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CHAPTER 4 ~52- DIFFUSE SOLAR RADIATION AT KARACHI 4.1, INTRODUCTION The global solar radiation which is received at the earth's surface is usually composed of two main components, namely; direct (beam) and diffuse (scattered plus reflected) radiation. whe direct radiation arrives directly along the line of sight fromthe sun. The fraction of diffuse radiation at any instant depends upon the elevation of the place and its lattitude,the solar altitude, the sun's declination, the degree of turbidity, the amount of water vapours present in the atmosphere and cloudiness. Variability in the amount and type of cloud cover is the major factor in determining the ratio of diffuse to total radiation. The value fluctuates from unity (densely over- cast} to 0.1 ( extremely clear sky). In most of the problems associated with Solar Fnergy research, instantaneous fluxes of the diffuse and beam radiation may be needed. While on the other hani, engineering design of many solar devices may require only long term monthly averages of the hourly or daily beam and diffuse radiation . The solar radiation measuring networks generally record only the total daily radiation ff, horizontal surface, or the total hourly radiation I. For computation of insolation on inclined surface. One needs the corresponding daily or hourly diffuse components fi; or Ig, respectively. The global solar radiation -53- data for most of the location of the world is available, but the data of diffuse radiation is still not measured by meteorological stations for major parts of the world. Diffuse solar radiation data in Pakistan is not measured at all by the five stations recording global solar radiation. Therefore in the absence of measured diffuse radiation data, one has to rely on the available methods and also develop new ones from the parameters, such aS sunshine hours, extraterrestrial radiation and global solar radi. Methods suggested to estimate the diffuse components of the total horizontal radiation are due to Liu and Jordan (1960) Kalma and Fleming (1972) and Ruth and Chant(1976) who presented correlation between the daily horizontal total and daily horizon- tal diffuse radiation. Bugler (1977) and Oraill & Holland(1977 have presented correlation methods between the hourly diffuse and the hourly total horizontal radiation. ihese correlations presented so far, between the diffuse and total radiation, apply to particular days or hour. However, most design problems requires monthly averages of these quantities. In order to have a better understanding for the prediction of monthly average diffuse radiation on horizontal surface, different types of correlations classified according to the input parameters, given in Table:4.1, were treated and developed. TABLE - 4.1 INPUT PARAMETERS FOR THE ESTIMATION OF MONTULY AVERAGE CAILY DIFFUSE RADIATION, Hy THROUGH VARIOUS 2ORRELATIONS AT KARACHI, % PAKISTAN. fio MONTHS 2 (man a JAN 23,98 15.89 0,662 0.805 PEB 28,18 18.09 0.642 0.776 MAR 32.96 21.16 0.642 0,762 APR 37.07 22.57 0,608 0.738 MAY 39,29 23.56 0,599 0.743 JUN 39,94 22.73 0.569 © 0.595 auL 39.49 19,21 0.486 0.381 AUG 37.78 17.91 0.474 0.390 SEP 34.33 19.04 0.578 0.602 oct 29.50 19.35 0.655 0.818 Nov 24.92 16.68 0.669 0.837 DEC 22.72 18.04 0.661 ° 0.830 -54- These are a) Diffuse solar radiation as a function of_global and i extraterrestrial radiation, ic. Ry = 2 = £(Rp = r = £( ky) and K = etfs 3 b) Diffuse solar radiation as a function of relative_sunshine at = hours and extraterrestrial radiation;i.e.