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SA ‘DONOT OPEN THE SEAL OF Tig BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TODO 80 BH BLS Test Form No. 2a eh a inzaaas PAPER I, seats. Time Alaved 4 Fleurs ‘nt en ert cen te Tei are eqs Av Pe . eee Ras 0 Bhar nt ew oor bncanentn 2 Siete Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in TEST €) : GENERAL INTELLIGENCE AND REASONING Directions : In questions no. 1 to 9, select the ulated figuefletersinumber from the given aiteruatioes. m4: Aninon ures ia) 6 ms. io 1 On % (a) UTSR @ EST ic) SRUT UTES ay wus & ewe (yw @ yew (Ay VXRT «s) TSVU sas 4 “ ay @ 4 u os om ® 9:96 7 ta sa mie it @ 16 Directione : Tn queations mo. 10.2918, sole the one Uuheh fe diffrent from ths other three rorponste 10) 7-45 B) 6-105 (©) 6-6 D) 4-48 Aa (8) Mars eo) supteer (©) Ban D) Comet 12 (A) Geeta Quran (©) Die (D) Masatharat 13, (A) Message ) Infermation © Matter (D) Material 1.) Gomer os) vena © Fue Dy Sitar Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in ws 18, (ny Ta oy 1) 46.810 (D) 2,5,9,10 ed (a) 5731 se) 0u0 «D) 2004 (a) Tagore (8), Roman iC) Bhackars =D) Khurana Arrange the fllewing words in a meaningcl order 1 Grapes 2 Vinesaed 5, Disilation Ay 848 B) 9,5,4.2,1 ) 145.3 ‘Which will appear fourth in the dledonary ? kay ayiopinrews (8) Xplophogus, (©) Ayiopyrogeepny (D) Xplophagan Nusber of losers skipped in between! sabjuou Tease in Ue ari incon by om Which of the following sence observes the take poess bao (a) BBN © Gaus 1B) cog0 * «wy Que, should not emntajn more than three vowels. Wich of Cie following Worle dos not ‘comfort tothe rule? (ay ScanCtrY @) PROGNOSIS (©) COMPLEXITY (D) CONVULSION 2, 25, Directions complete the series, In questions wo, 28:09 26, choose the “2 PSV, BEK,FWZ, ILO & peu ay me 1) ACG (0) ADE 76, 86, 2, $8,89,90 1A) 76 cm 84 ey ae my 10 aris 2 314907 tay 5 BB wat w EIOT INSK. APKP. 2 (a) CHS @ ( ¥GLQ o Tos sIOT My father haa evobrothers, The youngest has toro rons and soe daughter. The elder one hhas ne san and two daughters and the sembining one has throe sons. If my father Ye Gur nephews, how many cousina (oroiers) have | got? we we ws trina ene wrong munver 1 Wie tren sorte 3,7, 15,31, 64, 127 a) 137 64 coro @ © A. ar covers the Fist hell of the Aiseanes elweon two places at 40 kmfhe and the eon holt af the distanon at 60 kmh 8 ‘what is the average speed of the ear ? & okmne (©) Somber (8) env (D) 60emhe Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in a In a certain code language, TOGETHER is ‘CONGRATULATE written in that language? oy, Gereninsitot @) GxCOUMART A (©) GNOCUTARETAL (D) GINAGTCEURTA Ta certain code Ianguage, REQUEST in writien s2 S2R62FU. How in RETEST written in that language ? (a) S2V2RV. &) s7URU Soma ermiations ae ahead an the haat af a certain ayetem. On the same basis, find oot ‘the cocreel sewer forthe unsolved equation, If 4? 27,6227, 6 =9, then =? was ae © 10 D8 Find ovt the namber which belongs to the’ joven group. nambers frou oe aera. 248, 579, 185, 35,68 a 56 (B) 488 @ wm © % TEP atandy for +, @ stands fr, R atonde for then From the given alternatives, sleet the word ‘wien canner be formed using we lowers of the given word. ACCOMPANIED aay bate omy ein «©) COME D> Fatt Directions ? In questions no. $8 and 37, find the tag mater frm the given cepemece 8 or ow “ma eu ws 8 6 2 6 Ww wo Bw 4 cw @) 18 Rim travelled 6 A towarda West, he tamed Jef snd walked 8 A. dhe farted lef and walked 4 ft, then tuned left and walked 8 f. fexin, How for is he now’ from tho starting point ? (A RA men © 4A @) 28 tory tay Dido faeed phew one She tm te ‘the back aide of the houre, she walks straight 150 meters thea terns to the right and walks 50 meters again, Finally, abe turea towarde he Inf und loge ane hing 22 meters ‘Now Priva ia fing which direction ? (© Past @) South Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in 4i, In the folowing diagram, rectangle capreeente realm efede raprinmatn ae a ‘square represenia educated Which rogion meprecente wnat ran eel ws @ 4 wes wr on the Gallawing Varn Ainge, identify the letter which denotes Film Actors who are Singers hut not Pirewtara WimAdon| A wD wc oe oP Identify the asiewer fieure from which the pieoes given ia the question figure have been Question figure: éidlale a BS o wo Directions : In questions no. 44 and 48, one or 1w0 rieentn ned gitar fulnae Ie ten mtmctuntane F and Il. You have to coasider the aiatemonia to be true even if they seem, to be at varionce from ‘commaniy knot facie, You have to decide whieh of the given conclusions, if any, follows from the given 44. Statement ‘A-eocal mowment ia an interaction of people with ommen motivations! base in Conclusions Lm a oeeial movement, poopte whe are * gatitied interact with frustrated people. TT Frustrated regola interact with sach ‘ther ina socal movement. (A Cnly conetasion I follows (B) Only conctasion I follows (C) Neither conclusion [nor Il flows (D) Both conelusins I and If follow 45, Statements : Ail oclenuse are narowormng. 0 ‘hard-working fran is poor. L. Notieatit is poor, Ti We poor mten ian onntiot (A) Only emelusion | follows (BI Onl amatneien If falls (©) oth emnelusians I and 1 follnw (D) Nove ofthe conclusions Loe 1 fllowe 46. Which of the answer figures ts exuetiy the ‘murror image of the given figure, when the ‘mirror is bold on the Line AB ? ‘quesoon pgures: YIM o|Zz 2 Annoer figures: YIMIIMISH MIX OLN OTS olS [oh SIM} om oo Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in a A word is represented iy only ane set of| 49, Select the answer figure io which the titemndves, The ects cf aunbers given in the | © ‘westin figure it hiddenfembedded: ‘iphabets nen the two marion given below.| Question fgare Te calusnne and ows of Matin Tare rmbered frum 0 ta 4 ard that of Matrix It} [———] ee mniinsed Gee we 8 tie eum thee we rrateews ca be represented Brat by its row Y represented by 29, 76, tc, and ‘G' ean be Topmecented by 90, 68, etc fmilaly, you | Anquer Agurew have to identify the sot for the word Maweis Matrix ojrfafaja) | ls Tepryaysy sfafolorafe) [slr [r[almls| —1 | afrjelepalw) fefelt lol r [a Cr sfufsls| cle) [ape la |s|i| 7 : ajp[sin[ele] [elx[P[slolr (A) 12,30, 67, 43, 66,83 (B) 99, 36, 87,17, 23,44 (0) 65. 