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3aga 3Ham noBeue 6 5 kaac AHTAUCKU Mamepuanu u mecmo6e 3a camonogzomoBka Cpappxanue 1. EAUHCTBEHO M MHOMECTAeHO YHICNO Ha CbUlECTBMTENHUTE, 2 2. lain MecToHMeHHA e 3. (Cy6craHTHeHi) npuTexaTenHH MecTOHMeHMA 16 4, Heonpenenurenin mecronmenna ae 5, Bpofin u pean sucnurennn a 6. Crenenysaiie Ha npunaratenku w HapeNn a 7. Mpeanosn 3a macto. 42 8. Cerauio npocto apeme - Present simple. ae 9. Cerauo npogemxnTenko epeme ~ Present continuous 56 10. Munano npocto speme - Past simple . ca 11. Maniano npompamxureno apeme — Past continuous res 12, Beaewe speme - Future with be going to. 80 13. Mogan rnarona af is : : oo 14, Otrosopw, ii t 92 3apasen! Yau anrniiickin? Bpaso Ha Te6! 3Haeui ny, BCeKN, KOHITO YAN HyNKALESMK, HOHAKOTA;NONaAa Ha TPYANM Heura. Crypto 4 Tw He BcHuko 3anoMHAW necHO? 3aTOBa McKaMe fla TH NoMOrHeN! 3a aa anam nopeve 8 S Knac AHTMMIACKM we TH noMorHe Aa pasGepeul HM Hay¥MU No-AOGpE anrniiickn. Kak? MHoro necHo. KrimwkaTa uma 13 ypoka, KOWTO CbAPNar Hall-TPYANA MaTepwan 3a nema Knac. BceKH ypok Ma Yerupy pasgena: Zanoveame, Mpasuna, Ynpaxnenun w Tecm. B kapeTo rope Ha Crpannyara MOmeW! fla BUAMU, 8 KOit Pasgen ce Hampaul. Pasnenst Janoveame HM paskazea 3a6aeha cnyuKa, a 8 TeKCTa We HAMEPMU TPAMATHNHM OCOGEHOCTH, 32 KONTO WE Hay’) oBeve 8 ypoxa. Tesn rpamaTavin OCoGeHOCTH Ca BHHArH OUBETEHM, 32TOB NECHO We TH BHAMUL Pasnemsr Mpasuna we TH nomorde ja pas6epeU, KaKBM Ca Te3h rpaMaTHNHH OcoBeHOCTH HM Kak a ra ynorpeGasau. 3a Aa nposepmw, ann cH pas6pan/a ecHyKo, HanpasH saqawuTe 8 pasnen Yopaxwenur, a cnep Tosa nposept HayweHoro 8 pasnena Tecm. Bagaunre 6 TectoseTe HocRT onpeqenen poli TOK, ‘Guar 6pork TOURH Ha BCHYKH TeCTOBE B Kpan Ha ypOKA e 45. Ero Kak Moxkew fla NOBepMU KONKO 3HaeUI: = 0-15 rouKi: ace owe He 3Haew AOCTATBYNO (NpO“eTH Nak BHUMaTeNHO NpaBiNaTa); = 16-30 TouKn: sHaew Aocra (MIperosopi rpamaTinKaTa, KORTO TH Ce CTpyBa cnowHa.); = 31-45 TouKw: sHaew moro (5paso! MpoapnKasait 8Ce Taka). B pasgena Orropopn o Kpan Ha KNW KKaTa MONEU Aa nposepnui orrosopue Ha BcHNkH ynpamHeHHA M TecroBe, Acera, meno Hanpea! Npwarno yuene m ycnex! Yapanwennn Teer O»KECTBEHO OUMH Se mule CTBUTeNIHUTe 3anousame here! Albert! Come ; Where are you, mum ym: min your room! Mibert: Ohno, she's ng ‘Mum: Albert, what is this mess? Albert: What mess? These are toys from my cupboard, - Mum: Oh, really? Just look at what you've got in here! Do you need all these thing Matt Of course | do, Look This isa game boy and this my favourite toy. Muar, Alber it’s justan elephant. And what sre then Albert: Well those trousers are for my clown costume. Wow, look mum... ‘ teebot.and rollerblades... and an old lorry... no, two lorri MesOPkat all these cars...Look at this red one. | love this car. Mum: “Albert! its a total mess: # But whatis a doll doing here? Mum: Hi SatesTTell me... why do you have these Albert: here? Mant YOU to tidy up this room n low. ? ‘Albert: Amsiook a *t.NO two puppets... oh, three Pp pstal aren't they nice + Yes, mum? up: oe gels foom! Now) ea FHMC TOH0 H whonecry MO NMC Ha, bulecrenreniure Brrexcta ca oyserenn aymute B eAHHCTBEHO (ef. 4.) M MHOMKECTBEHO (MH. 4.) Ma KaKBO Been 4ucno. ce Kpue B TeKCTa. Egniicrseno uncno: a puppet anoldlorry this car MuomecteeHouncno: twopuppets twolorries these cars B mHomectBeHo 4ncno AYMMTe OGNKHOBEHO Nony'aBaT OKOHAHHE -S. Ho, KakTo 3Haew, B AHINMICKM 3k BUHArM Ma waKkniou4eHna. + Kom aymue, KonTo 3asppuiear Ha -§,-sh, -ch wis -X, 'B MHOmeCTBeHO UMNO AO6aBAME -eS. a bus - buses; a bush ~ bushes; a watch - watches; a box ~ boxes OkoHuaHueTo -es ce Ao6aBA M KbM HAKOM AYMI4, KOMTO 3a6 PLEA Ha-0. a potato — potatoes; a tomato - tomatoes; volcano - volcanoes + Korato @ kpan na aymara crow Gyksara y cnes Cbfnacka (7. €. new BcuuKi Gyan, KOTO He Ca a, e, i,0, u), ycenpomeHA Bi, a KM Aymara ce o6aea -es. alorry — lorries + Korato aymara 3asppuisa Ha -f nnn -fe, vecto meri f @ MHOMeCTBeHO HCO Ce NPOMEHA Bbs V, a crea TOBA Ce AOGABA M oKoHYaHHETO -e5. a knife - knives; leaf ~ leaves; a life - lives; a shelf - shelves; a wife - wives; a wolf- wolves Ho Topa He e Kpaar Ha wakniouennara. HakoM ‘Ayan wwat Henpasinia ‘opma 3a MHOKeCTBEHO -yucno. Burk HAKOM OT TAX. aman woman a child person afoot a tooth agoose as a mouse e speme fa nornenNeMm KaKe0 apnagat Hes aM an npeA B anrnviickn npen ceujecteMTenHiTe 8 eNMHCTBEHO HUCNO WeCTO Ce NOCTABA neonpenennrentinaT nen a/an wnu onpenenmtenninr unex the. Kora ce ynotpe6near a uni an? Aymara e cbrnaca, npeA Aymara ce ra GykBa Ha Aymara e rnacha - an: 4 ~~ YynpaxHeHia Gnuuyara Bp "ig otal ae Ho HACSIO® in muowecTBe! 