@ = —2 =e( 2 i, x N anax= 28 = ¢¢ Fy x i Hy 4.2, ESTIMATION OF MONTHLY AVERAGE DIFFUSE SOLAR RADIATION FROM CLEARNESS INDEX: Liu and Jordan (1960), Page (0961) , Iqbal(1979), Collares- Periera & Rabl (1979),Erbs, (1982), D.P.Lalas (1987), Neuwirth (1980) ,Barbaro and-many others have treated the estimation of monthly average diffuse radiation 7 _ a fig as a function of its daily total value f, i.e.( —% oRy) - = i a In these relations R; = — is expressed in terms of the clearness index; k= «where fi, is the monthly average A, extraterrestrial radiati8n. Liu & Jordan(1960) had developed a correlation, which were mathematically expressed by Klien (1977) in the following form: A . ~ 3 Ry = A = 1.39 -4.027 R, + 5.531 R - 3,108 R, +e (4.0) T A =55- where fi ig the monthly average global solar radiation fig is the monthly average extraterrestrial radiation, and R= ai Hi, , is the clearness index. Page (1961) developed a relationship between Ky and &» and suggested the equation; 1.00 - 1.23 K seeeeeeee (4.2) Igbal (1979) in his correlation employed the same parameters to suggest the following relation; i = A = 0,958 -0.952 Ry eeeeeeeeee eee (4.3) Hq Furthermore in order to get the best relationship of Ry « Ry for Karachi, besides the above mentioned established equations, the first and second -order polynomials were also considered to get a better estimate of the diffuse solar radiation: eee A) ee 48 4: az +a, (kK) + Hq and - 9 R= Se ag + 27 Ry Dag RDI egy x o ~56~ 4.3. ESTIMATE OP MONTHLY AVERAGE DIFFUSE SOLAR RADIATION FROM SUNSHINE HOURS= Another approach to estimate the diffuse solar radiation is the use of one of the most important weather parameter, the relative sunshine hours, 5/N , where n is the number of actual sunshine hours, and N is the average day length, taken at the mid of each month. The correlation employed by Stanhi’l (1966) takes the following form 0.964 -0,786 ( ween eee (447) ails cesses (4.8) to estimate the diffuse radiation from the global solar radiation. Also employing the ratio (f /N ) , i.e. sunshine hours to day- length, empirical relations of the first and second-order were developed for Karachi. This is given below as a z a A k - zat tayo By) seen (4.9) ‘a = 1 aa and - ~ z - at , i 1 (a 2 k= tay tag Cd sag C2 07... 420 “57- where a; is the regression constants and lig/H and fig/A, is the fraction of diffuse to global and diffuse to extraterrestrial radiation, respectively. 4.4. RESULTS: 4.4.1. Diffuse Solar Radiati ‘The monthly average values of the daily diffuse solar radiation at Karachi have been estimated by employing the correlation of Liu & Jordan (eqn.4.1) Page(eqn.4.2) and Iqbal (eqn.4.3) and the present equations (Eqn.4.4.,4.5,& 4.6) developed for Karachi. The clearness index,K,, were obtained from the measured global solar radiation fi , and the extraterrestrial radiation fi, for Karachi, The correlation(Eqn.4.4,4.5 & 4.6) developed for Karachi, is written as first order polynomial - fi _ kK, = sees Ty zs6°0 - es0'0 = w/a = Px tavedr °e Tyocrt-oot = pe = > Px aova*z Tipna ce +a sore - ba tess + ty cxoa - ser = w/a = x AVCOr 8 ALT“ oee tee ere z6°e 26" ose coe oaa aio 29 oz" zy wes Lo" 10” 108 os os ors srs ere sors corr 0 ws sor9 19°9 ons 60"e ee"9 sis as cere we elt 08's B06 we sore ony 928 ze ze oe z5°6 99°@ seve nor 06. eeu eit eee 20°6 We ove was ose ere are 1s 6 core z6°9 awa 669 96°9 £6"9 66"9 ese soe are av sors oes 2es a6's me ze"s sss aw 66" tos Le" 0°5 a9 Le" sie wa 60°» zt" We ary ws 00" vet wwe ee Ph me Pe crm erm ae “nba S9vWaAV NYLSDMd ‘IHOWIVY