The Inspector Arrives

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The Inspector Arrives(3)


K is told to smarten himself up by a booming voice

K is pleased to see the inspector as he sees him as a more trustworthy
K proclaims his displeasure at being the subject of this joke but the
inspector assure shim that this is no joke which prompt K to plead his
innocence. He once again asks why he is arrested and under what
authority and again no answer is given.
K is told to think more and talk less and its what you do that counts
K tries to shake hands with the inspector which it looks like he might do
then he changes his mind.
K is told to return to work and that being arrested will not interfere with his
day to day life.
Guards become clerks from his office and accompany K to work.


To show Ks self-importance and egotistical nature through his

condescending attitude, voice and gesture as he struggles to control his
anger and frustration.
Subjective viewpoint- The inspector etc. are caricatures of Ks mind
Inspector is just another Cog in the greater system of justice.
The scene builds tension.
Shows the chorus as a faceless group
Opc totalitarian state marked throughout the production by the addition
of red ribbon (symbolic of red tape bureaucracy) in many scenes and as
part of costumes. It is also shown by the confining square of red tape on
the ground centre stage which is the only area K is allowed to move in.
The confines of the box are the limitations of society. Also the audience
are part of the process because they will be given a lanyard upon entering
the venue which will be made of red ribbon and have a laminated number
attached- they have become part of the accused as the number correlates
to a case number.

Performance ideas and lines used

The chorus are continually on stage whether specifically participating in

the action or not, there are only a few moments where the stage should
only be occupied by K and these will be specified if necessary.
Chorus get into 2 rows of 6 with k laying in the middle- they resume their
office work positions and personas- they all type in unison and say each
individual letter of Inspector arrives then swipe across in unison as
though starting a newline- this happens for every title of a new scene to
show that every aspect of Ks life is dictated to him by the totalitarian
joseph k said as a fond greeting by the voice- lulling K into a false
sense of security that someone on his side is coming.

the chorus all gather round K and physicalize comb your hair should
have had a bath put on a black coat - tugging him around till he
looks more bedraggled than he did before and k would be panting and
angrily readjusting his hair and clothes.
The chorus should recreate the corridor of doors as before with the
doorkeepers stood by them- they should cower as the inspector walks
through (this is of course all to Ks subjective viewpoint). Loud boots
noises and slamming of doors- the inspector should walk with very straight
legs and army army. Stiffly, confident ad with authority. Wearing a red
silk tie- he is still constricted by the bureaucracy but it has served him
Certainly I am surprised- K stood casually, said blaze with confidence
that the inspector will of course understand his predicament.
perhaps you misunderstand me- I mean may I sit down?- K
becoming slightly nervous and frustrated build the tension.
when one has struggled alone for thirty years- k would look up to
the inspector for some reassurance then around at the chorus who would
all stare blank faced at him in this world as I have you become
hardened to surprises-disappointed and frustrated that no one heard
or understood his plea.
who accuses me ? who what of? What authority? Are you really
police? Where is your uniform?- k these questions should be fired angrily
and rapidly and each should be directed at the inspector and then the two
guards and the audience (to involve them in judging the guards and
inspector) with much more exaggerated movement and gesture pointing
accusatorily at the inspector.
K should begin the laugh with a triumphant ha and the chorus
should take this as their cue for the giggles. Which should be cut
through by the inspectors silence!- which should be shouted loudly and
held for an abnormal length of time- as long as is possible for the actor
gentlemen I only want a clear explanation- k becoming more frustrated
its what you its what you can do that counts- inspector- the
ellipses should not be used by the actor as though the inspector is
thinking/ is nervous about what to say next instead it should be used as a
repetition reinforcing the idea that it is K who must act, not anyone else.
Placing emphasis on you
arrest me , no reason given, and when I want to phone my
lawyer to ask him- what is gods name is the meaning of this?
You say there is no sense in it- K point of the arrest is there is no
meaning to Ks trial that we find out- instead it has deep psychological
consequences and real life consequences when it causes his death.
angriest k has been yet.
The chorus have gathered round K at this point and are all knelt on one
knee at his feet miming large cameras and squinting through lenses
mimicking the sound of a camera shutter. Then on his final line in that
monologue turn so they are facing away from K and are no longer part of
the action.
They resume action when K says I said I dont want to .- they should
all slowly begin to swivel looking around and through Ks legs with eyes
wide and mouths open in bemusement and intrigue at his case.

lets settle the whole affair by shaking hands- k at which point K

should offer his hand firmly to the inspector who stares at it for a moment
before putting on him another one of the red lanyards (worn by the whole
audience at this point- this becomes particularly important as it allows the
audience to relate to him as the everyman) with a number on it, instead of
making peace he has dehumanised him and reduced him to what is
presumably a case number.
Chorus chime goodbye sir to the inspector in the traditional way young
children would say goodmorning etc to a primary school teacher. This
shows he does have some level of authority and brings him back to the
same level as he was at the start of the scene.
Chorus form taxi
The clerks physicalitys are informed by their descriptions which they only
become as the say the line.

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