12060087 no. lady | oremcecrBeHo SH Guan tomato leaf lady tooth : Knife baby witch fly shelf | pot boy wolf gallery te den boat cty person _| Si ———— skateboards Tlonpnnn rexcra c aymure oT KapeTO. doll train teddybear bus ball Look! thas se AE MY od toys.thave got an ee our! seven” —4eroplane — two2 (fives coe ee and ten small colouy a sie = Enwncteeno 4 MMOMECTBEHO WHCRO Ha Coed TeMTeNHuTe YnpamneHna 3, Orpaqn npasmnuata popma na coujectauTenHoTO. There are many ___ in the school. a)achild b) child @children Vhave got a lot of ___ a) toys b)atoy toy Look at her___! It’s beautiful a)scarves b)ascarf —c) scarf There are two ___ behind the bush. a)awolf _b) wolf wolves Vhave got big a) feet bjafoot —)afeet . There are three in the corner. a)aboxes —_b) boxes c)abox My schoolbag is heavy. | have too many a)books —_b) book ©) a book John is eating a)aapple b)anapple apple |. Hannum npasunuara bopma Ha CouecreuTenHuTe 8 CKOGM. a al__children___(child) like (cartoon). ‘Anna: What are all these doing in front of the sports centre? Monica: | don't know. They are all (woman). ‘Anna: No, Ican see one (person) (man). ‘Maybe they are waiting for aerobics. ‘Anna: Yeah, | think you're right. Billy: Can we stop, mum? My ‘Mum: OK, let's stop for five Hove animals. | have got a lot of Mrs Brown has got three (mouse) in her house any more. (leaf) on the ground in autumn. We need three pairs of. (foot) hurt. (minute). Buumasai! pea coujectenrenHoTo 8 eAMHCTBeHO HAcNO moxe v na HAIMA rpamarwweH sel. B raxnea caywan peg coujecraurentoTo cron wucno unin mecronmenne. Hakon CbulecTBMTenHM mar camo MHOKECTBEHO uncno. Taknea ce cpewar me GenrapcKis, Hanp.: Kode ca mu owunama? (rosopum 3a enn HoT ‘counna). A eTO HAKONKO aHrmalicky ayn: trousers, scissors, jeans, pyjamas, glasses, shorts (fish) in my fish tank. (cat) and now there are no ____ (scissors). | can't play with you, | must help my dad in the garden, There are a lot of __ a Ee eas ynpaxneHin nea roBa AOMDTHM wapeyenuara Kure, 2 aE necronmenvte> joxazaTenHo M eotriet This __ bike is really great. Look!_____strawberies must be very good. Idon'tlike ____ blue blouse, | prefer _____one. Hove shoes. . Bob: |adore’___ computer game, but | don't like *__on Robert: What are?______like? Bob: Oh, *___are just some computer games for kids. But look at game on the top. Robert: What's*______one about? Bob: Well,” Robert: Yes, of course. isthe best detective game ever. Do you want to try it? 6. O6pasyean Buumagaii! 3aenHo MaPeNeHNA.B MHOmeCTBeHO YucnO, bc coujectenTenHoro 1. have got abig car. This boo We morat ja ce manent ; Pen ~ have got big cars. MecToHMeHMATa. ‘ re PTieeisainieontherabie. 00. **§ —___ that bor 5. Doyou like Pies ©. Lookat this tony! Doyou like — s 7. a ———— i 7. Thisis my toy, Sa ; —& Asheepisnice, a ———are__ 0 SMCnO Ha Couecrouremanre 7. Noctasu a/an npeg cbwectButenHoTo Man YepTuuKa (-), aKo Hama Hy»kAa OT HeonpepenuiTeneH uneH. Look at my toy box. | have got __@_ big red robot, blue Gia rollerblades, small teddy bear and old skateboard coiujecrententoTo These are my birthday presents portable play station, cron CD for the play station, football and original NBAT-shirt._ | npunaratento, Help me with these things, will you? I have got big box with poems ae food in my car and two paper bags full of vegetables Pe eo Igot new computer for my birthday so we can play E nery: computer games, ifyou like. For my birthday | would like mobile phone, blue jeans and interesting book. Kaxaa e pasnuikara Mexay a/an u the? Viznonzeame a uny an, | korato cnomeHaBame Helo 3a MbpeH Mr: There is a book on a desk. (Vima ena KHura Ha envi NiMH ~ He 3HaeM TOUHO KOA KHira Ha KOM “unt,) Korato wanesewi oF KnHOTO, Ka3Bauu: The film was boring. (icHo e3a Koi dm rosopéu.) Tlompnxu texcra Karo noctasmul CbuyecTsmTennure oT KapeTo B HyKHATa dopma. 3a coujecsmrennue s eqnHcrseno uucno A06aBH a/an. Welcome to my classroom. Look, here we have got the '__feading __corner_with z where you can sit down and read books. We have got two big, round? ____ where we do projects and draw * Z Inthe corner we have $_____________where we can do* : Thisisthe’?