LY XAGNI SSANUW2ID NOW NOLLYIGWY UWIOS 3sNsa1d cop 7 FISE b TABLE - 4.4 KARACHI 0.584 -0.378 Standard error of estimate 0,022 0.0473 STATION - aly a, as KARACHI 0,181 0.245 -0.179 Standard error of estimate 0,0134 = 0,047 0.036 Regression Coefficient for First and Second- order' polynomials, + (4,20) TABLE - 4-5 DIFFUSE SOLAR RADIATION FROM SUNSHINE HOURS AT KARACHI, PAKISTAN. MONTHS STANHILL IQBAL WORK, Wo! PRESENT WORI EQN.4,7 EQN 4.8 EQN 4-9 INS .4.9,4.1 JAN 4.87 3.10 4.45 4.34 4.40 FEB 5.57 4.05 5.24 5.24 5.25 MAR 7.30 5.03 6.24 6.16 6.22 APR 8.32 5.91 6.86 7.04 «6.97 MAY 8.71 6.05 7.44 7.46 aa SUN 12.06 9.20 8.16 8.10 8.14 wuL 14.74 11.84 0.45 8,29 8.37 AUG 10.22 10.32 7.81 7.93 7.88 SEP 9,99 7.90 7.06 7.00 7.04 oct 7.210 3,52 5.32 5.31 5.31 Nov 4.93 2.70 4.56 4.41 4.46 DEC 4.99 2.55 4.06 4.04 4.05 Stanhill Ka eee (4.7) Igbal Ky = 2 - (4.8) Present Work Ky = 0,584 - 0,37¢(-B) (4.9) . N Ay a a Present Work x = —4 = 0,18140.145 (21 0 tp bra ™m, T TT T T mT TTT _ Gt piubg ome 6*prubs vere 8 °F rubs teqbr owt bubs ttrqueas aNd aT TITHNYES “NWLSINYd ‘ THOWIYY fot — st UOTIETPEY SNZ3Tq ebereay ATYRTON -59- through Stanhill and Iqbal gives higher and lower estimates respectively, throughout ‘the year, During the monsoon months, these two relations yield exceptionally high valucs of fig . as compared to the values obtained via present equations developed for Karachi. The diffuse radiation fi, obtained from the present correlation (equation 4.9 & 4,10) are in fine agreement through- out the year. 4.5. ANALYSIS OF THE RESULT: 4.5.1, Diffuse to Global Radiatio From Table 4.6 (a,b) the annual average of diffuse to global radiation fig /fi , obtained from Page , Iqbal and equation 4.4 & 4.5; based on K, values is 0.313 .The annual averages due to Liu and Jordan and Iqbal were not taken into consideration, for yielding low and high ratios of 0.290 and 0.383 respectively. Similarly the annual average of fi,/ # obtained from equation 4.9 based on sunshine hours .s 0.323 .The annual aveage of H,/li from Stanhill and Iqbal are 0.421 and 0.309, and hence, were not consid ered for estimation purpose. Out of the five correlations developed for Karachi, three equations 4,4,4.5 and 4.9 based on &, values and sunshine hours /fi as 0.315 whereas the annual yield an annual average of average fiy/ii from Page is 0.317 .These two values are therefore in close agreement. This is given in Table:4.7(a). TABLE: 4.6. DIFFUSE TO GLOBAL SOLAR RADIATION RATIO a) Clearness Index. MONTHS LIU &JORDAN PAGE IQBAL PRESENT WORK PRESENT WO] EQUATION 4.1 EQUN.4.2 EQN.4.3 EQN«4.4 EQN.4.5 JAW 0.248 0.251 0.328 0.259 0.258 FEB 0.262 0.274 0.346 0.278 0.274 MAR 0.262 0.275 0.347 0.279 0.275 APR 0.287 0.212 0.379 0.309 0.307 MAY 0,293 0.324 0.388 0.318 0.315 oun 0.316 0.356 0.416 0.346” 0.342 JUL 0.3382 9.450 0.495 0,424 0.422 AUG 0.393 0.464 0,507 0.435 0.435 SEP 0.310 0.346 0.407 0.337 0.334 ocr 0.249 0.260 0.334 0.266 0.263 NOV 0.240 0.244 0.322 0.253 0.251 DEC 0.248 0.252 0.328 0.260 0.555 ANNUAL 0.290 0.317 0.383 0.313 0.310 AVERAGE TABLE:4.6, DIFFUSE TO GLOBAL SOLAR RADIATION RATIO (b) Sunshine Hours. MONTHS STANHILL IQBAL PRESENT WORK EQN.4.7 EQN.4.8 EOW.4.9 JAN 0. 