1.87. OR 24.8 «D) 46, 90,87, 69,24, 48 A poe of paper a8 yaaea anc puncrea as sshowo below ia the question Sgurea. From ‘he goren answer figures, indionte hew it will “eppoas wlsen opens? Components of which oti answer figures) @ueton gare: wil ely min wpe ann He ‘Giant Frew: ST LDS, 9 ba SS —— rover fetes: ‘Anssoer Figures = fa RIS oll o°e|I{ 32 Ilo a aw f° O Ilha ber |i aod few ®) A) @ aay ow iy, m™ Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in 'TES'T (ii) : GENERAL AWARENESS Wino was the first economist to ‘have enined Tn a free enterprise econean, the docsion an, ‘what shall be producod ia made by (a> “Demand @) Incowe (0 Pine machontam ©) Cae ‘The muin reabon for the high growth of| money auppiy in India since 1970 has been the risen (A) Foreign fending IRS Pain barron (©) RBI credit tothe governaueat Who was the first Muslim to be slectad. aa! President of the Indian Natienal Cengross ? > Syed Ahmad Khan MS Agha Rhee 4€) Muhammad AK inna (Dy Baaresain Tyabyt “Which of the following wes not known te the Rigvodie period ? (A) Toint family eystem ) Agriutare (©) Marriage system 86. "The charastorlatic feature of democratic sociaiam ig (A) Privatization —(B) Libereliantion (O! Wanonalization (Ww) Soaanzation Ir. grove of rich people vse power for their olish gels, itis called as (A) Monarchy (Bl Olignrehy (C) Polly D) Democracy ceverywherohe ia in chaina”? wee ©) Atenas ©) Max (D) Rowsecan }58, A civil servant in India may exercise political Iiberty by (A) joining any paitca! porty B) contesting a the elections AG) enticiziay dhe goverarent (D) exercising his feanchige ‘The Kora Taw used in the phrase ‘ule of ‘The. total physieal prednet per unit of a saniable inpat © mewn (A) Average product @) Aveinge setae (©) Avorage physical product ‘The discount on priee when 2 lange quantity is purchased is knowa a8 (AD Volume @isrount (8) Maximum discount (C) Minimum diseount (D1 Martina diane Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in ‘Whar Sifeneewit ia pineapple? A) Silage “ier ovate ~ (©) Syoms. ©) Samar Strobilus ina structure acnicated with & Por (B) Potao (0) Bin (0 Pat, ‘Sienst-riagin seen in the-ifecvde of (A) Meagrite (8) Plasmodiom (©) cmamoea —@) Giana “Te acute or eee nays i a (One B) Two (©) Tarwe (Dy Powe Migratory "larvae of Avcarie praduve. ‘symptoms of pneumonia. This ia knowa sw (A) Down's syndrome @) hineleteersayadsoine (©) Tomes syndrome (D) Loefier's wradrome Which one of the folowing animals ia an cocmoconformer ? (A) Hopf ©) Whale ®) Seat Whish ana af Fhe Golinwing is the ewurce of Solar eneray ? oo we © o Secleas Romi Nutone fasion, Artifical radioactivity Kay emission, Who, for the first. time, successfully determined the eharge of sn electron ? Ws Themen), 3a (©) Rutherford (@) Coulomb a 74, ‘The fort Muslim: king who invaded South Indie wee (A) Batban 5) Mionsmmse on rygniag (©) Babur (D) Alauddin Ri {A) Hanpa ——@B) Mchenjodar (C) otha ©) Koalibengon “re stugna judicial eystera was based on (A) Persian ine —(B) Hebrew law (C! Inlamielaw — (D) Indian law rurricanes are geaerally (A) activo over the land B) travelling in ‘anilies (C) dunt starma () setivw over the wom rine oll uo iain (ay Debs © Venezia ‘Too highest peak in Africa ix (A Aconcague ®) Kimayen (0) Mekinley D) Mount Etiras A layer of the Barth made up of mixed metals ‘and auester i eailed : (A Sint (8) Sime (©) Mantle D> Ni The exhaustion of si fertility is heresult af A Coen ronging (B) Multiple cropping 6} aan cropper (D) Over cropring (BY Bondi Avate Dy, Brazit Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in aL. (AL Transfusion (B) Vaccinatioe (D) Intimation Whe, aming the following, is the author of (A) Beaswean (B) Kael Marx 10) Chamaye {D) Mootesquien When and where will the ext Olympics be seta (A) Baiiing. 2014 @) Sanghi, 2012 (©) Romdevanetro, 216 (D) Toivren, 2013, ‘A Persian form of singing a poem is called (Ghazal B) Quwati 4) Tauri ) Bagjan ‘Green nou tte: causes (A) incranne of lennaratire (B) incrvese of moisturo in sir AG) decrease of emperature (D) deerease of moti in ni 3), intreseos the sround watar level (€) cause note raine . (D) cotucet floods and replenuabes ground The ‘solder’ used for sonneeting sletronic (A) Lead and Tin B) Tinand lon (©) Copper ant Lend (D) Lead and Ahuninium ‘What type ef molecular motion is responsible Fer beat endeeion? (A) Translational (B81 Vibrations (©) Rotational (D) Spin Pk the odd one oat (A Cupiter . (B) Interpreter (©) Aseembler " (D) Word pronesne : -M-OFFre jo un example of (A) an opening storm (Br atelecommunication software (©) a programming language (D> apredvctivite sotware 4s td, the aay of Sepeember 6 ctenrated 1s Teacher's Day ts honour the birthday of (A) Rebindra Nath Tagere (BY Pe 6 Radhatetahnan (C> De. Rajendra Prasad (D) Mi. Indira Gandhi Which among the following palluting agents in retmasibis for onaing 1 Ia fn the arom layer? ‘co 1C) 90, 6) OFe. © ch Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in m Fly ad ia, (8) 009, > Ongune parsosice mae (©) Seal ash vartiles ©) Noy Addition of chlorine to row water before ‘weatmentis known Which of the following is aot’ water ‘rentment technique ? (A) Revere osmosis (B) Ion exchange (© misctrostiatpa ‘Whisk ome of the Rllewing io a major indoor sir pollatant im Tndia (&) One (©) Carbon mopoxide (©) Sulphur dioxide ‘Malti Drag Thoenpy is for the infection of OD Leprcey ®) ADs D) Hepaitis 100, Vol, the car manufacturing company, intrnsincad ® Alarm (B) Fog iett (©) Seatbans (A> Asin ®y Australia (Cr ‘Aion ©) Barope ‘The major constituantof alts vay sanregea, (B) Carhae oxi (©) Onysen, D) Aydrogen ‘The souring of milk tocurd is ax example of (A) Sepoaifeation 0) Poueattion (©) Fermentation D) Baterifieation Which ope of the fllowing compounds is torqued wien sermalcenyae 18 trotad with Grignard veagect ? A) Primary alesbsl (B) Secondary aleshol D) Dinydric nleabol Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in 102, 10s. 104. 108, ‘TEST Ci) PART 4. ORNERAL ENONmEEMNE (CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL) stemmed une meres a egg mie ae oo omy gaat 2 oe so Mase of mcr net Rote pai tire mca crn me rete) oa a = ni oe 8s Ce fo ane psn vas tse {C) 0980p D) 0-85» hapete cancelbated hy ; way une ‘Gypsum used in cement msnufacturing acts (©) Magnesia. D) Silica (A) acosleratar 120, The crushing strength of a Aret class brick is (B) sir entraining agent (A). 8Nfmm? (B) 5-5 Nfore* (2) plasticivor (cy avo ima” wy > Np ou 1 et sama ‘gf ts seen tape edn me regimen neieie aoe oe ay ‘one (A) Ordiaary portland cement a Sa 05) Low heat coment oan eo aia 2 sete meen reseunems CS lam egennrenicuore orate Oolaa @ mes Oe ee oes yee SD Tepeatl emp we, ‘113. The lintels are preferred to archos because (Cs Sie of hates Chena, (AD archee require more headroom to span For 16 mm thick coment plastering 1: 6 on 100 sam. new brick work, the crantity | coment required is wy omrm? © oxen? © oman? the epenings like doses, widows, ot rctee require wlrouys bution 0 ‘withstand arch throst arches are aeutt m eanstruction All of the sbove o w o Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in 18, ua. 119, o Compute the angle between the lines AB and AG, If their respective bearings are 52°20" and 328°45, (a) 27618) ea & ow D) aves “ine Whole Circe Beanag of a hae 16 26715". ‘The Retuced Bearing ofthe lines w sure Ww @) SITI'W (© NRiSW. ) SIOTWE A Vn Jeti me Ral pits Ha survey lines iealled (©) chein tine (D), base line Which ofthe. lowing metiedln of eantanine ismeet auitable for bile terrain? iroct method