—_ We have four Se ale *___ in our class. We use them for projects and to play iCOmULET COREL: . computer game desk reading corer sofa table poster small laboratory And these are the where we sit during the lessons. Do you like our classroom? ynpaxnenua | — anna 3ano4same Nps w ueppen, ates” MHOKeCTBEHO 4McNO Xx < no 1, Orpaaw aymare & ‘equncraeno 4M coc CHH BAT. Buumasait, Ha par w enMHcTBeHO, ow aymn uapa3” le sh / feet fish glass Jeans iss mice people sheep toy wore, bus children feel 2, ommnnn pasKasa cnomoulT® a KapTHHKUTe @ Children, come here! It's time for a story. ‘Once upon a time there lived a !_called Emma. She had a small house with a big garden. In the garden grew ten 2 oot, Emma’s favourite was a *___—*___ Every May she climbed a ladder to pick sweet °— ae Butone of those days was Friday the 13°. Emma climbed the ladder and puta red cherry inher mouth, Oh, how sweet it was. But, ouch Emma broke her®—___—- She jumped in surprise and fell down the ladder. She felt a pain in her ?_______— ‘Oh, nol’she thought. ‘'ve hurt my left ®__.I cannot stand up: She called for help. Nobody answered. Emma cried and screamed. The she felt something soft on her hand. It was a °__— Ohno, there were two, three "°_ ___. Emma stood up and ran to her house. She never picked fruit on Friday the 13” again 3. Mlocrasma/an nnn weprauxa (-), ako Hama Kya OT HeonpenenuTeneH une. 8 David: Cathy, look what I've got! ' new playing cards and ?__CD. Cathy: ae me the CD, please, Karaoke! That's great! And | got ° ate ad Put your ‘___CD in the player and sing together. got the microphone. What else did Santa Claus bring you? Cathy: Three*__ colouring books, ma a Nove drawing, Here —— pair of skates. Awesome! The old skates are already too tight. David! Look! Somethin, microphone. else underthe | ==: 3anousame 4, Donenun Texcra c nokasatennure mecronmenus this, that, these un those. Mipasona —Ynpanwenwin [ Tecr L Dad: Maya, shall we take '___ Lego blocks? Leo likes building houses and bridges. Maya: Look, daddy! What about * pirate ship? Shop assistant: How old is the boy? What does he like doing? Maya: Helll be nine on Saturday. He likes sports. suggest that you take * basketball or ‘ boxing gloves. Dad: Well, | don't think... Shop assistant: What about * tennis racket? Dai That's a good idea. His best friend plays tennis. Maya: Daddy, will you buy something for me, please? | like * pram there. Dad: It's not your birthday, Maya. But you can have”___puzzle or *___ crayons. 5. Mlocrasn uapeuenunra 8 mHomecTBeHo 4ncno. That Techno dog is expensive, are Mi give youa kiss. We'll give There's a wolf at the zo. There are awns 5, Doyou know that child over there? Do you know _ 6. This sheep is so soft, __are pAb i 7. Isthis a clover leaf? Are 8. Ourteacher needs a pair of scissors. ______needtwo Do you want this lorry? Do you want - Mpaswna ynparkHeHinn _ Bs = EE me Aes ee Hil My name is Bill. Can you see me? Let me show you my class. There is Tom over there. He's my best friend. Look at him. He's got a big dictionary and a penc inhis hands. We always play football together. Ott ther boys watch us when we play. Po you have a bestfriend? Do you play football together? Behind him is Lisa. She's got a big ted and green pencil case. Mark, Mary and Bill id Bill are very good friends often talk to them. They have the same T-shirts ‘drow lokatthe picture onthe val Nsthe symbol of our class. Do you like it? Th . lere's a fish on the cupboard inthe corner. It's called Fred. | must go and feed it. Bye! 10 nan CTORMEHIIA PEE ‘Da nornepnem ousetenire aymi. Tosa ca nuuHi| MECTOMMEHMA — AYMM, owro Ce ynoTpeGAsaT SMeECTO CbUeCTBHTeNH, KOMTO BeYe Ca HasOBAHM, 3a na wa6erHem noBTOpeHHeTo. Timunure mectoumenua ce uanon3ear: = Bmecro HasBaHina 3a nMua: Behind him is Lisa. She’s got a big red and green pencil case. = BMeCTo Ha3BaHMA 3a KBOTHM: look at the picture on the wall. It’ the symbol of our class. Brnmasaii! B GynrapcKnn e3nk YecTo ManycKame wuHUTe MECTOMMeHIA, KOraTO FOBOpUM, HO B aHTAMinckM He GuBa fa ro Npasum! ‘Acera fa AMM 3aulo HAKOM AyMu ca OYBeTeHH | 84epBexo, a apyrn— 8 nunaso. Tlnuninte Mecroumenisa ce M3MeHAT No YAcno: We always play football together. (Hue) | Do you play football together? (eve) They always have the same schoolbags. (me) SlmunuTe mecTommenua ce uameHAT Cnopen Tora, ‘ann ca Noor unu fonbnHeHMe 8 uspeveHner: Can you see me? Let me show you my class. Look at him. Weall like her. I must go and feed it. Other boys watch us when we play. ‘Where can | see you play? _loften talk to them. Mpasuna YnparkHeH¥n 4, Tlonbnwu Texcra c Mecronmenuara or Kapero. Qa they us it 1 we he it me she them | jithey us it |_we he it _ n_ Hello! My name is Alex. ameleven years old, This is my computer. >___ is new. | play computer games on * Sport games are my favourite. Look! This is a photo of my dad."