30€ 0.115 0.280 FEB 0.308 9.224 0.290 MAR 0.342 0.237 0.295 APR 0.368 0.261 0.304 MAY 0.369 0,256 0.303 oun 0.530 0.404 0.359 JUL 0.767 0,616 0.440 AUG 0.570 0.609 0.436 SEP 0.503 0.398 0.356 oct Q.367 0.182 0.275 NOV 0.295 0.161 0.270 DEC 0.331 6.169 0.270 ANNUAL 0.421 9.309 0.323 AVERAGE BIO SLTTO CLIO CLIO 66T"O BOZO BOZO GHT"O GBI"O GBT°O zeI°o zeI‘O BLT" oly 1610 BLT"O LLT'O OBT"O OZ" OIZ"O OIZ"O E0Z*O O61" O6I°O LEI"O 9eT°O IeI"O OF “Nba SBI'O ZEIT OLT'O LITO ET" —-LOZ*O 90Z"O —-96T"O —GBI"O BBT"O BLI"O —BLI“O -zdT"O =| FH NDT sovaaav SALNOR wm 7 ON OS Ne «@ StE'O 19Z°O aSz-o a9Z"O ZVETO SEN'O B70 GrETO ZIC“O 90E'O CAO OBO $970 ory TS "yey paurquoy EZE"O OLZ"0 OLZ"O SLZz"0 _9SETO BERD OPPO GSE"O EDE"O OED S6z°O O6z°O 08Z"0 FOND TIE" SSZ"O_1SZ"0 E9Z"O -MEETO SEYTO ZH" AMET STE*O LGE'O SLz"O MLT“O-BST"O Sy “NDA EEO 09770 ESZO 99Z°0 LEED SEO MZNO GUFO BIE"O GOED 6170 BLZ"0-OSZ"O 7 “NO aowaAy VANE a x ° s v 1. £ Hw v x 4 £ SHINOH *TROVWVH HOI GIdOTIARA STVIHONATOA WIGHO GNOIIS 9 ISHTE ‘AML HOES NOTLVIGVY TVIRISTNGLVELG OL IsnLiTd GNY TVEOTD OL asnddTa 40 SOTLVE c°) ~ gigvE ~60- The Table 4.7(a) is indicative uf the fact that at Karachi, on the average, the diffuse solar radiation is about 31 percent of the Global solar radiation t.aroughout the year. 4.5.2. Diffuse to Extraterrestrial Radiation: — Hy The percentage of diffuse to extraterrestrial radiation is obtained by the two second order polynomials(equation 4.6 6 4.10) based on &, values and sunshine hours, yielding an annual average of 0.185 and 0.191 respectively. This is given in Table: 4.7(b).The transmission of diffuse radiation through the atmosp- here is thus hot above 21 percent , even in the monsoon period. 4.6. DISCUSSION: The monthly average variation of Ay/i based on equation 4.4,4.5 and 4.9 is shown in Fig.4.3. alongwith the variation of f4/fi, obtained via equation 4.6 & 4,10. For the estimation of fig at Karachi, these five correlations(eqn.4.4.,4.5,4.6,4.9 & 4.10) giving us monthly averages of fiy/H and i,/H, respectively are employed, as shown in Table:4.8. Also shown in Table:4,8 are the estimated diffuse radiation fig alongwith the related parameters for Karachi. This is shown grapically in Pig.4.4. The monthly average daily diffuse radiation fig, has a range of 3.94 Mum’d (December) and 8.21 Mum™*a) (July) The high value during the months of July-August is due to the monsoon period at Karachi. During these months the sky is mostly ey Bra 2 we las arrp:uba gtyiuba erpiuba ety tuba pry subg ero uepsor 2 OTT eew abea| aowa NOLIVIGW IVIMLSauMaLWHEXE OL ssaadta GNY ‘IVHOIO OF SSQggIG FO NOTLWIUYA bo (cP, we w) uoTIeyPeY TP yxISSIazeIFXE 9 TeGOT | 07 eSNgzITC TABLE - 4.8. AVERAGE AVERAGE AVERAGE Hy aoa ash FROM FIVE ° Fg/— Ra/RyCoRRELATIONS mI MONTHS JAN 23,98 15.89 0,265 0.176 4.22 FEB 28.18 ° 18.09 0.280 0.182 5.09 MAR 32,96 21.16 0,283 0,182 5.99 APR 37,07 22.57 9.306 0,189 6.95 MAY 39,29 23,56 0,312 0.189 7,38 oun 39.94 22,730,349 0,199 7.93 UL 39.49 19,220,428 0.208 8.22 AUG 37,78 17,91 0.435 0,208 7.82 ‘SEP 34.33 19.84 0.342 0.199 6.80 ocr 29.50 19,35 0,268 0,177 5.20 Nov 24,92 16.68 0.258 0.373 4.30 DEC 22.72 15,04 0,261 0.175 3.94 vey Bra SOTLYY SHLNOW aq oN 0 S$ ¥ t© c wv Ww a ic T T T T T T T TT TT T T xe= ox, xo * vm ee OH s 3 2 =i 1 ; t \ x \ \ \ ¥ = so oNWLSTHVE! THO HOd SYBLEWWHVd NOILYIGWY NWIOS asnaaTa oT oz st urn) YOTIeTPeY zeTOS esnz3zTa ~62- heavily overcast, contributing more to the diffuse radiation. This is also indicative from the low K,-values (clearness index: from Table:4.1 for these months. The ratio (jig/fM ) which is the variation due to atmospheric conditions (dust, smoke, water vapours ana suspended matters) has been given a number of values, such as 0.12 -0.25 (Liu & Jordan ,1960) ,0.30-0.36(Stanhil1, 1966 and 0.30 for tropical locations (Drummond 1956).The consensus value seemsto be about 0.30, which is the most appropriate for Karachi.The ratio fi,/B, , is the percentage of diftuse radiation in the extraterrestrial radiation, and does not exceed 0.20(i.e. 20 percent).The annual average of this ratio is 0.288 suggesting that at Karachi, the diffuse solar radiation is about 19 percent of the extraterrestrial radiation, during a year. This is very Promising from the solar energy application and utilization point of view as these value depict a clear skey condition with less atmospheric attenuation of solar radiation at Karachi. 