wo ® m Alevel Eneis« (A) Tine paralld to the mon aphereidal urtace of the earth line paasing through contre of cross hairs and centre of eye-piece fine passing through otjective lens and Bre eyepiece @ © wy nonzeneat 20 1m, 21. UE ia the vate of interest expresied in nefficient af antual inking Bed, Tis Aue =) Gvd1 wy, wi, © he ora Ona ja ‘The above figure representa pian ad section of an exewation, layout, The vilume of earthwore in eueavation of foondation treneh s (A) 6528 eam. (C52 coun IFA be the diameter ef MS or tor steo) bars in ‘mm, the standard weight in hg) por motre of the bar is tA 000818 a (©) ve0si6a” @) oonsi¢a B) 5064 cam ‘The main principle of field surveying is to work from (AD higher level to Lower level (Ry lnwer level tn higher Ioral (©) partto whole Wy wpe pare, Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in vy 127, ‘Sand particle are made of ®) ite (6) monemontomte ©) Quart A Peller Frumdation Le dined Meg fourdation wien (B) hes 2 depth of embediment lies than its | itt (©) ‘investing on the grocnd surface Ne Gh oleae of void fn equal tothe vole of solids in a soil mass, then th values of| porcaity aad volda watio mapsctively are (A) 10ed00 (BY OO md 10 © 15md10 — D) 10mdo8 ‘The Hime atablization’ ia very effective in toning (B) Sity sols (D) Plastic dayuy soil ‘A 300 mm square bearing plate ates by 36 mm in a plate Jond test on» eshexive sail ‘whoa the intensity of loeding ia 0-2 Wfsaas” "The eetlomant of pootetoee shelton Tintin 1 m muse under die came inteity of Tani ® 8m B) am ‘The specific speed for a eurbing has the ‘mensions of ay PL wT (oy wi ye om Fir 180. “Oftets are (9) Lateral mesrureaents tm cha line 4B) Tes or check lines whieh ate peseecutar to Cas ine (C) Sets of minor measurements in chain (D) Chsin insa which go out of alignment. AML, The fore bearings of the lines AB and BC aro “Ao and 290" sonyetiively "he inclodea age between AB and BCin ww 08) 69" © 80 @) 307° ‘the sum of asnthings of a traverse exoceds ‘the sum of southinge by 1m and sum'of ‘cuntings exceeds the gum of woetings by 1, the resultant closing error and its true bearing are respestivels, 2 mn aoe O inven (©) 28, Nas oo) 2m, Nabe Win @ deeed warcnncy the Son of Ue sete Intitudes in more than the gum of the south Tattoos ned alee che ava of weet departure {4 more than the suai of east dopatinad, the baring ofthe casing Vine tn the SE quadrant KO NW quadrant (Dy swquaarant +40, ‘The angle helween true meridian and the magnetic meridian atthe time of observations fe known as : A) Orientation {B) Magnetic dedination [O) Mingnetic bearing (D)-Dip Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in 138, ast, A urge tank is provided im hydropower (A) reduoe water hammer pressures (B) reduce frieticnal losses (C) increase the net head (D) strengthen the penstoxks Ina twodimensicasl flow of uid, ifa velocity tential fonction tints which antafine He relation oe. ae a Bi © oy 6, then the flow is % steady incompreseible ‘stesdl laminar and incompressible ‘rretational and incompreseitle ‘turhulent and incempreasible Reynolds number is the ratio of the inertia foreeto the (A) surface tension forse (©) gravity free (D) elasticforce A river training work te generally equine ‘whan the Fiver A) aggeacing type {B) meandering type (© degrading typo (0) hath OS and (0 ‘The wate ntilnahle he planta i meailabie jn hae Fre of | AD weevity water (8) bydrosoopie water (©) capillary water (0) chemical water in 14 4, as, Bulk modulus ofa fluid isthe ratio of (soe strest to atoar wan (B) increase in volume to the viscosity of (©) iueronse in promure to the volumetric ©) critical velocity te the velodty of aid ‘The buoyaney depends upon the Mae gai do ‘Saplaced D) sight ofthe liquid dieptoned (©) visconity ofthe liquid wy) comproamtaisy oF agua (De Aacharge meen metnmguen wotsh fo (A) invemely proportional to HY? (B) directly proportional to” (©) inwenely proportional te HO (D) dbrectly proportional to H™ ‘The most coenomisal section of a rectangular han ae! 16 on€ having hylewke vadive envel to (A) ther are dey (8) half chebreadth (© natrmeaepn (D) twice the Breadth In a rectangular. channel, the ratio of the epestis enecgy at ctieal depth By te the citical depth 3, 20 ® 10 In open chansel flows. the characteristic length commonly sed in defining the Rornolds number is the (A) depth of fow (©) bydrauile radius (D) seeing wid, Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in 114A, A boaen xed st both ends carrie w vnormly | atehelad land om antine anath Toa sats of | ending moment at the support to the bending moment aL mid agate alven by (a 05 ® 10 ©) 16 @) 20 a sane of Wavtal ote, the mentee wat ‘of shear atresia given by ® © © Ralf the difference of the normal stressed ‘Sum of se eal reece ‘Half the sum of the normal vtreason From a cirmular plate of diameter 60 em, a winds Set mit whee Member tn « nti af ‘the plate. The distance of contre of gravity of the reminder from the centre of circular Piateis By 150m, © Wem 1, 149, In section pore bending, the ‘neural erce i aubjoted to (A) compression rain ©) tml train (©) sore sesin @) Noneof the shove re nanny or 8 meri sis uy #8 the breaking or rupbure taken pla sown (A) Hardeoay.——(R) Trughnion (©) Beilences, ©) Soins the point af entero (A) ending meet mininneme ©) Deling wean esisaum : (©) Beading sement i ere {Wy mang mormon Are ane 1s chanaes a0, If the sopping distance and avarage length of ‘svehiele are 18 m and 6 m respostivly, then. the thaoretizal maximum capacity (vehiclos der hour) of « traffic laze at a wpeed of TO mveee is (a) 1500 4B) 3009 (© 2500 @) 2000 In highway construction on superelevated °° gurvea, the rolling shall procest from (AD sides towrards tne contre (BS eantre towards the sides (C) lower edge towards the upper edge (DD open alge teeta the lamer age ‘The pormimsible Haut of arsenic in drinking ‘water au por the guidelines of WEO is > 001 pom ®) 001 pp (©) 005 ppea D) 065 peo [Which one of the following sequences is the meet geile Or treating ray surfigo water ‘oxtake it gftable for drinking parpose ? (hy Sereening Slteation 168. 186, The populitions of « town ax per consus record were 200000,-210099 snd 130000 for ‘be years Ie, Isl ana BHO respectively. ‘The popalation of the town as per goometric ‘mean method in the year 2008 15, cay sat ) 28872 (© 28820 (D) Roneof ho above Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in AUT, A simply supported beam in carrying distributed load of ‘re’ intensity over ona support to linearly varying nature af inteasity ‘w ovor Bw athar cunpart. Tbe shave of BMD ‘will bo 9 Tincar © partic ©) were 108, ‘The mazionm damenton o crt seenon ror 2 rectangular erosesetion under soomtsle faitag on selina od (ad b/s ® as ws ae (Dy db/Sand dfs 180, Shear force af the ridhepen point inthe 2g se @ en 2M © oe > ann. 190, Two identical simply epparted Dou of open ‘Par subjected fo equal wad" W” Une bea fnging toe tod We at He cetre or concentated,loed) and he ether Gow a carrying it im the form of dL. ver the ote Span tow rae of Oe hogan bende ‘mewent wil be wt 2 wa ws BeA-tn a sed deck of n= i lao nel trots, + = ahonr wtxant, the vertical @iametor presente (A) Maximum shear stress (©) Principal strous (D) Myngmum normal stress | 190. 