___is a Gym teacher. In the afternoons * play basketball together. Mother doesn't play with®___.”_likes painting, not basketball. Mum made four paintings for . a. .* are on the wall over there. Do youlike ©? 5, Donpnin mapevennara coc cborBeTHuTe MecroumeHna. @ Who's hiding in the classroom? My name is Jeremy. Can you see ‘____? I'm hiding under the desk. Hil My name is Sarah. And I'm Cathy. Can you see *__?°___are hiding behind the cabinet. Tom's over there! Can you see *__?*______is behind the fish tank. Janice! Come here! | can see ¢____tYou are behind the map of the world. Look, everybody! A mouse! Can you see?_?The mouse is in Mr Barnaby’s bag. (cy6ctaH™ \dTed: Good morning! can help you? Jiman Mrsmills: Good morning, Boys! How Simand Ted: We've lost our playing toms po you have them here? ” are these your cards? Mrs Mill Let me have a look. fh They are ours. Our cards have blue back backs JenandTed: Oh, yes. thank you. Thank Goodbye, Mrs Mills Mrs Mills: Goodbye, boys! 0! Robin's? you very mucl hey were those boys’ cards.! wonder whose bike this is. s it Ten minutes later. Rol bin: fala tite lo, Robin, What Met pes this time? Is this bike yours? ‘ . t font tome, too. | think it Rae fale satan at ‘ Mrs Mills: Will youtelt abighorn.tis Leos bike io Hecate on et rec Robin: him to ike. Yes, I aoe water s,'m sure its his. | | well? Bets) Mrs. , sy has los | Mills: Oh, st her cam. yes, do. It's very ni era. Do you have a camera here 2 coor Stee Doyouthink is ih Tse er camera? She like: ? s taking photos Npasuna Binx TH, KONKO OUBerenH ~ymul H BcHuKH ca TONKOBa KpaTKH, KaKBO /M O3HaMaBar? Bps BTOpM ypoK ce 3ano3Ha C AMUHIMTe MecroMMeHMA. KakTo NMUM OT HaMMeHOBAHMeTO MM, ye ce w3nonaBaT BmecTo Mena: I, you, he, she, it, we v they. Kakro u BMecTo HaaBaHMA Ha NpeAMern Korato uckame a 3Haem Ha Koro e AaqeH npeaMmer, wanonasame npMTexaTenHuTe MecToMMeHiia my, your, his, her, its, our u their, my skateboard (moam ckeiim6opd) ‘our cards (wausume Kapmu) his bike (Hezosomo Koneno) your cards (aawume kapmu) her camera (nediHuam domoanapam) their hockey sticks (mexnume cmuKoge) its cord (wezoeuam wHyp) 1 B AHFNMMACKM BCMYKO e TONKOBA NPOCTO. Morkew Aa Karke My bike wn my computer. Buviarn nanonabaw mecronmenMeTo my. © mayyaBarT 6yArapcky, MMaT MHOrO NO-TpyAHa 3a;ja4a. IT OT KON POA e CbiulecTBHTENHOTO H fa KaKaT MOAM cxembopd, | MoRMa Kapma. A ToBa He e NeCHO. Tipmrematentirre mecToMMeHinn, KOMTO 3amecTBaT M MecTOMMeHHeTO, wcpwecrantentoTo, Hanpumep my skateboard nnn his bike, ca: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours theirs. This is my skateboard. — This skateboard is mine, ‘Are these your cards? + Are these cards yours? Viva owe equi Haun 3a uapazasate Ha npuHaAnexHocr. KoraTo Mickame fa Haz0Bem MmeTO Ha COOCTBeHNKa, M3non3sBame opmara_s. + Kp culectantentioto B eAHHcTBeHO 4Hcno ABaBAMe anocrpO> 1 Gyxeara s:'s Betsy's camera has got a yellow cord. (Domoanapamem na Bemcu uma xenm wiyp.) + Mlo couna Haun nocreneame coc CbujecTaHTeNHuTe, KONTO uMaT Henpaeuinia bopma 3a MHOMeCTBEHO 4NCNO, HanpHMeP: Children’s toys are in the big blue box. (epayxume na deyama ca @ zonamama cuna Kymun.) + Kom coujectenrennie, Konto o6pasyeat opma 3a MHOmeCTBeHO Mico € OKOHMaHMeTO -s, AoGaBAMe Camo anocrpod: So, they were those boys’ cards. (Tosa 6axa, cnedosamenno, kapmume Ha momuemama.) “la ce ynpaxsum u cnep Tosa ‘ormBame fa Kapame ckelir6opn, Finpaxnenn PE Teer _ — we BCMYKM Aa Ce OTHaCRT 35 6, sé. Mike and Laura Pete you and Luke, Jane and! asnake © 06% %o% © rs em ees @ ey Se (their) ( we he) (ious te mine its your 2, Orpaam sapHoro mecroumenne. jason ht itvits in (BH | ball. #He/His father boug! i tball. (AR/His has got a very special ae EAE word Football Championship. ‘It/its leather is white and black se i ‘ les aaaitons school friends. *They/Their play during the lunch break. Sometim "theirtheirs Gym teacher joins in. en ‘Sandra collects pens. She keeps *her/hers collection in the dining room. This red and white ps 1s her/hers, too. "Her/Hers aunt who lives in Switzerland gave Nit/its to her. I'll give Sandra one of “my/mine feather pens for her birthday. 