activist shares his
clinical insights of this psychopathology that is
extremely opaque and impervious to any
reasoning or improvement-

Aronite thinking gives his brief here-

Hindus in general suffer from a kind of cognitive

It is an inability to distinguish reality from
illusion, a built in inability to perceive problems
and find realistic solutions.

Cognitive disorder encourages people to solve

problems by denial. A wall of denial is built
around them to avoid facing hard realities.

This happens when people are coerced,

brutalized and dehumanized for a number
of years.

Slaves, prisoners, holocaust victims used to

show this symptom. Hindus, over the years,
under the brutal manipulation of Muslims
and Christian colonialists have inherited
this symptom.

Psychology says when a group of people are

oppressed for a period of time, the oppressed
people, rather than joining together to overthrow
the oppressor, will support the oppressor to
save their skin; What Hindus show is not
tolerance, it is pathology.

Tolerance of evil is not real tolerance. It is

mental aberration. Unless and until Hindus
wake up to the reality and think freely, Hindus
will act as cowards.
( Dr Babu Suseelan is a Professor of Clinical Psychology and
Director of Addiction Treatment at Pennsylvania USA )
Not exactly the kind of intellectually unschooled and crude
Hindutva brigadier, at whom leftist nerds could gleefully
throw eggs at with ease-
An outstanding human rights activist, orator and prolific
writer, he is also the Director of Indian American Intellectuals
Forum, New York.
He is the author of several published articles on Jihadi
terrorism and cognitive psychology. He has been an invited
speaker at both national and international conferences on
jihadi terrorism.
What he says is that the secularists and humbug liberals need
their heads examined as well, while showing us the muddled


Dr Babu suseelan

When Archimedes ran through the streets

shouting "Eureka" he was rejoicing in having
solved a practical problem by logical reasoning.
Our phony secular leaders in India are running
around with the meaningless slogan "All Religions
Are the same" thinking they have solved all
psycho-social-political problems.

They claim that they are skilled in reasoning

process. They make not only glaring thinking
errors but also are in deep denial about common
problems confronting Hindus. This is because
they have never examined Jihadi terrorism,
coercive religious conversion, love Jihad, political
corruption, and subversive activates committed
by fundamentalist religious groups in name of
their God.

Secularists and Mayavadis deliberately repeat

the slogan "All religions are the same" and "all
roads lead to the same destination".

These slogans serve the purpose of misdirecting


It is a psychological trick to convince Hindus

that it is not necessary to think about the
pressing problems. It is massive poisonings of
the minds of Hindus.

The meaningless argument of the secular club

really is a part of psychological warfare of
misdirecting Hindus and to inject them with mind
viruses for making them zombies. Those Hindus
who protest their game plan are called ignorant
and boorish communalists.

Time after time in the past few years, Jihadi

terrorists have poured over our cities of populous
areas and bombed, killed and maimed hundreds
of Hindus, Jews, Sikhs and Buddhists.

Almost at the same time, thousands of Hindus

are forcefully and deceptively converted by

  Corrupt secular politicians collude with the

Marxists, Missionary mafia, and Maoist criminals
while closed dogmatic forces are wrecking
destruction upon defenseless Hindus.



One would expect that in the face of these

overwhelming blows on our life, liberty, and
culture at the hands of Islamo fascists and
Missionary mafia our secular leaders would
oppose steadfastly destruction of our sacred
culture and country. But this is not the case. We
cannot escape the conclusion that bogus
secularists are our enemies. We cannot ignore
the extraordinary propensity of these phony
secularists to join hands with our enemies in an
attack on our culture, society and the nation..

Our country had developed a unique cultural

tradition with sublime values and transcendental

Our Hindu system provides the freedom of

choice for spiritual pursuits. Vedic wisdom tells
that we are the creator of our own destiny, both
individually and collectively. Only Hindus and
enlightened souls could set the relevant inner
force to lift human society to the higher level
benefiting all living and non living beings on our



Two fundamental choices are available for human

beings to dealing with human problems and for
self-actualization: Closed or Open Systems.

Each is a way of thinking about living and non-

living with inevitable consequences for the
planet. Each system is also accompanied by
concept of God, psychological theories and
implications for living and relationship with living
and non living things. The closed reductionist and
parochial dogmas define a predetermined goal
(Allah, Jesus), establish procedures to reach the
goal and punishes those who do not follow the

Can closed, parochial, deterministic, reductionist,

dogmas paraded as religions sprinkled with few
ecclesiastical terms without wholeness principles
bring peace and harmony in this world?

Hinduism is an open system, provides freedom

for its adherents for identifying problems and
searching for solutions.

In closed dogmatic systems (Islam, Christianity,

and Marxism) of thinking, outcomes are known in
advance (Allah's paradise, Purgatory, Kingdom of
God, Egalitarian society dominated by the
Proletariats). In such systems, goals and
methods are clearly defined, and steps are stated
as "ought" or "should".

Specific acts or behaviors are mentioned in

advance and cannot be changed. Closed
mechanical religions divide people into dual
groups: Believers and non believers (Kafir).

These dualistic closed dogmas often use violence,

intimidation and threats of punishment to deal
with individuals who question or defy clearly
predefined sequence.

Open, universal, all inclusive system (Hinduism)

rely on the intelligence, motivation and free
thinking of individuals to discover appropriate
solutions for human problems.

Fundamentalist and dogmatists criticize our

open system as imprecise, vague, mystical and
unscientific. Closed systems (Islam, Christianity,
and Marxism) may provide comforting illusions of
certain goals.