4.7. MOHTILY AVERAGE HOURLY DIFFUSE SOLAR RADIATION: Many of the transient processes in solar energy applications can be approximated by employing long-term averages of hourly radiations. The estima’ion of the average hourly global radiat- ion from the monthly average daily global radiation has already been discussed in the previous Chapter. Here the method used for the estimation of average hourly diffuse radiation, suggest- ed by Liu and Jordan (1960) is discussed. The relationship suggested by Liu and Jordan(ibid) takes the following form as aot 608 w -cos wy wee) R 24 sin ws -ws (1/180)cos uw. This formula seems to hold very well under verification with measured data. Hence it may be said that given a measured or estimated value of fig , its lLourly components can be estimated. It is noteworthy that the resulting hourly values are symmetric around solar noon. 4.8. MONTHLY AVERAGE HOURLY DIFFUSE RADIATION DAWA FOR KARACHI: Shown in Table:4.9 are the average hourly diffuse solar radiat~ ion calculated from the equation of Liu & Jordan(4.11). It is very much evident from the estimated data that the diffuse o8'o cto veo bso 690 Teo ge'o 98°O Ts" 69°70 PS" be‘O €T"O das cee Tz-o ze 7970 BL°0 68°70 s6°O s6°O 68°70 BL°0 29°O zyo T2'0 one eek st7o spo £9°O 94°00 LB°0 760 7670 L8°0 94°70 €9°O spo sz'o Noe eet wz ovo eso €L°0 Ts'o “8° £8°0 Teo c2°0 «8S5°O One zo AYW soo LTO gt°O ss°oO cL‘o o8°o 9870 9870 o8"o 0470 «Ss"O 9E°O £t°o way “IHOWIWA LY SOwMUNE TWINOZIYOH NO NOILWIGWY UvIOS asNgéIa ATUNOK FOWGAAY ATHINOW *6* ptaTEVE ~63- radiation are very much higher during the monsoon months of July and August. The comparison of the monthly average hourly diff- use radiation for the representative months January, April,July and October is shown in Fig.4.5.Shown in fig.4.6 are the hourly diffuse solar radiation for all the hours pairs. Tt is seen from the figure that during the winter months the sky is mostly clear with less amount of diffuse radiation. Hence this is a very bright situation for solar energy utilization during winter, with the large amount of direct radiation incident on horizontal surface. 4.9. PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF MONTHLY AVERAGE HOURLY DIFFUSE RADIATION: From the Table:4.10ait is assesed that the percentage distribut~ ion of the monthly average hourly diffuse radiation on horizontal surface exhibit a marked variation throughout the year. This has been shown in Fig.4.7 for all the hour pairs. Dividing the day into l-hours interval and assuming the isotropic distribution of diffuse radiation, the nature and magnitude of the variation can be analysed.Throughout the year, the percentage of the available diffuse radiation for the period 10-11 and 11-12, is as high as 15 percent.From January to December the chanye observec is only <1 percent. The early hours of the day share a very Little to the total hourly diffuse radiation for each months. This trend and break-up of the percentage wise contribution towards 0.8. 0.6 46 § 0.4 = 3 0.2 ou Ap Jan t LL ttt 6 7 8 9g 10 11 Non 1 2 3 4 5 6 ‘Time Fig 4.5 Monthly Averaye Hourly Diffuse Solar Radiation for four representative months. 