1. Robert's gota mobile phone.__His 2 Ie gota tortoise. keep 3. Cleois a rabbit. 4. Hi, Kelly! Does 5 6 7 Mobile phone is brand new. — tortoise in my room. cage is open. camera work? «Leo has got an electric scooter, lng esttic scooter is very fast. + Were Jackand Frank Wete looking or a Dora's fe ie a iPod is small and silver Maya, Fiona have got baby dots. —— baby dolls wear lovely clothes 1 ae YnpaxneHinn 4, Ha xoro ca npeqmeture 8 cxo6ure? Hanmum no Age uapeyeHMn. 1. Anna likes music. (piano) This is Anna's piano. This is her piano. ynorpe6same, KoraTo Mr Robinson has got a CD collection. (CD collection) nef MeCTOAMeHHETO ee aie cnenga CbulecTeMTenHo. . The hamster has got a wheel in the cage. (wheel) Mine/hers/yours/theirs fmptancee sn Es ee ynotpe6asame, KoraTO ‘chen mectonmenneTo e cron CbulecTBMTenHO. Broan cnyuat . Harry and Will often go to the cinema. (seasonal cinema tickets) | mectommeHneTo 3amectea Yenvia M3pa3. Peter likes drawing, (coloured pencils) His wits ce ynotpe6reat RLS aes ae 6e3 npomala MB ABaTa Neil and David like camping. (tent) cayuan. . Patricia likes skiing, (ski boots) . Mopaqm nevatam rpewixu ca manycnaTH ecHuKn anocrpodn. Haecn ru Tam, KbAeTO PABBA. 1. Mister Brown's car is an old-timer. 2. Louis and Peters dog is huge. Im terrified of it. 3. Mens skates are usually black. 4. Girls dancing shoes normally have high heels. 5. This girls fitness ball is black. 6. Childrens toys are all around the house. . Mpover BHMMaTenHo mapeyeHuata M orpaqM BepHuTe oTroBOpM. 1. Zack loves racing horse. It has won many races. a)its bjit’s @his d) he's Tommy and George hit each other with paintballs. These paintballs are , a) our b) their ©) ours 4d) theirs . found ____old skates in the attic. If the pond freezes, I'l go skating. a) grandmas’ 'b) grandma's hers d) she It’s a skateboard. Its wheels are red. These black karate belts are -They do karate five timesa week. | (roeq ¢ creiimbopd. )Bob and Bills b) Bobsand Bills <)BobsandBill —d)their_| Hezoaume xonena ca vepeeni . My best____ saxophone cost a fortune. He bought it in Japan. aii a)mens b) friends’ O friends d)man [enceeipentesee 3a itis (mosa e). Do you see this monkey? ___ owner comes from Kongo. Alts e nputexatento ait b) its it’s d)Itis ‘MecToumeHne. Mrs ivancheva, our class teacher looks angry today. Weare all trying to listen carefully. But... there is something wrong! Somebody starts making a funny noise. ~Is there anything wrong? asks the teacher. The class keeps silent. =Who's doing that? Why are you doing that? The classroom is suddenly very quiet, —Will anybody answer me? Nobody says a word, We all | look down and s: i Then Toshko stands up and s: Linon. 2ys:'Mis lvancheva, can kitty stay with us today? Kitty is my cat.” Ba nornenem ouserenure aymin B Texcra. Tosa ca Heonpegenutensn mectoumenna. Te ce ynorpe6asat smecto cbujectanTenki, Ho He HazoBaBaT KOHKpeTHo Kon npeamer nu woBes ce wma npensua. [A.cera fla BMANM 3aL10 HAKON AYMM Ca OUiBeTeHN 8 YepBeHO, APYTH ~ 8 CMHBO, 2 TPeTH ~ 8 3ENEHO. HeonpegenuTensute MecTOMMeHMA Ce PoMeHsIT & 3aBACAMOCT OT BMya Ha M3PEEHMETO: ‘Orpnyarennoc mapevenne wapeenne nonomuTenHa rnaronna popma Somebody is Is anybody There isn't anybody walking down the coming at home at the school corridor. ‘towards us? moment. (naKo) (naKoii) (anno) Iwant to tell Can you see Icantt see somebody this | anybodyin front | anybody. secret! ofthecinema? | (unxoro) (Ha naKoro) | (wnKoro) Somethingis very | Isanything Idon't want | wrong with this wrong with you | anything toeat, exercise! today? thank you. (Hewo) (wewyo) (amo) Listen! | want to Bi Scearabis There isn’t anything tell you . interesting on TV something! 