193. ‘Tho shear disgram for x cantilever beam subjected to a concentrated load ab the free ‘end is given by a/an (A) Triangin B) Rectangle (C) Parbola, (D) Ellipse having a coocentrated load W at mid span is ven oy ) WLYSEL SWLY24EL SWLA8EI wa'/ao EE © Of the several primmatic beams of equal longths and of ssme material, the beam that ‘ean carry maximum load in Pexure it the oDe having mesmo 1A) Dept tection GB). Area of ere section (© Seen necator (DY Moment of inertia. ‘The uum detetins = starts apported bets of effective spen T, nd Subjected ow ceuleal woucenteate lad WT io tven by @ WARD wm ween (0) WL/48 BT (Dy 6 WL?/384 EI ‘Acconceatrated load W act atthe centre of a imply supported beam of length L. Hf the load is changed to a uniformly distributed load over the entie span, thor the ratio of smximam deflection uider concentrated load ‘and under uniformly distributed load will be wie @) 18 ow © 9% 168 280, Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in 16. 0, m. m2 18. re ‘The equivalent stiffness of two spring: of| S= rnd jin i savin fa gh bt (A) By 82/8 +82) BRM, 6S) © 8+% ©) 818 acing load for an anally Wadd clam swith both ende ized in given by etna? @ 22eyt © aseu? mE ». Poissons ratio iis defined as the ratioot a) mused strain to remeverme strain {B) axial strain to shear ezain (C) transterye strain o axial sirain (D) shear strain to axial strain In a thin qfindrical. che, the ratio’ of| Tongitudinal stress to hoop otros is w os ® 19 © 16 @ 20 ‘The made of conerte M20 means thit characteristic compressive sirungth of 15 en ‘cubes after 28 days ia given by Q) 10N/mm? B) 16Nfmn? ©) 20N/mn? =D) 25 N/mm* ‘You are asked to construct 2 massive concrete dam. The type af coment you will uss in (A) Ordinary portland cement (B). Repid hardening poctland coisent (0) Low beat cement {D) Blast furnace slag eameat ‘The objectof curing not to (A) prevent the ons of water by evaporation Us» Toduce tho erinkage of cement Sonereve (©) preoocve the propertioe of emerote (D) eden tho cerongth cf eames "The initial setting tina of Ordinary Portland Cones corer ® 10min, © Amin; B) 90min, @) Onin. fa 17%, 7. A stractare which offers negligible or neu recitance on Handing at aay pein Sa Ime ®) Girder (© una, (D> Cable 1) R) curve reoresenting the deformed shape of a Deem is given by ws s/o] . an web] (ah) © seaiias/ pS] om actos 2) ‘The wortent renwined tn wobate the meer and of a primaatie beam thrvugh unit angle, ‘thant tramtatinn, the for and being ved ia w By om 2EyL © sey AByi ‘A revaming wail of traporouial section paving, ‘beso width rotains earth at ts back, For no tenaton te be developed at base, tie rosaltant force will interuet the base from centre line ww bys BW © Ws wm ye Angle of twist of a circulee shat wader the action ofa torsional moment T i civaa BY @) Gum os) TIySs (©) W/GL @) TGA. re wanton ste wit (2) rg Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in 190; During the manufacture of Poriiand coment, erp re laahan of Pavia aad bn (A) increase theatrengih af cement £0) my Use vue worst (C) reduce hent of hydration of cement {Dy adjostserting ume ofcement EL, Minimwe newenetace of torsion steal RCC beams for Pe 500 steel in © om © 0@ Aa per 18 456, the affective length of cantilever shall ke taken a (A) close spa (2) stone spon + oftatine opt (©) clear pan + effective depth (0) clear apan + emenve wiaen Te the soalas eati in ata tatioda atest sand concrete is ‘?, then Ube eritical neutral ‘axis constant ei given by W ofa B) mms © (mera —O) wife or eo way aewon, Ls, Pasemng aD, we caloulated shear srw, ty should sstisgy the following relation 5, < Kyi, where % feccoding to working, sinet method Le ‘expreaned ss @} ose fi as on (©) 05) OFF ‘Tae mininwm horinental dstants between two main riforveroct bars nboald be 9 dlametar of lager bar or 6 maa more fan the ‘soa smmsioem ein’ of cores aggrepat, whicler a higher 5 mm more than the nominal ie of the ‘aggregaia only mm more chm te amet te nar None o te above @ w @) 184, High percontage of C8 and low poreantage of ow! @ mpi hariening iy high early strength with high heat generation (Gi) more resistauee to cheancal attack, The correct anewer is (A) Only 6) PR Ody ts © Both Gand GH (D) Boer Gp aaa i) 1ST. Aa par 18 456, apltting tensile strength (f,) ‘compressive strength a (A £2065 ff, ®) 08 my on ‘Air eatrainmet in the concrete increases A workability B) trong (C) the effet of temperature variation (D) the unit weight ‘Which of the following is added for quick setting af careat A) Gypsum {B) Alem (0) Sine entpnte (©) Atumiiiam salphate Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in 191, The distance between toe rivets miasured erpendinnlir te hy dlwetlon of apple Caren is known as (AD ite, eave (©) staggered pitch (D) edge distance Por. simply supported beers, the allowable detctien all maf exzeed (8) 1/25 ot span © 1/250 man (©) s76 stepan (400 stp “The beams sxpporbng Ye star mepe, are seneraly known as (A) headers 8) erimmers (©) stringers AP) apendiet haerm 194, Maximum size of a fillet weld foe a’ plate of nquare og ic (Ay 20 mum lags than the saieKneen of she! plate (B) onesulf ofthe thickness ofthe tate” (0) thicraes of the plataitedit (D) 1-5 mm more than the thicken ef the pine "The minima edge ad sod diatance from the entre of any tale to the mmneat aneecut edge ahall not be Lous than. (A) 16 times le cia B) 11 timestino dia (0) 2 enan bola dia (D) 16 Hime ltt aia 306, Ia a singly reitread beam, f the yerniasible street te merit echo oulan thal the perainabl,strws ia see, he beam section aed (8) Under rrinforend etn, ©) Over refined section (©) Balaton set (wy aneme seonon 181. Wo, isthe sews in bar and i the design Sond atu, then the dvalnpiant Largth of = tar of ameter in given by ts, @ e (A) Somexisnam at neutral sia 1B) drezeaees below neutral ais sod incruasea shove neutral axis (©) ‘nerensea below neutral axis and ‘decreases shove neutral axis (Dy rumsins coustast Ciroughout the depth Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in TEST it) YABT-D. ONNERAL BNGD@ERING (RI RETRICATS 1s, The tage wave «gin ot 16) weit opi seman ane cet IT the crest, ite Oe rll by 0" andthe asian value of current ia Ty, thea the equation af (A) Lela sin (ot + 6 amps (8) 5 =Iyy sin (ot — 25° amps oi WW) (hg finn 07 eS Ty sin (ae + 25° apy ‘The mverege value af cirenal (Iq) off a sinusoidal wave of peak value (ly) is of turns and dp in the instamtoncons Mux aka wis Geel awe de “The negative sign inthe expression is due fo (A) Hans Chrissian Voratea «B) Andre-Blarie Ampere (©) Michsol Faraday (@) Emil Lenz ‘The mutual inductance between tro ex inductances henry and 12 henry 164. (Ay 1275 bear (a) 5st heny (©) O-425heary D) VT beaey se 105, Resistance femperatare exctficient of copper at 0 is (ay esnnan hes B) Gon7rc ©) c00885/%C «D) Gooage: in determined by (A) the vokiage drop ip ormatare remstance, (B) the voltage drop due to armature roaction, voage crop due To deceased field coment und voltage drop in ‘the volage drop dur wo arinature roactiay fd waltage deve in armature ‘evtztanen. Bie vollnge nop due tm armahire reaction, voliage drop due to decveased el ecerent ‘and voltage deepen sematire redatance and Ged resistance. © How inany wethonwonds are eappliod by a smstor developing 2 kp Geitish) for hours? (A) 116866 10° watt-sccands 110+ 108 att ance (©) 2646 x 107 watt-soconds (©) 68943 x 10° wattaeconds pale premintes Ie sanaing ab 2860 ys ‘The frequencs and time period of the east generat lla ace roepechrely 50H, 002see. (B) 40 He, 0025 mec. 1©) 900 Fly © 01000 a oe, sg me Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in 409, The single phase Induction Motor TMD which Anes voters sentefngal metab ie ‘capacitor tart ingle phase IM resistance eplit single phase IM ‘apacitor start capacitor run single hae IM fermasent capacitor rm single phase ry or o @ 110. When a maltplior in added to an existing voltmater for extending ita eanoe. itt electromagnetic damping, (A) remains unaffected (B) ineroases (C) decroases (D) changes by un amount dopending an tha ‘comiruling torque ML, Phasordiogram of load voiags (V), current in roseare col fp) and curren in current el (i) ia shows: in the figure when an lctrsdsname wnttmotar ad te mine power. The reading of the wattnt wil bo repertinal ta mB iy) omy os Bes y ers Bee B+v) 112 Two parallel conductors carying carrent in (A) an atractive oreo (B) aropulsive force (©) an etal force (D) mo farce w) AT/a. (B) Weber/n (©) Atfeber . (D) Weber/sT 114, In indicating instruments the springs are ‘aly ee (Ay conduct Ove current to the cols @) hold the pivotin position (Cy contial the pitas surest (D).veduse the vibration ofthe pointer 128. 4 balamed Sohase. Swine supoly feeds ‘palanced star conascied resiators. If one of the resistors in disconnected. then the ‘perventage reduction in load wil be ay 3938 @) oo «© eee oO % 4x0. ine roual Gur at wwe ena o1 8 long perznanent bar magast ia 100 x 10% Wh. The end of this magnet is withdrawn through 2 1000 turn aa 3 indueed emul ia ssitia J enenade the the coilis a) 20V ®) 20¥ © o2V D) ov Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in N7.In referoace to the gure; the woitags [149, An ammeter of resistance R,, is placed in an ne twavafoem vt) is menstrad fy = DMMC, = PMMC combined with bridgs metifier and snowing Seon (MT) fnotiamant: ie Bete ae prepared thereafter: csropqunent as snown the Mp ei OF Rg igi copper areas that af Ry sauna, The enedion for whih th ber peormaace iy conipenratod agint —. wb . Re i Tt 6 = : i GE" nn tageman| rm emp 5 he b. PMMC rectifier 26e ® RR-RR he covet oi ing St erm | py Fa Ba and their readings ‘The emitiom trmunlstor as shown, carries 1, the exllecior aide un rms oarrent of 8 mA. If he Goyveury of rectangular pulse 900 ¥, 18 ‘90H, then on-time of te transistor +09 ou + a Vor=5V = An. ®) me (©) 181m wo tm ©) 1808 aL Ha 110 ¥, 50 His is applied across » PMC ‘yoru of full-oeale Tange 0 ~ {ntecaul resistance of 10 volimeter ~~ & ov ®) 11048 ¥ (O ev ©) wv To manimine the driving twewae ia at induction type instrument, fox prodaced by hunt cil ned arrow neil sheet 0 in phase with each other (B) in quadentare with cach other (©) displeced by 45° with respect to each pervan ©) ovt of phase with raapec: to each other ‘To minimize the errors due to lead and ‘contact resistances, low resistances used in @eccrrical meamvrement work ‘are. provided with, ‘wy guardinngs ®) four terminala (© thick inmatation (D) metal abiakds Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in U8, Beane the two staiemonte ‘A’ end aad ssloct your anonrer {Statement A. Switching of lamp in howe produces noise in radia, Statement R. ‘Switching operation produces are serose ‘separating contacts. (A) Beth A and Rare true and Ris a correct xolanation of A ) Bothy A and R are true and R is not a sore expnanation oC, (©) ‘Ais true but Ria fale ©) Ais false bet Ria trie ‘The emall pockets of air in the high voltage ‘able provide lative permittivity, electric field and. at these sites Joceokrn is likely to be initiated. (A) high high) ow, low (©) tow.biak- Dich Low J. The capacitance measured between any to cores ar-8 come cable win the aponth carthed is 8 uF. The capacitance per phate will ke oo 16MF ay ue. © iF ©) Nons ofthe above. To an inowine cable sen sone discboier and overall iepeter D; the ratio of mqciemum ‘te xinimum dlelecteientrene ia given by & oa? B) ara? + ©. DA ~ O 4p 1%. Campared 16 the breakin eapaity of erent breaker, its making capariy thou be @ ure © bw (©) equal - 128, In electronic circus, for Blocking the DC conuperucut of « volmage minal, an ‘a connected in series withthe voltage source, (a) capecitor ——(B). diode © resistor ©) inéucor 130, For miype semiconductor, the doping material is ) tetrevalent —(B)neutarabnt (C) trivalent = (D) bivalent. ‘Ax attomuaior probe as shown, in connected to elie of Hayat enpmlionee OB Value of C thet must be commacted across 4300 to wise tae everall ya txtepensent OF sreaweney, is 00% te amptiice tox ; do 001 KE ow ® or ©) 104P icon coment ia oe Iauumllon te Rept ‘within 5 as it (Ay mann ne material brittle (B) redwoes the cure point (©) Inerenene hyaeresis loos () increases cost A: waltmeter ia marked 1BA/ ANA, ‘900.V/ 20 and its scale in marked up to 4000 watts. When ihe motor is connected for 90 A, 600 V, the point indieaind 2000 wate, ‘he acto power in the circuit is (A) 2000 watts §—(B) 4000 watts ©) the ewe are anralased twee wom (©) 6000 watts (D)_ 8000 watts Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in 133, 135. ‘Resistance switching in néemally emplayed in (B) nisoum il breakers (©) sicblest cireuit breakers (D) allo, Band C Af the angular frequency of an alternsting attege le ty Vaan IN gules Drigonang afl instantaneous real power absorbed im an ae a tw Oo ©) de ©) a Te the . transistor having Veg Vag = 0° Vas $ = 45,valneof itis mv ex RB e x ick bas, Nee + a58¢e 8) 654i. © mise ) 9118 Ina balanced 2-phase creat, be line current is 12.A. When the power in meniured by twa wattmeler method, one meter reds 11 kW: while the cher reads zaro. Power factor of tho oad is ©) 9886 @) 10 18. To cate of frosted GLS lamps frocing’is dae br A) acidevching (©) sxon6 (D) saltwater 1a, If the supply polarity to the armature termine of a venarstely excited dc. motor is reversed, the moter wil run Under (0 Plugsing condition (B) Rogeoecative braking condition CO) Dyrunat ahing semana (D) Normal motoring enndition For welding purpose, the secondary of transformer’ used should be capable of carying (A) high voltege, high eurtent @) high wie, low currant (C) tow Voltage, high curreat, 1D) Sow voiage, ow current Which of ie Ratoni tntansene > (A Lond factor = capacity factor x utilisation facta (RO Trthantiom ftae = napaeity fectan Tao factor factce (D) Load tactor tas no relation with expacity factor and utilisation factor In a méor starter, tho, cletromechanical contactor provides imharent—rnection against (AY averenrent (B) short-circuit coy smogue-pranng (D) under-soltage Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in 14a, In the circuit, is the inpot voltage applied evant the reperiioe of 9. Soeeant Shevughs the capacitors © “ 18. 