1 re 5 2 Tq 1,00, 0.75 0.50 0.25, J oF Mo oA M 3g SL A S O N Months Fig 4.6 Monthly Average Hourly Diffuse Solar Radiation on Horizontal Surface at Karachi,Pakistan - wre Stk orth eet eet ert eet ott, SLE oaa = Ob ek OT TET eet zor Tet eoT eke AON 670 Sh BL BOT Stet eT sver s'et 90t BL SH BLO 190 poz T'S OB TOL. OreT Le “cet ot z*0T_-— OBS: COT aas ontz bs OTS TOT. ttt eet grat SIT orot, BHT OLE sav oz'e€ 99°S OTe BH TTT BIT ett UIT a6 ove 9's ore aoe oze 6°S BLS TT eT ou om 16 ove u's ove Rac core $5 TL OTOT. ss eertr ore orzt ZIT 8OT-— BLS*S Ore aK ost 2S 0B TOT kttT Stat sot Git tot teas Bsez wav ert ete OR SOT zat ave eer zietT StOT. Ore CHT ww e270 ete | TL TTT, eT wr eT rer eet TT kk BE ZO aaa ~ be LOTT ET St ht sot zeT OTT, kL - nye SHENOW 8-S Sb HE ee ET TH2TCTHET = TIWOT.—OT-6 BBL“ aWIL CNWLSIVd ‘THOWENY GY NOLLVIOWY BVIOS dSaggIa _(e ATINOH GOWUGAY ATHINOW 4O NOILMGIYISIG AONANOGYE SOVLNGOUGd “OT "yt aTavE as 10 | a FoM AM J gL A Ss o oN Months Fig 4.7 Percentage distribution of Monthly Average Hourly Diffuse Solar Radiation at Karachi,Pakistan Li-1 10-1 =64- the total is shown in the Table:4.10.b From this table it is evident that during the winter months, almost 80° percent of the available diffuse radiation is obtained from 9.00 3.p.m., i.e.within a span of six hours . While the remaining hours of early morning(6-9 a.m) and late afternoon (3-6 p.m) have a share of only 20 percent. This trend continues for other months as well , during which a major percentage of available diffuse radiation is obtained within six hours. The early morning and late afternoon contrib- ution for the monsoon months as high as 33 % as compared to the winter percentage contribution for the same period which is only 22 percent. The percentage again goes high in summer months well above 30 percent.From this an important conclusion can be made from the sky conditions at Karachi, that is the sky is clear in the morning and afternoon during winter months with less turbid atmosphere, while the situation gets poor in the monsoon and summer months, indicating that the dust particles, water vapours ( during monsoon) and other factors attenuates the global solar radiation, resulting in the higher percentage of the available diffuse radiation. On the whole the monthly average hourly diffuse solar radiation does not exceed 15 percent of the available diffuse radiation, for any period of the day, and for any month of the year. We must remember at this stage that the monthly average contribution of daily diffuse radiation to monthly average global solar xadiation is only 30 percent. Therefore even the maximum 15% of this 308 diffuse radiation makes only 4.5% of diffuse radiation share in global radiation for any hour-pair. (zeuming) . 8°69 #das gt 99:Aeu plioeides’6 "ze :Xew spo: “gg: segrunp ‘p-Te: rags errg tune Loegiady BL TEETUNE “YTEETEY Koos arggy ce ( porzea woosuoy:) zee :Sny SE "S9FTS et'zerny ‘oorcer Te nw’ atone *% 00° 8L798q‘ PE" 9L FON’ 9T "EL 7390 QL*TLEZEW’DO"SLIGET ‘oe tLe Tuer 08 *TZ#98q‘ PE" ZZFAON’ PT*9Z?390 9s eziaeW' zvEzqegg" 7ztueL (z2quta) +230‘ AON’ LO BWW aaa NUE TT (€-21) 8 (2T-6) soy yeod (9-€) woouragze 93eT (6-9) Guruzom ATIeg SHLNON (a) NOLBVIGWY 3SggIG ATINOK SOWIGAY ATHLNGH JO NOLLNGIYLSIG SOVINSOUSd +O" PFT Taw ~65- MONTHLY AVERAGE DAILY DIFFUSE SOLAR RADIATION ON INCLINED ‘SURFACE 4.10, INTRODUCTION: The knowledge of horizontal global solar radiation is required in order to predict the efficiency and performance of a solar