Hinduism embraces a veritable maze of

philosophies, modes of worship, and different
disciplines. It contains thousands of divine
images and widely divergent approaches to
divinity. Hindus have valid ways to serve and
worship the ultimate reality-Brahman.

Unfortunately, phony secularists and bogus

religious leaders continue to disregard closed
dogmas that provide the illusion of certainty. For
pseudo secularists; order and conformity with
blind faith is synonymous with goodness. Such
anti-national, moral relativist secularists dump all
religions and subversive political dogmas
together without knowing its ramifications. They
don't want to face or explain the contradictions
within different religions and the devious
methods they deploy for conversion of Hindus.

Closed dogmas are interested in increasing its

adherents through conversion through fraud,
allurement, threats or deception. Its followers
are treated as objects or products to be molded
or shaped. They are controlled and indoctrinated,
and managed throughout their life. Those who
question religious edicts are threatened with
punishment or excommunicated.

Our Vedic system has a different view of

persons. People are regarded as dynamic rather
than static product or process. Problems are
identified and solutions are suggested in terms of
the persons involved. Success or failure in life is
measured in terms of self actualization, values,
feelings and spiritual developments.

Failure to understand the difference between our

free spirited open systems and closed systems
(Islam, Christianity, and Marxism) has caused
enormous mischief throughout our recent

The mischievous secularists and leftist

intellectuals who claim "All Religions are the
same" have no commitment for freedom and
they are producers of dehumanization and social

The same process of distorted secularism now

seems to going on in our education, media,
politics and culture. Phony secularist is amoral,
moral relativists and asocial.

They are not much concerned with Jihadi

terrorism, coercive religious conversion,
subversive activities of Marxists, Love Jihad and
Maoist violence.

The bleeding heart secularists have no heart, no

mind and their refusal to deal with threatening
issues confronting our nation is suicidal. The
behavior of such liberal secularists is determined
by the faulty perception they hold.

For mindless secularists "Jihadis, conversion

gang, Maoist deviants and spiritual Hindus are all
reaching for the same Goal". How can one say
dualities are reconcilable? A cannot be B and not
B at the same time. Islam and Christianity name
ultimate reality differently and liberation is
possible only through their pre-determined
paths. Vedas prescribe different ways (Upaya)
for reaching Moksha. Christian and Islamic
teaching divide humanity between believers and
non-believers (kafirs) and all their teachings are
contradictory and confrontational.

Islam and Christianity say they are distinctive

and claims to represent truth and represents
truth exclusively.

Diversity is fundamental feature of our existence.

Can diversity hold true for Christianity and
Islam? Do Christianity and Islam present
wholeness, diversity?

Can we say that Islam and Christianity which

seem to contradict each other and with our open
thought system are one and reconcilable? The
secular arguments are not convincing. There are
philosophical objections to such meaningless
statements. Something vital is missing from their
fallacious logic.

They skip the meaning of freedom and the

whole relationship between freedom, choice and
intelligent desire.  Such meaningless statement
signals their cognitive disorder and denial. Surely
these are their private decisions. But it has far
reaching consequences. It is repugnant to
common sense. It is a dubious moral and
psychological conclusion. It is an escape from
reality. These malicious secularists and bogus
Mayavadis are incapable of admitting which is
true which is false.

Religion, culture and community ought not to be

separated. If Hindus try to live in a world of its
own, unrelated to the aspects of society, and
political participation, they become anemic and
apathetic and passive.

Today, Hindus are faced with acute problems,

and Hindus have no political power to influence
corrupt secular politicians looting our country,
stealing our temple wealth, destroying our
culture and diverting Hindu tax money for Hajj
subsidy, Mosque construction, Mullah Pension,
missionary training, and lavish luxury lifestyle for
the elected corrupt secular politicians.  If Hindus
had to survive, Hindus must restore that vital
relation between our spirituality, culture and
politics. Hindus need to develop the skill and
audacity for confronting pseudo secularists,
develop some worthwhile interests and work
hard to promote it. "What is the best of all things
that are praised?": "SKILL". (The Mahabharata)

Hindus should not elect secular politicians

unwilling to challenge coercive religious
conversion, jihadi terrorism, cultural pollution
and corruption. 

Hindus and religious organizations must break

their thick wall of denial and fight vigorously
against bogus secular politicians seeking to serve
their own self interests by serving our enemies.
Mayavadis who preach Ekam Sad Viprah
Bahudha Vadanti" should be confronted with

Their weakness begins to unravel when one asks

"why don't you go to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan,
Iran, Bangladesh, Syria or Kashmir to preach
your philosophy? Their diatribes are nothing but
expressions of their subjective preferences.
There are ultimately no objective criteria for
them. Their indifference, denial and cognitive
disorder will make our Hindu society degenerate
into anarchy. Hindus should not support those
preaches of nihilism and illusion trying to achieve
success by ignoring threatening problems.

Bleeding heart secularists and Mayavadis claim

that their rhetoric is innately superior because
they are speaking "all religions are the same".
These people are actors without feelings,
emotions without tears for Hindus.

It is a trick of their secular craft. Hindus should

never accept such perverted pronouncement
distanced from history, real experience and
circumstances. Issues affecting Hindus do not
arouse much passion for them.

They want to play with Hindus tolerance, and

wholeheartedness. The result of such narcissistic
version of reality is that the expressive powers of
Hindus are reduced. These secular moral
relativists cannot evaluate reality, because reality
matters to them when in some way promises to
satisfy their personal needs and the needs of our

Our society is full of moral cowards, and secular

politicians paralyzed by the loss of moral
standards and goals. Hindus must take the
initiative to assume the responsibility of asserting
rational Hindu values.

No matter how hard the struggle, Hindus must

act. If not now, when?

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