1 tonight. (Hewo) aio) | (amuyo) Gynep! Heonpenenurensute mectonmeHiia He Ce wameHAT Cornea, Ha TOBa, anv 3aemaT MACTOTO Ha NopNora MAM Ha AONDAHEHMETO, Heonpenenutennute mectonmenita Morar a 3aMecTBaT HasBaHna i Ha MecTa: ‘Orpuuarennoc nonommrenna mmaronua opma We can’t go anywhere in this weather. (wieone) Heonpenenuteniute mecroumenna morar Aa HM cnyxKaT v 3a OGobwaBaHe: Everybody is at home now. (scH4Ki) Everybody likes birthday parties. (scexn) Iwant to tell you everything about the party. (scm4Ko) looked for my cat toy everywhere in the house an hour ago. (aacakeae) Nobody is answering the door. (ono) Ican see nobody atin the corridor. (umoro) make me happy Iwant to tell you nothing! (winuyo) neg Heonpegenurentin mecronmeHun Of B EDVHCTBEHO YNCNO. YnpaxHeHna 4, Orpaqw sapnara ayma. 1. Yesterday!met______ famous in the street. Guess who! @somebody b) anybody ©) nobody 2. Pete, the music is so loud! How can you learn ? a) something b) anything ©) nothing 3. Idon't want to go __ today. Let’s stay at home instead! a) somewhere b) anywhere ©) nowhere 4, Adam, did you do__ interesting at school today? a) something b) anything <) nothing 5. Today, _____came to class with an interesting project. We had such fun! a) everybody b) somebody ©) anybody 6. Timmy, your room is a mess! You must put __ in its place. a) everybody b) everything everywhere 5. Jlompna napevenuara, Vanonseait aymure 8 cKo6uTe. 1. heard a strange noise at the door. went to see but there was "Othing there. (nothing, nowhere) 2. Poly doesn't like sharing. She never gives her things to_______.. (nobody, anybody) 3. Valery was very mysterious today. She said her family were going ______ at the weekend. (anywhere, somewhere) 4. There's _________ im the fridge. Nor in the oven. What are we going to have for dinner? (anything, nothing) 5. Will you tell me. 6. Iwant to talk to don’t know? (nothing, anything) Ineed some advice. (nobody, somebody) 6. Mpesequ wapeuennara na GenrapcKu. 1. Isthere anybody home? Vma su HaKoi BKDUI? = 2. Everywhere | go | make new friends. 3, I don't usually have a big breakfast. Just have a little something and cup of orange juice. | 4. Nobody can tell me what to do. 5. There is something strange on the doormat, Can that be a puppy? ee 25 3ano4eame Bpoinu u peaH 28 Bpoin Mit PeaHM wucnuTeniy yw uucauTeniu One, two, three, four, five. Once | caught a fish alive, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Then I let it go again. Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so. Which finger did it bite? This little finger on the right. Our first lesson tomorrow is in Maths The second one is in PE and then we have English, Geography and Arts. Mum: How old is your new English teacher, Maya? Maya: She's quite young; she's still in her twenties. pai ooked ‘out of the window, | could ie iets of little black birds ready mi eo "Bye-bye, swallows; | shouted anaes: them.’Come again next hie is Curious how many they were ea - counting them: one hundred Ha Riese) two hundred and fifty: ewe So many, that | gave up and ie ite “ome when winter is forget us!’ Banousame Tipasnna | YapaxneHnn Tecr a Kakao xy6aeo cruxue: One, two, three, four, five. 3a6ena3a nn AyMute, OUBeTeHH B oparxeso M YepBeHO? Tosa ca 4ncnwTenHn MMeHa. YucnuTenHuTe B aHrnnitcKn ce AenAT Ha 6poiinn (cardinal numbers) u pequn (ordinal numbers), KakTo 18 Opnrapckn. Mopaite wanon3eame, KoraTo HaaoBaBame 6pon Ha npeamette, BTopitte, Korato roBopum 3a TaxHaTa NopepHOCT. Muoro e necHo fa 3anomHnui Kak ce o6pasyear. Xaiine cera pa pasrnegame 3aeqno ABeTe TaGnnyn (ie Gucnurennn 6ponnw tone | 11 eleven | 21 twenty-one 31 thirty-one 2two | 12 twelve | 22 twenty-two 40 forty | 3 three | 13 thirteen | 23 twenty-three 50 fifty 4 four | 14 fourteen | 24 twenty-four 60 sixty, 5 five | 15 fifteen | 25 twenty-five 70. seventy 6 sik | 16 sixteen | 26 twenty-six 80 eighty 7 seven | 17 seventeen| 27 twenty-seven 90 ninety 8 eight | 18 eighteen | 28 twenty-eight 100. a(one) hundred 9 nine | 19 nineteen | 29 twenty-nine 1000 a (one) thousand 10 ten | 20 twenty | 30 thiny 1.000.000 a (one) million Gucnurennn peann Ist frst ith eleventh Dist twentyefirst 31st thirty-first 2nd second | 12th twelfth 22nd twenty-second 40th fortieth | 3rd third 13th thirteenth | 231d twenty-third S0th fiftieth 4th fourth | 14th fourteenth | 24th twenty-fourth 60th sixtieth Sth fifth 1sth fifteenth 25th twenty-fifth Toth seventieth ‘6th sixth ‘16th sixteenth 26th twenty-sixth 80th eightieth 7th seventh | 17th seventeenth | 27th twenty-seventh 90th ninetieth 8th eighth | 18th eighteenth | 28th twenty-eighth 100th hundredth 9th ninth 19th nineteenth | 29th twenty-ninth 1 000th thousandth oth tenth | 20th twentieth 30th thirtieth 1.000 000th millionth Yncnara, 3a6ena3a nu, 4e 4UCAMTeNHMTe, KONTO Ce CbCTOAT OT ABE Ayn, KparHn Ha 2, cenmuat c neguc (-)? ce Hapnvar Amma w nakon ppyrn ocoGeHocTn, KoHTO e Rope Aa He 3a6pasAu. even numbers, a 110000 0 82 ‘OHe3M, KOTO He ca kpaTHn : ncnnrenin penn Ha 2, ce Hapusar odd numbers. aoe est eight ~ eighth Yncnata, Kouro. | two ~ second five ~ fifth 3aBbpwuBar Ha 0, || three ~ third nine ~ ninth ce Hapwuar || twenty-one — twenty-first twenty — twentieth | | round numbers. 