collector.A solar collector can absorb solar radiation for various orientation and inclination with respect to the horizontal posit~ jon. The tilted surface of the sclar collector "Sees" scattered and reflected radiation from atmosphere and ground besides direct radiation which comes directly from the solar disk.gstimation of the diffuse solar radiation falling on inclined surface is made for the first time for Karachi assuming the isotropic distribution of diffuse radiation over the whole of the visible sky hemisphere. The relation employed is derived from Liu and Jordan and is of the following form: i, 2 4, . Ltcos@ _ coste oat g - sees (4,22) where H, is the diffuse solar radiation on inclined surface i and Hj. , the diffuse solar radiation on a horizontal surface, @ is the tilt or inclination angle. The ratio of the diffuse solar radiation on inclined surface to that on horizontal surface Ba, / Fa, is plotted in Fig.4.8 to show the effect of increase of inclination angle. 1.0 0.8 0.4 0.0 cos 8 1s 30 45 60 75 90 Inclination Angle Pig 4.8 Variation of Hy / H, as a function of Inclination Angie, °o ~66- The maximum variation from the horizontal value Hg is ° calculated for vertical position (® = 90°) for which the diffuse radiation values are almost 50% less than what is obtained for horizontal surface ( @ = 0°). The tilt or inclination angle selected for the estimation of diffuse solar radiation are 15° ,30° ,45°,60°,75° and 90°, given in Table:4.11, In Fig.4.9, the variation of diffuse solar radiation has been shown for summer months (Apr,May,Jun & Jul and winter months (Oct ,Nov,Dec and Jan).From the Fig.4.9 it is quite evident that the magnitude of diffuse solar radiation in summer is higher as compared to winter months, though the trend of variation with the increasing angle is almost similiar. Also plotted in Fig.4.10 is the annual variation of diffuse radiation as a function of tilt angle. 4.11, STATISTICAL DISTRILUTION OF DIFFUSE SOLAR RADIATION AT KARACHT The seasonal variation of ciffuse solar radiation is caused mainly by the degree of cloud cover, atmospheric dust, presence of water vapours and Ozone etc. in the atmosphere.From the estimated values of diffuse solar radiation Aj at Karachi, an upper limit on the radiation values can be placed the maximum contribution from the diffuse radiation comes in the month of Jun and July.This being the beginning of monsoon period at this part of the globe and a high percentage of diffuse radiation is expected(low K-values d It is seen that even under extreme sky condition (K, /0.30 the diffuse to global ratio does not exceed 0.50 for Karachi i, 2gnty Diffuse Solar Radiation Aj (MJm Fig 4.9 15 4 +t 30 45 Inclination angle 4 60 75 90 eu erz so" oer “ore “are vere oga sue one ezre gore Toy zy ocre ‘AON o9-z ozre 06" coy s8'y 11's ozs 400 one eztb ots os's vero Bory 08's das T6e 16h 98's Lrg otk aoe zene one ote 9T's 9t'9 00% 99k ore Tze tac 96re a6" vers get9* ope eure fo" Nor 69re bony css 6279 e879 ste Bere ae ure “grb Tes 6's Bro ceo s6°9 aay 66e sere 6yy ors ass aes 66°S aH were ore Tee vere vote aos 60s aga ore wore st" 6s'e zee ote Tee ner 056 ost 909 ost oof ost SHLNOW + (NOTLABTALSIG DIdOXLOSI) NWLSIMWd ‘THOM IY HOWSUNS GANITONI NO NOLLVIGWH NVIOS 3snggId ATI¥d 3OWUAY ATHINOW “TU piatews ~67- (Piroz Ahmad,1981), whereas for high K, values (i.e above 0.70) the contribution of diffuse solar radiation to global (fy /fi ) is not more than 20 percent (ibid). The sky condition for a particular location is predicted on the basis of percentage of direct and diffuse radiation contribu- ting to global.The seasonwise break-up of the average value of @iffuse radiation gives us an idea about the sky condition at Karachi. Months Diffuse Radiation Moma“) Nov,Dec.