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Case study : green leisure spaces

The Winter Garden is located within a cultural area include the

Crucible Theatre, the Lyccum Theatre, the Central Library and Cit Hall. Its
a part of a network of pedestrian routes within the city center, connecting the
university quarter and the main train station.
The Winter Garden helps Sheffields residents a landscape public
place protected from the weather and it makes Peace Garden looks more
imposing with fountain, hard landscaping and surrounding of historic
buildings. There is a150 different species of exotic plants, mainly from the
southern hemisphere.
The space is 70 metres long,22 metres wide and at the centre nearly
22 meter high. The envelope consist of over 1400 single-glazed roof panels,
of which 128 open ventilations, supported on interved catenary laminated
larch sections up to 900 milimetres thick. The larch section, sourced from
sustainable sources, doesnt need preservative and need only minimal
maintance. The embodied energy of the larch structure shown 5 percent of
alternative structure in steel and weights 15 percent and 65 percent of the
concrete. The concrete of timber structure form an underground garage and
loading bay.
The Winter Garden give a green spoace for resident so they can enjoy
everytime. They want. The Garden has proved a popular place for marriage,
meeting, quite relaxation and a small water feature to get attention from the
children, while shops and a caf are further attraction. Overall the Winter
Garden increase the quality of residents live and give a public space with
high quality.

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