29 na eet Npat mcamTenHi. ynpaxt % 1. Ceppmn ungpare c 6pomnuTe q == & ~ aan gg) NE og, "arettaiandansy 4 100001 __ 2. Coppau unopure c pequre uncnuTenHn. “eit = 7 3. 3anmumn ¢ aymn weruure wena or 20 go 40, twenty 4 3anmun cayman xpornnre uncna or 10 Ao 100. 30 Spotinn u penn wcnutenny ‘Anexc ce npemect™ ¢ ponwrennre cm 8 APYF PAA M nocronn 6 Hoso yunnnute. CneA aanaTunra Toit pasroBapA CBC eoceanara ci fpKeciKa, KOATO nocewjasa cbuyoro yMnuite Mpoverm pasrosopa uM. Jessica: So, Alex, how do you like your new school? ‘Alex: It's OK It's much smaller than my former school. Jessica: Really? How big was your former school, then? ‘Alex: Well, there were about 800 pupils in the school, so classes were much bigger. Jessica: Wow, 800 pupils! That's a lot. Alex: Yeah, and my former school was older than this one. The classrooms weren't as bright 35 they are here. Here they are more colourful. Every wall in our class is painted a different colour. It's really nice. What about your new classmates? Are they ok? oy = they’ great. There's this girl, Lisa. She thinks she’s the most beautiful gif in ou #s and the most popular. Then there’s Hugh. He's really funny. He makes everyone lau Jessica: Do you mean Fred Boyle? ‘Alex: Yeah. Do you know him? Jessi Jessica: Mrs Green! Ses We had En : Mr Williams i Alex: | know, and what’ thi " it : ink hi ool Puewerte ae ts Worse—I don'lke mathe its he the strictest teacher in ee 0 Ne rane atit, Sol can help you 4 most difficult subject of al pi at's very kind of you, P you if you want, ‘log | N° Problem, just give me 2 cal Iwill. See you later. al Jessica: Bye, Hexa nornenHem Kow aymu ca ouseTeHu TosM mer. Moxew ni a NOsHaeU! KAKBH ca Te? Pas6upa ce, npanaratentin. B GbnrapcKn npunaratenHoro ce paannuaea 8 3aBMCHMOCT OT TOBA, at ‘OnMCBa CbLYECTBHTERHO OT MKKH, KEHCKH MM cpeneH POA, ToBA MMMM OT OKOHYAHHETO - cmpoe _ysumen, cmpoza ywumenka. B aHrnuiickn npwnaratenvoTo e BHHarM eqHakBO, HesaBHcMMO Aann OnMCBa CbUIECTBHTENHO OT MNSKKM MM eHCKM Poa, To suHarU HMa Camo eaHa Sopa. Ho, aKO paarnenau NO-BHUMaTeNHO TeKCTa, MOXel a BANU, 4e NOHAKOrA NpunaraTenHTe Bce Nak ce npomenaT manko. Kora crasa Tosa? Bik: Alex is pretty smart, but Fred is even smarter than him. He's the smartest boy in school. B uspevenuara cpasnixwe Anekc u Open, Korato Ha ObnrapcKn KaReW, We HAKOM € NO-YMeH OT APyruro, 3non3BaW opmara no-yMeH, a He ymeH. Taka e wna axrnuiickn, Tosa ce Hapiiua crenenyaake Ha npunararenkuTe. Pasrnenait Ta6nnyara u ce onutan ga hopmynupaw npasinoro: flonomurenva cpasuurena npesesxoqua crenen crenen crenen big bigger the biggest nice nicer the nicest old older the oldest funny funnier the funniest Kom Kparkure npinaratenin 6 cpashuTenta crene Ro6asame OKOHMaHNETO -er, 2 8 NPesdsxonHa - the M OKOHYAHHETO -est. beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful difficult more difficult the most difficult Kem abnrute npunararensn joGaseme 8 cpashuTenta Tenex more, a 6 npesb3xogia - the most. ‘Axo pasmneaus sHuMaTenHo ropHATe npmnaratenkm, we BMANW, ‘ye B cpashinrentia v8 npeswaxonha crenen big w funny ce A Aen Bete iapiiimepearo c= Yaaro Syveara g. MpunaratenHn, KOMTO MMaT CAMO eAHa rs | me pomena 8 i. Taka crasa np pat Ha cornacHa + Y- happy ye" Mipw npnnaraTennovs ro 3am pW racnunn npannaraTenn angry + angrier lucky ~ luckier crazy ~ crazier Gee aHIMNMiCKM MMa W NpHnaraTentn, KoMTO He ce jpocro, Han? Ho tpA6ea fia 3HaeU, ) ee a HM NHNaraTeNHH Mca MHOTO Manko Ha Go, | crenenysarno Toan Haunn. Hapauar ce Henpagin! aTona e Ha-aobpe npocto pa rH 3anoMHMLL: nonoxnrenka —«cpawunTenHa — npeBe3xoAHa crenen crenen crenen good better the best bad worse the worst far further the furthest ‘AneKc cpaBHiA NPeqUUHOTO M HOBOT: Omen aon | HOBOTO ch yUUAMIYe. My former school was older than this one. The classrooms werent ren't as bri Knachume cmau ne 6m ot a8 the) Axa mana, 'y are here, ‘ceemnu, 1, Kaxmo myx. KM MomeU! qa KaqeU! TOBA NO kato u nocrasiul8 , Banovsame | = Mpasuna Yrpanieon oe Seer Koraro nexaw Aa noRMEpTaeW, ¥e HeUJo e Hau-zonaMo, Hau-xy6a80, Had-B06PO .., pOcTABAU! NPANArATENHOTO 8 TpeTaTa opma, Bink Kak AneKc onMca CbyYeHMUKaTa cu Nnca