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Temite koi Racin gi obrabotuva vo svojata stihozbirka Beli mugri se preteno
socijalni, patriotski i revolucionerni. Toa se temi od negovoto vreme, i
sovremeni temi i zatoa toj se smeta za osnovopolonik na makedonskata
sovremena literatura.

Vo pesnataElegii za tebe poetot zboruva za tagata koja ja uvstvuva za

heroite koi zaginale za slobodata na nivnata tatkovina. Koga minuva niz
zelenata uma na heroite toj uvustvuva teina vo srceto i kamen na
plekite. Prirodata istotaka uvstvuva taga za nivnite mladi poloeni ivoti,
veli Racin. Toj prauva zoto lisjata umolat tivko, so taga.
Vo pesnata Na Struga duan da imam Racin zboruva za nagovata elba
da ima duan na pazarot vo Struga bideji pazarot go inel ivotot na
gradot. Negovata elba zgasnala bideji pazarot popoleka zamira,
duanite se prazni i starite zanaeti poleka izeznuvaat. ivot na
zanaetiite stanuval teok i mizeren, tie gi naputale svoite prodavnici i
poetot taguva po radosta ko mu nosele zvucite od rabotata na
Denovi e socijalna pesna vo koja Racin zboruva za tekiot ivot na
lugeto vo negovoto vreme. Toj gi sporeduva denovite so gerdanite koi
eden po eden se niat. Lugeto se kako robovi raboteji od rano utro do
docna veer..Rabotnicite si gi kopaat svoite grobovi gradeji palati za
bogatite. Kako to pominuval den po den ivotot na ovekot stanal ivot na
kue, a bolesti gi demnele od nekoj skrien agol..
Lenka e prekrasna i tana pesna koja zboruva za ivotot na mladata
devojka Lenka. Ostavaji go razbojot, taa mlada pola vo fabrika da
raboti. Lenka se razbolela od tutunot i kako to pominuvale godinite
nejzinoto zdravje stanuvalo se poloo, pa koga dola tretata godina Lenka
poinala. Nejzinata bluza nameneta za miraz ostanala nedovrsena, to
simbolizira deka nejziniot ivot se ute vistinski ne zaponal, taa prerano
Izrabotil: Viktor Zdravkovski VIIa


The themes that Racin works on in his collection of poems White Dawns
were mainly social, patriotic and revolutionary. They were the themes from
Racins time, modern themes and thats why he is considered to be the
founder of modern Macedonian literature.

In the song Elegies for you the poet talks about the sorrow that the poet
feels for the heroes who died for the freedom of their country. He said that
when he walked through the greenwood of the heroes he felt load on his

heart and stone on his breast. Even nature felt grief for the heroes young
life -Racin says. He is asking why the leaves of the branches whispered
with sadness, so secretly.
In the song To have a shop in Struga Racin talks abut his desire to have
a shop in Struga because the bazaar made the life in Struga. Now his
desire was burnt out because the bazaar was slowly dying, the shops in
the bazaar were empty and the old crafts slowly disappeared. The lifes of
the craftsman were getting very hard and miserable, they left their shops
and the poet regrets for the joy he felt when hearing the sounds of the old
craftsmens work.
Days is a social song in which Racin talks about the hard life of the
people in his time. He compares the necklaces with the days as one by
one passes by. How from the early morning to the late evening the people
are like slaves. The workers are digging their own graves working to build
palaces for rich people. As day by day passes by the life of the men
became like life of a dog and the plague is waiting for them on the secret
Lenka is a beautiful and sad song which talks about the life of the young
girl Lenka. Lenka left her loom and as a very young girl went to the factory
to work. Thus, as the years passed by Lenka got more sick from the
tobacco and when the third year went by she passed away. Her dowry
blouse was left unfinished which symbolized that her life hasnt started yet
when she had to go to work hard.
Written by: Viktor Zdravkovski VII-a

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