& Jan. Between 2.0 and 4.3 (clear sky) Feb,Mar,Qct. Between 4.3 and 6.3 (Fairly clear sky) Apr May, Sep. Between 6.3 and 7.5 (overcast) Jun, Ju, Aug Above 7.5 (Heavily overcast) (Monsoon) Prom this breakup, we concuude that sky at Karachi is very clear during the winter months (Oct,Nov,Dec,Jan & Peb ),with the diffuse radiation, lying in the range of 2.00 to 4.3 mim"2a7) .the sky conditions are fairly clear for the summer months (Mar,apr1,May,Sep). and a poor sky condition is exhibited in the monsoon months -, Jun, July and August, during which contribution of diffuse to global radiation attains a maxima and transmission through clouds etc. goes to minimum (low K, ~values). Diffuse Solar Radiation, Hy (MIm@2q7}) 3 FP M A M 3 gL A S 0 KW dD Months Pig 4.10 Annual variation of Hy as a function of inclination angle ~68- The present studies regarding the availability and seasonal variation of diffuse solar radiation at Karachi for horizontal surface and inclined surface will serve as a ready reference as far as diffuse radiation approximation is concerned. 4.12. CONCLI The study of availability and seasonal variation of diffuse solar radiation has been done for Karach: 1 employing two basic Parameters, such as clearness index k,, and relative sunshine hours (fi /"N).The first and second order polynomials developed for Karachi employing these parameters predicts the monthly average daily diffuse radiation in agreement with the results Of Page throughout the year. The relationship of Liu and Jordan and Iqbal yield low and high values respectively. The diffuse to global radiation ratio fy /# through the correlation developed for Karachi ranges between 0.261 to 0.428, during a year. The average ratio of diffuse to global Solar radiation is about 32 percent against an average value of 42 percent for the whole world ( Mani and Chacko ,1973).The spatial distribution of diffuse radiation closely resembles the istripution of cloudiness. During the winter months, the diffuse solar radiation fig is minimum and shows @ maxima dur- ing the summer and monsoon months, or in other words we can say that at Karachi, the clearest atmosphere is during the winter and the most turbid in summer. Karachi is an industrial city, hence the contribution of dense layers of dust and smoke ~69- towards the atmospheric conditions cannot be ignored. The ratio lig/ FR, (i.e. diffuse to extraterrestrial radiation) has an average value of 0.188 indicating that the contribution of diffuse radiation towards the extraterrestrial zadiation is about 19 percent .Thus it is concluded that with the except- ion of monsoon months (Jul ~Aug) the sky is almost clear throughout the year and even under worst sky conditions the contribution of diffuse solar radiation is not more than 45 percent. From the hourly data it is observed that sky is clear in the morning and afternoon during winter months with less turbid atmosphere and high percentage of diffuse radiation is available in summer and monsoon months for the same period. The measured diffuse solar radiation data at Karachi is needed in order to predict the efficiency and performance of inclined receivers, such as solar collectors etc) and also to test the validity of the already established relationships an@ those developed for Karachi.

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