Wceyyennna ch Open, Lisa is the most beautiful girl in our class, Fred is the smartest, Haxpas, Heka pasrneqame OyBeTeHHTe B CHHDO AYMI. ‘Te npaniwar Ha npanaratentin, Ho He ca, 3au4oTO nORCHABAT MarONHOT AelIcTENe (Kak... NaBH HEUO?). ‘Tora ca Napeunn. OGuKHOBeHO Te ce ce O6paaysar, KATO Kea mpitnaratenhoTo ce AoGasut-ly, smart = smartly quick + quickly Buuwasai, Koravo npinaratenoro saeepwiea Hay, wa wanka NPOMAHa: Hapexmata Cpujo Morar aa ce cTeneHysar. Mp Tosa, ‘Te ce nogumusgar Ha Npasinara 3a CTenenysane Ha Mpunararennure. Ero, BK: Peter walks quickly. John walks more quickly than Peter. Matthew walks the quickest of all. I can sing beautifully. Myra sings more beautifully than | do. Sally sings the most beautifully of us. (At the Aquarium) . accel Come on, Tommy! There's a huge fish tank in front of us. ‘ int! arium. Tommy: Mummy, mummy. This is an aquarium. There's a sea horse in the aquariu Mrs Cole: Where is it? Tommy: It's between the jellyfish and the school of fish. Isn't it lovely? | like seahorses ‘What is that animal on the rock? A crab? No, Tommy. That's a lobster. There’s a lobster on the rock. Look here, There's a sea shell in the cave. It’s shining, Wel \think there's a pearl in the shell. Oh, 'd really like to have a pearl necklace." there’ a souvenir shop next to the Aquarium, Maybe we can buy it there Tommy: OK. Let's goto the shop. Mrs Cole: Tommy: Mrs Cole: {At the forest animals’ cage) Anna: He are forest animals opposite the Aquarium. How many animals are there!" the cage? There two hares sitting on the lo. # lcan see a hedgehog in the trunk 42 Npeanoan 3a macro Amotmoue Npaeuna | Yapamnenva Tect B soonormweckara rpaanna Bnnarn Hait-mHOro mn xapecoaT malmyHuTe Acera aa paatnename oyserenute aymn, Topa ca npepfo3n 3a MACTO. Te nokaaBat Kbpe ce Hamupa HeWO. There's a pearl in the shell. (¢ mudama) There's a lobster on the rock. (4a ckanama) There's a mouse under the trunk. (10d dsnepa) There's a deer behind the trunk. (300 denepa) Janownn WaKMOveHMATA! Who's in the picture? (Kod e Ha KapmunKama?) Dadisin the garden. (awa mu ee zpadunama.) ATe3n npeanosn ce wanonaear Korat onuceau Kae € rpaga ce HamipaT OTaeNHMTe crpaaM. There's a huge fish tank in front of us. (nped Hac) There's a souvenir shop next to the Aquarium. (do axeapuyma) There are forest animals opposite the Aquarium. (cpewly akeapuyma) ‘The sea horse is between the jellyfish and the school of fish. (nexdy medyzama u cmadomo pubu Between » among worat ja Hi O6bpkat manko. 3anomHl, ve between ce wanonaea Korat nckame fa KaxKem, Ye HeWJO Ce HamMpa MeKaY ABA NpeaMeTa Mn ABE Nua. ‘Among ce usnonaea, Korato Hewyo ce HamMpa MexAY TPM Hnl NoBeYe npeAMeTa, crpaaN, ANU. The farmer is standing The farmer is between the cow and standing among the horse, the horses. ®ka pasrnegame M paannkara Mexay at 1 We're at the Aquarium. ~ Kee? (pu axsapuyma cme) Let's go to the shop. -* Haxpae? (Ja omudem @ mazazuna.) Where are Where do you now? you goin the Imat morning? | go Eaicol to school. Ynpamnenwn on. 1. Mlonmnnu rexcra c npeanosnre (2% atwnn very day, because he works the barn first where he feeds and jy the dairy, he usually meets i the vet, doctor Mills, Whe to__ the towne and goes" the local dairy. hey sell the milk, they drive” the door. He wants to keep his house clean, The my Bert is a farmer. He doesn't 92 ' 1 hifarm, He gets up at 6 atclock the cows. Then he takes the milk neighbour Mike, On Fridays after t itrains Dr Mills waits for the farmers" thensit’ the porch and talk about the cattle 2, Pasrneqait nnana na pepmara o6pasy’ mapeveHnn. 1, beehive/ barn There's a beehive behind the barn garage / farm house 3. pond/ between 4, barn/ stables 5, garage / riding arena 6. riding arena / between 7. farm house / opposite 8. infront of / farm house 3. Copan orgennute 4acru m o6pasysait napevenna, 1.The zoo director is stti a) the roof, 2. Achimpanzee|s lying pe b)atthe eee Sab: 3. Sarah is looking and feed her pu eo t Bears standing beind oe monkey's es Let's sit d . in front On ‘ yn ieee a bench > rai ibe Ithas just eaten eight bananas. 7. The vetis at ‘Yat his desk 8. On Sundays we usually go 9) to the wit their chil She wants to go home loor. He's come to see a fo see our dog. te a ee He's talking to a biologist. ge Our family likes animals. | You can see all of them. 44 Npennosu 3a macro

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