1a a cemiaouducter the reatti (A) dopende on temperature By depends on voltage LO) depen om manent gh (D) None af the shove A. A geyner fs operated from 280 V, 0 t/s mina. The equeney of inetantee rma cconaunaed by te geyner ia A) ee ®) soon ©) 10008 ) 1500 1145. Ampere-seound is the urit of cay come 2 poser (©) clectriecharge (D) energy 146. ar, 148, ‘Two lonty capacitors with equal capacitance values and pover fators of O01 and G02 are in paralil, and the combination is supplied rem a sinusoidal veltage eouree. The power factor ofthe combination is @ 003 ® oor © oor (Dy 949002 ‘A voltmeter when connected actus a de supply, reads 124¥. When weriee combination of the voltmeter and aa ‘unknown resistance X is connected aeress the ‘2upele. the malar rowde 4 UH the eeaintanee of the volumster is 5010, the value of Xi a) 1550 x0 B) 160052. The purrose of providing a choke isi the pubeighs ie |A) to limisate the corann eects (2). te avoid ratio interference (© se tmprove power factor (®) to limit current to appropriate value ‘ncandescout lamps, one having 230 V, 100 W syrviication und the other IV, 2m) W are connected between I phi ‘neutral and. YY phasewneutral respectively, If the neutral wire reals (A) 100.W lamp wil fase frat (3) 200 W lain will fae frst (0) hath thelompe wil oon together (©) both the lampe will glow Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in 160. A solenoid of inductance 260 mH sad rosin 10 1 te sonmeted ba m baby Tas time taken for the magnetic energy to reach ~ offta maximum valve is a WA) eg © 96mg @ B) tg) Juv wr Some Fo peek val of se ompOE Wonage of Lalwavesecifier i 100 The rma vale \f Ue itv rier our Yung: il te 1A) 10 OV © IV mh asa ‘The given clroait represents » (A) menostable multivibeater B) antable mulivibrator (C) Schmitt rigger IT). Matahe ticbentar ‘The input resistance of @ FET is 0¢ che order of ® 190 (©) 1Mo @). 10k0 ) 10 Mo. In merinn RL cenit appliod from a, sinusoidal valtage, anvree, saltage aeroso R. and L. are 3 V and 4 V riepeetively, The sents waltage fe then wav @iy. o sov @) 5Y as. 18. 160, the inaulation resistance of? m long sanople ‘fa cuits 40 Rs, snem msm leng.aample of ‘the same will hve aa insulation resistance of a) 40Mo ®) 26Mo © 24a @ soma ‘An inductor is supalied from + sinrenidal Voltage source. The magnetic field energy in the inductor chan fun neak valne ta ‘minimum value in 10 masee. ‘The supply froquenes ie (A) 0H ® 264 ‘Two 2000 0. 2 watt resistors are comet in parallel Their combined resistance value and wattage rating are A) 3000 2, 2 watt <0) 2000 2, 4 wae 8) 1000 0, 4 wait Dy amv, x watt We have thsts rosistannoe oach of value 1.0, 20 .und 2 0. 1F all dhe three resistances are to he sete aw sieves eww ney ffnent valo af equivalent resistance are prasible? A) Five © ox (©) Seven, D) Bigae Ons BOT. unite (A> 1000 em) ake (© even @D) o1kWE ‘An electric heater draws 1000 warte from a 980V cource. ‘The power drawn from » 900 '¥ > 0% ws) saw (© 1000W ©) e256 ‘Three 9 UP capacitors are in seriea. A © NF epacior te iu parallel with this series arrangement. The equivaloat capacianee of tA) Tt © 38a B) 6 ©) ine Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in OR. A de series motor has an armature seidstacoe| $f 0.08 0 wd monies Bald einhnna of0-00 6. ‘Toe motor ia somnected toa 400 mupply. The ine marront ls 0 A swhew he apeed of te: ‘machine is 1100 7pm. When the Tine current 50 A and the emitation te inereanedl by 80%, spend of the machine in rpm in © 87 D ws YAR. The woltege soneen RT, and Care 8V, 1407 ‘and 10 V respeitively as in the Bure, If the “mrlhege aero & inenttel, then the lage woltage (me) ia <10¥e <3ve «teve z L © \_@——___ a wv © 28V. ® sv ) BY in sephaes series TL crout fo by vltage mouros, Ane’ sonltacie am reactance val, ‘re ¢ ohm each, In this revit, (A) the currentlonds the voltage by 45° @) the carrentlags the volinge ty 45° (©) the current Inge the voltage ta 60" (1) Nerina tha shes Muperpesition ewan requires as many circuits tobe sored aa there are (A) nodes B) sure (©) lope, (D) Nona of a ahore 108, In oquitrelcage induction motor, the rotor onibactoen mre A open circuited, (Doel iced ie edge (C) short ciresited vin external reactance 0) abort arcutcea via external reaaance, UT A Siphaun sqrtorninns matin So ahead hy utilising the tarque developed in (A) Mas tighopred steatatene (B) thecdamper winding on the rotor. {G) thodamper winaing oa te suacor. (D) thelow-speed water-turbine, 100,16 the frquimey of input wltge fa transformer’ Lawging the sageltode ot the valageendhangol: Chon (A) both Rysterveis Joes and ody eurront Jou inthe core will increase, eB jn ows will imerease but Iystress Jo eddy (© hywcareeis Woes wil increase but eddy current isa ¥il remain unchanged. (D) Wenernais toes will decresse but eddy gurrot Yous will merous. A6Y, ‘Teo Waglephase ac motors A and 1 operate ‘op: a 1000 V supply. A ennaumes 2 LW at a [Power fecter of 09 aging) and B cosrumeo LEW at a power factor of O5 (againg). The total corrent drawe from the supply is approximately as an © 4418 om ond @ 9A 1. The higeretgy and low-salt, winding Fesistancen of distribution transfonmer of TOORVA, 10070 roll, 60 kx areOT and 00040 " respectively. The equivalent. reisiances referred tw high-volinge mide and (Ay 2004 @ ana O72 B) o2Qndo-usa (C) 0-10016 0 ond 2604.0. (D) 0-006 2 ant 0-10018.0 Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in an. 1, a8, mm, ‘A tank eireutt connie of {Ay an inductor and a eupactar connected in series (B) an inductor and a capacitor connected in paral é (©) © pure inductanee and 2 pure! capacitance counected in aeries ©) a pure inductance mado ‘capacitance connected in parallel ‘The insantaneous power of a {-phase serie circuit supplying R-L load from a sinuspidal voltage source has in each cycle (A> nopative twice, zor four times ) ante todos aegliny nee (©) negative four times, sero tice (D) negative twiee, nero once pare| see #0 if : “f if wy ae nf In an ac cireuit, V = (200 + (40) V and T= (0 —j10) A. The active and ‘reactiro Dower ofthe ereuit are riqpentvely (A) 6400 W, £00 VAR capacive (B) 6400 W, 800 VAR inductive (0) 0101, 2900 VAD sopeitinn (D) 5600 W, 3208 VAR inductive was ® Q- © a= 175. 170, im. ee Reuse eer ee ana onan Ea @ «© The voltage (6) ve. current carve of the 100 aap a Osa m2 Titerael nemanes a ne nguroe © w ue @ 49 «© 100 @) uo Value of the tod impedante for which the 508 ala power factor of Blend 50.0 at a power factor of 0-6 ng [None othe shove Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in 176, "The epeed-torjue characteristic of m de sevice pucter panting Homme watmat, voltage, supply is ed \ 1 (©) Speed Fargas > 1. (D) Speed| \7% Match List I OMfachine) with List II (Graph) tnd eetect the appropriate response. Litt Lie & DCMotr —@) Cirelediagram, >. DCGensrster Gi) Verve © Altemater © Git) Open eheait haracee tion ©“ mauencn motor (ii) Speed Tone dharacterietica w wo © o div), BG, of, a4) 4 6, Bay), ad, aay div) Di, oi, di) 2, bv, e@, G4) 1160. ‘Three equal impedances are fret cunnocted in doa acrona"a S-phase elanced mapply. Ifthe ‘same impedances aro connected in stax across arcs (A) phana exerrante will he J ofthe previous ote B) line currents will be 3 of the previous (©) yore emanmed wil be 2 othe redone Ot Fe an te eee Felaawibe 101, The soaps vl of the wags we Peuderh a O1ei 20) ce . ny ane © were on eerw 1st fen an wm ise at feigunhes Asa Rispocbt eee Sekar wie 00 nt ntoumees ot inn beck Rissncoe nee ca ‘icra Land 18 @ retanee Poon aspen opply gare, aco sa © sesh aoytt C) 45 nH D) 25 yH 108, A nine note oe ch OD cast run on ini volun afunply waltage (B) has infisitely varying speed (0) oon aparete om ane wel ne de eltoge ©) cas work us single-phase or three-phane moter Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in 4, I the centrifugal awiteh of a single-phase regance spit induction mowr does net open after starting of motor, the motor (A) will run above narmal speed (8) will run below normal peed ea cra very smal curren wit deve high cneront and ont Aitarmatere ae wowalle deaigned te generate which type of a. voltage ? (A) With fixed freqeeney jas) wan veriabie regency oy Fined power factor ‘Three industorn each of 60 mH aré connected of the equivalent star cnnpedtion ia 10 mE ®) 16m o o 30mn ‘Tho magnetic. feld energy in an inducter ‘cnanges from maximam value to minimum value in 5 meee when commeded to an se ‘source. The frequency ofthe eouree in He is a) 500 20 ow o » 188, 188, 190, 91. ‘A. voltage soures having an opencireuit wollage Af IRN U ara internal naietenne af 175.2, is equivalent to a current source of (A) 2A in series with 75.0 o @ o 2A a parallel with 975.2 2Ain varallel with 750 1A jn parallel with 160.0 ‘A 800 KW alternator is driven by a prime ‘mover of speed regulation 4% while the prime mover of another 200 RW altemalor has speed regulation of 9%. When operating in: parallel, the total load they can iake without ‘any of them being overloaded ia SEtrrataltabecties atthecentie athe (a) WE7SEE & wipe cc) SWEAR EL CO) WERKE EL cotati tN cpun under ection of Tova’ i ©) ae NryAs0 (Oy BeNT/ABO A cylindor ia anid to he thia s'the thicknesn to ‘diameter ratio irene than wus 8) 30 tes ans a ano ‘The vending moment on a section ia (4) Minimum BY Maximum Strut india wo 4 (A) Member of strectere which carrie 1 as as ann ae Merticd mom of x wiracturt whieh | Vertind mmemtor of nerncanre which © o a stendly Mow rovecatle process ‘open eyatenn and any proces 28, The waine of Painton's ratio in aware love hen we ay 02 © oe @ 05 129. Tus spindle of a machine tol is subjerted te ‘he following type nf oma (40 Torsional load 2 (B) Beandiag ae (D) Axial tenet toat Deniiaen shear virvee «The sevaia energy ee ee ie cay 2 wy es = of » 2 oe o TN eS. Figures A, 1, © ma: are bending moment aurrivultios of a simply supported bean foe Wonka Ragure the correct bending momeut disgcase ‘corresponding to the shear stress Sotetation giren blow o Le 4 1 is coveodt bonding momen! dntrbation Cis correet banding morownt distribution Di ooredt bending moment ditribution e © o Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in 12, 18. 37. ‘Which property is an incensive property ofthe a (A) Spite enthalpy (O) Kinet easrgy (0) eiropy Dine the eeteneton apeetion thermodynamic eystom among the fllowing (A) pressure (©) vernpersare ) volume Dy density ‘Anoar engnes suppuea wrk 210 EW of neat at a constant fixed temperature of 289°C and ‘the ost rejstion takes place at 6°U. The ‘engine is reversible if the heat rejected, in iW, is 138 1B) 208 Os O70 Function of carburettor is to supply Cairn petel intone (B) sirand diesel mixture CO) ty yous (D) petroland diese! mixture {na bole, check valve i ued vo (A) contre the feed water flow rate (B) cheek the water lovalin drum (C) ensure unidirectioanl fed flow co deues (D) check quality of feed water When wet steam flows chroush © throttle valve improves OR) Ste taenperetune inennaanat hat Armas eereases 10) ita tomperntn dnewnnana bat deere improves (D) itstemperatare and devoces decrease nA Armee 1, tas, 44, What approcimate poreoniags of heat srenbmating ta Inet tn the Jacket. noni water? we on © we of D) 2% If tro liquide ot cifferent tomperaturen are mized, then the ‘inal teaperatare of the nisture of iquids can be obtained by vsing (A) Zeroth law of thermodynamics WW) Ficctlaw of Grrmodynsmiee (C) Second law of hecramdynamicy (D) Third law of thermodynamics Toran irreversible thermodynamic eyee 20 0. 9 few fi 9 ss f8S20 ow f38s0 ‘The enthalpy of evaporation of rater (A) decresser with increase in pressure (B) Cocrumaes with decrease in pressure (©> Sncrexses with inerease in pressure ot remsing unaflected by change in preesure Ta a Uhswtting prosess the allowing ‘Sentedgnenepepety alo cote W) Bathalpy —G®) Rntopy 1 opemcnen oo) Rey Heat supa to orate canal the work deve in coe ovo Bow rots cried ext. 00 learnt tetera (C) isotharmally —(D)_adisbatioally Nepacing hangs ia plete neti nengies, the shaft work during a steady flow ‘roves is given by 9 Sra © [rd fom ©) fear Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in 1145, In dicoal engine, sho nuction contains wy neon ) tae only (©) mixture of ar and fuel MD siene ful ‘The uid drawn in during suction in petrol engine containa 1A) Fal ay (By Ruel ov air {o) rant : (D) misture of air and foe! 147. Spark ignition engine ie (A) petrolengine —(B) diesel engine (©) stesmentine () CI. engine ‘The working fluid for a diosel engine during the saction stroke is (A) foel-air mixture (B) Frosh air (D) Nouv of teabove MB. 148, For s convergent noztle, ifthe exit pressure is lowe them sritest pressure, the maka roto of ‘ow will be ca) nerwanrg © ze (©) cecreamng D) constant 1 impulse tubing, presare on Die owe siden of ene moving blades A) inresnes 1B) docrossan (seine eine (D) may decrease oF remain constant USL. Brayton cycle in a reversed (A) Carnot opel as) antane ete (©) doutecytle — (D) Dual eyele 8, 164. 105, 187. 159, In internal combustion engine terminology, MBPT ated toe (A) Mul Pressure Fuel Injection 6B) Mult Ties Thee Tyan, (C) Mult Point Fuel Injection €D) ML Pressure Tire Igniton For eomslate burning of 1 ke of earban. the ‘ir requited will be about WA 2erhy ©) 17 be C) 16kg D) 145 5g 1 ton of refrigeration ia equivalent te a) ew wy) womw (c) 35kW ) okW Koacking tendeney in an SI engine redacor al ‘Compression ratio wan emperanare (C) Superciercing, (D1 Engine sye00 Cabane tttbac nf fal ie mations of fhe (a) risensiy ) voleuny (C) ignition quality Dy Arapecine parity Critical presrure for steam is (a 252bar (B) 295 bar ‘Maximum steam prossure (in bar) in a locomotive boiler is Emited! to wank mia os D) 25 (Compounding of steam turbine is done to (A) balance the rotor (B) reduce the blade friction 10) rechara th mtr ceed (D) connect the shaft of one tarbine to that of another Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in 260, 161. ea, 163, Francis Turbine is best suited for (Ay all types of heads 180m AG) low head mmattanons up to:20 m 11) igh head inetallaions shoe $801 Head developed by a ceatrifugnl pump dependson (A) Imgeller diameter (B) Speed CoP Type wren (D) (A)and GH above: ‘The vertieal distance af the conter of preseure below the eg. of the inelined plane arce (eubmerged in liquid) is tegen o a cuction uf plane are = distaceo of eg. of plate area (rom For a nozzle to eonvert subsonic How into a ssupersonie flow, it must be aw B oO muctuatam of very tne earecTON ‘low aa well 4a tranaverse to it ‘Tho discharge through 2 single acting | ‘eetoroenting pum ia IN -> roa @) Q=AuN & @- auton © ALN /SO Oo Yor vious fw beoween ty paraue pits, the prowuredrvp peri length x equal to 9 1200 / oad? @ 4207 jo" ) wun ) a2p0L/0* 1738. am, 1176. A liquid moving with constant angular namentuen hw tangential walenty of 1.9, 2m from axis of rotation. The tangential wy 06 1B) 37% ©) BA ™ 60 With the same aross-aectional ares aud placed nr eie earbuteus Gow, ee tanyee eng wall Ve experienced by (a) aaphere (B) astroamtinod baly (C) a ciwalar disc held normal to the flow irectica, (D} circular dise held parallel to the flow lee 178, ‘A.streamlined body is eoeh that (A) it produces ne drug forflow around it ©) i ia ommmeiciaal about the aie along thetee stream 6) sopatation UF yw ie avmted abany Le ‘surisce (D) the snepe at ine body comentes win tng stream surface 7%: Payeal second isthe unit of (A) pressure GB) Ninnanationinenaity (©) aynamic visoosity (D} surface tension ‘The shear stress fa a turbulent pipe rw (10, sevinn pamhalioaly with roding (2) te consiant aver the pipe radiue (©) vari scoring tothe 2 poner la (D) in serv at the contre and increases Aineaely to the wall vm. Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in 180. In order fo gat the uniform thickness of the lata hy ralling nent, ana prea (A) Camber onthe rolls @) Ofiseton the ros (€) Herdening of the elle (D) Aniifviction bearing: 2182, Tha pat npc tent yl wE wuthig nd material is (A) earbon percentage IR pamontage of alloying shenant (©) red chat) hardness (D) ay fabrication 188. The soldering process io carried out in the ‘temparsture range . Kaeo mH LARA (©) 180-2508 «D) 00 -FOD"C 11005 tas tevin century, lea ad proseure are used to effect eonloscence. The remeure amcemary to eit Uie weld varies from (A) 50-100 kgffem™ $B) 100 — 200 mg/cm” (©) 250—s00kstfem* (D) 600 ~ 850 Kgffom* ‘The angle between he fave tint Une awk of the side point calling to is known ms 105, The unit discharge, Q, and unit speod, Ny ttre fn luckin te evs be gute Gute Bie for eH i LC % (B) Kaplan turbine (©) Potton turbine (D) Propeller turbine Permeability poor fur JW inegraine (0 Cour grain 186, 08) Medium grains 107. Dish foe wine deewing are mado of (A) CastStect (8) CastTren, (©) Cartides (D) Wrought Iron, 188 In Thorit welding, Aluminium end tron saxide are mixed in the proportivn of aya am 19, ut @) 2st 188, Medal patterns are used for (A) small costings > age esting (©) precise and intricate castings (D) lange seato produstion cf eestings Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in 190. ‘Tool signature comprises of how many ws @7 oo ou 491. Ahalf mute (a) nutmanufectured in parts o oD sh Al hf the etna teh a double start nut fora quidk shat smechanitm that locks the lathe enrringe | tthe lead serow for thread cutting 192, Automebile wears are generally manufactured by a) Heboing: (C1 Extroaion 3. Spot welding is most suitable for joining parts ‘having thickmess up to D), 06 ssa (©) 20mm, © oom ‘Thermis welding differe from other methods of welding in that A) i does mot ane haat BY" itt lesa time eouruming (C) it does not require electrodes (h) 48 employs exomerme chemical reaction for developing high temperature ‘The binder i case of synthetic aand used for soeulding io @) Chay (8) Malasses (©) Water (1) Rentanita and wear 195, The commonly used flux for Brazing is (a) Slag OR Borex «C) Lead (W) Cataum entonae 197, Blenking and piercing operations can be performed simoltaneausly in (A) Simpleaie (B) Compound ci (C) Prosrossive die (D) Combination die 198, If electric current is passed through the ‘mete to be yined and heaved to dhe phstic state and weld is compleud by the faponieatin of presmure, toe Wesamg 15 Knows (A) Foore weld (om) cic a watding (0), Recintenee welding (my Thersnit welding with pressure 198, In cate of shoper, for finiah machining. the (A) maximum feeds at high speed (B) marinum feds at slow speeds <0} mucumum feeds at stow specs (D) minimum feeda at hich soeeds In which milling cperation, fe the aurfaeo nich better ? Climb ®) Down (© Conventional (wy ace Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in Jaerictons : ach quoeuon or meumplew eatement is fllowot by for alternative uggeetad [sneer 06 caepionn, Tn omch gaan, JOU mre the one Ut erty answers the Leet si thew ti vent nt Ud . Jo cpeecpcam onl 43, Cor D hy HlachBas heer er men urstion No — ‘Ont of the fame words piven below, three are dp io vome,way-zna one is diferent, Find the Se mean nce bai: Se Ow ine aks wee fp a Qooccm gu pce onl ct eons tam tis dB, C 08D yr incon (8 mor tac oc ora nasa way ne worms, Ce acaver feorrneler niieaiantnenitornanctaricel exgwer, you oe completly orane that Bac ne tei e a Anewer eck, nd | cs shea trv mepenen. eae Horst ak rn onnresnti Basie 4" mie be indented in the any in ‘MANNER IN WHICH ANSWERS AGE 70 BE GIVEN wee FRR: TG TE A TG AY HTT AT a eT Ee eT ENTER Hk ca aT et ger ot Te Mt see & se SE ao wt afk eet soca te aver Fara, B,C uD st weve wine sre pa eT | qa pen ew ae en FH in| ROTEL ata ee ar wet a gw Pre §, BT pa weet Ret wr RL ae are TR ae ORE geen ih aoe gel Bate ae or guna van 8 | a: Oe. oy ae Hees 0° 8 awence ek ni acre state 1 eT eT my aS zee AY ek A zag eer eri. me? Qa2ooe Sa sr tae Oe A ACE oT steer area, A, B,C aT D Sere WS St BRT (my wer BW rs fet oe A UR we Dowmload From: hitp:!lsseportal in

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